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Notification Service(WIP)

A pluggable Spring Boot RESTful web service to enable Notification system in Metalnx.


This server was generated by the swagger-codegen project.
Refer: OpenAPI-Spec

The underlying library integrating swagger to SpringBoot is springfox

Start your server as an simple java application

You can view the api documentation in swagger-ui by pointing to

Change default port value in

Database schema migration and setup

Database schema should be configured using flywaydb. This project includes code that supports database migrations across versions.

Reference docs

We'll use the Maven plugin in our own processes and documentation, but there are other options as well.

N.B.: User and password information needs to be kept secure. There are maven plugin configuration options.

  1. Set up the database (we will use postgres in the spirit of the iRODS install)
$ (sudo) su - postgres
postgres$ psql
psql> CREATE USER irodsext WITH PASSWORD 'password';
psql> CREATE DATABASE "notification";
psql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "notifications" TO irodsext;
psql>Alter user irodsext with SUPERUSER;

need to add superuser role to use uuid-ossp

  1. Setting up Maven profile
vi ~/.m2/settings.xml
  1. Clean database (Warning destructive! clears your database)
mvn flyway:clean
  1. Migration, this is the first command to run from 0 on a clean database
mvn flyway:migrate

For future migration use benchmark

mvn flyway:benchmark

Looks at existing database to set to initial version. This is not for new databases.

Initial database table: "notification"

attribute_name datatype comment
id(PK) BIGINT auto generated sequence
notification_id uuid using uuid-ossp module functions to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
sender_id VARCHAR notification sender's userId extracted from JWT
recipient_id VARCHAR notification recipient's userId
subject TEXT notification subject
message TEXT notification message
seen BOOLEAN boolean for user's seen/unseen notification status
deleted BOOLEAN boolean for deleted notification, notification will not be deleted from postgres db
date_created TIMESTAMP timestamp auto-generated by postgres db
severity_level INTEGER severity level of notification an integer value between 1 and 5
notification_type VARCHAR type of notification options are workflow, permission, system
data_location_url TEXT notification associated logical location of data