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Tatenda Zifudzi edited this page Mar 16, 2019 · 13 revisions

Java SDK for Zimbabwe's leading payment gateway, Paynow


This repository contains the official Paynow SDK for use with Java.


In order to make use of this project, the following prerequisites must be met for it to work.

  1. Setup your developer account to obtain a integration ID and key
  2. In your project, make use of Java JDK 7 or higher

Import the latest release into your project

To use the Java Paynow SDK, you need to add the latest release of this project as a dependency.


repositories {
dependencies {
	compile group: ‘’, name: ‘java-sdk’, version: ‘1.0.0’



Get Started

To see a full code demo of how to use the SDK, see this example. Otherwise, for a more in depth explanation on various usages of this SDK, have a look at the pages below.

Using the SDK with Spring Boot

A Spring Boot SDK which makes use of this Java SDK has been developed by the community. View the project here if you would like to use it in your project.


Pull requests and new issues are very welcome. If you identify an issue with the SDK please raise it in the issues section. If you have solved any issues or have suggestions to improve the SDK, please create a pull request.

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