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RxScala Release Notes

This release of the RxScala bindings builds on the previous 0.15 release to make the Rx bindings for Scala include all Rx types. In particular this release focuses on fleshing out the bindings for the Subject and Scheduler types, as well as aligning the constructor functions for Observable with those in the RxJava.

Expect to see ongoing additions to make the Scala binding match the equivalent underlying Java API, as well as minor changes in the existing API as we keep fine-tuning the experience on our way to a V1.0 release.


In this release we have made the asJavaObserver property in Observable[T]as well the the factory method in the companion object that takes an rx.Observer private to the Scala bindings package, thus properly hiding irrelevant implementation details from the user-facing API. The Observer[T] trait now looks like a clean, native Scala type:

trait Observer[-T] {
  def onNext(value: T): Unit
  def onError(error: Throwable): Unit
  def onCompleted(): Unit

object Observer {...}

To create an instance of a specific Observer, say Observer[SensorEvent] in user code, you can create a new instance of the Observer trait by implementing any of the methods that you care about:

   val printObserver = new Observer[SensorEvent] {
      override def onNext(value: SensorEvent): Unit = {...value.toString...}

or you can use one of the overloads of the companion Observer object by passing in implementations of the onNext, onError or onCompleted methods.

Note that typically you do not need to create an Observer since all of the methods that accept an Observer[T] (for instance subscribe) usually come with overloads that accept the individual methods onNext, onError, and onCompleted and will automatically create an Observer for you under the covers.

While technically it is a breaking change make the asJavaObserver property private, you should probably not have touched asJavaObserver in the first place. If you really feel you need to access the underlying rx.Observer call toJava.


Just like for Observer, the Observable trait now also hides its asJavaObservable property and makes the constructor function in the companion object that takes an rx.Observable private (but leaves the companion object itself public). Again, while technically this is a breaking change, this should not have any influence on user code.

trait Observable[+T] {
    def subscribe(observer: Observer[T]): Subscription = {...}
    def apply(observer: Observer[T]): Subscription = {...}
object Observable {
   def create[T](func: Observer[T] => Subscription): Observable[T] = {...}

The major changes in Observable are wrt to the factory methods where too libral use of overloading of the apply method hindered type inference and made Scala code look unnecessarily different than that in other language bindings. All factory methods now have their own name corresponding to the Java and .NET operators (plus overloads that take a Scheduler).

  • def from[T](future: Future[T]): Observable[T],
  • def from[T](iterable: Iterable[T]): Observable[T],
  • def error[T](exception: Throwable): Observable[T],
  • def empty[T]: Observable[T],
  • `def items[T](items: T*): Observable[T],
  • Extension method on toObservable: Observable[T] on List[T].

In the pre-release of this version, we expose both apply and create for the mother of all creation functions. We would like to solicit feedback which of these two names is preferred (or both, but there is a high probability that only one will be chosen).

  • def apply[T](subscribe: Observer[T]=>Subscription): Observable[T]
  • def create[T](subscribe: Observer[T] => Subscription): Observable[T]


The Subject trait now also hides the underlying Java asJavaSubject: rx.subjects.Subject[_ >: T, _<: T] and takes only a single invariant type parameter T. all existing implementations of Subject are parametrized by a single type, and this reflects that reality.

trait Subject[T] extends Observable[T] with Observer[T] {}
object Subject {
   def apply(): Subject[T] = {...}

For each kind of subject, there is a class with a private constructor and a companion object that you should use to create a new kind of subject. The subjects that are available are:

  • AsyncSubject[T](),
  • BehaviorSubject[T](value),
  • Subject[T](),
  • ReplaySubject[T]().

The latter is still missing various overloads which you can expect to appear once they are added to the underlying RxJava implementation.

Compared with release 0.15.1, the breaking changes in Subject for this release are making asJavaSubject private, and collapsing its type parameters, neither of these should cause trouble, and renaming PublishSubject to Subject.


The biggest breaking change compared to the 0.15.1 release is giving Scheduler the same structure as the other types. The trait itself remains unchanged, except that we made the underlying Java representation hidden as above. as part of this reshuffling, the scheduler package has been renamed from rx.lang.scala.concurrency to rx.lang.scala.schedulers. There is a high probability that this package renaming will also happen in RxJava.

trait Scheduler {...}

In the previous release, you created schedulers by selecting them from the Schedulers object, as in Schedulers.immediate or Schedulers.newThread where each would return an instance of the Scheduler trait. However, several of the scheduler implementations have additional methods, such as the TestScheduler, which already deviated from the pattern.

In this release, we changed this to make scheduler more like Subject and provide a family of schedulers that you create using their factory function:

  • CurrentThreadScheduler(),
  • ExecutorScheduler(executor),
  • ImmediateScheduler(),
  • NewThreadScheduler(),
  • ScheduledExecutorServiceScheduler(scheduledExecutorService),
  • TestScheduler(),
  • ThreadPoolForComputationScheduler(),
  • ThreadPoolForIOScheduler().

In the future we expect that this list will grow further with new schedulers as they are imported from .NET (

To make your code compile in the new release you will have to change all occurrences of into XxxScheduler(), and import rx.lang.scala.schedulers instead of rx.lang.scala.schedulers.


The Subscription trait in Scala now has isUnsubscribed as a member, effectively collapsing the old Subscription and BooleanSubscription, and the latter has been removed from the public surface. Pending a bug fix in RxJava, SerialSubscription implements its own isUnsubscribed.

trait Subscription {
  def unsubscribe(): Unit = { ... }
  def isUnsubscribed: Boolean = ...

object Subscription {...}

To create a Subscription use one of the following factory methods:

  • Subscription{...}, Subscription(),
  • CompositeSubscription(subscriptions),
  • MultipleAssignmentSubscription(),
  • SerialSubscription().

In case you do feel tempted to call new Subscription{...} directly make sure you wire up isUnsubscribed and unsubscribe() properly, but for all practical purposes you should just use one of the factory methods.


All underlying wrapped Java types in the Notification trait are made private like all previous types. The companion objects of Notification now have both constructor (apply) and extractor (unapply) functions:

object Notification {...}
trait Notification[+T] {
   override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {...}
   override def hashCode(): Int = {...}
   def apply[R](onNext: T=>R, onError: Throwable=>R, onCompleted: ()=>R): R = {...}

The nested companion objects of Notification now have both constructor (apply) and extractor (unapply) functions:

object Notification {
   object OnNext { def apply(...){}; def unapply(...){...} }
   object OnError { def apply(...){}; def unapply(...){...} }
   object OnCompleted { def apply(...){}; def unapply(...){...} }

To construct a Notification, you import rx.lang.scala.Notification._ and use OnNext("hello"), or OnError(new Exception("Oops!")), or OnCompleted().

To pattern match on a notification you create a partial function like so: case Notification.OnNext(v) => { ... v ... }, or you use the apply function to pass in functions for each possibility.

There are no breaking changes for notifications.

Java Interop Helpers

Since the Scala traits wrap the underlying Java types, yoo may occasionally will have to wrap an unwrap between the two representations. The JavaConversion object provides helper functions of the form toJavaXXX and toScalaXXX for this purpose, properly hiding how precisely the wrapped types are stored. Note the (un)wrap conversions are defined as implicits in Scala, but in the unlikely event that you do need them be kind to the reader of your code and call them explicitly.

object JavaConversions {
  import language.implicitConversions

  implicit def toJavaNotification[T](s: Notification[T]): rx.Notification[_ <: T] = {...}
  implicit def toScalaNotification[T](s: rx.Notification[_ <: T]): Notification[T] = {...}
  implicit def toJavaSubscription(s: Subscription): rx.Subscription = {...}
  implicit def toScalaSubscription(s: rx.Subscription): Subscription = {...}
  implicit def scalaSchedulerToJavaScheduler(s: Scheduler): rx.Scheduler = {...}
  implicit def javaSchedulerToScalaScheduler(s: rx.Scheduler): Scheduler = {...}
  implicit def toJavaObserver[T](s: Observer[T]): rx.Observer[_ >: T] = {...}
  implicit def toScalaObserver[T](s: rx.Observer[_ >: T]): Observer[T] = {...}
  implicit def toJavaObservable[T](s: Observable[T]): rx.Observable[_ <: T] = {...}
  implicit def toScalaObservable[T](observable: rx.Observable[_ <: T]): Observable[T] = {...}