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Releases: phaserjs/phaser

Mos Shirare

29 Apr 14:43
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Version 2.0.4 - "Mos Shirare" - 29th April 2014


  • Updated to Pixi.js 1.5.3
  • Updated to latest p2.js - all commits from 0.5.0 to Apr 27th 2014.
  • TypeScript definitions fixes and updates (thanks @clark-stevenson @metrofun @killalau)
  • Timer has removed all use of local temporary vars in the core update loop.
  • The Input.reset hard reset parameter is now passed down to the Keyboard and Key reset methods.
  • AnimationManager.destroy now iterates through child animations calling destroy on all of them, avoiding a memory leak (thanks stauzs)
  • will now call Animation.stop on the current animation before switching to the new one (thanks @nihakue, #713)
  • ArcadePhysics.Body.phase is checked in postUpdate to prevent it from being called multiple times in a single frame.
  • Group.setProperty will now check if the property exists before setting it, this applies to Group.setAll and anything else using setProperty internally.
  • QuadTree.retrieve now checks to see if the given Sprite has a body before carrying on.
  • ArcadePhysics.collideSpriteVsGroup checks if Sprite has a body before carrying on, now safely skips sub-groups or other non-Sprite group children.
  • Group.remove now checks the child to see if it's a member of the root Group before removing it, otherwise Pixi throws an Error.
  • The Emitter no longer checks if minParticleScale = maxParticleScale for the scale check, allowing for fixed scale particles again.
  • The PIXI.AbstractFilter is now included in the Phaser Pixi build by default, allowing for easier use of external Pixi Filters.
  • All Game Objects have a new property: destroyPhase (boolean) which is true if the object is in the process of being destroyed, otherwise false.
  • If Tween.yoyo was true but repeat was 0 then it wouldn't yoyo. Now if yoyo is set, but not repeat, the repeat count gets set to 1 (thanks @hilts-vaughan, fix #744)
  • RandomDataGenerator.integerInRange uses a new method of rounding the value to an integer to avoid distribution probability issues (thanks PhaserFan)
  • Updated the Device little / big endianess check.
  • Time has been updated so that physicsElapsed can never be zero (falls back to 1/60), also fixes p2 elapsed time bug (thanks @georgiee, fix #758)
  • Input and Pointer now use the new ArrayList instead of a LinkedList, which resolve list item removable during callback issues.
  • Input.reset no longer resets every interactive item it knows of, because they are removed during the destroy phase and can now persist between States if needed.
  • Blank Tilemaps no longer create null tiles, but instead create Tile objects with an index of -1 which can be replaced and updated like any other tile.
  • Tilemap.addTilesetImage will now raise a console.warn if you specify an invalid tileset key and not create the tileset rather than pick the default set.
  • Math.smoothstep and Math.smootherstep have been updated to work regardless if a is > or < b (thanks @gre, fix #772)
  • Text.updateText now sets the lineCap to round to avoid occassional font glitching issues in Chrome.
  • Loader now uses XDomainRequest in IE9 to load JSON data to help with CORS issues.

New Features

  • New Phaser Project Template specifically for requireJS in the resources/Project Templates folder (many thanks @ashatch)
  • Loader now has an onFileStart event you can listen for (thanks @codevinsky, #705)
  • Group.classType allows you to change the type of object that Group.create or createMultiple makes from Phaser.Sprite to your own custom class.
  • Timer.clearPendingEvents will purge any events marked for deletion, this is run automatically at the start of the update loop.
  • Device.crosswalk detects if your game is running under Intels Crosswalk XDK.
  • Keyboard.reset has a new hard parameter which controls the severity of the reset. A soft reset doesn't remove any callbacks or event listeners.
  • Key.reset has a new hard parameter which controls the severity of the reset. A soft reset doesn't remove any callbacks or event listeners.
  • InputManager.resetLocked - If the Input Manager has been reset locked then all calls made to InputManager.reset, such as from a State change, are ignored.
  • Group.resetCursor will reset the Group cursor back to the start of the group, or to the given index value.
  • World.wrap will take a game object and if its x/y coordinates fall outside of the world bounds it will be repositioned on the opposite side, for a wrap-around effect.
  • Device.support32bit is a new boolean that sets if the context supports 32bit pixel manipulation using array buffer views or not.
  • P2.World now has its own pause and resume methods, so you can pause the physics simulation independent of your game (thanks @georgiee)
  • Phaser.ArrayList is a new iterative object, similar in principal to a set data structure, but operating on a single array without modifying the object structure.
  • Add scaleMode params to FilterTexture and RenderTexture (pixi.js update by @giraluna)
  • Your State can now have a pauseUpdate method, which is called constantly when the game is paused.
  • Timer.timeCap is a new setting allowing your Timers to protect against unexpectedly large delta timers (such as raf de-vis or CPU grind).
  • Camera.unfollow allows you to easily unfollow a tracked object (thanks @alvinsight, #755)
  • Animation.setFrame allows you to set the animation to a specific frame (thanks @adamholdenyall, #706)
  • - get the dot product of two Point objects.
  • Point.cross - get the cross product of two Point objects.
  • Point.cross - get the cross product of two Point objects.
  • Point.perp - make the Point perpendicular (90 degrees rotation)
  • Point.rperp - make the Point perpendicular (-90 degrees rotation)
  • Point.normalRightHand - Right-hand normalize (make unit length) a Point.
  • Point.angle - Returns the angle between this Point object and another object with public x and y properties.
  • Point.angleSq - Returns the angle squared between this Point object and another object with public x and y properties.
  • Point.getMagnitudeSq - Calculates the length squared of the Point object.
  • Point.project - Project two Points onto another Point.
  • Point.projectUnit - Project two Points onto a Point of unit length.
  • Point.multiplyAdd - Adds two 2D Points together and multiplies the result by the given scalar.
  • Point.negative - Creates a negative Point.
  • Point.interpolate - Interpolates the two given Points, based on the f value (between 0 and 1) and returns a new Point.
  • Color.packPixel packs an rgb component into a single integer.
  • Color.unpackPixel unpacks an integer into a color object.
  • Color.fromRGBA converts an integer in 0xRRGGBBAA format to a color object.
  • Color.toRGBA converts rgba components into a 32-bit integer.
  • Color.RGBtoHSL converts an rgb color into hsl (hue, saturation, lightness)
  • Color.HSLtoRGB converts hsl values into an rgb color object.
  • Color.RGBtoHSV converts an rgb color into hsv (hue, saturation, value)
  • Color.HSVtoRGB converts an hsv value into an rgb color object.
  • Color.createColor - creates the new light-weight color object used by most Color conversion methods.
  • Color.updateColor - updates an existing color object to update the rgba property.
  • Color.RGBtoString converts an rgba color into a # or 0x color string.
  • Color.HSVColorWheel will return an array with 360 color objects for each segment of an HSV color wheel, you can optionally set the saturation and value amounts.
  • Color.HSLColorWheel will return an array with 360 color objects for each segment of an HSL color wheel, you can optionally set the saturation and lightness amounts.
  • BitmapData.cls clears the current context.
  • BitmapData.fill fills the context with the given color.
  • BitmapData.processPixelRGB lets you perform a custom callback on every pixel in the BitmapData by passing the pixels color object to your callback.
  • BitmapData.processPixel lets you perform a custom callback on every pixel in the BitmapData by passing the pixels color value to your callback.
  • BitmapData.replaceRGB will scan the bitmap for a specific color and replace it with the new given one.
  • BitmapData.setHSL sets the hue, saturation and lightness values on every pixel in the given region, or the whole BitmapData if no region was specified.
  • BitmapData.shiftHSL shifts the hue, saturation and lightness values on every pixel in the given region, or the whole BitmapData if no region was specified.
  • BitmapData.extract scans this BitmapData for all pixels matching the given r,g,b values and then draws them into the given destination BitmapData.
  • draws a filled Circle to the BitmapData at the given x, y coordinates and radius in size.

Bug Fixes

  • The main Timer loop could incorrectly remove a TimerEvent if a new one was added specifically during an event callback (thanks @garyyeap, fix #710)
  • Fixed the use of the destroy parameter in Group.removeAll and related functions (thanks @AnderbergE, fix #717)
  • P2.World.convertTilemap now correctly checks the collides parameter of the tiles as it converts them.
  • Animation.destroy didn't correctly clear the onStart, onLoop and onComplete signals.
  • StateManager.restart incorrectly skipped the first additional parameter after clearCache (thanks @mariusbrn, fix #722)
  • Line.angle and Math.angleBetween used Math.atan2 arguments in the wrong order (thanks @jotson, fix #724)
  • Group.destroy checks parent before removing (thanks @clark-stevenson, fix #733)
  • Fixed typo in P2.World.setMaterial (thanks @OpherV, fix #739)
  • InputHandler._setHandCursor private var wasn't properly set, meaning the hand cursor could sometimes remain (during destroy sequence for example)
  • Destroying an object with an input handler during its onDown event would throw Signals dispatch errors (thanks @jflowers45, fix #746)
  • Circle.distance used an incorrect M...
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11 Apr 12:34
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  • Updated to Pixi.js 1.5.2
  • Updated to p2.js 0.5.0
  • Return the result of P2.Body.setCircle for further chaining and manipulation (fix #659)
  • Updated the PhysicsEditor plugin to maintain position, radius, mask bits, category bits and sensor flags (thanks @georgiee, #674)
  • Further TypeScript defs tweaks (thanks @clark-stevenson)
  • Lowered the default size of SpriteBatch from 10000 to 2000 as this yields faster results on mobile (pixi.js update)
  • Fix for 'jagged' strokes on custom fonts (thanks @nickryall, #677)
  • The State.update function (and thus the update of any sub-classed Sprites or other objects) is now called before Stage, Tweens, Sound, Input, etc (#662)
  • The Phaser jshint process is now running on Travis (thanks @xtian, #656)
  • The Phaser Gruntfile is now split up into option tasks (thanks @xtian, #638)
  • Key.reset now clears any callbacks associated with the onDown and onUp events and nulls the onHoldCallback if set. Key.reset is called by Keyboard.reset when changing state.
  • If you pass null to Tilemap.putTile as the tile parameter it will pass the call over to Tilemap.removeTile.
  • TypeScript definitions updated for latest changes (thanks @clark-stevenson)
  • Keyboard.stop nulls the function references after removing the event listeners (thanks @bmceldowney, #691)
  • Tilemap.hasTile allows for multi-layer type parameter (thanks @Raeven0, #680)
  • Grunt update to dev dependencies (thanks @xtian, #695)
  • Emitter now emits Phaser.Particle objects instead of Phaser.Sprites, which can be extended as required.
  • Emitter has had various local properties removed that were already declared in Phaser.Group which it extends.
  • PluginManager parent parameter removed as it's redundant. Also most core functions tidied up and jsdocs fixed.
  • p2.World.defaultRestitution has been deprecated and is now p2.World.restitution.
  • p2.World.defaultFriction has been deprecated and is now p2.World.friction.
  • p2.World now uses 4 bodies for the world boundaries, rather than 1 body with 4 shapes. This stops the bounds triggering narrowphase with every single body in the world.
  • p2.World bounds are now included in the callback events such as beginContact and impact events.
  • Thanks to @stuff the Classes drop-down list in the API docs now indents the sub-classes.

New Features

  • Added ability to retrieve a single p2 fixture from the cache (thanks @georgiee, #674)
  • Timers can now have a start delay value (thanks @georgiee, #660)
  • CacheAsBitmap added to Display Object, so works for Sprite, Image, Button. Allows you to cache complex display hierarchies for speed.
  • CacheAsBitmap added to Graphics Object. Allows you to cache complex graphics structures hierarchies for speed.
  • Added generateTexture function to display objects. Create a texture from the current object display hierarchy for use as a texture elsewhere.
  • Added optional FilterArea to display object (for optimisation)
  • Graphics chaining functions.
  • Added Pointer.positionUp which records the last point at which the pointer left the screen (thanks @Cryszon, #676)
  • Phaser.Point.centroid static function added to calculate the centroid or midpoint of an array of points (thanks @lewster32, #675)
  • SoundManager.remove(sound) now lets you remove a sound from the SoundManager, destroying it in the process.
  • Sound.destroy will remove a sound and all local references it holds, optionally removing itself from the SoundManager as well.
  • SoundManager.removeByKey(key) will remove all sounds from the SoundManager that have a key matching the given value.
  • ArcadePhysics.Body.hitTest(x, y) will return a boolean based on if the given world coordinate are within the Body or not.
  • StateManager.restart allows you to quickly restart the current state, optionally clearing the world and cache.
  • Tilemap.removeTile(x, y, layer) lets you remove the tile at the given coordinates and updates the collision data.
  • Tilemap.removeTileWorldXY lets you remove the tile at the given pixel value coordinates and updates the collision data.
  • Key.enabled boolean allows you to toggle if a Key processes its update method or dispatches any events without deleting and re-creating it.
  • Emitter now has minParticleAlpha and maxParticleAlpha values for setting a random alpha on emitted particles.
  • Emitter.particleAnchor allows you to control the anchor of emitted Particles. Defaults to 0.5 (same as before) but now under your control.
  • Emitter.setAlpha allows you to quickly set the min and max alpha values.
  • Emitter.setScale allows you to quickly set the min and max scale values.
  • Emitter.blendMode lets you set the blendMode of any emitted Particle (needs a browser that supports canvas blend modes)
  • Group.customSort allows you to sort the Group children based on your own sort function.
  • Emitter.setScale has a new 'rate' parameter which allows particles to change in scale over time, using any Easing value or timescale.
  • Emitter.setScale now allows you to scale the x and y axis of the particles independently.
  • Emitter.setAlpha has a new 'rate' parameter which allows particles to change alpha over time, using any Easing value or timescale.
  • Emitter.bringToTop and Emitter.sendToBack are booleans that let you optionally set the display order of the Particle when emitted.
  • Emitter now calls the Phaser.Particle.onEmit function, which is left empty for you to override and add in custom behaviours.
  • p2.World has a new contactMaterial property, which can be configured like a normal P2 Contact Material and is applied when two bodies hit that don't have defined materials.
  • Group.remove has a new 'destroy' parameter (false by default), which will optionally call destroy on the item removed from the Group.
  • Group.removeAll has a new 'destroy' parameter (false by default), which will optionally call destroy on the items removed from the Group.
  • Group.removeBetween has a new 'destroy' parameter (false by default), which will optionally call destroy on the items removed from the Group.
  • @georgiee created a new P2.FixtureList class to allow easy access the fixtures of a created P2 Body:

This is especially useful in combination with PhysicsEditor and P2.Body#addPhaserPolygon.

You can configure your whole collision grouping in PhysicsEditor and then you can later change the mask bits easily with this class. You can also access parts (groups) and named fixtures by a group index or a fixture key - both properties can be set in PhysicsEditor with the custom phaser exporter.

Use cases:

  • Configure collision bits in PhysicsEditor and you want to change them later.
  • Place a sensor in your fixture and access this single fixture later (to disable temporarily)
  • Create a small body with threes fixtures (circle, circle + polygon/convex). Now you want that the polygon part to behave like rubber and assign a bouncing (restitution > 1) material. Assign a fixture key in PhysicsEditor and access the fixture like this. (see the image for the fixture I described)

Bug Fixes

  • If you inputEnable = false a gameobject you couldn't re-enable it again using inputEnable = true, only directly via the handler (thanks @nickrall, fix #673)
  • Fixed setTexture bug with TilingSprite (pixi.js 1.5.2 bug fix)
  • Fixed anchor point bug in canvas with TilingSprite (pixi.js 1.5.2 bug fix)
  • Fixed positionOffset not begin correct in TilingSprite (pixi.js 1.5.2 bug fix)
  • Fixed issue where filters were not being applied to TilingSprite (pixi.js 1.5.2 bug fix)
  • Fixed SpriteBatch canvas transform bug (pixi.js 1.5.2 bug fix)
  • Fixed Cached textures issue when using base64 encoded images (@cacheflowe) (pixi.js 1.5.2 bug fix)
  • Fixed issue where visibility was not being respected in sprite batch (pixi.js 1.5.2 bug fix)
  • Fixed bug in gl.bindTexture which tried to use an undefined private var. (@photonstorm) (pixi.js 1.5.2 bug fix)
  • Fixed the 'short cut' version of Math.floor in setTransform if roundPixels is true. (@photonstorm) (pixi.js 1.5.2 bug fix)
  • SoundManager.boot will check to see if the AudioContext was created before carrying on (thanks @keyle, fix #669)
  • Fixed bug where move up and move down method in groups did not work (thanks @jonthulu, fix #684)
  • Fixed bug in when cursor is at the last child (thanks @jonthulu, fix #688)
  • Emitter.minParticleScale and maxParticleScale wasn't resetting the Body size correctly.
  • Group.removeBetween now properly iterates through the children.
  • P2.World had a type in the restitution method title. Now fixed.
  • Objects with an InputHandler now deactivate it when the object is removed from a Group but not destroyed (fix #672)
  • Fixed the vectors used in the BlurX and BlurY filters (thanks @nickryall, fix #668)

p2.js v0.5.0

  • Added property .enableIslandSleeping to World.
  • Added property .useFrictionGravityOnZeroGravity to World.
  • Renamed .useWorldGravityForFrictionApproximation in World to .useWorldGravityAsFrictionGravity to keep things more uniform.
  • Sleep improvements.
  • Added property .frictionIterations to GSSolver, and removed .skipFrictionIterations.
  • Upgraded to gl-matrix 2.1.0.
  • Removed QuadTree.
  • Removed mat2.
  • Added Utils.extend.
  • Added methods .setStiffness and .setRelaxation methods to Constraint.
  • Removed properties .stiffness, .relaxation and .useGlobalEquationParameters from GSSolver.
  • Added methods .setGlobalStiffness, .setGlobalRelaxation, .setGlobalEquationParameters to World.
  • Renamed property .eps to .epsilon for Equation.
  • Removed property .useBoundingBoxes from NaiveBroadphase in favor of the new property .boundingVolumeType in Broadphase.
  • Added methods .getMaxForce and .setMaxForce to LockConstraint.
  • Changed property names .bi, .bj, .ni, .ri, .rj to .bodyA, .bodyB, .normalA, .contactPointA, .contactPointB in Equation, ContactEquation and FrictionEquation classes.
  • Removed IslandSolver in favor of ...
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28 Mar 01:56
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Bug Fixes

  • Sprite would glitch if it had an ArcadePhysics Body that was re-positioned out of loop.
  • Sprite would "fly off" if it had an ArcadePhysics Body that was re-positioned during an input handler.
  • Tween.generateData would enter an eternal loop if the total resulted in a float. Now wrapped in Math.floor.
  • ArcadePhysics.Body preUpdate has been modified to stop Sprites with non-1 scaling from gaining delta and moving off the screen (fix #644).
  • ArcadePhysics.Body deltaMaxY wasn't being correctly applied.
  • P2.World - Removing tilemap layer retrieval for object layers in convertCollisionObjects() (thanks bmceldowney, fix #653)
  • Calling Keyboard.stop() wouldn't let you call Keyboard.start() later on in the same game


  • The "Build your First Phaser Game" Tutorial has been updated for Phaser 2
  • Line.fromSprite now sets "fromCenter" to false by default as is deprecated in 2.x. Documentation and Examples updated to reflect this.
  • All the documentation has been re-published for 2.0.2.
  • Lots of ArcadePhysics.World methods have been marked as private where they shouldn't be called directly (separateX, etc)
  • xtian jshint fixed nearly every single file in the repository!

New Features

  • Sprite.overlap lets you quickly check to see if the bounds of two display objects are intersecting or not, without having to use a physics system.
  • Keyboard.destroy will now clear all event listeners and any custom set callbacks or Keys.


24 Mar 12:21
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The 2.0.1 release of Phaser is mostly a maintenance release. With 2.0 being such a significant upgrade there were bound to be some issues, and this release addresses them. One of the core things a lot of you kept telling us was that you need Arcade Physics to work pretty much exactly as it did in the past. So in 2.0.1 we've taken ArcadePhysics back another iteration, fixed a few of the most common complaints you had with it, and fixed every single physics example as well.

2.0.1 also brings the TypeScript definitions virtually bang up to date, covering P2 and Ninja physics, Arcade updates and more. Our thanks to Clarke for his continued support of these.

There are a few new features as well including a Phaser export script for PhysicsEditor (found in the resources folder), updates to the Particle Emitter and device enhancements. As always if you find a bug that you can confirm with a test case, please report it to us via github. If you think you may have found a bug, but aren't quite sure, please post it to the forum first.

"Aes Sedai"

14 Mar 06:47
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Phaser 2.0.0 is a major upgrade to the Phaser Game Framework. With significant improvements across the whole library it's our biggest and fastest release yet. Please see the README for full details, the Migration Guide for help porting a 1.x game across and our new Examples repository.


24 Feb 01:34
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New Examples:

  • Added lovely new little mini golf game by jpcloud.


  • Loader can now load JSON files natively (thanks lucas)
  • TilemapParser now errors if the tileset isn't the right size

Bug Fixes:

  • Updated Physics.Body.applyDamping so that velocity is reduced down to zero properly (thanks caezs)
  • ArcadePhysics.collideSpriteVsTilemapLayer wouldn't call the process or collide callbacks if only 1 tile was involved in the check (thanks mandarinx)
  • Lots of documentation fixes (thanks nhowell)
  • Fix for PixiPatch so it renders masks again (thanks georgios)
  • Modified ArcadePhysics.intersects so it returns a value as well as asigns (thanks bunnyhero)
  • Lots of TypeScript defs fixes (thanks clark)


12 Feb 15:40
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This 1.1.5 release is released to address issues in 1.1.4 that we didn't want you to have to wait too long for.

  • Explicitly paused Timer continues if you un-focus and focus the browser window (thanks georgiee)
  • Added TimerEvent.pendingDelete and checks in Timer.update, so that removing an event in a callback no longer throws an exception (thanks georgiee)
  • Fixed TypeScript defs on lines 1741-1748 (thanks wombatbuddy)
  • Added SAT.js to TypeScript definition. Now compiles properly.
  • Added missing Line.js to the Grunt file.
  • Tilemap#paste diffX and diffY equations changed, fixed issue #393 (thanks brejep)
  • Added missing return value in Body.hitLeft and hitRight, fixes issue #398 (thanks ram64).
  • Fixed easing tween example case. Issue #379 (thanks wesleywerner)
  • Removed SAT.js UMD wrapped, fixes issue #361 (thanks luizbills)
  • Removed inContact check from Body.separate.
  • Fixed Tilemap docs (wrongly pointed to Tileset methods)


07 Feb 04:55
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Merge branch 'origin/dev'



07 Feb 04:52
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Final version of the Getting Started guide.