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Jan Stevens, Marieke Westendorp
GROMACS 2024.1

Simulating Membranes and Vesicles with TS2CG


An integral component of building whole-cell models is constructing the structural barrier that seperates the cytosol (i.e. proteins, metabolites, ...) from the extracellular space: the cell envelope. The cell envelope is a membrane composed of mixture of lipids and proteins encapsulating the cytosol. In this tutorial we will discuss how to use TS2CG to construct these large lipid membranes.

TS2CG is a tool which can be used to build coarse-grained (CG) membrane models with user-defined shapes and compositions. Initially, it was developed for backmapping dynamically triangulated simulation structures into their corresponding molecular models. This gives us the possibility to incorporate experimentally obtained membrane shapes and compositions and generate CG membrane's initial structure.

In Figure 1 the general workflow of TS2CG is exemplified for a vesicle containing a single protein (shown as a yellow bead). The initial triangulated surface is rescaled to the desired system size and the two monolayers are generated. In order to have enough points for the subsequent lipid placement, the number of vertices in both monolayers is increased using a pointillism operation, i.e. each triangle is divided into four new triangles thereby increasing the number of vertices by a factor of four. In the last steps, proteins and lipids are placed on the respective vertices. For more details on the method, please refer to the original paper 1

workflow figure Figure 1: Overview of the TS2CG workflow: Steps in backmapping a triangulated surface (TS) mesh using TS2CG. Steps in backmapping a triangulated surface (TS) mesh using TS2CG. (Step 1) A TS structure of a vesicle containing one protein (yellow bead) is rescaled and two TS structures corresponding to the two monolayers that are generated. (Step 2) Using a Pointillism operation, the number of vertices is increased. (Step 3) The CG protein structure together with a membrane segment is placed at the appropriate TS position. (Step 4) Lipids are placed at the remaining positions and the configuration is ready for subsequent MD simulation. 1

Figure 2: Example applications of TS2CG Example applications of TS2CG. Mitochodrion lipid membrane backmapped from EM map (upper panel left), protein induced membrane tubulation backmapped from DTS simulation (upper panel right), budded lipid bilayer including STxB proteins backmapped from DTS simulation (lower panel left) and curved lipid bilayer with two different lipid types created from scratch using PCG. 1

Download and install TS2CG

Download the latest version of the TS2CG from

git clone
cd TS2CG1.1

For compiling, gcc version 8.3.0 or above is needed.

In the source code folder, execute the script as


In this folder, two binary files will be generated: Pointillism (PLM) and CG Membrane Builder (PCG).

Building a vesicle

The first step in this tutorial is using a TS file of a sphere to create a vesicle. In this tutorial's directory you can find the corresponding sphere.tsi file. Use a text editor to open this and familiarize yourself with the structure. For more information on the .tsi file format, see the section at the end of this document.

The initial step in backmapping any TS file to a CG structure involves increasing the number of vertices to ensure we have a vertex for every lipid we intend to place. This is achieved through a operation we call pointillism. Simultaneously, we can rescale the mesh to a desired size and generate the two separate meshes of our bilayer. To perform this pointilism operation, by executing the following command:

  • -TSfile: TS file name (default=TS.tsi)
  • -bilayerThickness: bilayer thickness (default=3.8)
  • -rescalefactor: rescaling factor rx ry rz (default = 1 1 1)
  • -Mashno: number of Mosaicing steps, your vertex number increases by 4^Mashno (default = 0)
PLM -TSfile sphere.tsi -bilayerThickness 3.8 -rescalefactor 4 4 4 -Mashno 4

The initial sphere.tsi is 4 nm in radius, we rescale it a factor 5 in all direction. Since the overall mesh becomes larger we also have to increase the number of point, here we subsample each triangle twice (-Mashno 2), increasing the number of vertices by a factor of 4^2. For a cell of 400nm in radius we would need a rescale the mesh a hundred times in all three dimensions (-rescalefactor 100 100 100) and use increase the number a thousand fold (-mashno 6).

If the command completes successfully two directories have been created in the current working directory. In the pointvisualization_data folder, you will find gromacs compatible structure files (.gro) for the upper and lower monolayer including a topology file (.top). You can have inspect the created points using VMD. The other folder is named point and will be used by the CG Membrane Builder to create the CG model. This folder contains files which store a higher level detailed information of the pointillised mesh (coordinates/normals/curvature).

The second step to create a vesicle is two place lipids on the generated points using PCG. For this you need to write a .str file defining the lipid composition of both monolayers. Using any text editor, create an input.str file and write the following text in it:

[Lipids List]
Domain      0
POPC    1.00    1.00    0.54

This implies that your system should contain only one lipid domain with POPC in both monolayers using an area per lipid (APL) for POPC of 0.64. To know more about the .str file format and other options see the User Manual2.

The other thing we need is a lipid structure file (.LIB). This file simply defines the lipid connectivity for placing the lipid beads on the previously generated points. Making this file is easy but might be time consuming for many different lipids. (See the User Manual for the exact file format). Luckily, we already have a file that contains all Martini3 lipids called Martini3.LIB, you can find it in the files folder.

Using these two files now you can execute PCG:

  • -str: input file (default: input.str)
  • -function: backmap/analytical_shape (default: backmap)
  • -Bondlength: initial bond guess for lipids
  • -LLIB: CG lipid library file name (default: no)
  • defout: output files prefix (default: output)
PCG -str input.str -function backmap -Bondlength 0.2 -LLIB Martini3.LIB -defout output

Executing PCG will have generate two output files output.gro and and the output should look like Figure 3.

; This file was generated by TS2CG
 [ system ]
 Expect a large membrane
 [ molecules ]
; domain 0
 ;  in the upper monolayer
     POPC  7417
; domain 0
 ;  in the lower monolayer
     POPC  4595

Figure 3: Left panel: Snapshot of the simple POPC membrane we created. Right panel: The topology file corresponding to the build system.


For simple membrane geometries you can also use an analytical shape as input to generate a bilayer geometry instead of a TS file.

Details: How to use analytical shapes in TS2CG:

Fixed shapes

If you are making a membrane with a simple shape, creating TS file (i.e. mesh) can be a cumbersome intermediate step. In these cases it is often easier to use an analytical shape definition instead of the TS file. This functionality is also supported in TS2CG by means of the analytical_shape option of PCG.

The analytical shape is specified by adding [ Shape Data ] section to the input.str file. In this section you can specify the type of analytical shape (sphere, cylinder, 1D fourier, flat) and relevant properties of the chosen shape (size, density, ...). Below are four examples of for all the available shapes.

[ Shape Data ]
ShapeType Sphere
Box 40 40 40
Density 2
WallDensity 1 1
Thickness 4
DL 0.2
Radius 15
1D Fourier Shape
[ Shape Data ]
ShapeType 1D_PBC_Fourier
Box 20 10 20
WallRange 0 1 0 1
Density 3 1
Thickness 4
Mode 1.5 1 0
Mode 0.5 2 0
[ Shape Data ]
ShapeType Cylinder
Box 40 40 40
Density 2
Thickness 4
Radius 12
[ Shape Data ]
ShapeType Flat
Box 40 40 40
Density 2 2
Thickness 4
WallRange 0 1 0 1

Simply adding one of these [ Shape Data ] sections to the input file, enables you to create the lipid membrane in only one command. Try this by modifying the input.str and run the following command:

PCG -str input.str -function analytical_shape -Bondlength 0.2 -LLIB Martini3.LIB -defout output

Creating lipid mixtures

Realistic cell membranes are not composed of single lipid type, but usually comprise of a complex mixtures of lipids with a large variety in headgroups and tails. In this second part of the tutorial we will create a vesicle containing a mixture of two lipids that will be randomly placed on the generated points using PCG.

For this you need to edit the .str input file defining the lipid composition of both monolayers. Using any text editor, edit the input.str file and write the following text in it:

[Lipids List]
Domain      0
POPC    0.50    0.50    0.54
CHOL    0.50    0.50    0.32
PCG -str input.str -function backmap -Bondlength 0.2 -LLIB Martini3.LIB -defout output

Executing PCG again will have generate two output files output.gro and and the output should look like Figure 4.

 ;This file was generated by TS2CG.
 [ system ]
 Expect a large membrane
 [ molecules ]
; dom
 ;  in the upper monolayer
     POPC  4657
     CHOL  4657
; domain 0
 ;  in the lower monolayer
     POPC  2885
     CHOL  2885

Figure 4: Left panel: Snapshot of the mixed POPC (green /purple) / CHOL (light green) bilayer. Right panel: The topology file corresponding to the build system.

Figure 3: Left panel: Snapshot of the simple POPC membrane we created. Right panel: The topology file corresponding to the build system.

Adding proteins to a membrane

Besides lipids, the envelope of a cell is also composed of a large set of membrane proteins. For the JCVI-Syn3A one of those proteins is a tetrameric complex which acts as potassium transporter.

To start we have to point TS2CG to the protein structure we want to include in our membrane. Similar to the topology files in GROMACS this is done by adding an include statement at the top of the input.str file.

include potassium_transporter_cg.gro


Here the membrane protein is given as an input. If you want to know how to create one yourself please look in the details section below.

Details: How to create and orient the protein model:

Creating and orienting a protein model

The file potassium_transporter_aa.pdb has been provided.

memembed -o memembed.pdb potassium_transporter_aa.pdb

Visually inspect the generated file memembed.pdb and confirm that the orientation of the protein in the membrane makes sense.

sed '/DUM/d' memembed.pdb >> potassium_transporter_oriented.pdb
martinize2 -f  potassium_transporter_oriented.pdb -x potassium_transporter_cg.pdb -p backbone -ff martini3001 -elastic -scfix -cys auto -ef 700.0 -el 0.5 -eu 0.9 -ea 0 -ep 0

gmx editconf -f potassium_transporter_cg.pdb -o potassium_transporter_cg.gro

The next step is to define the proteins in the input.str file. In addition to including the protein .gro file names in the header, there should be some information about the protein placement:

[ Protein List ]
 potassium_transporter     1     0.01     0     0     -3.7
End Protein


Make sure that the name you use in the [ Protein List ] directive is also the name first line of the protein's .gro file. This is not the case yes, change this.

As a last step we have to modify the sphere.tsi file to include the protein at a chosen vertex input. Opening the Upper.gro or Lower.gro file in VMD enables you to inspect the mesh and choose an appropriate position for the proteins, here we choose positions:

inclusion      2
0     1     10     0     1
1     1     100    0     1

Now that we have defined our membrane protein in the input file and also labeled where it should be placed, we can run the regular TS2CG protocol. Similar to before, run the following commands:

PLM -TSfile sphere.tsi -bilayerThickness 3.8 -rescalefactor 4 4 4 -Mashno 4
PCG -str input.str -function backmap -Bondlength 0.2 -LLIB Martini3.LIB -defout output

Executing PCG will again have generate two output files output.gro and and the output should look like Figure 5.

;This file was generated by TS2CG
 [ system ]
 Expect a large membrane
 [ molecules ]
potassium_transporter   2
; domain 0
 ;  in the upper monolayer
     POPC  4354
     CHOL  4354
; domain 0
 ;  in the lower monolayer
     POPC  2715
     CHOL  2715

Figure 5: Snapshot of the potassium transporter inserted in a vesicle of a two lipid mixture made with VMD (left) and the corresponding topology file (right).


vmd em/em.gro md/md.xtc -e ../files/viz.vmd

Here, we use the option -e ../files/viz.vmd, which loads in default representations for the Martini molecules in this workshop.


If you are already using a .vmdrc file, it might interfere with the visualizations in this tutorial.

You will notice that the default visualization is not optimal. VMD suffers from the fact that Martini bonds are usually not drawn because they are much longer than the default atomistic bond lengths, which VMD expects. One way to circumvent this problem is by using a plugin script cg_bonds-v5.tcl that takes the GROMACS topology file and adds the Martini bonds defined in the topology.

To use this plugin, we must first make our topology files understandable for cg_bonds. This workshop will use, to automate the cleaning of the topology files. This tool is provided in the ../files directory, but you normally want to download it from here. In the vmd console run:

../files/ -p

If successful, a file named is created in your current directory with necessary adjustments. Now that we have our visualization topology, we can run cg_bonds inside the vmd terminal. The script is again provided in the ../files directory, but you would normally want to download it from here. Now you can create the CG bonds in VMD by running:

source ../files/cg_bonds-v5.tcl

cg_bonds -top

If all the steps went well, you're VMD window, should look similar to Figure 2.

.tsi file format

The following shows a part of a .tsi file with all necessary keywords highlighted in bold. Every .tsi file starts with a line calling version 1.1 of TS2CG. The next line defines the box size (x, y, and z) of the system in nm. The next three sections describe the TS mesh. Each section starts with a keyword (vertex, triangle and inclusion) and their corresponding number. Here, we have 130 vertices (the numbering starts from 0). Each vertex has an index and a position in x, y and z (in nm). Additionally, a vertex can have a domain id, e.g., vertices 1, 126 and 127 belong to domain 1. The default domain is 0. The 130 vertices are connected via 256 triangles. Again, every triangle has an index (starting from 0) and is defined by the vertices the triangle connects, i.e. triangle 0 connects vertices 11, 55 and 43. Furthermore, a .tsi file can have a (protein) inclusion section. Here, there are three inclusions from two different types. Again, each inclusion has an index. The index is followed by the inclusion type (here: type 1 for inclusions 0 and 1, type 2 for inclusion 2) and the corresponding vertex index. The last two (floating point) numbers describe a unit two dimensional vector (sum of both numbers must be one!) which defines the orientation of the inclusion with respect to the bilayer normal.

**version 1.1**
**box**   50.0000000000     50.0000000000     50.0000000000
**vertex**         130
0     21.1606233083     25.4394806652     25.5960855271
1     27.0284995400     23.2012757654     21.6715285158     1
2     26.9921761232     25.5136587223     28.0195776981
3     23.3273229896     26.2315165676     28.0075875808     2
4     26.2722773116     26.3271061222     28.1420707299
5     22.0396876425     23.6080597437     26.8858740866     2
125   21.5556280860     25.5595098219     26.5363425272
126   23.2182025326     26.8060871266     21.5195141902     1
127   25.3199303865     24.3519379911     20.6752314764     1
128   28.0093200458     22.6356946990     23.4685318698
129   21.4000741257     26.5841316766     25.2761757772
**triangle**       256
0     11     55     43
1     94     75     14
2     64      3     91
3     59     52     40
253   33    109     44
254   53     69     47
255   85      6     74
**inclusion**        3
0      1     22      0     1
1      1      5      0     1
2      2     30      0     1



  1. Pezeshkian, W., König, M., Wassenaar, T.A. et al. Backmapping triangulated surfaces to coarse-grained membrane models. Nat Commun 11, 2296 (2020). 2 3
