If you are using TypeScript you are covered! Our codebase is using TypeScript. The type definitions are bundled with this package, so it should works out-of-the-box!
type Id = string;
type DraggableId = Id;
type DroppableId = Id;
type TypeId = Id;
type ContextId = Id;
type ElementId = Id;
interface Responders {
// optional
onBeforeCapture?: OnBeforeCaptureResponder;
onBeforeDragStart?: OnBeforeDragStartResponder;
onDragStart?: OnDragStartResponder;
onDragUpdate?: OnDragUpdateResponder;
// required
onDragEnd: OnDragEndResponder;
type OnBeforeCaptureResponder = (before: BeforeCapture) => unknown;
type OnBeforeDragStartResponder = (start: DragStart) => unknown;
type OnDragStartResponder = (start: DragStart, provided: ResponderProvided) => unknown;
type OnDragUpdateResponder = (update: DragUpdate, provided: ResponderProvided) => unknown;
type OnDragEndResponder = (result: DropResult, provided: ResponderProvided) => unknown;
interface DraggableRubric {
draggableId: DraggableId;
type: TypeId;
source: DraggableLocation;
interface DragStart extends DraggableRubric {
mode: MovementMode;
interface DragUpdate extends DragStart {
// populated if in a reorder position
destination: DraggableLocation | null;
// populated if combining with another draggable
combine: Combine | null;
// details about the draggable that is being combined with
interface Combine {
draggableId: DraggableId;
droppableId: DroppableId;
interface DropResult extends DragUpdate {
reason: DropReason;
type DropReason = 'DROP' | 'CANCEL';
interface DraggableLocation {
droppableId: DroppableId;
// the position of the droppable within a droppable
index: number;
// There are two modes that a drag can be in
// FLUID: everything is done in response to highly granular input (eg mouse)
// SNAP: items snap between positions (eg keyboard);
type MovementMode = 'FLUID' | 'SNAP';
type Sensor = (api: SensorAPI) => void;
interface SensorAPI {
tryGetLock: TryGetLock;
canGetLock: (id: DraggableId) => boolean;
isLockClaimed: () => boolean;
tryReleaseLock: () => void;
findClosestDraggableId: (event: Event) => DraggableId | null;
findOptionsForDraggable: (id: DraggableId) => DraggableOptions | null;
type TryGetLock = (
draggableId: DraggableId,
forceStop?: () => void,
options?: TryGetLockOptions
) => PreDragActions | null;
interface TryGetLockOptions {
sourceEvent?: Event;
interface DroppableProvided {
innerRef: (a?: HTMLElement | null) => void;
placeholder: ReactNode | null;
droppableProps: DroppableProps;
interface DroppableProps {
// used for shared global styles
'data-rfd-droppable-context-id': ContextId;
// Used to lookup. Currently not used for drag and drop lifecycle
'data-rfd-droppable-id': DroppableId;
interface DroppableStateSnapshot {
isDraggingOver: boolean;
draggingOverWith: DraggableId | null;
draggingFromThisWith: DraggableId | null;
isUsingPlaceholder: boolean;
interface DraggableProvided {
draggableProps: DraggableProps;
dragHandleProps: DragHandleProps | null;
innerRef: (a?: HTMLElement | null) => void;
interface DraggableStateSnapshot {
isDragging: boolean;
isDropAnimating: boolean;
isClone: boolean;
dropAnimation: DropAnimation | null;
draggingOver: DroppableId | null;
combineWith: DraggableId | null;
combineTargetFor: DraggableId | null;
mode: MovementMode | null;
interface DraggableProps {
style?: DraggableStyle;
'data-rfd-draggable-context-id': ContextId;
'data-rfd-draggable-id': DraggableId;
onTransitionEnd?: TransitionEventHandler;
type DraggableChildrenFn = (
) => ReactNode | null;
type DraggableStyle = DraggingStyle | NotDraggingStyle;
interface DraggingStyle {
position: 'fixed';
top: number;
left: number;
boxSizing: 'border-box';
width: number;
height: number;
transition: string;
transform?: string;
zIndex: number;
opacity?: number;
pointerEvents: 'none';
interface NotDraggingStyle {
transform?: string;
transition?: 'none';
interface DragHandleProps {
'data-rfd-drag-handle-draggable-id': DraggableId;
'data-rfd-drag-handle-context-id': ContextId;
role: string;
'aria-describedby': ElementId;
tabIndex: number;
draggable: boolean;
onDragStart: DragEventHandler;
interface DropAnimation {
duration: number;
curve: string;
moveTo: Position;
opacity: number | null;
scale: number | null;
The types are exported as part of the module so using them is as simple as:
import type { DroppableProvided } from '@hello-pangea/dnd';