A database that keeps track of all your brews, recipes, costs, and includes some other handy tools for the home wine brewer.
##Latest Version v1.3.2 - https://github.com/pbellchambers/winebrewdb/releases/
Changelog - https://github.com/pbellchambers/winebrewdb/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
##System Requirements Java 8 update 40+
##Instructions for Running
Unzip and run the jar or exe file to launch the application.
You require Java 8 update 40 (or newer) to run this. (http://java.com/download)
##Instructions for Building
The project is built using gradle (tested with v2.3):
gradle build
##License Licensed under the Apache v2.0 License
Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Paul Bellchambers