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File metadata and controls

80 lines (60 loc) · 3.05 KB


A little script to automated creating and updating flair on reddit subreddits.

Warning: This script blows away any existing flair - so be careful. Save existing flair images to the image directory you're going to use. This script (re)creates the flait based solely on the images and filenames it is given.


  • Pillow ('pip3 install Pillow')
  • PRAW ('pip3 install praw')
  • possibly other image manipulation libraries like libjpeg-dev. ('sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev')

Written in Python 3.

Usage: [-h] [-m MOD] [-p PASSWORD] [-i IMAGEDIR] [-s SUBREDDIT]
                    [-l {none,all,debug,info,warning,error,critical}]

(re)create the user flair of the given subreddit.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MOD, --mod MOD     Name of BGG mod with auth to update.
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password of mod account given.
  -i IMAGEDIR, --images IMAGEDIR
                        The directory that contains the flair images. Default
                        is "./images"
  -s SUBREDDIT, --subreddit SUBREDDIT
                        Subreddit to update. Default is "timotab".
  -l {none,all,debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --loglevel {none,all,debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        The level at which to log. Must be one of none, debug,
                        info, warning, error, or critical. Default is none.
                        (This is mostly used for debugging.)

This script assumes 16x16 images (GIF, PNG, JPG) in the images directory. The file names should be words separated by dashes. The file names will become the text in the flair selection box with the dashes replaced by spaces and the words capitalized. Ex: filename foo-bar-baz.png will become flair labled with "Foo Bar Baz". The username and password is given via PRAW, so hardcoded in ~/config/praw.config or given on stdin at runtime.

Example usage:

> ls ./images
18xx.gif  hanabi.png  foo-bar.gif
> ./ -m mod_uid -p my_password -s my_subreddit -i ./images -l info

This would make three flairs in the -s my_subreddit subreddit named "18xx", "Hanabi", "Foo Bar" with the matching images.

Add the code from the subreddit.css file to your subreddit's CSS (/r/subredditname/about/stylesheet) before running the script.

That code is pasted here for perusal:


.flair {
    background: url(%%user-flair%%) #F4F5FE no-repeat 2px 20px;
    padding: 2px 2px 2px 22px;
    height: 16px;
    line-height: 16px;

.flair-general, .flair-custom, .flair-unknown { padding-left: 2px; background-image: none; }

/* Do not change the FLAIR_OFFSET_X comments, the auto-flair 
   script uses them to know where to paste the flair offset data. */
.flair-foo-bar                              { background-position: 2px 2px; }

.linkflairlabel {
    font-size: small;
