Create or join a crypto investment portfolio with constant proportions that is balancing when the market moves.
Your share in a Portfolio is represented as a NFT that can be transfer. You can claim your share back at any moment.
The Portfolio is rebalanced using Chainlink to determine the moment and Uniswap to execute the swap.
actor Owner
participant Contract
Note over Owner : Initialize Portfolio
Owner ->> Contract : deploy()
Note over Owner : Auto invite to the Portfolio
Owner ->> Contract : invite()
Note over Owner : Add ETH to the Portfolio
Owner ->> Contract : deposit()
Note over Owner : Add WBTC to the Portfolio
Owner ->> Contract : add_asset(token_address, proportion)
Note over Owner : Change assets proportions
Owner ->> Contract : change_proportions(token_address, proportion)
Note over Owner : Rebalance to the Portfolio
Owner ->> Contract : rebalance()
loop Rebalance each token
Contract ->> Chainlink : get_token_price()
Chainlink ->> Contract : token_price
Contract ->> Uniswap : swap_token()
Note over Owner : Invite new Owner to the Portfolio
Owner ->> Contract : invite()
Note over Owner : Withdraw from the Portfolio
Owner ->> Contract : withdraw()
- Foundry / Anvil
- WAGMI (React)
- Chainlink
- Uniswap
- OpenZeppelin
- Solidity
It is necessary to have installed Foundry to be able to build, test and deploy the project. After setting up foundry, use the following commands to setup, test and deploy the project:
make # setup the project
forge test # run the tests locally
make anvil-fork-mainnet # start a mainnet fork
# modify the .env file to add:
# - the private key (found the last output of previous command)
# - the mainnet rpc url (you can get one in
make deploy-anvil # deploy the contract to the mainnet fork
cd app && yarn && yarn dev # start the app
# import the private key from anvil to your wallet
# open the app in http://localhost:3000
# connect your wallet and start using the app
# change the network of your wallet to localhost:8545
# change the chainId of the localnet on metamask to 1
# copy your public address and invite yourself
# using the "Invite New Owner" button in "/fund"