Entity Framework, in its default mode, generates a query that is a single statement. Related data sources are linked using the JOIN keyword. However, sometimes this might produce an unwanted effect. Cartesian explosion is a situation where, for example, having A elements of one entity, B elements of another entity, and C elements of a third one, the resulting output contains AxBxC elements. It can grow quickly even with a small input set.
For that reason, a quite recent version of EF introduced extension methods .AsSplitQuery()
and .AsSingleQuery()
. With these methods, we can control whether we want to opt-in to generating one query or multiple.
One can enable split query on an individual level or globally by using UseQuerySplittingBehavior
Have you tried EF split mode already? Feel free to comment.
Docs 📑: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/querying/single-split-queries
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
// ℹ use the split query for all queries
optionsBuilder.UseSQlServer(o =>