diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/pom.xml b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/pom.xml
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- gimel-dataapi
- com.paypal.gimel
- 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- ../../pom.xml
- 4.0.0
- gimel-kafka-0.10
- 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- com.paypal.gimel
- gimel-common
- ${gimel.version}-SNAPSHOT
- com.databricks
- spark-avro_${scala.binary.version}
- 3.2.0
- ${packaging.scope}
- org.scalatest
- scalatest_${scala.binary.version}
- ${scalatest.version}
- test
- src/main/scala
- src/test/scala
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-shade-plugin
- 3.0.0
- com.google.common
- gimel-shaded.com.google.common
- com.sun.jersey
- gimel-shaded.com.sun.jersey
- org.apache.hadoop
- gimel-shaded.org.apache.hadoop
- *:*
- gimel-shading
- package
- shade
- org.scalatest
- scalatest-maven-plugin
- 1.0
- ${project.build.directory}/surefire-reports
- .
- WDF TestSuite.txt
- test
- test
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/DataSet.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/DataSet.scala
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--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/DataSet.scala
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@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
-import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
-import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession}
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.OffsetRange
-import com.paypal.gimel.datasetfactory.GimelDataSet
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf.KafkaClientConfiguration
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.reader.KafkaBatchConsumer
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.ImplicitZKCheckPointers._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.ZooKeeperHostAndNodes
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.writer.KafkaBatchProducer
-import com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger
- * Concrete Implementation for Kafka DataSet
- *
- * @param sparkSession : SparkSession
- */
-class DataSet(sparkSession: SparkSession) extends GimelDataSet(sparkSession: SparkSession) {
- val logger = Logger()
- logger.info(s"Initiated --> ${this.getClass.getName}")
- var readTillOffsetRange: Option[Array[OffsetRange]] = None
- var alreadyCheckPointed = false
- // FIXME What happens if two users call read and write at the same time? Data race over conf?
- private var conf: KafkaClientConfiguration = _
- /**
- * Saves Currently Read Offsets to Zookeeper
- */
- def saveCheckPoint(): Unit = {
- if (alreadyCheckPointed) {
- logger.warning("Already Check-Pointed, Consume Again to Checkpoint !")
- } else {
- val zkNode = conf.zkCheckPoints
- val zkHost = conf.zkHostAndPort
- val zk = ZooKeeperHostAndNodes(zkHost, zkNode)
- (zk, readTillOffsetRange.get).saveZkCheckPoint
- alreadyCheckPointed = true
- logger.info(s"Check-Point --> ${readTillOffsetRange.get.mkString("|")} | Success @ -> ${zk} ")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Completely Clear the CheckPointed Offsets, leading to Read from Earliest offsets from Kafka
- */
- def clearCheckPoint(): Unit = {
- val zkNode = conf.zkCheckPoints
- val zkHost = conf.zkHostAndPort
- val zk = ZooKeeperHostAndNodes(zkHost, zkNode)
- zk.deleteZkCheckPoint()
- }
- /** Read Implementation for Kafka DataSet
- *
- * @param dataset Name of the PCatalog Data Set
- * @param datasetProps
- * props is the way to set various additional parameters for read and write operations in DataSet class
- * Example Usecase : to read kafka from-to a certain offset range : One can set something like below -
- * val props = Map("fromOffset" -> 10, "toOffset" -> 20)
- * val data = Dataset(sc).read("flights.topic", props)
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- override def read(dataset: String, datasetProps: Map[String, Any]): DataFrame = {
- if (datasetProps.isEmpty) {
- throw new DataSetException("Props Map Cannot be emtpy for KafkaDataSet Read.")
- }
- conf = new KafkaClientConfiguration(datasetProps)
- val (data, toOffset) = KafkaBatchConsumer.consumeFromKakfa(sparkSession, conf)
- alreadyCheckPointed = false
- readTillOffsetRange = Some(toOffset)
- data
- }
- /** Write Implementation for Kafka DataSet
- *
- * @param dataset Name of the PCatalog Data Set
- * @param dataFrame The DataFrame to write to target
- * @param datasetProps
- * props is the way to set various additional parameters for read and write operations in DataSet class
- * Example Usecase : to write kafka with a specific parallelism : One can set something like below -
- * val props = Map("parallelsPerPartition" -> 10)
- * Dataset(sc).write(clientDataFrame, props)
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- override def write(dataset: String, dataFrame: DataFrame, datasetProps: Map[String, Any]): DataFrame = {
- if (datasetProps.isEmpty) {
- throw new DataSetException("Props Map Cannot be emtpy for KafkaDataSet Write.")
- }
- conf = new KafkaClientConfiguration(datasetProps)
- KafkaBatchProducer.produceToKafka(conf, dataFrame)
- dataFrame
- }
- // Add Additional Supported types to this list as and when we support other Types of RDD
- // Example to start supporting RDD[String], add to List < typeOf[Seq[Map[String, String]]].toString) >
- override val supportedTypesOfRDD: List[String] = List[String](typeOf[String].toString, typeOf[Array[Byte]].toString)
- /**
- * Function writes a given dataframe to the actual Target System (Example Hive : DB.Table | HBASE namespace.Table)
- *
- * @param dataset Name of the PCatalog Data Set
- * @param rdd The RDD[T] to write into Target
- * Note the RDD has to be typeCast to supported types by the inheriting DataSet Operators
- * instance#1 : ElasticSearchDataSet may support just RDD[Seq(Map[String, String])], so Elastic Search must implement supported Type checking
- * instance#2 : Kafka, HDFS, HBASE - Until they support an RDD operation for Any Type T : They throw Unsupporter Operation Exception & Educate Users Clearly !
- * @param datasetProps
- * props is the way to set various additional parameters for read and write operations in DataSet class
- * Example Usecase : to write kafka with a specific parallelism : One can set something like below -
- * val props = Map("parallelsPerPartition" -> 10)
- * Dataset(sc).write(clientDataFrame, props)
- * @return RDD[T]
- */
- def write[T: TypeTag](dataset: String, rdd: RDD[T], datasetProps: Map[String, Any]): RDD[T] = {
- if (!supportedTypesOfRDD.contains(typeOf[T].toString)) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"""Invalid RDD Type. Supported Types : ${supportedTypesOfRDD.mkString(" | ")}""")
- } else {
- if (datasetProps.isEmpty) {
- throw new DataSetException("Props Map Cannot be emtpy for KafkaDataSet Write.")
- }
- conf = new KafkaClientConfiguration(datasetProps)
- val rdd1: RDD[String] = rdd.asInstanceOf[RDD[String]]
- KafkaBatchProducer.produceToKafka(conf, rdd1)
- }
- rdd
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param dataset Name of the UDC Data Set
- * @param dataSetProps
- * * @return Boolean
- */
- override def create(dataset: String, dataSetProps: Map[String, Any]): Unit = {
- throw new Exception(s"DataSet create for kafka currently not Supported")
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param dataset Name of the UDC Data Set
- * @param dataSetProps
- * * @return Boolean
- */
- override def drop(dataset: String, dataSetProps: Map[String, Any]): Unit = {
- throw new Exception(s"DataSet drop for kafka currently not Supported")
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param dataset Name of the UDC Data Set
- * @param dataSetProps
- * * @return Boolean
- */
- override def truncate(dataset: String, dataSetProps: Map[String, Any]): Unit = {
- throw new Exception(s"DataSet truncate for kafka currently not Supported")
- }
- * Custom Exception for KafkaDataSet initiation errors
- *
- * @param message Message to Throw
- * @param cause A Throwable Cause
- */
-private class DataSetException(message: String, cause: Throwable)
- extends RuntimeException(message) {
- if (cause != null) {
- initCause(cause)
- }
- def this(message: String) = this(message, null)
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/DataStream.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/DataStream.scala
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index c1e85f6c..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/DataStream.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext
-import com.paypal.gimel.datastreamfactory.{GimelDataStream, StreamingResult}
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf.KafkaClientConfiguration
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.reader.KafkaStreamConsumer
-import com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger
-class DataStream(streamingContext: StreamingContext) extends GimelDataStream(streamingContext: StreamingContext) {
- val logger = Logger()
- logger.info(s"Initiated --> ${this.getClass.getName}")
- /**
- * Provides DStream for a given configuration
- *
- * @param dataset Kafka Topic Name
- * @param datasetProps Map of K->V kafka Properties
- * @return Tuple2 Of -
- * Dstream[GenericRecord , Its Equivalent JSON String]
- * A Function That Takes (SQLContext, RDD[GenericRecord]) , and returns a DataFrame
- */
- def read(dataset: String, datasetProps: Map[String, Any]): StreamingResult = {
- if (datasetProps.isEmpty) {
- throw new DataStreamException("Props Map Cannot be empty for KafkaDataSet Read")
- }
- val conf = new KafkaClientConfiguration(datasetProps)
- KafkaStreamConsumer.createDStream(streamingContext, conf)
- }
- * Custom Exception for KafkaDataStream initiation errors
- *
- * @param message Message to Throw
- * @param cause A Throwable Cause
- */
-private class DataStreamException(message: String, cause: Throwable)
- extends RuntimeException(message) {
- if (cause != null) {
- initCause(cause)
- }
- def this(message: String) = this(message, null)
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/avro/AvroToSQLSchemaConverter.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/avro/AvroToSQLSchemaConverter.scala
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index cf397e20..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/avro/AvroToSQLSchemaConverter.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.avro
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer
-import java.util
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import org.apache.avro.Schema
-import org.apache.avro.Schema.Type._
-import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericData, GenericRecord}
-import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.Fixed
-import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
- * This looic is borrowed from databricks spark-avro-2_10.jar to aid in the conversion of avro RDD to DataFrame.
- *
- * https://github.com/databricks/spark-avro/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/databricks/spark/avro/SchemaConverters.scala
- *
- * This object contains method that are used to convert sparkSQL schemas to avro schemas and vice versa.
- *
- * Note that original code has been enhanced. Please ensure notes are maintained for new additions to track deviations from original code.
- *
- * 2017-08-19 : Added support for Set(STRING, LONG) : This enabled Reading FTPI data
- */
-object AvroToSQLSchemaConverter {
- case class SchemaType(dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean)
- /**
- * This function takes an avro schema and returns a sql schema.
- */
- def toSqlType(avroSchema: Schema): SchemaType = {
- avroSchema.getType match {
- case INT =>
- SchemaType(IntegerType, nullable = false)
- case STRING =>
- SchemaType(StringType, nullable = false)
- case BOOLEAN =>
- SchemaType(BooleanType, nullable = false)
- case BYTES =>
- SchemaType(BinaryType, nullable = false)
- case DOUBLE =>
- SchemaType(DoubleType, nullable = false)
- case FLOAT =>
- SchemaType(FloatType, nullable = false)
- case LONG =>
- SchemaType(LongType, nullable = false)
- case FIXED =>
- SchemaType(BinaryType, nullable = false)
- case ENUM =>
- SchemaType(StringType, nullable = false)
- case RECORD =>
- val fields = avroSchema.getFields.asScala.map { f =>
- val schemaType = toSqlType(f.schema())
- StructField(f.name, schemaType.dataType, schemaType.nullable)
- }
- SchemaType(StructType(fields), nullable = false)
- case ARRAY =>
- val schemaType = toSqlType(avroSchema.getElementType)
- SchemaType(
- ArrayType(schemaType.dataType, containsNull = schemaType.nullable),
- nullable = false)
- case MAP =>
- val schemaType = toSqlType(avroSchema.getValueType)
- SchemaType(
- MapType(StringType, schemaType.dataType, valueContainsNull = schemaType.nullable),
- nullable = false)
- case UNION =>
- if (avroSchema.getTypes.asScala.exists(_.getType == NULL)) {
- // In case of a union with null, eliminate it and make a recursive call
- val remainingUnionTypes = avroSchema.getTypes.asScala.filterNot(_.getType == NULL).toList
- if (remainingUnionTypes.size == 1) {
- toSqlType(remainingUnionTypes.head).copy(nullable = true)
- } else {
- toSqlType(Schema.createUnion(remainingUnionTypes.asJava)).copy(nullable = true)
- }
- } else avroSchema.getTypes.asScala.map(_.getType) match {
- case Seq(t1, t2) if Set(t1, t2) == Set(INT, LONG) =>
- SchemaType(LongType, nullable = false)
- case Seq(t1, t2) if Set(t1, t2) == Set(FLOAT, DOUBLE) =>
- SchemaType(DoubleType, nullable = false)
- case other =>
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
- s"This mix of union types is not supported (see README): $other")
- }
- case other =>
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported type $other")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns a function that is used to convert avro types to their
- * corresponding sparkSQL representations.
- */
- def createConverterToSQL(schema: Schema): Any => Any = {
- schema.getType match {
- // Avro strings are in Utf8, so we have to call toString on them
- case STRING | ENUM =>
- (item: Any) => if (item == null) null else item.toString
- identity
- // Byte arrays are reused by avro, so we have to make a copy of them.
- case FIXED =>
- (item: Any) =>
- if (item == null) {
- null
- } else {
- item.asInstanceOf[Fixed].bytes().clone()
- }
- case BYTES =>
- (item: Any) =>
- if (item == null) {
- null
- } else {
- val bytes = item.asInstanceOf[ByteBuffer]
- val javaBytes = new Array[Byte](bytes.remaining)
- bytes.get(javaBytes)
- javaBytes
- }
- case RECORD =>
- val fieldConverters = schema.getFields.asScala.map(f => createConverterToSQL(f.schema))
- (item: Any) =>
- if (item == null) {
- null
- } else {
- val record = item.asInstanceOf[GenericRecord]
- val converted = new Array[Any](fieldConverters.size)
- var idx = 0
- while (idx < fieldConverters.size) {
- converted(idx) = fieldConverters.apply(idx)(record.get(idx))
- idx += 1
- }
- Row.fromSeq(converted.toSeq)
- }
- case ARRAY =>
- val elementConverter = createConverterToSQL(schema.getElementType)
- (item: Any) =>
- if (item == null) {
- null
- } else {
- item.asInstanceOf[GenericData.Array[Any]].asScala.map(elementConverter)
- }
- case MAP =>
- val valueConverter = createConverterToSQL(schema.getValueType)
- (item: Any) =>
- if (item == null) {
- null
- } else {
- item.asInstanceOf[util.HashMap[Any, Any]].asScala.map { case (k, v) =>
- (k.toString, valueConverter(v))
- }.toMap
- }
- case UNION =>
- if (schema.getTypes.asScala.exists(_.getType == NULL)) {
- val remainingUnionTypes = schema.getTypes.asScala.filterNot(_.getType == NULL)
- if (remainingUnionTypes.size == 1) {
- createConverterToSQL(remainingUnionTypes.head)
- } else {
- createConverterToSQL(Schema.createUnion(remainingUnionTypes.asJava))
- }
- } else schema.getTypes.asScala.map(_.getType) match {
- case Seq(t1, t2) if Set(t1, t2) == Set(INT, LONG) =>
- (item: Any) => {
- item match {
- case l: Long =>
- l
- case i: Int =>
- i.toLong
- case null =>
- null
- }
- }
- case Seq(t1, t2) if Set(t1, t2) == Set(FLOAT, DOUBLE) =>
- (item: Any) => {
- item match {
- case d: Double =>
- d
- case f: Float =>
- f.toDouble
- case null =>
- null
- }
- }
- case Seq(t1, t2) if Set(t1, t2) == Set(STRING, LONG) =>
- (item: Any) => {
- // @todo This fix is pending as currently we are unable to convert Avro to Spark types for this combination (STRING, LONG). Wip !
- item match {
- case l: Long =>
- l
- case js: org.apache.avro.util.Utf8 =>
- js.toString
- case null =>
- null
- }
- }
- case other =>
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
- s"This mix of union types is not supported (see README): $other")
- }
- case other =>
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"invalid avro type: $other")
- }
- }
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/avro/SparkAvroUtilities.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/avro/SparkAvroUtilities.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a50fbfb..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/avro/SparkAvroUtilities.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.avro
-import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
-import io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.RestService
-import org.apache.avro.{specific, Schema}
-import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericData, GenericRecord}
-import org.apache.avro.io.{DecoderFactory, EncoderFactory}
-import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumWriter
-import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
-import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import spray.json._
-import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf.KafkaClientConfiguration
-import com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger
- * Avro - Spark Conversion operations are implemented here
- */
-object SparkAvroUtilities {
- val logger = Logger()
- /**
- * Converts a DataFrame into RDD[Avro Generic Record]
- *
- * @param dataFrame DataFrame
- * @param avroSchemaString Avro Schema String
- * @return RDD[GenericRecord]
- */
- def dataFrametoGenericRecord(dataFrame: DataFrame, avroSchemaString: String): RDD[GenericRecord] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- if (!isDFFieldsEqualAvroFields(dataFrame, avroSchemaString)) {
- throw new SparkAvroConversionException(s"Incompatible DataFrame Schema Vs Provided Avro Schema.")
- }
- dataFrame.rdd.map { row =>
- val avroSchema = (new Schema.Parser).parse(avroSchemaString)
- val fields = avroSchema.getFields.asScala.map { x => x.name() }.toArray
- val cols: Map[String, Any] = row.getValuesMap(fields)
- val genericRecord: GenericRecord = new GenericData.Record(avroSchema)
- cols.foreach(x => genericRecord.put(x._1, x._2))
- genericRecord
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw new SparkAvroConversionException("Failed while converting DataFrame to Generic Record")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts an RDD[Avro GenericRecord] into a DataFrame
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQLContext
- * @param genericRecRDD RDD[GenericRecord]
- * @param schemaString The AVRO schema String
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- def genericRecordtoDF(sqlContext: SQLContext, genericRecRDD: RDD[GenericRecord], schemaString: String): DataFrame = {
- genericRecordToDFViaAvroSQLConvertor(sqlContext, genericRecRDD, schemaString)
- }
- /**
- * Converts an RDD[Avro GenericRecord] into a DataFrame
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQLContext
- * @param genericRecRDD RDD[GenericRecord]
- * @param schemaString The AVRO schema String
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- def genericRecordToDFViaAvroSQLConvertor(sqlContext: SQLContext, genericRecRDD: RDD[GenericRecord], schemaString: String): DataFrame = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- import com.databricks.spark.avro.SchemaConverters._
- try {
- val rowRDD: RDD[Row] = genericRecRDD.map { x =>
- val avroSchema: Schema = (new Schema.Parser).parse(schemaString)
- val converter = AvroToSQLSchemaConverter.createConverterToSQL(avroSchema)
- converter(x).asInstanceOf[Row]
- }
- val avroSchema: Schema = (new Schema.Parser).parse(schemaString)
- val schemaType = toSqlType(avroSchema)
- sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schemaType.dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType])
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw new SparkAvroConversionException("Failed while converting Generic Record to DataFrame")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Compare Fields of Avro Schema with Fields of DataFrame
- * Return true if both match false if there is any mismatch
- * Also log/print the differences.
- *
- * @param dataFrame DataFrame
- * @param avroSchemaString Avro Schema String
- * @return Boolean
- */
- def isDFFieldsEqualAvroFields(dataFrame: DataFrame, avroSchemaString: String): Boolean = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- val dfFields = dataFrame.schema.fieldNames
- val avroSchema = (new Schema.Parser).parse(avroSchemaString)
- val avroFields = avroSchema.getFields.asScala.map { x => x.name() }.toArray
- val inDFMissingInAvro = dfFields.diff(avroFields)
- val inAvroMissingInDF = avroFields.diff(dfFields)
- val isMatching = inDFMissingInAvro.isEmpty && inAvroMissingInDF.isEmpty
- if (!isMatching) {
- val warningMessage =
- s"""
- |Provided Avro Fields --> ${avroFields.mkString(",")}
- |Determined DataFrame Fields --> ${dfFields.mkString(",")}
- |Missing Fields in Avro --> ${inDFMissingInAvro.mkString(",")}
- |Missing Fields in DataFrame --> ${inAvroMissingInDF.mkString(",")}
- """.stripMargin
- logger.warning(warningMessage)
- }
- isMatching
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw new SparkAvroConversionException(s"Failed While Comparing DF Fields match against Fields in Avro Schema String $avroSchemaString")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the fields from a Avro Schema String
- *
- * @param avroSchema Avro Schema String
- * @return Fields
- */
- def getFieldsFromAvroSchemaString(avroSchema: String): Seq[String] = {
- val schemaAsJsVal = avroSchema.parseJson // parse as JsValue
- val schemaAsJsObject = schemaAsJsVal.asJsObject // Convert to JsObject
- val schemaFields = schemaAsJsObject.getFields("fields").head.convertTo[Seq[JsValue]]
- val existingFields = schemaFields.map { x => x.asJsObject.fields("name").toString().replace("\"", "") }
- existingFields
- }
- /**
- * DeSerialize an Avro Generic Record
- *
- * @param serializedBytes A Serialized Byte Array (serialization should have been done through Avro Serialization)
- * @param schemaString An Avro Schema String
- * @return An Avro Generic Record
- */
- def bytesToGenericRecord(serializedBytes: Array[Byte], schemaString: String): GenericRecord = {
- try {
- // Build Avro Schema From String
- val avroSchema = (new Schema.Parser).parse(schemaString)
- // Initiate AVRO Reader from Factory
- val reader = new specific.SpecificDatumReader[GenericRecord](avroSchema)
- // Initiate a new Java Byte Array Input Stream
- val in = new ByteArrayInputStream(serializedBytes)
- // Get appropriate AVRO Decoder from Factory
- val decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(in, null)
- // Get AVRO generic record
- val genericRecordRead = reader.read(null, decoder)
- genericRecordRead
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- /**
- * Copies to a new generic record
- *
- * @param genericRecord Input Generic Record
- * @param avroSchemaString Avro Schema that can be used to parse input Generic Record
- * @param newAvroString New Avro Schema for the Outgoing Generic Record
- * @return Outgoing Generic Record copied from Input
- */
- def copyToGenericRecord(genericRecord: GenericRecord, avroSchemaString: String, newAvroString: String): GenericRecord = {
- val existingFields = getFieldsFromAvroSchemaString(avroSchemaString)
- val newAvroSchema = (new Schema.Parser).parse(newAvroString)
- val newGenericRec: GenericRecord = new GenericData.Record(newAvroSchema)
- existingFields.foreach(field => newGenericRec.put(field, genericRecord.get(field)))
- newGenericRec
- }
- /**
- * A Functionality to Perform 2nd level De Serialization in case the data is from CDH
- * This is necessary since Actual Data in CDH is wrapped by a Raw Record which get Deserialized when read from Kafka
- * When this functionality is called, we check if the data is CDH type, then do second level deserialization
- * If the data is not of CDH type, then we skip 2nd level deserialization
- *
- * @param avroRecordRDD RDD[GenericRecord]
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration
- * @return RDD[GenericRecord]
- */
- def deserializeCurrentRecord(avroRecordRDD: RDD[GenericRecord], conf: KafkaClientConfiguration): RDD[GenericRecord] = {
- val schemaRegistryClient = new RestService(conf.avroSchemaURL)
- val schemaLookup: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int, String] = scala.collection.mutable.Map()
- val actualRecord = avroRecordRDD.map { eachRecord =>
- val eachRecordSchemaVersion: Int = eachRecord.get("schemaVersion").toString.toInt
- val schemaForThisRecord = schemaLookup.get(eachRecordSchemaVersion) match {
- case None =>
- val schema = schemaRegistryClient.getVersion(conf.avroSchemaKey, eachRecordSchemaVersion).getSchema
- schemaLookup.put(eachRecordSchemaVersion, schema)
- schema
- case Some(x) =>
- x
- }
- val eachRecordBytes: Array[Byte] = eachRecord.get("currentRecord").asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]
- bytesToGenericRecord(eachRecordBytes, schemaForThisRecord)
- }
- actualRecord
- }
- /**
- * Serialize Avro GenericRecord into Byte Array
- *
- * @param rec An Avro Generic Record
- * @param schemaString An Avro Schema String
- * @return Serialized Byte Array
- */
- def genericRecordToBytes(rec: GenericRecord, schemaString: String): Array[Byte] = {
- try {
- // Build Avro Schema From String
- val avroSchema = (new Schema.Parser).parse(schemaString)
- // Initiate a new Java Byte Array Output Stream
- val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
- // Get appropriate AVRO Decoder from Factory
- val encoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(out, null)
- // Write the Encoded data's output (Byte Array) into the Output Stream
- // Initiate AVRO Writer from Factory
- val writer = new SpecificDatumWriter[GenericRecord](avroSchema)
- writer.write(rec, encoder)
- // Flushes Data to Actual Output Stream
- encoder.flush()
- // Close the Output Stream
- out.close()
- val serializedBytes: Array[Byte] = out.toByteArray
- serializedBytes
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts an RDD[Avro GenericRecord] into a DataFrame
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQLContext
- * @param genericRecRDD RDD[GenericRecord]
- * @param schemaString The AVRO schema String
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- def genericRecordToDataFrameViaJSON(sqlContext: SQLContext, genericRecRDD: RDD[GenericRecord], schemaString: String): DataFrame = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- val avroSchema: Schema = (new Schema.Parser).parse(schemaString)
- val fields: Seq[String] = avroSchema.getFields.asScala.map { x => x.name() }.toArray.toSeq
- sqlContext.read.json(genericRecRDD.map(_.toString)).selectExpr(fields: _*)
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw new SparkAvroConversionException("Failed while converting Generic Record to DataFrame")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Custom Exception
- *
- * @param message Message to Throw
- * @param cause A Throwable Cause
- */
- private class SparkAvroConversionException(message: String, cause: Throwable)
- extends RuntimeException(message) {
- if (cause != null) {
- initCause(cause)
- }
- def this(message: String) = this(message, null)
- }
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaClientConfiguration.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaClientConfiguration.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f472b7..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaClientConfiguration.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf
-import java.util.Properties
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.collection.immutable.Map
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.RestService
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.catalog.DataSetProperties
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.conf.{CatalogProviderConstants, GimelConstants, GimelProperties}
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.schema.SchemaRegistryLookUp
-import com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger
- * Gimel Client Configuration for Kafka Dataset Operations.
- *
- * @param props Kafka Client properties.
- */
-class KafkaClientConfiguration(val props: Map[String, Any]) {
- private val logger = Logger()
- logger.info(s"Begin Building --> ${this.getClass.getName}")
- // logger.info(s"Incoming Properties --> ${props.map(x => s"${x._1} -> ${x._2}").mkString("\n")}")
- // Load Default Prop from Resource File
- val pcatProps = GimelProperties()
- // appTag is used to maintain checkpoints & various other factors that are unique to the application
- val appTag: String = props.getOrElse(GimelConstants.APP_TAG, "").toString
- // This is the DataSet Properties
- val datasetProps: DataSetProperties = props(GimelConstants.DATASET_PROPS).asInstanceOf[DataSetProperties]
- val tableProps: Map[String, String] = datasetProps.props
- val hiveDBName = tableProps.getOrElse(CatalogProviderConstants.PROPS_NAMESPACE, GimelConstants.PCATALOG_STRING)
- val hiveTableName = tableProps(CatalogProviderConstants.DATASET_PROPS_DATASET)
- val clusterName = props.getOrElse(KafkaConstants.cluster, "unknown")
- logger.info(s"Hive Table Props --> ${tableProps.map(x => s"${x._1} --> ${x._2}").mkString("\n")}")
- // Schema Source either comes from Table "INLINE" (as a property) or from confluent Schema Registry if its = "CDH" or "CSR"
- val avroSchemaSource: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.avroSchemaSource, KafkaConstants.gimelKafkaAvroSchemaInline)
- val avroSchemaURL: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.avroSchemaSourceUrl, pcatProps.confluentSchemaURL)
- val avroSchemaWrapperKey: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.avroSchemaSourceWrapperKey, pcatProps.kafkaAvroSchemaKey)
- val avroSchemaKey: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.avroSchemaSourceKey, "")
- val (avroSchemaString, cdhTopicSchemaMetadata, cdhAllSchemaDetails) =
- avroSchemaSource.toUpperCase() match {
- case KafkaConstants.gimelKafkaAvroSchemaCDH =>
- val schemaRegistryClient = new RestService(avroSchemaURL)
- val allSchemas = SchemaRegistryLookUp.getAllSubjectAndSchema(avroSchemaURL)
- (schemaRegistryClient.getLatestVersion(avroSchemaWrapperKey).getSchema,
- Some(allSchemas(avroSchemaKey)._1),
- Some(allSchemas)
- )
- case KafkaConstants.gimeKafkaAvroSchemaCSR =>
- val schemaRegistryClient = new RestService(avroSchemaURL)
- (schemaRegistryClient.getLatestVersion(avroSchemaWrapperKey).getSchema,
- None,
- None
- )
- case KafkaConstants.gimelKafkaAvroSchemaInline =>
- (tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.avroSchemaStringKey, ""), None, None)
- case _ =>
- throw new Exception(s"Unsupported Schema Source Supplied --> $avroSchemaSource")
- }
- // Kafka Props
- val randomId: String = scala.util.Random.nextInt.toString
- val kafkaHostsAndPort: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.kafkaServerKey, pcatProps.kafkaBroker)
- val KafkaConsumerGroupID: String = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.kafkaGroupIdKey, tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.kafkaGroupIdKey, randomId)).toString
- val kafkaConsumerID: String = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.consumerId, tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.consumerId, appTag)).toString.replaceAllLiterally("/", "_").replaceAllLiterally(":", "_")
- val kafkaZKTimeOutMilliSec: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.zookeeperConnectionTimeoutKey, 10000.toString)
- val kafkaAutoOffsetReset: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.offsetResetKey, "smallest")
- val kafkaCustomOffsetRange: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.customOffsetRange, "")
- val consumerModeBatch: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConstants.gimelAuditRunTypeBatch, "BATCH")
- val consumerModeStream: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConstants.gimelAuditRunTypeStream, "STREAM")
- val kafkaTopics: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.whiteListTopicsKey, "")
- // Kafka Serde
- val kafkaKeySerializer: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.serializerKey, KafkaConfigs.kafkaStringSerializer)
- val kafkaValueSerializer: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.serializerValue, KafkaConfigs.kafkaByteSerializer)
- val kafkaKeyDeSerializer: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.deSerializerKey, KafkaConfigs.kafkaStringDeSerializer)
- val kafkaValueDeSerializer: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.deSerializerValue, KafkaConfigs.kafkaByteDeSerializer)
- // Kafka Message Value Type --> String, Byte, Avro, JSON
- val kafkaMessageValueType: Option[String] = tableProps.get(KafkaConfigs.kafkaMessageValueType)
- // Zookeeper Details
- val zkHostAndPort: String = tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.zookeeperCheckpointHost, pcatProps.zkHostAndPort)
- if (pcatProps.kafkaConsumerCheckPointRoot == "") throw new Exception("Root CheckPoint Path for ZK cannot be Empty")
- if (appTag == "") throw new Exception("appTag cannot be Empty")
- if (kafkaTopics == "") throw new Exception("kafkaTopics cannot be Empty")
- val zkCheckPoints: Seq[String] = kafkaTopics.split(",").map{ kafkaTopic =>
- tableProps.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.zookeeperCheckpointPath, pcatProps.kafkaConsumerCheckPointRoot) + "/" + appTag + "/" + kafkaTopic
- }
- // Kafka Monitoring for PayPal
- /*
- val kafkaMetricsReporter = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.paypalMetricsReporterKey, KafkaConfigs.paypalMetricsReporterValue).toString
- val kafkaMonitoringCluster = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.paypalKafkaClusterKey, "unknown").toString
- val kafkaMonitoringColo = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.paypalMonitoringColoKey, "unknown").toString
- val kafkaMonitoringPoolDefault = kafkaConsumerID
- val kafkaMonitoringPool = "Gimel-" + props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.paypalMonitoringPoolKey, kafkaMonitoringPoolDefault).toString
- val kafkaInterceptorClasses = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.paypalInterceptorClassesKey, KafkaConfigs.paypalInterceptorClassName).toString
- val kafkaMetricsSamplingWindowMilliSec = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.paypalMetricsSamplingMilliSecKey, "6000").toString
- val clientProps = scala.collection.immutable.Map(
- KafkaConfigs.kafkaServerKey -> kafkaHostsAndPort
- , KafkaConfigs.kafkaGroupIdKey -> s"${KafkaConsumerGroupID}"
- , KafkaConfigs.kafkaClientIdKey -> s"${scala.util.Random.nextInt.toString}_${kafkaConsumerID}".takeRight(128)
- )
-// val ppKafkaListnerProps = scala.collection.immutable.Map(
-// KafkaConfigs.paypalMetricsReporterKey -> kafkaMetricsReporter
-// , KafkaConfigs.paypalKafkaClusterKey -> kafkaMonitoringCluster
-// , KafkaConfigs.paypalMonitoringColoKey -> kafkaMonitoringColo
-// , KafkaConfigs.paypalMonitoringPoolKey -> kafkaMonitoringPool
-// , KafkaConfigs.paypalInterceptorClassesKey -> kafkaInterceptorClasses
-// , KafkaConfigs.paypalMetricsSamplingMilliSecKey -> kafkaMetricsSamplingWindowMilliSec
-// )
- // Explicitly Making a Map of Properties that are necessary to Connect to Kafka for Subscribes (Reads)
- val kafkaConsumerProps: Map[String, String] = scala.collection.immutable.Map(KafkaConfigs.kafkaServerKey -> kafkaHostsAndPort
- , KafkaConfigs.kafkaGroupIdKey -> KafkaConsumerGroupID
- , KafkaConfigs.zookeeperConnectionTimeoutKey -> kafkaZKTimeOutMilliSec
- , KafkaConfigs.offsetResetKey -> kafkaAutoOffsetReset
- , KafkaConfigs.kafkaTopicKey -> kafkaTopics
- , KafkaConfigs.serializerKey -> kafkaKeySerializer
- , KafkaConfigs.serializerValue -> kafkaValueSerializer
- , KafkaConfigs.deSerializerKey -> kafkaKeyDeSerializer
- , KafkaConfigs.deSerializerValue -> kafkaValueDeSerializer
- ) ++ clientProps
- logger.info(s"KafkaConsumerProps --> ${kafkaConsumerProps.mkString("\n")}")
- // Explicitly Making a Map of Properties that are necessary to Connect to Kafka for Publishes (Writes)
- val kafkaProducerProps: Properties = new java.util.Properties()
- val producerProps = scala.collection.immutable.Map(KafkaConfigs.kafkaServerKey -> kafkaHostsAndPort
- , KafkaConfigs.serializerKey -> kafkaKeySerializer
- , KafkaConfigs.serializerValue -> kafkaValueSerializer
- , KafkaConfigs.kafkaTopicKey -> kafkaTopics)
- producerProps.foreach { kvPair => kafkaProducerProps.put(kvPair._1.toString, kvPair._2.toString) }
- logger.info(s"kafkaProducerProps --> ${kafkaProducerProps.asScala.mkString("\n")}")
- // These are key throttling factors for Improved Performance in Batch Mode
- val maxRecsPerPartition: Long = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.maxRecordsPerPartition, 2500000).toString.toLong
- val parallelsPerPartition: Int = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.batchFetchSizeTemp, 250).toString.toInt
- val minRowsPerParallel: Long = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.minRowsPerParallelKey, 100000).toString.toLong
- val fetchRowsOnFirstRun: Long = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.rowCountOnFirstRunKey, 2500000).toString.toLong
- val targetCoalesceFactor: Int = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.targetCoalesceFactorKey, 1).toString.toInt
- // These are key throttling factors for Improved Performance in Streaming Mode
- val maxRatePerPartition: String = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.maxRatePerPartitionKey, 3600).toString
- val streamParallelismFactor: Int = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.streamParallelKey, 10).toString.toInt
- val isStreamParallel: Boolean = props.getOrElse(KafkaConfigs.isStreamParallelKey, "true").toString.toBoolean
- // Resolve fields for empty kafka topic property
- val fieldsBindToJSONString = tableProps.getOrElse(GimelConstants.FIELDS_BIND_TO_JSON, "")
- // Additional CDH Metadata Fields @todo this is not used in the code yet, KafkaUtilities implements this inside - this must superceed everywhere.
- val additionalCDHFields = scala.collection.Map("gg_commit_timestamp" -> "opTs", "opt_type" -> "opType", "trail_seq_no" -> "trailSeqno", "trail_rba" -> "trailRba")
- logger.info(s"Fields Initiated --> ${this.getClass.getFields.map(f => s"${f.getName} --> ${f.get().toString}").mkString("\n")}")
- logger.info(s"Completed Building --> ${this.getClass.getName}")
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaConfigs.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaConfigs.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c47cfc5b..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaConfigs.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf
-object KafkaConfigs {
- // kafka properties
- val kafkaServerKey: String = "bootstrap.servers"
- val kafkaGroupIdKey: String = "group.id"
- val kafkaClientIdKey: String = "client.id"
- val paypalMetricsReporterKey: String = "metric.reporters"
- val paypalKafkaClusterKey: String = "kafka.monitoring.cluster"
- val paypalMonitoringColoKey: String = "kafka.monitoring.colo"
- val paypalMonitoringPoolKey: String = "kafka.monitoring.pool"
- val paypalInterceptorClassesKey: String = "interceptor.classes"
- val paypalMetricsSamplingMilliSecKey: String = "metrics.sample.window.ms"
- val zookeeperConnectionTimeoutKey: String = "zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms"
- val offsetResetKey: String = "auto.offset.reset"
- val kafkaTopicKey: String = "kafka.topic"
- val serializerKey: String = "key.serializer"
- val serializerValue: String = "value.serializer"
- val deSerializerKey: String = "key.deserializer"
- val deSerializerValue: String = "value.deserializer"
- val consumerId: String = "consumer.id"
- // misc properties for read/write
- val rowCountOnFirstRunKey: String = s"gimel.kafka.throttle.batch.fetchRowsOnFirstRun"
- val targetCoalesceFactorKey: String = "gimel.kafka.throttle.batch.targetCoalesceFactor"
- val minRowsPerParallelKey: String = s"gimel.kafka.throttle.batch.minRowsPerParallel"
- val batchFetchSize: String = s"gimel.kafka.throttle.batch.parallelsPerPartition"
- val maxRecordsPerPartition: String = s"gimel.kafka.throttle.batch.maxRecordsPerPartition"
- val batchFetchSizeTemp: String = s"gimel.kafka.throttle.batch.parallelsPerPartition"
- val messageColumnAliasKey: String = "gimel.kafka.message.column.alias"
- val avroSchemaStringKey: String = "gimel.kafka.avro.schema.string"
- val kafkaMessageValueType: String = "gimel.kafka.message.value.type"
- // metastore properties
- val zookeeperCheckpointHost: String = "gimel.kafka.checkpoint.zookeeper.host"
- val zookeeperCheckpointPath: String = "gimel.kafka.checkpoint.zookeeper.path"
- val avroSchemaSource: String = "gimel.kafka.avro.schema.source"
- val avroSchemaSourceUrl: String = s"${avroSchemaSource}.url"
- val avroSchemaSourceWrapperKey: String = s"${avroSchemaSource}.wrapper.key"
- val avroSchemaSourceKey: String = s"${avroSchemaSource}.key"
- val whiteListTopicsKey: String = "gimel.kafka.whitelist.topics"
- // streaming properties
- val defaultBatchInterval: String = "gimel.kafka.throttle.streaming.window.seconds"
- val maxRatePerPartitionKey: String = "gimel.kafka.throttle.streaming.maxRatePerPartition"
- val streamMaxRatePerPartitionKey: String = "gimel.kafka.spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition"
- val streamParallelKey: String = "gimel.kafka.throttle.streaming.parallelism.factor"
- val isStreamParallelKey: String = "gimel.kafka.throttle.streaming.isParallel"
- val isBackPressureEnabledKey: String = "gimel.kafka.spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled"
- val streamaWaitTerminationOrTimeoutKey: String = "gimel.kafka.streaming.awaitTerminationOrTimeout"
- val isStreamBatchSwitchEnabledKey: String = "gimel.kafka.stream.batch.switch.enabled"
- val failStreamThresholdKey: String = "gimel.kafka.fail.stream.threshold.message.per.second"
- val streamCutOffThresholdKey: String = "gimel.kafka.batch.to.stream.cutoff.threshold"
- val streamFailureThresholdPerSecondKey: String = "gimel.kafka.fail.stream.threshold.message.per.second"
- val streamFailureWindowFactorKey: String = "gimel.kafka.fail.stream.window.factor"
- val kafkaConsumerReadCheckpointKey: String = "gimel.kafka.reader.checkpoint.save"
- val kafkaConsumerClearCheckpointKey: String = "gimel.kafka.reader.checkpoint.clear"
- val customOffsetRange: String = "gimel.kafka.custom.offset.range"
- // default packages used in Kafka read/write API
- val paypalMetricsReporterValue: String = "com.paypal.kafka.reporters.KafkaClientMetricsReporter"
- val paypalInterceptorClassName: String = "com.paypal.kafka.clients.interceptors.MonitoringConsumerInterceptor"
- val kafkaStorageHandler: String = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.kafka.KafkaStorageHandler"
- val kafkaStringSerializer: String = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
- val kafkaByteSerializer: String = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer"
- val kafkaStringDeSerializer: String = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
- val kafkaByteDeSerializer: String = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaConstants.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaConstants.scala
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index bbd1f8f3..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaConstants.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf
-object KafkaConstants {
- // basic variable references
- val gimelKafkaAvroSchemaCDH = "CDH"
- val gimeKafkaAvroSchemaCSR = "CSR"
- val gimelKafkaAvroSchemaInline = "INLINE"
- val gimelAuditRunTypeBatch = "BATCH"
- val gimelAuditRunTypeStream = "STREAM"
- val gimelAuditRunTypeIntelligent = "INTELLIGENT"
- val cluster = "cluster"
- // polling properties
- val unknownContainerName = "unknown"
- val kafkaAllTopics = "All"
- val targetDb = "pcatalog"
- val generateDdlKey = "generate_ddl_for"
- val targetDbkey = "target_db"
- val avroToHiveTypes = Map(
- "null" -> "void",
- "boolean" -> "boolean",
- "int" -> "int",
- "long" -> "bigint",
- "float" -> "float",
- "double" -> "double",
- "bytes" -> "binary",
- "string" -> "string",
- "record" -> "struct",
- "map" -> "map",
- "list" -> "array",
- "union" -> "union",
- "enum" -> "string",
- "fixed" -> "binary")
- val KAFKA_FORMAT: String = "org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010.KafkaSourceProvider"
- val KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: String = "kafka.bootstrap.servers"
- val KAFKA_SUBSCRIBE: String = "subscribe"
- val KAFKA_START_OFFSETS: String = "startingOffsets"
- val KAFKA_END_OFFSETS: String = "endingOffsets"
- val STREAM_FAIL_ON_DATA_LOSS: String = "failOnDataLoss"
- val KAFKA_POLL_TIMEOUT: String = "kafkaConsumer.pollTimeoutMs"
- val KAFKA_FETCH_RETRIES: String = "fetchOffset.numRetries"
- val KAFKA_RETRY_INTERVAL: String = "fetchOffset.retryIntervalMs"
- val earliestOffset: String = "earliest"
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaJsonProtocol.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaJsonProtocol.scala
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index 200de228..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/conf/KafkaJsonProtocol.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf
-import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, RootJsonFormat}
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.{OffsetProperties, OffsetRangeProperties}
-object KafkaJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
- implicit val offsetRangePropertiesFormat: RootJsonFormat[OffsetRangeProperties] = jsonFormat3(OffsetRangeProperties)
- implicit val offsetPropertiesFormat: RootJsonFormat[OffsetProperties] = jsonFormat2(OffsetProperties)
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/reader/KafkaBatchConsumer.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/reader/KafkaBatchConsumer.scala
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--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/reader/KafkaBatchConsumer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.reader
-import scala.collection.immutable.Map
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession}
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.OffsetRange
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.conf.GimelConstants
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.utilities.BindToFieldsUtils._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf.{KafkaClientConfiguration, KafkaConstants}
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.{BrokersAndTopic, KafkaUtilitiesException}
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.ImplicitKafkaConverters._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.KafkaUtilities._
- * Implements Kafka Consumer Batch Here
- */
-object KafkaBatchConsumer {
- val logger = com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger()
- /**
- * Connects to Kafka, Deserializes data from Kafka, Attempts to Convert Avro to a DataFrame
- *
- * @param sparkSession : SparkSession
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration
- * @return DataFrame
- * @return Read Till Array[OffsetRange]
- *
- */
- def consumeFromKakfa(sparkSession: SparkSession, conf: KafkaClientConfiguration): (DataFrame, Array[OffsetRange]) = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val kafkaParams: Map[String, String] = conf.kafkaConsumerProps
- try {
- val finalOffsetRangesForReader: Array[OffsetRange] =
- if (conf.kafkaCustomOffsetRange.isEmpty()) {
- logger.info(s"""No custom offset information was given by the user""")
- val lastCheckPoint: Option[Array[OffsetRange]] = getLastCheckPointFromZK(conf.zkHostAndPort, conf.zkCheckPoints)
- val availableOffsetRange: Array[OffsetRange] = BrokersAndTopic(conf.kafkaHostsAndPort, conf.kafkaTopics).toKafkaOffsetsPerPartition
- val newOffsetRangesForReader = getNewOffsetRangeForReader(lastCheckPoint, availableOffsetRange, conf.fetchRowsOnFirstRun)
- logger.info("Offset Ranges From Difference -->")
- newOffsetRangesForReader.foreach(x => logger.info(x.toString))
- newOffsetRangesForReader.applyThresholdPerPartition(conf.maxRecsPerPartition.toLong) // Restrict Offset Ranges By Applying Threshold Per Partition
- }
- else {
- logger.info(s"""Custom offset information was given by the user""")
- getCustomOffsetRangeForReader(conf.kafkaTopics.split(","), conf.kafkaCustomOffsetRange, KafkaConstants.gimelAuditRunTypeBatch)
- }
- logger.info("Offset Ranges After applying Threshold Per Partition/Custom Offsets -->")
- finalOffsetRangesForReader.foreach(x => logger.info(x.toString))
- // If kafka topic is empty return empty dataframe with the columns in gimel.fields.bind.to.json prop
- val finalDF = if (isKafkaTopicEmpty(finalOffsetRangesForReader) && !conf.fieldsBindToJSONString.isEmpty) {
- logger.info("Kafka Topic is Empty.")
- logger.info("Returning Datafame with fields in " + GimelConstants.FIELDS_BIND_TO_JSON)
- getEmptyDFBindToFields(sparkSession, conf.fieldsBindToJSONString)
- } else {
- val parallelizedRanges: Array[OffsetRange] = finalOffsetRangesForReader.parallelizeOffsetRanges(conf.parallelsPerPartition, conf.minRowsPerParallel)
- logger.info("Final Array of OffsetRanges to Fetch from Kafka --> ")
- parallelizedRanges.foreach(range => logger.info(range))
- if (parallelizedRanges.isEmpty) throw new KafkaUtilitiesException("There is an issue ! No Offset Range From Kafka ... Is the topic having any message at all ?")
- val sqlContext = sparkSession.sqlContext
- getAsDFFromKafka(sqlContext, conf, parallelizedRanges)
- }
- (finalDF, finalOffsetRangesForReader)
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- val messageString =
- s"""
- |kafkaParams --> ${kafkaParams.mkString(" \n ")}
- """.stripMargin
- logger.error(s"An Error While Attempting to Consume From Kafka with Parameters --> $messageString")
- throw ex
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the given kafka topics are empty
- *
- * @param offsetRanges : array of OffsetRanges for the topics to check
- * @return
- *
- */
- def isKafkaTopicEmpty(offsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange]): Boolean = {
- offsetRanges.isEmpty || offsetRanges.forall (each => (each.untilOffset - each.fromOffset) == 0)
- }
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/reader/KafkaStreamConsumer.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/reader/KafkaStreamConsumer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e213cedd..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/reader/KafkaStreamConsumer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.reader
-import scala.collection.immutable.Map
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer._
-import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
-import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
-import org.apache.spark.sql._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream._
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010._
-import spray.json._
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.catalog.GimelCatalogJsonProtocol._
-import com.paypal.gimel.datastreamfactory.{CheckPointHolder, StreamingResult, StructuredStreamingResult, WrappedData}
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.avro.SparkAvroUtilities
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf.{KafkaClientConfiguration, KafkaConstants}
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.BrokersAndTopic
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.ImplicitKafkaConverters._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.KafkaUtilities._
- * Implements Kafka Stream Consumer Logic here
- */
-object KafkaStreamConsumer {
- val logger = com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger()
- /**
- *
- * Core Function to Provide Data Stream
- *
- * @param streamingContext StreamingContext
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration
- * @return StreamingResult
- */
- def createDStream(streamingContext: StreamingContext, conf: KafkaClientConfiguration): StreamingResult = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- val sparkConf = streamingContext.sparkContext.getConf
- val streamRate = sparkConf.get("throttle.streaming.maxRatePerPartition", conf.maxRatePerPartition)
- streamingContext.sparkContext.getConf
- .set("spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled", "true")
- .set("spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition", streamRate)
- val isStreamParallel = sparkConf.get("throttle.streaming.isParallel", conf.isStreamParallel.toString).toBoolean
- val streamParallels = sparkConf.get("throttle.streaming.parallelism.factor", conf.streamParallelismFactor.toString).toInt
- logger.debug(
- s"""
- |isStreamParallel --> ${isStreamParallel}
- |streamParallels --> ${streamParallels}
- """.stripMargin)
- // Resolve all the Properties & Determine Kafka CheckPoint before reading from Kafka
- val (schemaString, kafkaTopic, brokers) = (conf.avroSchemaString, conf.kafkaTopics, conf.kafkaHostsAndPort)
- logger.info(s"Zookeeper Server : ${conf.zkHostAndPort}")
- logger.info(s"Zookeeper Checkpoint : ${conf.zkCheckPoints}")
- val startOffsetsForStream: Map[TopicPartition, Long] =
- getStartOffsets(conf, kafkaTopic, brokers)
- var kafkaParams: Map[String, Object] = setKafkaParams(conf)
- val consumerStrategy = ConsumerStrategies.Subscribe[Any, Any](kafkaTopic.split(",").toSet, kafkaParams, startOffsetsForStream)
- val locationStrategy = LocationStrategies.PreferConsistent
- logger.info(
- s"""
- |consumerStrategy --> ${consumerStrategy}
- |locationStrategy --> ${locationStrategy.toString}
- |Initiating createDirectStream with above Parameters...
- """.stripMargin)
- val msg: InputDStream[ConsumerRecord[Any, Any]] = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(streamingContext, locationStrategy, consumerStrategy)
- var offsetRanges = Array[OffsetRange]()
- val messages1: DStream[WrappedData] = msg.transform { rdd =>
- offsetRanges = rdd.asInstanceOf[HasOffsetRanges].offsetRanges
- // CheckPointHolder().currentCheckPoint = offsetRanges
- CheckPointHolder().setCurentCheckPoint(offsetRanges)
- rdd
- }.map { x => WrappedData(x.key(), x.value()) }
- // CheckPointer Function - CheckPoints each window
- val saveCheckPoint: (Array[OffsetRange]) => Boolean = inStreamCheckPoint(conf.zkHostAndPort, conf.zkCheckPoints, _)
- // Convertor Function : takes Raw Data and Returns AvroGeneric Data
- val bytesToGenericRDD: (RDD[WrappedData]) => RDD[GenericRecord] =
- wrappedDataToAvro(_, conf.avroSchemaKey, conf.avroSchemaURL, conf.avroSchemaSource, conf.avroSchemaString, isStreamParallel, streamParallels, conf.cdhAllSchemaDetails)
- val finalSchema = conf.avroSchemaSource.toUpperCase() match {
- case "CDH" => addAdditionalFieldsToSchema(getAdditionalFields().keySet.toList, conf.cdhTopicSchemaMetadata.get)
- case _ => conf.avroSchemaString
- }
- // Convertor Function - RDD[GenericRecord] => DataFrame
- val genericRecToDF: (SQLContext, RDD[GenericRecord]) => DataFrame = SparkAvroUtilities.genericRecordtoDF(_, _, finalSchema)
- // Provide Option to Clear CheckPoint
- val deleteCheckPoint: (String) => Unit = clearCheckPoint(conf.zkHostAndPort, conf.zkCheckPoints, _: String)
- // Provide Option to Get DataFrame for a Simple String Message from Kafka Topic
- val columnAlias = kafkaMessageColumnAlias(conf)
- // val wrappedDataToDF: (SQLContext, RDD[WrappedData]) => DataFrame = wrappedStringDataToDF(columnAlias, _, _)
- val wrappedDatatoDF1: (SQLContext, RDD[WrappedData]) => DataFrame = rddToDF(_, conf.kafkaMessageValueType, conf.kafkaKeySerializer, conf.kafkaValueSerializer, _, "value", conf.avroSchemaString, conf.avroSchemaSource, conf.cdhTopicSchemaMetadata, conf.cdhAllSchemaDetails)
- // Return a Wrapper of various functionalities to Client of this function
- StreamingResult(messages1, bytesToGenericRDD, genericRecToDF, wrappedDatatoDF1, saveCheckPoint, deleteCheckPoint)
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- streamingContext.stop()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * Function to set kafka parameters for stream
- *
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration object that holds the configuration paremeters
- * @return Kafka Parameters in a Map[String, Object]
- */
- private def setKafkaParams(conf: KafkaClientConfiguration) = {
- var kafkaParams: Map[String, Object] = Map()
- conf.kafkaConsumerProps.foreach(x => kafkaParams += (x._1 -> x._2))
- val (keyDeSer, valDeSer) = (getSerDe(conf.kafkaKeyDeSerializer), getSerDe(conf.kafkaValueDeSerializer))
- kafkaParams += ("key.deserializer" -> keyDeSer, "value.deserializer" -> valDeSer)
- kafkaParams
- }
- /**
- *
- * Function to get the starting offsets for the stream to read from
- *
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration object that holds the configuration paremeters
- * @param kafkaTopic The kafkaTopics list to subscribe to
- * @return Starting Offsets in a Map[TopicPartition, Long]
- */
- private def getStartOffsets(conf: KafkaClientConfiguration, kafkaTopic: String, brokers: String) = {
- if (conf.kafkaCustomOffsetRange.isEmpty()) {
- val lastCheckPoint: Option[Array[OffsetRange]] = getLastCheckPointFromZK(conf.zkHostAndPort, conf.zkCheckPoints)
- val availableOffsetRange: Array[OffsetRange] = BrokersAndTopic(brokers, kafkaTopic).toKafkaOffsetsPerPartition
- if (lastCheckPoint == None) {
- logger.info("No CheckPoint Found !")
- if(conf.kafkaAutoOffsetReset.equals(KafkaConstants.earliestOffset)) {
- logger.info("Fetching from the beginning")
- availableOffsetRange.map {
- x => (new TopicPartition(x.topic, x.partition) -> x.fromOffset)
- }.toMap
- }
- else {
- logger.info("Fetching from the latest offset")
- availableOffsetRange.map {
- x => (new TopicPartition(x.topic, x.partition) -> x.untilOffset)
- }.toMap
- }
- } else {
- logger.info(s"Found Checkpoint Value --> ${lastCheckPoint.get.mkString("|")}")
- lastCheckPoint.get.map {
- x => (new TopicPartition(x.topic, x.partition) -> x.untilOffset)
- }.toMap
- }
- }
- else {
- val customOffsetRangesForStream: Array[OffsetRange] = getCustomOffsetRangeForReader(conf.kafkaTopics.split(","), conf.kafkaCustomOffsetRange, KafkaConstants.gimelAuditRunTypeStream)
- customOffsetRangesForStream.map {
- x => (new TopicPartition(x.topic, x.partition) -> x.fromOffset)
- }.toMap
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * Function to return the last saved checkpoint from zookeeper
- *
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration object that holds the configuration paremeters
- * @return Optional checkpoint Offsets in a Array[OffsetRange]
- */
- private def getLastCheckPoint(conf: KafkaClientConfiguration) = {
- val lastCheckPoint: Option[Array[OffsetRange]] = getLastCheckPointFromZK(conf.zkHostAndPort, conf.zkCheckPoints)
- lastCheckPoint
- }
- /**
- *
- * Core Function to create a structured stream
- *
- * @param sparkSession the spark session passed by the user
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration object that holds the configuration paremeters
- * @return StreamingResult in a StructuredStreamingResult Object
- */
- def createStructuredStream(sparkSession: SparkSession, conf: KafkaClientConfiguration): StructuredStreamingResult = {
- try {
- val sparkConf = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf
- val streamRate = sparkConf.get("throttle.streaming.maxRatePerPartition", conf.maxRatePerPartition)
- sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf
- .set("spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled", "true")
- .set("spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition", streamRate)
- val isStreamParallel = sparkConf.get("throttle.streaming.isParallel", conf.isStreamParallel.toString).toBoolean
- val streamParallels = sparkConf.get("throttle.streaming.parallelism.factor", conf.streamParallelismFactor.toString).toInt
- logger.debug(
- s"""
- |isStreamParallel --> ${isStreamParallel}
- |streamParallels --> ${streamParallels}
- """.stripMargin)
- // Resolve all the Properties & Determine Kafka CheckPoint before reading from Kafka
- val (schemaString, kafkaTopic, brokers) = (conf.avroSchemaString, conf.kafkaTopics, conf.kafkaHostsAndPort)
- logger.info(s"Zookeeper Server : ${conf.zkHostAndPort}")
- logger.info(s"Zookeeper Checkpoint : ${conf.zkCheckPoints}")
- val startOffsetsForStream: Map[TopicPartition, Long] =
- getStartOffsets(conf, kafkaTopic, brokers)
- val lastCheckPoint = getLastCheckPoint(conf)
- val startOffsetsStructured = startOffsetsForStream.toList.groupBy(_._1.topic())
- .mapValues(_.map(x =>
- (x._1.partition().toString, x._2)).toMap)
- val kafkaBootstrapServers = conf.kafkaHostsAndPort
- val topics = conf.kafkaTopics
- val dataStreamReader: DataStreamReader = sparkSession
- .readStream
- .format(KafkaConstants.KAFKA_FORMAT)
- .option(KafkaConstants.KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS, kafkaBootstrapServers)
- .option(KafkaConstants.KAFKA_SUBSCRIBE, topics)
- .options(conf.kafkaConsumerProps)
- val df = lastCheckPoint match {
- case None => {
- dataStreamReader.load()
- }
- case Some(lastCheckPoint) => {
- dataStreamReader
- .option(KafkaConstants.KAFKA_START_OFFSETS, startOffsetsStructured.toJson.toString())
- .load()
- }
- }
- // CheckPointer Function - CheckPoints each window
- val saveCheckPoint: Unit = inStructuredStreamCheckPoint(sparkSession, conf.zkHostAndPort, conf.zkCheckPoints)
- // Convertor Function : takes Raw Data and Returns AvroGeneric Data
- val bytesToGenericRDD: (RDD[WrappedData]) => RDD[GenericRecord] =
- wrappedDataToAvro(_, conf.avroSchemaKey, conf.avroSchemaURL, conf.avroSchemaSource, conf.avroSchemaString, isStreamParallel, streamParallels, conf.cdhAllSchemaDetails)
- val finalSchema = conf.avroSchemaSource.toUpperCase() match {
- case "CDH" => addAdditionalFieldsToSchema(getAdditionalFields().keySet.toList, conf.cdhTopicSchemaMetadata.get)
- case _ => conf.avroSchemaString
- }
- // Provide Option to Clear CheckPoint
- val deleteCheckPoint: (String) => Unit = clearCheckPoint(conf.zkHostAndPort, conf.zkCheckPoints, _: String)
- // Provide Option to Get DataFrame for a Simple String Message from Kafka Topic
- val columnAlias = kafkaMessageColumnAlias(conf)
- // Return a Wrapper of various functionalities to Client of this function
- StructuredStreamingResult(df, saveCheckPoint, deleteCheckPoint)
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/ImplicitHDFSCheckPointers.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/ImplicitHDFSCheckPointers.scala
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index 30bbe0e4..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/ImplicitHDFSCheckPointers.scala
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@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.OffsetRange
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.storageadmin.HDFSAdminClient._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.ImplicitKafkaConverters._
- * Provides Implicit, Convenience Functions for Developers to Do CheckPointing Operations
- */
-object ImplicitHDFSCheckPointers {
- val logger = com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger()
- /**
- * @param offsetRangesAndCheckPointDirectory A Tuple of (Array[OffsetRange], checkPointDirectory)
- */
- implicit class CheckPointers(offsetRangesAndCheckPointDirectory: (Array[OffsetRange], String)) {
- /**
- * CheckPoints a Tuple of (Array[OffsetRange], checkPointDirectory)
- *
- * @example (Array(OffsetRange("l1", 11, 1, 1)), "${USER_DEFINED_CHECKPOINT_PATH}").saveCheckPoint
- * @return true if Success
- *
- */
- def saveCheckPoint: Boolean = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val latestFile = "/latest"
- val checkPointDir = offsetRangesAndCheckPointDirectory._2
- val checkPointFile = checkPointDir + latestFile
- val contentToWrite = offsetRangesAndCheckPointDirectory._1.toStringOfKafkaOffsetRanges
- try {
- val conf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration()
- val fs = FileSystem.get(conf)
- val latestHDFSPath = new Path(checkPointFile)
- if (!fs.exists(latestHDFSPath)) {
- writeHDFSFile(checkPointFile, contentToWrite)
- } else {
- val timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis
- val toRenameLatestPath = checkPointDir + s"/$timeStamp"
- val toRenameLatestPathHDFS = new Path(toRenameLatestPath)
- fs.rename(latestHDFSPath, toRenameLatestPathHDFS)
- writeHDFSFile(checkPointFile, contentToWrite)
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- throw ex
- }
- true
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param checkPointDirectoryPath A Tuple of (Array[OffsetRange], checkPointDirectory)
- */
- implicit class CheckPointFetcher(checkPointDirectoryPath: String) {
- /**
- * Fetches CheckPoints as An Array[OffsetRange]
- *
- * @example ("USER_DEFINED_CHECKPOINT_PATH").fetchCheckPoint
- * @return Some(Array[OffsetRange])
- *
- */
- def fetchCheckPoint: Option[Array[OffsetRange]] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- if (checkPointDirectoryPath.isEmpty) throw new HDFSCheckPointerException("Expected CheckPoint Directory, but got Empty String !")
- val latestFile = "/latest"
- val checkPointDir = checkPointDirectoryPath
- val checkPointFile = checkPointDir + latestFile
- val conf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration()
- val fs = FileSystem.get(conf)
- val latestHDFSPath = new Path(checkPointFile)
- if (fs.exists(latestHDFSPath)) {
- val checkPointString = readHDFSFile(checkPointDirectoryPath + "/latest")
- println("inside fetchCheckPoint ->" + checkPointString)
- Some(checkPointString.split('|').map(x => CheckPointString(x)).toKafkaOffsetRanges)
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- }
- * Custom Exception
- *
- * @param message Message to Throw
- * @param cause A Throwable Cause
- */
-private class HDFSCheckPointerException(message: String, cause: Throwable)
- extends RuntimeException(message) {
- if (cause != null) {
- initCause(cause)
- }
- def this(message: String) = this(message, null)
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/ImplicitKafkaConverters.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/ImplicitKafkaConverters.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bda8c51d..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/ImplicitKafkaConverters.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities
-import java.{lang, util}
-import java.util.{Collections, Properties}
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClient
-import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.OffsetRange
-import com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger
- * Case Class to Represent a CheckPoint String. Example "flights,1,1,100"
- *
- * @param checkPoint
- */
-case class CheckPointString(checkPoint: String)
- * Case Class to Represent Brokers and Topics
- *
- * @param brokers Example : kafka_broker_ip:8081
- * @param topic Example : flights
- */
-case class BrokersAndTopic(brokers: String, topic: String)
- * Provides a set of Implicit , Convenience APIs for developers to use
- */
-object ImplicitKafkaConverters {
- val logger: Logger = Logger()
- /**
- * @param offsetRanges An Array of OffsetRange
- */
- implicit class OffsetsConverter(offsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange]) {
- /**
- * Converts An Array OffsetRange to String of [CheckPoints (comma-separated)], each checkpoint Separated by Pipe
- *
- * @example Array(OffsetRange("test", 0, 1, 100),OffsetRange("test", 1, 1, 100)).toStringOfKafkaOffsetRanges
- * @return String of [CheckPoints (comma-separated)], each checkpoint Separated by Pipe
- */
- def toStringOfKafkaOffsetRanges: String = {
- offsetRanges.map(offsetRange => offsetRange.toStringOfKafkaOffsetRange).mkString("|")
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param offsetRange A Kafka OffsetRange
- */
- implicit class OffsetConverter(offsetRange: OffsetRange) {
- /**
- * Converts a Kafka OffsetRange to A CheckPoint (comma-separated)
- *
- * @return A CheckPoint (comma-separated)
- * @example "test,0,0,4".toKafkaOffsetRanges
- */
- def toStringOfKafkaOffsetRange: String = {
- offsetRange.topic + "," + offsetRange.partition + "," + offsetRange.fromOffset + "," + offsetRange.untilOffset
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param checkPointString A CheckPoint (comma-separated)
- */
- implicit class CheckPointConverter(checkPointString: CheckPointString) {
- /**
- * Converts A CheckPoint (comma-separated) to An OffsetRange
- *
- * @return An OffsetRange
- * @example "test,0,0,4".toKafkaOffsetRanges
- */
- def toKafkaOffsetRange: OffsetRange = {
- val splitString = checkPointString.checkPoint.split(",")
- OffsetRange(splitString(0), splitString(1).toInt, splitString(2).toLong, splitString(3).toLong)
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param checkPointsString an Array of CheckPoints (comma-separated)
- */
- implicit class CheckPointsConverter(checkPointsString: Array[CheckPointString]) {
- /**
- * Converts an Array of CheckPoints (comma-separated) to An Array of OffsetRange
- *
- * @return An Array of OffsetRange
- * @example "test,0,0,4|test,1,0,5".split("|").toKafkaOffsetRanges
- */
- def toKafkaOffsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange] = {
- checkPointsString.map(eachOffsetString => eachOffsetString.toKafkaOffsetRange)
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param brokersAndTopic A Tuple of (Comma-Separated Hosts, TopicString)
- */
- implicit class TopicPartitionsConverter(brokersAndTopic: BrokersAndTopic) {
- val clientID: Int = scala.util.Random.nextLong().toInt
- val brokers: Array[String] = brokersAndTopic.brokers.split(",")
- val host1: String = brokers(0).split(":")(0)
- val port1: Int = brokers(0).split(":")(1).toInt
- val latestTime: Long = -1L
- val earliestTime: Long = -2L
- /**
- * Converts a given Tuple of KafkaBrokers & Topic into KafkaTopicAndPartitions
- *
- * @example val testing: Array[TopicAndPartition] = ("localhost:8080,localhost:8081", "test").toTopicAndPartitions
- * @return Array[TopicAndPartition]
- */
- def toTopicAndPartitions: Map[TopicPartition, (String, Int)] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val client = AdminClient.create(KafkaUtilities.getDefaultConsumerPropertiesPerBroker(brokersAndTopic.brokers))
- import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- try {
- client.describeTopics(
- Collections.singletonList(brokersAndTopic.topic)
- ).all().get().asScala.flatMap { topicMetadata => {
- topicMetadata._2.partitions().asScala.map {
- partitionMetadata =>
- partitionMetadata.isr()
- (new TopicPartition(topicMetadata._1, partitionMetadata.partition()),
- (partitionMetadata.leader().host(), partitionMetadata.leader().port()))
- }
- }
- }.toMap
- } finally {
- client.close()
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts a given Tuple of KafkaBrokers & Topic into Array[OffsetRange] available currently in Kafka Cluster
- *
- * @example val kafkaOffsets:Array[OffsetRange] = ("localhost:8080,localhost:8081", "test").toKafkaOffsetsPerPartition
- * @return Array[OffsetRange]
- *
- */
- def toKafkaOffsetsPerPartition: Array[OffsetRange] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val topicAndPartitions: Map[TopicPartition, (String, Int)] = brokersAndTopic.toTopicAndPartitions
- import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- val partitions = topicAndPartitions.keySet.asJava
- logger.info("The Topic And Partitions are --> ")
- topicAndPartitions.foreach(println)
- val kafkaConsumer = KafkaUtilities.getKafkaConsumer(Some(
- KafkaUtilities.getDefaultConsumerPropertiesPerBroker(brokersAndTopic.brokers)
- ))
- try {
- val beginningOffsets: util.Map[TopicPartition, lang.Long] = kafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(partitions)
- val endOffsets: util.Map[TopicPartition, lang.Long] = kafkaConsumer.endOffsets(partitions)
- topicAndPartitions.map {
- topicAndPartition =>
- OffsetRange(topicAndPartition._1.topic, topicAndPartition._1.partition,
- beginningOffsets.get(topicAndPartition._1), endOffsets.get(topicAndPartition._1))
- }.toArray
- } finally {
- kafkaConsumer.close()
- }
- }
- /**
- * Take a TopicAndPartition and Returns a Tuple of leader Host & Port
- *
- * @param topicAndPartition Kafka TopicAndPartition
- * @return Tuple(host, port)
- */
- private def findLeader(topicAndPartition: (TopicPartition, (String, Int))): (String, Int) = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val leaderDetails: (String, Int) = (topicAndPartition._2._1, topicAndPartition._2._2)
- leaderDetails
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param offsetRangePairs an Array of Tuple(OffsetRange, OffsetRange). LeftSide Should be Lower Than RightSize
- */
- implicit class NewOffsetRangesProvider(offsetRangePairs: (Array[OffsetRange], Array[OffsetRange])) {
- /**
- * Calculates the New Range of Offsets to Read from Kafka based on a Pair of OffsetRange
- *
- * @return Array[OffsetRange]
- * @example (Array(OffsetRange("a", 0, 1, 1), OffsetRange("a", 1, 2, 100)) ,Array( OffsetRange("a", 1, 2, 100),OffsetRange("a", 0, 1, 100))).toNewOffsetRange
- */
- def toNewOffsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val sortedLeft = offsetRangePairs._1.sortBy(offsetRange => offsetRange.partition)
- val sortedRight = offsetRangePairs._2.sortBy(offsetRange => offsetRange.partition)
- val combinedAfterSort = sortedLeft.zip(sortedRight)
- combinedAfterSort.map { eachPair =>
- val left = eachPair._1
- val right = eachPair._2
- if (left.topic != right.topic) throw new KafkaOperationsException(s"Invalid Operation ! Seems we are comparing two different topics --> ${left.topic} <> ${right.topic} ")
- if (left.untilOffset > right.untilOffset) throw new KafkaOperationsException(s"Left Side Until:Offset ${left.untilOffset} is Higher than Right Side Until:Offset ${right.untilOffset}")
- if (left.fromOffset > right.untilOffset) throw new KafkaOperationsException(s"Left Side from:Offset ${left.fromOffset} is Already Beyond Right Side Until:Offset ${right.untilOffset}")
- if (left.untilOffset < right.fromOffset) throw new KafkaOperationsException(s"Left Side from:Offset ${left.untilOffset} is Lower Than Right Side from:Offset ${right.untilOffset}. This usually indicates Data Loss !")
- val fromOffset = {
- if (left.untilOffset == right.untilOffset) {
- right.untilOffset
- } else {
- left.untilOffset
- }
- }
- OffsetRange(left.topic, left.partition, fromOffset, right.untilOffset)
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param offsetRanges An Array of OffsetRange
- */
- implicit class OffsetRangeRestriction(offsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange]) {
- /**
- * Limits the OffsetRanges to the given threshold per partition
- *
- * @example val kafkaOffsets:Array[OffsetRange] = Array(OffsetRange(("localhost:8080,localhost:8081", "test"))).applyThresholdPerPartition(100)
- * @return Array[OffsetRange]
- *
- */
- def applyThresholdPerPartition(maxPerPartition: Long): Array[OffsetRange] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- offsetRanges.map {
- eachOffsetRange =>
- val fromOffset = eachOffsetRange.fromOffset
- val maxUntil = fromOffset + maxPerPartition
- val untilOffset = eachOffsetRange.untilOffset
- val newUntilOffset = scala.math.min(untilOffset, maxUntil)
- OffsetRange(eachOffsetRange.topic, eachOffsetRange.partition, eachOffsetRange.fromOffset, newUntilOffset)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parallelizes an Array of Offset Range, by applying parallelism factor on each Offset Range
- *
- * @param parallelism Number of parallel shards
- * @return Array[OffsetRange]
- */
- def parallelizeOffsetRanges(parallelism: Int, minRowsPerParallel: Long): Array[OffsetRange] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val returningRanges = offsetRanges.flatMap(erange => parallelizeOffsetRange(erange, parallelism, minRowsPerParallel))
- logger.info("Outgoing Array of OffsetRanges --> ")
- returningRanges.foreach(logger.info(_))
- returningRanges
- }
- // parallelizeOffsetRange(OffsetRange("a", 1, 1, 20), 3)
- private def parallelizeOffsetRange(eachRange: OffsetRange, parallel: Int, minRowsPerParallel: Long): Array[OffsetRange] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val total = eachRange.untilOffset - eachRange.fromOffset
- if ((total > minRowsPerParallel)) {
- logger.info(s"Incoming Range --> $eachRange")
- logger.info(s"Parallel Factor --> $parallel")
- val returningRange: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[OffsetRange] = ArrayBuffer()
- val recordsPer = scala.math.max(total / parallel, minRowsPerParallel)
- var cntr = eachRange.fromOffset
- val end = eachRange.untilOffset
- while (cntr < end) {
- returningRange.append(OffsetRange(eachRange.topic, eachRange.partition, cntr, cntr + recordsPer))
- cntr = cntr + recordsPer
- if (cntr + recordsPer > end) {
- returningRange.append(OffsetRange(eachRange.topic, eachRange.partition, cntr, end))
- cntr = end
- }
- }
- logger.info("Parallelized Ranges for the given OffsetRange ..")
- returningRange.foreach(logger.info(_))
- returningRange.toArray
- } else {
- logger.info(s"Not Applying Parallelism as the total rows : $total in this Offset Range < min rows per parallel : $minRowsPerParallel ")
- Array(eachRange)
- }
- }
- }
- * Custom Exception
- *
- * @param message Message to Throw
- * @param cause A Throwable Cause
- */
-private class KafkaOperationsException(message: String, cause: Throwable)
- extends RuntimeException(message) {
- if (cause != null) {
- initCause(cause)
- }
- def this(message: String) = this(message, null)
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/ImplicitZKCheckPointers.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/ImplicitZKCheckPointers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2d3d08..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/ImplicitZKCheckPointers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.OffsetRange
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.storageadmin.ZooKeeperAdminClient._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.ImplicitKafkaConverters._
-import com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger
-case class ZooKeeperHostAndNodes(host: String, nodes: Seq[String])
- * Provides Implicit, Convenience Functions for Developers to Do CheckPointing Operations
- */
-object ImplicitZKCheckPointers {
- val logger = Logger()
- /**
- * @param checkPointingInfo Tuple of (ZooKeeperHostAndNode, Array[Kafka OffsetRange])
- */
- implicit class ZKCheckPointers(checkPointingInfo: (ZooKeeperHostAndNodes, Array[OffsetRange])) {
- /**
- * CheckPoints a Tuple of (Array[OffsetRange], checkPointDirectory)
- *
- * @example (Array(OffsetRange("l1", 11, 1, 1)),"${USER_DEFINED_CHECKPOINT_PATH}").saveCheckPoint
- * @return true if Success
- *
- */
- def saveZkCheckPoint: Boolean = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val zkServers = checkPointingInfo._1.host
- val zkNodes = checkPointingInfo._1.nodes
- val contentToWrite = checkPointingInfo._2.toStringOfKafkaOffsetRanges
- try {
- zkNodes.map { zkNode =>
- writetoZK(zkServers, zkNode, contentToWrite)
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- throw ex
- }
- true
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param zooKeeperDetails ZooKeeperHostAndNode
- */
- implicit class ZKCheckPointFetcher(zooKeeperDetails: ZooKeeperHostAndNodes) {
- /**
- * Fetches CheckPoints as An Array[OffsetRange]
- *
- * @example ("${USER_DEFINED_CHECKPOINT_PATH}").fetchCheckPoint
- * @return Some(Array[OffsetRange])
- *
- */
- def fetchZkCheckPoint: Option[Array[OffsetRange]] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val zkServers = zooKeeperDetails.host
- val zkNodes = zooKeeperDetails.nodes
- if (zkServers.isEmpty) throw new ZooKeeperCheckPointerException("Expected CheckPoint Directory, but got Empty String !")
- val zkCheckPoints = zkNodes.flatMap { zkNode =>
- val checkPointString: Option[String] = readFromZK(zkServers, zkNode)
- checkPointString match {
- case None =>
- None
- case _: Option[String] =>
- checkPointString.get.split('|').map(x => CheckPointString(x)).toKafkaOffsetRanges
- }
- }.filter {
- None => true
- }.toArray
- if (zkCheckPoints.isEmpty) {
- None
- }
- else {
- Some(zkCheckPoints)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a ZooKeeper CheckPoint
- */
- def deleteZkCheckPoint(): Unit = {
- logger.warning(s"WARNING !!!!! Deleting --> host : ${zooKeeperDetails.host} | node : ${zooKeeperDetails.nodes}")
- try {
- zooKeeperDetails.nodes.map { node =>
- deleteNodeOnZK(zooKeeperDetails.host, node)
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- throw ex
- }
- }
- }
- * Custom Exception
- *
- * @param message Message to Throw
- * @param cause A Throwable Cause
- */
-private class ZooKeeperCheckPointerException(message: String, cause: Throwable)
- extends RuntimeException(message) {
- if (cause != null) {
- initCause(cause)
- }
- def this(message: String) = this(message, null)
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/KafkaUtilities.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/KafkaUtilities.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index eccbb3c2..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/KafkaUtilities.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1018 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities
-import java.io.{Closeable, Serializable}
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer
-import java.util.{Properties, UUID}
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.collection.immutable.Map
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
-import scala.util.parsing.json.JSON
-import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, ConsumerRecord, KafkaConsumer}
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig
-import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization._
-import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
-import org.apache.spark.sql._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryListener
-import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryListener.{QueryProgressEvent, QueryStartedEvent, QueryTerminatedEvent}
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010._
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.KafkaUtils._
-import spray.json._
-import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.catalog.CatalogProvider
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.conf.GimelConstants
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.schema.ConfluentSchemaRegistry
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.storageadmin
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.storageadmin.KafkaAdminUtils
-import com.paypal.gimel.common.utilities.DataSetUtils._
-import com.paypal.gimel.datastreamfactory.{StreamCheckPointHolder, WrappedData}
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.avro.SparkAvroUtilities._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf.KafkaJsonProtocol.{offsetPropertiesFormat, offsetRangePropertiesFormat}
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.ImplicitKafkaConverters._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.ImplicitZKCheckPointers._
-case class MessageInfo[T: TypeTag](key: String, message: T, topic: String, partition: Int, offset: Long)
-Case classes for reading custom offset properties from the user defined properties
- */
-case class OffsetRangeProperties(partition: Int,
- from: Long,
- to: Option[Long])
-case class OffsetProperties(topic: String,
- offsetRange: Array[OffsetRangeProperties])
-object KafkaUtilities {
- val logger = com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger()
- /**
- * This is a Map of Properties that will be used to set the batch parameters
- * , based on the incoming volume of data & user supplied parameters
- */
- val defaultRowsPerBatch: Map[Int, Map[String, String]] = Map(
- 100000000 -> Map(
- KafkaConfigs.batchFetchSize -> "500"
- , KafkaConfigs.maxRecordsPerPartition -> "100000000"
- , KafkaConfigs.minRowsPerParallelKey -> "100000"
- )
- , 50000000 -> Map(
- KafkaConfigs.batchFetchSize -> "500"
- , KafkaConfigs.maxRecordsPerPartition -> "50000000"
- , KafkaConfigs.minRowsPerParallelKey -> "100000"
- )
- , 25000000 -> Map(
- KafkaConfigs.batchFetchSize -> "250"
- , KafkaConfigs.maxRecordsPerPartition -> "25000000"
- , KafkaConfigs.minRowsPerParallelKey -> "100000"
- )
- , 10000000 -> Map(
- KafkaConfigs.batchFetchSize -> "100"
- , KafkaConfigs.maxRecordsPerPartition -> "10000000"
- , KafkaConfigs.minRowsPerParallelKey -> "100000"
- )
- , 1000000 -> Map(
- KafkaConfigs.batchFetchSize -> "20"
- , KafkaConfigs.maxRecordsPerPartition -> "1000000"
- , KafkaConfigs.minRowsPerParallelKey -> "100000"
- )
- , 100000 -> Map(
- KafkaConfigs.batchFetchSize -> "10"
- , KafkaConfigs.maxRecordsPerPartition -> "100000"
- , KafkaConfigs.minRowsPerParallelKey -> "10000"
- )
- , 30000 -> Map(
- KafkaConfigs.batchFetchSize -> "10"
- , KafkaConfigs.maxRecordsPerPartition -> "100000"
- , KafkaConfigs.minRowsPerParallelKey -> "10000"
- )
- )
- /**
- * Determines whether an incoming volume of messages
- * from Kafka is Streamable with given parameters.
- *
- * @param sparkSession : SparkSession
- * @param props Properties
- * @param rowsInBatch RowsPerBatch Map
- * @return true if data is within streaming capacity
- * , false if we need to switch to batch
- */
- def isStreamable(sparkSession: SparkSession, props: Map[String, String]
- , rowsInBatch: Map[Int, Map[String, String]] = defaultRowsPerBatch): Boolean = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- // val dSet = com.paypal.gimel.DataSet(hiveContext)
- val dataSet = props(GimelConstants.DATASET)
- // import com.paypal.gimel.DataSetUtils._
- // This is the DataSet Properties
- val datasetProps = CatalogProvider.getDataSetProperties(dataSet)
- logger.info(
- s"""DataSet Props -->
- |${datasetProps.props.map(x => s"${x._1} --> ${x._2}").mkString("\n")}""".stripMargin)
- val newProps: Map[String, Any] = getProps(props) ++ Map(
- GimelConstants.DATASET_PROPS -> datasetProps,
- GimelConstants.DATASET -> dataSet,
- GimelConstants.RESOLVED_HIVE_TABLE -> resolveDataSetName(dataSet),
- GimelConstants.APP_TAG -> getAppTag(sparkSession.sparkContext))
- val conf = new KafkaClientConfiguration(newProps)
- logger.info(s"Zookeeper Details --> ${conf.zkHostAndPort} | ${conf.zkCheckPoints}")
- val thresholdRows = 1000000000
- val lastCheckPoint: Option[Array[OffsetRange]] = getLastCheckPointFromZK(conf.zkHostAndPort
- , conf.zkCheckPoints)
- val availableOffsetRange: Array[OffsetRange] = {
- BrokersAndTopic(conf.kafkaHostsAndPort, conf.kafkaTopics).toKafkaOffsetsPerPartition
- }
- if (lastCheckPoint.isDefined) {
- logger.info(s"Offsets in CheckPoint --> ${lastCheckPoint.get.mkString("\n")}")
- }
- logger.info(s"Offsets in Kafka --> ${availableOffsetRange.mkString("\n")}")
- val newOffsetRangesForReader: Array[OffsetRange] = {
- getNewOffsetRangeForReader(lastCheckPoint, availableOffsetRange, thresholdRows)
- }
- logger.info(s"New Offsets to Fetch --> ${newOffsetRangesForReader.mkString("\n")}")
- val totalMessages = newOffsetRangesForReader.map(oR => oR.untilOffset - oR.fromOffset).sum.toInt
- logger.info(s"Total Messages from New Offsets to Fetch --> $totalMessages")
- val userSuppliedMaxRows = {
- sparkSession.conf.get(KafkaConfigs.rowCountOnFirstRunKey, totalMessages.toString)
- }
- val totalRows = if (lastCheckPoint.isEmpty) userSuppliedMaxRows.toInt else totalMessages
- logger.info(s"Final Total Messages to Fetch --> $totalRows")
- val streamCutOff = sparkSession.conf.get(KafkaConfigs.streamCutOffThresholdKey, "100000").toInt
- val (batchProps, isStreamable) = totalRows match {
- case n if 50000000 <= n =>
- (rowsInBatch(100000000), false)
- case n if 25000000 <= n =>
- (rowsInBatch(50000000), false)
- case n if 10000000 <= n =>
- (rowsInBatch(25000000), false)
- case n if 1000000 <= n =>
- (rowsInBatch(10000000), false)
- case n if streamCutOff <= n =>
- (rowsInBatch(1000000), false)
- case _ =>
- (Map(), true)
- }
- logger.info(s"Batch Props --> $batchProps")
- val resolvedProps = props ++ batchProps
- logger.info(s"Resolved Props --> $resolvedProps")
- logger.info(s"isStreamable --> $isStreamable")
- resolvedProps.foreach(p => sparkSession.conf.set(p._1, p._2.toString))
- isStreamable
- }
- /**
- * Convenience Function to checkpoint a given OffsetRange
- *
- * @param zkHost Host Server for Zookeeper
- * @param zkNodes Node where we want to checkPoint
- * @param offsetRange Array[OffsetRange]
- * @return Boolean indicating checkpointing status
- */
- def inStreamCheckPoint(zkHost: String, zkNodes: Seq[String]
- , offsetRange: Array[OffsetRange]): Boolean = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val zk = ZooKeeperHostAndNodes(zkHost, zkNodes)
- (zk, offsetRange).saveZkCheckPoint
- }
- /**
- * Convenience Function to checkpoint a given OffsetRange
- *
- * @param sparkSession Spark Session
- * @param zkHost Host Server for Zookeeper
- * @param zkNodes Node where we want to checkPoint
- * @return Boolean indicating checkpointing status
- */
- def inStructuredStreamCheckPoint(sparkSession: SparkSession, zkHost: String, zkNodes: Seq[String]): Unit = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- sparkSession.streams.addListener(new StreamingQueryListener() {
- override def onQueryStarted(event: QueryStartedEvent): Unit = Unit
- override def onQueryProgress(event: QueryProgressEvent): Unit = {
- val queryStatusMap = JSON.parseFull(event.progress.json).get.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
- val endOffsetsMap: Map[String, Map[Any, Any]] = queryStatusMap.get("sources").head.asInstanceOf[List[Any]].head.asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]].get("endOffset").head.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Map[Any, Any]]]
- val endOffsets = endOffsetsMap.flatMap { x =>
- x._2.map { y =>
- OffsetRange(topic = x._1, partition = y._1.asInstanceOf[String].toInt, fromOffset = 0L, untilOffset = y._2.asInstanceOf[Double].longValue())
- }
- }.toArray
- StreamCheckPointHolder().setCurentCheckPoint(endOffsets)
- inStreamCheckPoint(zkHost, zkNodes, endOffsets)
- }
- override def onQueryTerminated(event: QueryTerminatedEvent): Unit = {
- sparkSession.streams.removeListener(this)
- }
- })
- }
- /**
- * Gets the Appropriate Serializer Class
- *
- * @param serializerClassName Name of the Serializer Class
- * @return Serializer Class
- */
- def getSerializer(serializerClassName: String)
- : Class[_ >: StringSerializer with ByteArraySerializer <: Serializer[_ >: String with Array[Byte]]] = {
- serializerClassName match {
- case "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer" => {
- classOf[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer]
- }
- case "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer" => {
- classOf[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer]
- }
- case _ => {
- throw new Exception(s"UnSupported Serializer Class Requested : ${serializerClassName}")
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the Appropriate DeSerializer Class
- *
- * @param deserializerClassName Name of the DeSerializer Class
- * @return DeSerializer Class
- */
- def getDeserializer(deserializerClassName: String)
- : Class[_ >: StringDeserializer with ByteArrayDeserializer <: Deserializer[_ >: String with Array[Byte]]] = {
- deserializerClassName match {
- case "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer" => {
- classOf[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer]
- }
- case "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer" => {
- classOf[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer]
- }
- case _ => {
- throw new Exception(s"UnSupported DeSerializer Class Requested : ${deserializerClassName}")
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the Appropriate De/Serializer Class
- *
- * @param serDe Name of the De/Serializer Class
- * @return De/Serializer Class
- */
- def getSerDe(serDe: String): Class[_ >: StringDeserializer
- with ByteArrayDeserializer with StringSerializer with ByteArraySerializer <: Closeable] = {
- serDe match {
- case "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer" => {
- classOf[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer]
- }
- case "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer" => {
- classOf[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer]
- }
- case "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer" => {
- classOf[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer]
- }
- case "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer" => {
- classOf[org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer]
- }
- case _ => {
- throw new Exception(s"UnSupported serDe Class Requested : ${serDe}")
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts RDD[WrappedData] to DataFrame with just 1 column -
- * which is the entire message String from Kafka
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQLContext
- * @param columnAlias Name of Column in DataFrame
- * @param wrappedData WrappedData
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- def wrappedStringDataToDF(columnAlias: String, sqlContext: SQLContext
- , wrappedData: RDD[WrappedData]): DataFrame = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- logger.info("Attempting to Convert Value in Wrapped Data to String Type")
- try {
- val rdd: RDD[(String, String)] = wrappedData.map { x =>
- (x.key.asInstanceOf[String], x.value.asInstanceOf[String])
- }
- val df = rddAsDF(sqlContext, columnAlias, rdd)
- logger.info("Completed --> Convert Value to String Type")
- df
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- /**
- * Completely Clear the CheckPointed Offsets, leading to Read from Earliest offsets from Kafka
- *
- * @param zkHost Zookeeper Host
- * @param zkNodes Zookeeper Path
- * @param msg Some Message or A Reason for Clearing CheckPoint
- */
- def clearCheckPoint(zkHost: String, zkNodes: Seq[String], msg: String): Unit = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val zk = ZooKeeperHostAndNodes(zkHost, zkNodes)
- zk.deleteZkCheckPoint()
- }
- /**
- * Gets the Latest CheckPoint from Zookeeper, if available
- *
- * @param zkHost Host Server for Zookeeper
- * @param zkNodes Node where we want to checkPoint
- * @return Option[Array[OffsetRange]
- */
- def getLastCheckPointFromZK(zkHost: String, zkNodes: Seq[String]): Option[Array[OffsetRange]] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- val zk = ZooKeeperHostAndNodes(zkHost, zkNodes)
- val lastCheckPoint: Option[Array[OffsetRange]] = zk.fetchZkCheckPoint
- lastCheckPoint
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- /**
- * Function Gets
- * Either : The difference between lastCheckPoint & latestOffsetRange
- * Or : latestOffsetRange from Kafka
- *
- * @param lastCheckPoint savedCheckPoint, if available
- * @param availableOffsetRange latestOfffsetRange from Kafka
- * @param fetchRowsOnFirstRun This will be used if reading from kafka without
- * any prior checkpoint,
- * to ensure we read only last N messages
- * from topic as requested by client
- * @return Array[OffsetRange]
- */
- def getNewOffsetRangeForReader(lastCheckPoint: Option[Array[OffsetRange]]
- , availableOffsetRange: Array[OffsetRange]
- , fetchRowsOnFirstRun: Long): Array[OffsetRange] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- val newOffsetRangesForReader = lastCheckPoint match {
- case None => {
- logger.warning(
- s"""No CheckPoint Found.
- |Reader will attempt to fetch "from beginning" From Kafka !""".stripMargin)
- availableOffsetRange.map {
- eachOffsetRange =>
- val fromOffset = scala.math.min(fetchRowsOnFirstRun
- , eachOffsetRange.untilOffset - eachOffsetRange.fromOffset)
- logger.info(s"Since this is first run," +
- s" will try to fetch only ${fromOffset} rows from Kafka")
- OffsetRange(eachOffsetRange.topic, eachOffsetRange.partition
- , eachOffsetRange.untilOffset - fromOffset, eachOffsetRange.untilOffset)
- }
- }
- case Some(lastCheckPoint) => {
- logger.info("""Found CheckPoint """)
- (lastCheckPoint, availableOffsetRange).toNewOffsetRanges
- }
- }
- newOffsetRangesForReader
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Function Gets
- * a custom offset range as a JSON from the user defined properties
- * Converts it to an array of offset ranges and returns them
- *
- * @param kafkaTopics sequence of topics
- * @param offsetRange user given custom offset ranges, if available
- * @return Array[OffsetRange]
- */
- def getCustomOffsetRangeForReader(kafkaTopics: Seq[String], offsetRange: String, consumerMode: String): Array[OffsetRange] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- try {
- val offsetRangeObject = offsetRange.parseJson.convertTo[Seq[OffsetProperties]]
- val finalOffsetRanges = offsetRangeObject.flatMap {
- eachTopicRange =>
- eachTopicRange.offsetRange.map {
- eachOffsetRange => {
- var toOffset = 0L
- if (consumerMode == KafkaConstants.gimelAuditRunTypeStream) {
- toOffset = eachOffsetRange.to.getOrElse(-1)
- }
- else if (consumerMode == KafkaConstants.gimelAuditRunTypeBatch) {
- toOffset = eachOffsetRange.to.get
- }
- if(!kafkaTopics.contains(eachTopicRange.topic)) {
- throw new Exception("The topic specified in custom offset range does not match the subscribed topic! Please unset the previous value or check your properties")
- }
- OffsetRange(eachTopicRange.topic, eachOffsetRange.partition, eachOffsetRange.from, toOffset)
- }
- }
- }.toArray
- finalOffsetRanges
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts an RDD[Wrapped Data] into RDD[GenericRecord]
- *
- * @param wrappedDataRDD RDD[WrappedData]
- * @param avroSchemaKey AvroSchemaKey | Example flights , flights.flights_log
- * @param avroSchemaURL Confluent Schema Registry URL:Port
- * @param avroSchemaSource Specifies whether schema is inline text or from CDH schema registry
- * @param avroSchemaString Avro Schema String for flights
- * @param isStreamParallel true indicates : can repartition data for parallelism.
- * false is usually set for preserving ordering of data
- * as received from kafka
- * @param streamParallels Repartition factor, for example : 10 indicates repartition to
- * 10 executors
- * @return RDD[GenericRecord]
- */
- def wrappedDataToAvro(wrappedDataRDD: RDD[WrappedData], avroSchemaKey: String,
- avroSchemaURL: String,
- avroSchemaSource: String, avroSchemaString: String,
- isStreamParallel: Boolean, streamParallels: Int,
- cdhAllSchemaDetails: Option[Map[String,
- (String, mutable.Map[Int, String])]]): RDD[GenericRecord] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- val parallelRDD = if (isStreamParallel) {
- wrappedDataRDD.repartition(streamParallels)
- } else {
- wrappedDataRDD
- }
- val avroRecord: RDD[GenericRecord] = parallelRDD.map {
- x => bytesToGenericRecord(x.value.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]], avroSchemaString)
- }
- val finalAvroRecord = avroSchemaSource.toUpperCase() match {
- case "CDH" =>
- deserializeCurRec(avroRecord, cdhAllSchemaDetails)
- case _ => avroRecord
- }
- finalAvroRecord
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the Schema for each Topic with version
- *
- * @param schemaSubject Schema Key
- * @param avroSchemaURL Confluent Schema URL
- * @return Map of Topic -> (Version & Schema)
- */
- def getAllSchemasForSubject(schemaSubject: String, avroSchemaURL: String)
- : (String, mutable.Map[Int, String]) = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val schemaLookup: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int, String] = scala.collection.mutable.Map()
- val schemaRegistryClient = new ConfluentSchemaRegistry(avroSchemaURL)
- val k = schemaRegistryClient.getAllVersions(schemaSubject).asScala
- val k2 = k.map { eachVersion =>
- val version = eachVersion.toString.toInt
- version -> schemaRegistryClient.getVersion(schemaSubject, version).getSchema
- }.toMap
- k2.foreach(entry => schemaLookup.put(entry._1, entry._2))
- val latestSchema = schemaRegistryClient.getLatestVersion(schemaSubject).getSchema
- (latestSchema, schemaLookup)
- }
- /**
- * Deserialize the CDH record (bytes) , get GenericRecord
- *
- * @param avroRecord Avro GenericRecord RDD
- * @param cdhAllSchemaDetails All the Subjects with LatestSchema and EachVersion
- * @return Avro GenericRecord RDD
- */
- def deserializeCurRec(avroRecord: RDD[GenericRecord]
- , cdhAllSchemaDetails: Option[Map[String,
- (String, mutable.Map[Int, String])]]): RDD[GenericRecord] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val additionalFields = getAdditionalFields()
- try {
- val actualRecord: RDD[GenericRecord] = avroRecord.map { eachRecord =>
- val eachRecordSchemaSubject = eachRecord.get("schemaSubject").toString
- val schemaThisRec = cdhAllSchemaDetails.get(eachRecordSchemaSubject)._1
- val eachRec: Array[Byte] = eachRecord.get("currentRecord").asInstanceOf[ByteBuffer].array()
- var metaColumnsMap = scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, String]()
- // Add mandatory meta columns, gg commit timestamp, rba and opType
- additionalFields.foreach {
- field => metaColumnsMap += (field._1 -> eachRecord.get(field._2).toString)
- }
- val genericRecord: GenericRecord = bytesToGenericRecord(eachRec, schemaThisRec)
- val newSchema = addAdditionalFieldsToSchema(additionalFields.keySet.toList, schemaThisRec)
- val newGenericRecord = copyToGenericRecord(genericRecord, schemaThisRec, newSchema)
- metaColumnsMap.foreach { kv => newGenericRecord.put(kv._1, kv._2) }
- newGenericRecord
- }
- actualRecord
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- throw ex
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Lists Additional fields to pick from CDH metadata record.
- *
- * @return List of Metadata columns
- */
- def getAdditionalFields(): scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, String] =
- scala.collection.immutable.Map("gg_commit_timestamp" -> "opTs"
- , "opt_type" -> "opType", "trail_seq_no" -> "trailSeqno", "trail_rba" -> "trailRba")
- /**
- * Adds additional fields to the Avro Schem
- *
- * @param additionalFields List of fields to Add
- * @param schemaString Input Avro Schema
- * @return Updated Avro Schema String
- */
- def addAdditionalFieldsToSchema(additionalFields: List[String], schemaString: String)
- : String = {
- // Parse as JsValue
- val schemaAsJsVal = schemaString.parseJson
- // Convert to JsObject
- val schemaAsJsObject = schemaAsJsVal.asJsObject
- // Get the Map of each element & Value
- val schemaElementsMap: Map[String, JsValue] = schemaAsJsObject.fields
- // These fields will be added with "to-add" fields
- val schemaFields = schemaAsJsObject.getFields("fields").head.convertTo[Seq[JsValue]]
- val additionalFieldsJSON: List[String] = additionalFields.map {
- x => s"""{"name":"${x}","type":["null","string"]}""".stripMargin
- } // "to-add" fields
- val additionalFieldsAsJsVal: List[JsValue] = additionalFieldsJSON.map { x => x.parseJson }
- // added both fields
- val combinedFields: Seq[JsValue] = schemaFields ++ additionalFieldsAsJsVal
- // formation of a String so it can be inferred as JsVal
- val combinedFieldsAsString = combinedFields.map {
- x => x.asJsObject.compactPrint
- }.mkString("[", ",", "]")
- val combinedFieldsAsJsValue = combinedFieldsAsString.parseJson
- val toOverride = scala.collection.Map("fields" -> combinedFieldsAsJsValue)
- val k12 = schemaElementsMap ++ toOverride
- k12.toJson.compactPrint
- }
- /**
- * Get the Column Alias Name for a Given Single Column DF to be read from Kafka Topic
- * that has human readable message
- *
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration
- * @return column alias name
- */
- def kafkaMessageColumnAlias(conf: KafkaClientConfiguration): String = {
- conf.tableProps.getOrElse("kafka.message.column.alias", "message").toString
- }
- /**
- * InTakes RDD And Converts to DataFrame
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQL Context
- * @param messageColumnAlias Message Column Name
- * @param rdd RDD[(String,String)]
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- def stringRddAsDF(sqlContext: SQLContext, messageColumnAlias: String
- , rdd: RDD[(String, String)]): DataFrame = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- val dataIntermediate = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd)
- .withColumnRenamed("_2", "message")
- .withColumnRenamed("_1", "key")
- val df = dataIntermediate.select("message").withColumnRenamed("message", messageColumnAlias)
- df
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- logger.error(s"Failed While Attempting to Convert RDD to DF")
- throw ex
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts RDD[WrappedData] to DataFrame
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQLContext
- * @param valueMessageType Message Type From Kafka - such as string, json, binary..
- * @param keySerializer Key Serializer
- * @param valueSerializer Value Serializer
- * @param rdd RDD[Wrapped Data]
- * @param kafkaValueMessageColAlias Column Alias in DataFrame for Messages from Kafka
- * @param avroSchemaString Avro Schema String for Derserialization
- * @param avroSchemaSource Avro Schema Source such as Inline or CDH Confluent Schema Registry
- * @param cdhTopicSchemaMetadata CDH TopicSchema Details
- * @param cdhAllSchemaDetails The Topic , Version, Schema information
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- def rddToDF(sqlContext: SQLContext
- , valueMessageType: Option[String]
- , keySerializer: String
- , valueSerializer: String
- , rdd: RDD[WrappedData]
- , kafkaValueMessageColAlias: String = "value"
- , avroSchemaString: String
- , avroSchemaSource: String
- , cdhTopicSchemaMetadata: Option[String]
- , cdhAllSchemaDetails: Option[Map[String, (String, mutable.Map[Int, String])]])
- : DataFrame = {
- (valueMessageType, valueSerializer) match {
- // Bytes Messages
- case (Some("binary"), "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer") =>
- val rDD = rdd.map { x => (x.key.asInstanceOf[String], x.value.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]) }
- // logger.info("Byte Messages -->");
- // rDD.cache.collect.take(10).foreach(x => logger.info(x))
- val columnAlias = kafkaValueMessageColAlias
- byteRddAsDF(sqlContext, columnAlias, rDD)
- // String Messages
- case (Some("string"), "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer") =>
- val rDD = rdd.map { x => (x.key.asInstanceOf[String], x.value.asInstanceOf[String]) }
- // logger.info("String Messages -->");
- // rDD.cache.collect.take(10).foreach(x => logger.info(x))
- val columnAlias = kafkaValueMessageColAlias
- stringRddAsDF(sqlContext, columnAlias, rDD)
- // JSON Messages
- case (Some("json"), "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer") =>
- val rDD: RDD[String] = rdd.map { x => x.value.asInstanceOf[String] }
- // logger.info("JSON Messages -->");
- // rDD.cache.collect.take(10).foreach(x => logger.info(x))
- sqlContext.read.json(rDD)
- // Avro - CDH | Generic Avro
- case (_, "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer") =>
- val rDD = rdd.map { x => (x.key, x.value.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]) }
- // logger.info("Raw Messages -->");
- // rDD.cache.collect.take(10).foreach(x => logger.info(x))
- val avroRecord: RDD[GenericRecord] = rDD.map { x =>
- bytesToGenericRecord(x._2, avroSchemaString)
- }
- val (finalAvroRecord, finalSchema) = avroSchemaSource.toUpperCase() match {
- case KafkaConstants.gimelKafkaAvroSchemaCDH => {
- val newSchemaCDH = addAdditionalFieldsToSchema(getAdditionalFields().keySet.toList
- , cdhTopicSchemaMetadata.get)
- (deserializeCurRec(avroRecord, cdhAllSchemaDetails), newSchemaCDH)
- }
- case _ => (avroRecord, avroSchemaString)
- }
- genericRecordtoDF(sqlContext, finalAvroRecord, finalSchema)
- // Other Types
- case _ => throw new Exception("Unsupported Configuration or Serialization Techniques")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns A Wrapped Message from Kafka
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQLContext
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration
- * @param parallelizedRanges Array[OffsetRange]
- * @return RDD[WrappedData]
- */
- def getFromKafkaAsWrappedData(sqlContext: SQLContext
- , conf: KafkaClientConfiguration
- , parallelizedRanges: Array[OffsetRange]
- ): RDD[WrappedData] = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val (avroSchemaString, avroSchemaKey, avroSchemaURL) = (conf.avroSchemaString
- , conf.avroSchemaKey
- , conf.avroSchemaURL
- )
- val kafkaParams: java.util.Map[String, Object] = new java.util.HashMap()
- conf.kafkaConsumerProps.foreach { x => kafkaParams.put(x._1, x._2) }
- logger.info(s"Final Kafka Params --> ${kafkaParams.asScala.mkString("\n", "\n", "\n")}")
- logger.info(
- s"""kafka.message.value.type --> ${conf.kafkaMessageValueType}
- |\nValue Serializer --> ${conf.kafkaValueSerializer}""".stripMargin
- )
- try {
- val rdd: RDD[_ >: (String, Array[Byte]) with (String, String) <: (String, Serializable)] =
- (conf.kafkaMessageValueType, conf.kafkaValueSerializer) match {
- // Bytes Messages
- case (Some("binary"), "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer") =>
- val rDDConsumerRec: RDD[ConsumerRecord[String, Array[Byte]]] =
- createRDD[String, Array[Byte]](
- sqlContext.sparkContext, kafkaParams
- , parallelizedRanges, LocationStrategies.PreferConsistent)
- rDDConsumerRec.map { x => (x.key(), x.value()) }
- // String Messages
- case (Some("string"), "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer") =>
- val rDDConsumerRec: RDD[ConsumerRecord[String, String]] =
- createRDD[String, String](sqlContext.sparkContext
- , kafkaParams, parallelizedRanges, LocationStrategies.PreferConsistent)
- rDDConsumerRec.map { x => (x.key(), x.value()) }
- // JSON Messages
- case (Some("json"), "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer") =>
- val rDDConsumerRec: RDD[ConsumerRecord[String, String]] =
- createRDD[String, String](sqlContext.sparkContext
- , kafkaParams, parallelizedRanges, LocationStrategies.PreferConsistent)
- rDDConsumerRec.map { x => (x.key(), x.value()) }
- // Avro - CDH | Generic Avro
- case (_, "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer") =>
- val rDDConsumerRec: RDD[ConsumerRecord[String, Array[Byte]]] =
- createRDD[String, Array[Byte]](sqlContext.sparkContext
- , kafkaParams, parallelizedRanges, LocationStrategies.PreferConsistent)
- rDDConsumerRec.map { x => (x.key(), x.value()) }
- // Other Types
- case _ => throw new Exception("Unsupported Configuration or Serialization Techniques")
- }
- rdd.map(x => WrappedData(x._1, x._2))
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- val messageString =
- s"""kafkaParams --> ${kafkaParams.asScala.mkString(" \n ")}""".stripMargin
- logger.error(s"Unable to Fetch from Kafka for given parameters --> ${messageString}")
- throw ex
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns DataFrame -fetching messages from Kafka
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQLContext
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration
- * @param parallelizedRanges Array[OffsetRange]
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- def getAsDFFromKafka(sqlContext: SQLContext, conf: KafkaClientConfiguration
- , parallelizedRanges: Array[OffsetRange]): DataFrame = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val kafkaParams: java.util.Map[String, Object] = new java.util.HashMap()
- conf.kafkaConsumerProps.foreach { x => kafkaParams.put(x._1, x._2) }
- logger.info(s"Final Kafka Params --> ${kafkaParams.asScala.mkString("\n", "\n", "\n")}")
- logger.info(
- s"""kafka.message.value.type --> ${conf.kafkaMessageValueType}
- |\nValue Serializer --> ${conf.kafkaValueSerializer}""".stripMargin)
- val wrappedDataRdd: RDD[WrappedData] = getFromKafkaAsWrappedData(sqlContext, conf, parallelizedRanges)
- rddToDF(sqlContext, conf.kafkaMessageValueType, conf.kafkaKeySerializer
- , conf.kafkaValueSerializer, wrappedDataRdd, "value", conf.avroSchemaString
- , conf.avroSchemaSource, conf.cdhTopicSchemaMetadata, conf.cdhAllSchemaDetails)
- }
- /**
- * Converts Avro RDD to Spark DataFrame
- *
- * @param avroRecord RDD Generic Record
- * @param sqlContext SQLContext
- * @param avroSchemaString Avro Schema String
- * @param avroSchemaSource Avro Schema Source
- * @param cdhTopicSchemaMetadata CDH Topic Metadata Details
- * @param cdhAllSchemaDetails CDH Schema Details (Keys, Schemas..)
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- @deprecated
- def avroToDF1(avroRecord: RDD[GenericRecord]
- , sqlContext: SQLContext
- , avroSchemaString: String
- , avroSchemaSource: String
- , cdhTopicSchemaMetadata: Option[String]
- , cdhAllSchemaDetails: Option[Map[String, (String, mutable.Map[Int, String])]])
- : DataFrame = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val (finalAvroRecord, finalSchema) = avroSchemaSource match {
- case KafkaConstants.gimelKafkaAvroSchemaCDH => {
- val newSchemaCDH = addAdditionalFieldsToSchema(getAdditionalFields().keySet.toList
- , cdhTopicSchemaMetadata.get)
- (deserializeCurRec(avroRecord, cdhAllSchemaDetails), newSchemaCDH)
- }
- case _ => (avroRecord, avroSchemaString)
- }
- val df = genericRecordtoDF(sqlContext, finalAvroRecord, finalSchema)
- df
- }
- /**
- * InTakes RDD And Converts to DataFrame
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQL Context
- * @param messageColumnAlias Message Column Name
- * @param rdd RDD[(String, String)]
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- def rddAsDF(sqlContext: SQLContext, messageColumnAlias: String
- , rdd: RDD[(String, String)]): DataFrame = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- val dataIntermediate = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd)
- .withColumnRenamed("_2", "message").withColumnRenamed("_1", "key")
- dataIntermediate.select("message").withColumnRenamed("message", messageColumnAlias)
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- ex.printStackTrace()
- logger.error(s"Failed While Attempting to Convert RDD to DF")
- throw ex
- }
- }
- /**
- * InTakes RDD And Converts to DataFrame
- *
- * @param sqlContext SQL Context
- * @param messageColumnAlias Message Column Name
- * @param rdd RDD[(String,Array[Byte])]
- * @return DataFrame
- */
- def byteRddAsDF(sqlContext: SQLContext, messageColumnAlias: String
- , rdd: RDD[(String, Array[Byte])]): DataFrame = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- try {
- val dataIntermediate = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd)
- .withColumnRenamed("_2", "message").withColumnRenamed("_1", "key")
- dataIntermediate.select("message").withColumnRenamed("message", messageColumnAlias)
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- logger.error(s"Failed While Attempting to Convert RDD to DF")
- throw ex
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates a Topic in Kafka if it does not exists
- *
- * @param zookKeeperHostAndPort Zookeeper Host & Port | Example localhost:2181
- * @param kafkaTopicName Kafka Topic Name
- * @param numberOfPartitions Number of Partitions
- * @param numberOfReplica Number of Replicas
- */
- def createTopicIfNotExists(zookKeeperHostAndPort: String, kafkaTopicName: String
- , numberOfPartitions: Int, numberOfReplica: Int): Unit = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- KafkaAdminUtils.createTopicIfNotExists(
- zookKeeperHostAndPort
- , kafkaTopicName
- , numberOfPartitions
- , numberOfReplica
- )
- }
- /**
- * Delete a Topic if it exists
- *
- * @param zookKeeperHostAndPort Zookeeper Host & Port | Example localhost:2181
- * @param kafkaTopicName Kafka Topic Name
- */
- def deleteTopicIfExists(zookKeeperHostAndPort: String, kafkaTopicName: String): Unit = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace.apply(1).getMethodName
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- storageadmin.KafkaAdminUtils.deleteTopicIfExists(
- zookKeeperHostAndPort
- , kafkaTopicName
- )
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param properties
- * @return
- */
- def getKafkaConsumer(properties: Option[Properties] = None): KafkaConsumer[Object, Object] = {
- val consumerProperties = new Properties()
- if (properties.isDefined) {
- consumerProperties.putAll(properties.get)
- }
- // Ensure the serializer configuration is set though its not needed
- consumerProperties.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, classOf[BytesDeserializer].getName)
- consumerProperties.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, classOf[BytesDeserializer].getName)
- val group = consumerProperties.get(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG)
- if (group == null) {
- consumerProperties.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "kafka-consumer-offset-client-" + UUID.randomUUID)
- }
- new KafkaConsumer[Object, Object](consumerProperties)
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param broker
- * @return
- */
- def getDefaultConsumerPropertiesPerBroker(broker: String): Properties = {
- val props = new Properties()
- props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, broker)
- props
- }
- * Custom Exception for KafkaUtilities related errors
- *
- * @param message Message to Throw
- * @param cause A Throwable Cause
- */
-class KafkaUtilitiesException(message: String, cause: Throwable)
- extends RuntimeException(message) {
- if (cause != null) {
- initCause(cause)
- }
- def this(message: String) = this(message, null)
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/writer/KafkaBatchProducer.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/writer/KafkaBatchProducer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bb0c3413..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/main/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/writer/KafkaBatchProducer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.writer
-import java.util.Properties
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{KafkaProducer, ProducerRecord}
-import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
-import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.avro.SparkAvroUtilities._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.conf.KafkaClientConfiguration
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.KafkaUtilitiesException
- * Implements Produce to Kafka Logic Here
- */
-object KafkaBatchProducer {
- val logger = com.paypal.gimel.logger.Logger()
- /**
- * InTakes a DataFrame
- * Convert to Avro Record
- * Serialize the record into Bytes
- * Publish to Kafka
- *
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration
- * @param data RDD
- */
- def produceToKafka[T: TypeTag](conf: KafkaClientConfiguration, data: RDD[T]): Unit = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- val kafkaProps: Properties = conf.kafkaProducerProps
- val kafkaTopic = conf.kafkaTopics
- logger.info(s"Kafka Props for Producer -> ${kafkaProps.asScala.mkString("\n")}")
- logger.info("Begin Publishing to Kafka....")
- try {
- data.foreachPartition { eachPartition =>
- val producer: KafkaProducer[Nothing, T] = new KafkaProducer(kafkaProps)
- val resp = eachPartition.map { messageString =>
- val rec = new ProducerRecord(kafkaTopic, messageString)
- producer.send(rec)
- }
- resp.length
- producer.close()
- }
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- val msg =
- s"""
- |kafkaTopic -> ${kafkaTopic}
- |kafkaParams --> ${kafkaProps.asScala.mkString("\n")}}
- """.stripMargin
- throw new KafkaUtilitiesException(s"Failed While Pushing Data Into Kafka \n ${msg}")
- }
- }
- logger.info("Publish to Kafka - Completed !")
- }
- /**
- * InTakes a DataFrame
- * Convert to Avro Record
- * Serialize the record into Bytes
- * Publish to Kafka
- *
- * @param conf KafkaClientConfiguration
- * @param dataFrame DataFrame
- */
- def produceToKafka(conf: KafkaClientConfiguration, dataFrame: DataFrame): Unit = {
- def MethodName: String = new Exception().getStackTrace().apply(1).getMethodName()
- logger.info(" @Begin --> " + MethodName)
- logger.info(s"kafka.message.value.type --> ${conf.kafkaMessageValueType} \nValue Serializer --> ${conf.kafkaValueSerializer}")
- (conf.kafkaMessageValueType, conf.kafkaValueSerializer) match {
- case (Some("binary"), "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer") =>
- val rdd = dataFrame.rdd.map { x => x.getAs[Array[Byte]](0) }
- produceToKafka(conf, rdd)
- case (Some("string"), "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer") =>
- val rdd = dataFrame.rdd.map { x => x.getAs[String](0) }
- produceToKafka(conf, rdd)
- case (Some("json"), "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer") =>
- val rdd = dataFrame.toJSON.rdd
- produceToKafka(conf, rdd)
- case (_, "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer") => {
- val kafkaProps: Properties = conf.kafkaProducerProps
- val avroSchemaString = conf.avroSchemaString
- val kafkaTopic = conf.kafkaTopics
- logger.debug(s"Kafka Props for Producer -> ${kafkaProps.asScala.mkString("\n")}")
- logger.debug(s"avro Schema --> ${avroSchemaString}")
- logger.debug(s"dataframe Schema --> ${dataFrame.schema}")
- try {
- if (!isDFFieldsEqualAvroFields(dataFrame, avroSchemaString)) {
- throw new KafkaUtilitiesException(s"Incompatible DataFrame Schema Vs Provided Avro Schema.")
- }
- val genericRecordRDD = dataFrametoGenericRecord(dataFrame, avroSchemaString)
- val serializedRDD: RDD[Array[Byte]] = genericRecordRDD.map(genericRecord => genericRecordToBytes(genericRecord, avroSchemaString))
- logger.info("Begin Publishing to Kafka....")
- serializedRDD.foreachPartition {
- eachPartition =>
- val producer: KafkaProducer[Nothing, Array[Byte]] = new KafkaProducer(kafkaProps)
- val resp = eachPartition.map {
- arrayByte =>
- val rec = new ProducerRecord(kafkaTopic, arrayByte)
- producer.send(rec)
- }
- resp.length
- producer.close()
- }
- }
- catch {
- case ex: Throwable => {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- val msg =
- s"""
- |kafkaTopic -> ${kafkaTopic}
- |kafkaParams --> ${kafkaProps.asScala.mkString("\n")}}
- |avroSchemaString --> ${avroSchemaString}
- """.stripMargin
- throw new KafkaUtilitiesException(s"Failed While Pushing Data Into Kafka \n ${msg}")
- }
- }
- logger.info("Publish to Kafka - Completed !")
- }
- case _ => throw new Exception(s"UnSupported Serialization --> ${conf.kafkaValueSerializer}")
- }
- }
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/test/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/KafkaConvertersTests.scala b/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/test/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/KafkaConvertersTests.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f3b698fb..00000000
--- a/gimel-dataapi/gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10/src/test/scala/com/paypal/gimel/kafka/utilities/KafkaConvertersTests.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018 PayPal Inc.
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.OffsetRange
-import org.scalatest._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.ImplicitKafkaConverters._
-import com.paypal.gimel.kafka.utilities.KafkaUtilities._
-class KafkaConvertersTests extends FunSpec with Matchers {
- it("should convert array of offset ranges to a single parsable string") {
- val sampleRange: Array[OffsetRange] = Array(
- OffsetRange("test", 0, 1, 100),
- OffsetRange("test", 1, 1, 100))
- val stringified = sampleRange.toStringOfKafkaOffsetRanges
- stringified shouldBe "test,0,1,100|test,1,1,100"
- }
- it("should converr offset Range to a single parsable checkPoint String") {
- val sampleRange = OffsetRange("test", 0, 1, 100)
- val stringiFied = sampleRange.toStringOfKafkaOffsetRange
- stringiFied shouldBe "test,0,1,100"
- }
- it("should convert a single parsable CheckPoint string to a valid offset Range") {
- val sampleString = "test,0,1,100"
- val offsetRange = CheckPointString(sampleString).toKafkaOffsetRange
- offsetRange shouldBe OffsetRange("test", 0, 1, 100)
- }
- it("should convert composite `CheckPoint (Array[String])` to a valid Array(Offset Range)") {
- val expectedOffsetRanges = Array(OffsetRange("test", 0, 1, 100), OffsetRange("test", 1, 1, 101))
- val sampleString: Array[String] = "test,0,1,100|test,1,1,101".split('|')
- val offsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange] = sampleString.map(CheckPointString).toKafkaOffsetRanges
- offsetRanges shouldEqual expectedOffsetRanges
- }
- it("should convert a json string of custom partition information to an array of offset ranges") {
- val sampleRange: Array[OffsetRange] = Array(
- OffsetRange("test", 0, 1, 100),
- OffsetRange("test", 1, 1, 100))
- val defaultRange: Array[OffsetRange] = Array(
- OffsetRange("test", 0, 1, 100),
- OffsetRange("test", 2, 1, 100))
- val sampleJson: String =
- """[{"topic":"test","offsetRange":[{"partition":0,"from":1,"to":100},{"partition":1,"from":1,"to":100}]}]"""
- /*
- Happy case for Batch
- The value returned should be a valid conversion of the sampleJson to an Array[OffsetRange]
- */
- val finalOffsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange] = getCustomOffsetRangeForReader("test".split(","), sampleJson, "BATCH")
- finalOffsetRanges shouldEqual(sampleRange)
- val sampleRangeForStream: Array[OffsetRange] = Array(
- OffsetRange("test", 0, 1, 100),
- OffsetRange("test", 1, 1, -1))
- /*
- To offset missing case for Stream
- The value returned should be a valid conversion of the sampleJson to an Array[OffsetRange] with To offset as -1
- */
- val sampleJsonForStream: String =
- """[{"topic":"test","offsetRange":[{"partition":0,"from":1,"to":100},{"partition":1,"from":1}]}]"""
- val finalOffsetRangesForStreamWithoutTo: Array[OffsetRange] = getCustomOffsetRangeForReader("test".split(","), sampleJsonForStream, "STREAM")
- finalOffsetRangesForStreamWithoutTo shouldEqual(sampleRangeForStream)
- }
diff --git a/gimel-dataapi/pom.xml b/gimel-dataapi/pom.xml
index c80bac24..7592858d 100644
--- a/gimel-dataapi/pom.xml
+++ b/gimel-dataapi/pom.xml
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ under the License.
- gimel-connectors/gimel-kafka-0.10