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152 lines (149 loc) · 14.7 KB

BizError Field

code Message Description
19999 REQUEST_IS_DUPLICATED Details: Duplicated request ID
10001 OM_DUPLICATE_ORDERID Details: Duplicated order ID
10002 OM_ORDER_NOT_FOUND Details: Cannot find order ID
10003 OM_ORDER_PENDING_CANCEL Details: Cannot cancel while order is already in pending cancel status
10004 OM_ORDER_PENDING_REPLACE Details: Cannot cancel while order is already in pending cancel status
10005 OM_ORDER_PENDING Details: Cannot cancel while order is already in pending cancel status
11001 TE_NO_ENOUGH_AVAILABLE_BALANCE Details: Insufficient available balance
11002 TE_INVALID_RISK_LIMIT Details: Invalid risk limit value
11003 TE_NO_ENOUGH_BALANCE_FOR_NEW_RISK_LIMIT Details: Insufficient available balance
11004 TE_INVALID_LEVERAGE Details: invalid input or new leverage is over maximum allowed leverage
11005 TE_NO_ENOUGH_BALANCE_FOR_NEW_LEVERAGE Details: Insufficient available balance
11006 TE_CANNOT_CHANGE_POSITION_MARGIN_WITHOUT_POSITION Details: Position size is zero. Cannot change margin
11007 TE_CANNOT_CHANGE_POSITION_MARGIN_FOR_CROSS_MARGIN Details: Cannot change margin under CrossMargin
11008 TE_CANNOT_REMOVE_POSITION_MARGIN_MORE_THAN_ADDED Details: exceeds the maximum removable Margin
11009 TE_CANNOT_REMOVE_POSITION_MARGIN_DUE_TO_UNREALIZED_PNL Details: exceeds the maximum removable Margin
11011 TE_REDUCE_ONLY_ABORT Details: Cannot accept reduce only order
11012 TE_REPLACE_TO_INVALID_QTY Details: Order quantity Error
11013 TE_CONDITIONAL_NO_POSITION Details: Position size is zero. Cannot determine conditional order's quantity
11014 TE_CONDITIONAL_CLOSE_POSITION_WRONG_SIDE Details: Close position conditional order has the same side
11016 TE_ADL_NOT_TRADING_REQUESTED_ACCOUNT Details: Request is routed to the wrong trading engine
11017 TE_ADL_CANNOT_FIND_POSITION Details: Cannot find requested position on current account
11018 TE_NO_NEED_TO_SETTLE_FUNDING Details: The current account does not need to pay a funding fee
11019 TE_FUNDING_ALREADY_SETTLED Details: The current account already pays the funding fee
11020 TE_CANNOT_TRANSFER_OUT_DUE_TO_BONUS = 11020; Details: Withdraw to wallet needs to remove all remaining bonus. However if bonus is used by position or order cost, withdraw fails.
11021 TE_INVALID_BONOUS_AMOUNT = 11021; // Grpc command cannot be negative number Details: Invalid bonus amount
11022 TE_REJECT_DUE_TO_BANNED = 11022; Details: Account is banned
11023 TE_REJECT_DUE_TO_IN_PROCESS_OF_LIQ = 11023; Details: Account is in the process of liquidation
11024 TE_REJECT_DUE_TO_IN_PROCESS_OF_ADL = 11024; Details: Account is in the process of auto-deleverage
11025 TE_ROUTE_ERROR = 11025; Details: Request is routed to the wrong trading engine
11027 TE_SYMBOL_INVALID = 11027; Details: Invalid number ID or name
11028 TE_CURRENCY_INVALID = 11028; Details: Invalid currency ID or name
11029 TE_ACTION_INVALID = 11029; Details: Unrecognized request type
11030 TE_ACTION_BY_INVALID = 11030;
11031 TE_SO_NUM_EXCEEDS = 11031; Details: Number of total conditional orders exceeds the max limit
11032 TE_AO_NUM_EXCEEDS = 11032; Details: Number of total active orders exceeds the max limit
11033 TE_ORDER_ID_DUPLICATE = 11033; Details:Duplicated order ID
11034 TE_SIDE_INVALID = 11034; Details:Invalid side
11035 TE_ORD_TYPE_INVALID = 11035; Details:Invalid OrderType
11036 TE_TIME_IN_FORCE_INVALID = 11036; Details:Invalid TimeInForce
11037 TE_EXEC_INST_INVALID = 11037; Details:Invalid ExecType
11038 TE_TRIGGER_INVALID = 11038; Details:Invalid trigger type
11039 TE_STOP_DIRECTION_INVALID = 11039; Details:Invalid stop direction type
11040 TE_NO_MARK_PRICE = 11040; Details: Cannot get valid mark price to create conditional order
11041 TE_NO_INDEX_PRICE = 11041; Details: Cannot get valid index price to create conditional order
11042 TE_NO_LAST_PRICE = 11042; Details: Cannot get valid last market price to create conditional order
11043 TE_RISING_TRIGGER_DIRECTLY = 11043; Details: Conditional order would be triggered immediately
11044 TE_FALLING_TRIGGER_DIRECTLY = 11044; Details: Conditional order would be triggered immediately
11045 TE_TRIGGER_PRICE_TOO_LARGE = 11045; Details: Conditional order trigger price is too high
11046 TE_TRIGGER_PRICE_TOO_SMALL = 11046; Details: Conditional order trigger price is too low
11047 TE_BUY_TP_SHOULD_GT_BASE = 11047; Details: TakeProfit BUY conditional order trigger price needs to be greater than reference price
11048 TE_BUY_SL_SHOULD_LT_BASE = 11048; Details: StopLoss BUY condition order price needs to be less than the reference price
11049 TE_BUY_SL_SHOULD_GT_LIQ = 11049; Details: StopLoss BUY condition order price needs to be greater than liquidation price or it will not trigger
11050 TE_SELL_TP_SHOULD_LT_BASE = 11050; Details: TakeProfit SELL conditional order trigger price needs to be less than reference price
11051 TE_SELL_SL_SHOULD_LT_LIQ = 11051; Details: StopLoss SELL condition order price needs to be less than liquidation price or it will not trigger
11052 TE_SELL_SL_SHOULD_GT_BASE = 11052; Details: StopLoss SELL condition order price needs to be greater than the reference price
11053 TE_PRICE_TOO_LARGE = 11053; Details: Order price is too large
11054 TE_PRICE_WORSE_THAN_BANKRUPT = 11054; Details: Order price cannot be more aggressive than bankrupt price if this order has instruction to close a position
11055 TE_PRICE_TOO_SMALL = 11055; Details: Order price is too low
11056 TE_QTY_TOO_LARGE = 11056; Details: Order quantity is too large
11057 TE_QTY_NOT_MATCH_REDUCE_ONLY = 11057; Details: Does not allow ReduceOnly order without position
11058 TE_QTY_TOO_SMALL = 11058; Details: Order quantity is too small
11059 TE_TP_SL_QTY_NOT_MATCH_POS = 11059; Details: Position size is zero. Cannot accept any TakeProfit or StopLoss order
11060 TE_SIDE_NOT_CLOSE_POS = 11060; Details: TakeProfit or StopLoss order has wrong side. Cannot close position
11061 TE_ORD_ALREADY_PENDING_CANCEL = 11061; Details: Repeated cancel request
11062 TE_ORD_ALREADY_CANCELED = 11062; Details: Order is already canceled
11063 TE_ORD_STATUS_CANNOT_CANCEL = 11063; Details: Order is not able to be canceled under current status
11064 TE_ORD_ALREADY_PENDING_REPLACE = 11064; Details: Replace request is rejected because order is already in pending replace status
11065 TE_ORD_REPLACE_NOT_MODIFIED = 11065; Details: Replace request does not modify any parameters of the order
11066 TE_ORD_STATUS_CANNOT_REPLACE = 11066; Details: Order is not able to be replaced under current status
11067 TE_CANNOT_REPLACE_PRICE = 11067; Details: Market conditional order cannot change price
11068 TE_CANNOT_REPLACE_QTY = 11068; Details: Condtional order for closing position cannot change order quantity, since the order quantity is determined by position size already
11069 TE_ACCOUNT_NOT_IN_RANGE = 11069; Details: The account ID in the request is not valid or is not in the range of the current process
11070 TE_SYMBOL_NOT_IN_RANGE = 11070; Details: The symbol is invalid
11072 TE_TKFR_NOT_IN_RANGE = 11072; Details: The fee value is not valid
11073 TE_MKFR_NOT_IN_RANGE = 11073; Details: The fee value is not valid
11074 TE_CANNOT_ATTACH_TP_SL = 11074; Details: Order request cannot contain TP/SL parameters when the account already has positions
11075 TE_TP_TOO_LARGE = 11075; Details: TakeProfit price is too large
11076 TE_TP_TOO_SMALL = 11076; Details: TakeProfit price is too small
11077 TE_TP_TRIGGER_INVALID = 11077; Details: Invalid trigger type
11078 TE_SL_TOO_LARGE = 11078; Details: StopLoss price is too large
11079 TE_SL_TOO_SMALL = 11079; Details: StopLoss price is too small
11080 TE_SL_TRIGGER_INVALID = 11080; Details: Invalid trigger type
11081 TE_RISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDS = 11081; Details: Total potential position breaches current risk limit
11082 TE_CANNOT_COVER_ESTIMATE_ORDER_LOSS = 11082; Details: The remaining balance cannot cover the potential unrealized PnL for this new order
11083 TE_TAKE_PROFIT_ORDER_DUPLICATED = 11083; Details: TakeProfit order already exists
11084 TE_STOP_LOSS_ORDER_DUPLICATED = 11084; Details: StopLoss order already exists
11085 TE_CL_ORD_ID_DUPLICATE Details: ClOrdId is duplicated
11086 TE_PEG_PRICE_TYPE_INVALID Details: PegPriceType is invalid
11087 TE_BUY_TS_SHOULD_LT_BASE Details: The trailing order's StopPrice should be less than the current last price
11088 TE_BUY_TS_SHOULD_GT_LIQ Details: The traling order's StopPrice should be greater than the current liquidation price
11089 TE_SELL_TS_SHOULD_LT_LIQ Details: The traling order's StopPrice should be greater than the current last price
11090 TE_SELL_TS_SHOULD_GT_BASE Details: The traling order's StopPrice should be less than the current liquidation price
11091 TE_BUY_REVERT_VALUE_SHOULD_LT_ZERO Details: The PegOffset should be less than zero
11092 TE_SELL_REVERT_VALUE_SHOULD_GT_ZERO Details: The PegOffset should be greater than zero
11093 TE_BUY_TTP_SHOULD_ACTIVATE_ABOVE_BASE Details: The activation price should be greater than the current last price
11094 TE_SELL_TTP_SHOULD_ACTIVATE_BELOW_BASE Details: The activation price should be less than the current last price
11095 TE_TRAILING_ORDER_DUPLICATED Details: A trailing order exists already
11096 TE_CLOSE_ORDER_CANNOT_ATTACH_TP_SL Details: An order to close position cannot have trailing instruction
11097 TE_CANNOT_FIND_WALLET_OF_THIS_CURRENCY Details: This crypto is not supported
11098 TE_WALLET_INVALID_ACTION Details: Invalid action on wallet
11099 TE_WALLET_VID_UNMATCHED Details: Wallet operation request has a wrong wallet vid
11100 TE_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Details: Wallet has insufficient balance
11101 TE_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_LOCKED_BALANCE Details: Locked balance in wallet is not enough for unlock/withdraw request
11102 TE_WALLET_INVALID_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT Details: Deposit amount must be greater than zero
11103 TE_WALLET_INVALID_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT Details: Withdraw amount must be less than zero
11104 TE_WALLET_REACHED_MAX_AMOUNT Details: Deposit makes wallet exceed max amount allowed
11105 TE_PLACE_ORDER_INSUFFICIENT_BASE_BALANCE Details: Insufficient funds in base wallet
11106 TE_PLACE_ORDER_INSUFFICIENT_QUOTE_BALANCE Details: Insufficient funds in quote wallet
11107 TE_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_REQUEST_SEQ Details: TradingEngine failed to connect with CrossEngine
11108 TE_CANNOT_REPLACE_OR_CANCEL_MARKET_ORDER Details: Cannot replace/amend market order
11109 TE_CANNOT_REPLACE_OR_CANCEL_IOC_ORDER Details: Cannot replace/amend ImmediateOrCancel order
11110 TE_CANNOT_REPLACE_OR_CANCEL_FOK_ORDER Details: Cannot replace/amend FillOrKill order
11111 TE_MISSING_ORDER_ID Details: OrderId is missing
11112 TE_QTY_TYPE_INVALID Details: QtyType is invalid
11113 TE_USER_ID_INVALID Details: UserId is invalid
11114 TE_ORDER_VALUE_TOO_LARGE Details: Order value is too large
11115 TE_ORDER_VALUE_TOO_SMALL Details: Order value is too small
11116 TE_BO_NUM_EXCEEDS Details: the total count of brakcet orders should equal or less than 5
11117 TE_BO_CANNOT_HAVE_BO_WITH_DIFF_SIDE Details: all bracket orders should have the same Side.
11118 TE_BO_TP_PRICE_INVALID Details: bracker order take profit price is invalid
11119 TE_BO_SL_PRICE_INVALID Details: bracker order stop loss price is invalid
11120 TE_BO_SL_TRIGGER_PRICE_INVALID Details: bracker order stop loss trigger price is invalid
11121 TE_BO_CANNOT_REPLACE Details: cannot replace bracket order.
11122 TE_BO_BOTP_STATUS_INVALID Details: bracket take profit order status is invalid
11123 TE_BO_CANNOT_PLACE_BOTP_OR_BOSL_ORDER Details: cannot place bracket take profit order
11124 TE_BO_CANNOT_REPLACE_BOTP_OR_BOSL_ORDER Details: cannot place bracket stop loss order
11125 TE_BO_CANNOT_CANCEL_BOTP_OR_BOSL_ORDER Details: cannot cancel bracket sl/tp order
11126 TE_BO_DONOT_SUPPORT_API Details: doesn't support bracket order via API
11128 TE_BO_INVALID_EXECINST Details: ExecInst value is invalid
11129 TE_BO_MUST_BE_SAME_SIDE_AS_POS Details: bracket order should have the same side as position's side
11130 TE_BO_WRONG_SL_TRIGGER_TYPE Details: bracket stop loss order trigger type is invalid
11131 TE_BO_WRONG_TP_TRIGGER_TYPE Details: bracket take profit order trigger type is invalid
11132 TE_BO_ABORT_BOSL_DUE_BOTP_CREATE_FAILED Details: cancel bracket stop loss order due failed to create take profit order.
11133 TE_BO_ABORT_BOSL_DUE_BOPO_CANCELED Details: cancel bracket stop loss order due main order canceled.
11134 TE_BO_ABORT_BOTP_DUE_BOPO_CANCELED Details: cancel bracket take profit order due main order canceled.

CxlRejReason Field

code Reason Description
100 CE_NO_ENOUGH_QTY Details: qty is not enough
101 CE_WILLCROSS Details: passive order rejected due to price may cross
116 CE_NO_ENOUGH_BASE_QTY Details: base-qty is not enough in spot-trading
117 CE_NO_ENOUGH_QUOTE_QTY Details: quote-qty is not enough in spot-trading