diff --git a/cmd/main.go b/cmd/main.go index ba8afdee..45ea5c98 100644 --- a/cmd/main.go +++ b/cmd/main.go @@ -1,16 +1,17 @@ // package is used to automic generate directory of dashboards and alert rules. // The monitor like this: // monitor -// v2.1.8 -// dashboards -// tidb.json -// ... -// rules -// pd.rule.yml -// ... -// Dockerfile -// init.sh -// ... +// +// v2.1.8 +// dashboards +// tidb.json +// ... +// rules +// pd.rule.yml +// ... +// Dockerfile +// init.sh +// ... package main import ( @@ -22,6 +23,10 @@ import ( "strings" "time" + "github.com/go-git/go-git/v5" + "github.com/go-git/go-git/v5/config" + "github.com/go-git/go-git/v5/plumbing" + "github.com/go-git/go-git/v5/storage/memory" "github.com/hashicorp/go-version" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/prometheus/common/model" @@ -31,10 +36,6 @@ import ( "github.com/tidwall/sjson" "github.com/youthlin/stream" streamtypes "github.com/youthlin/stream/types" - "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4" - "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4/config" - "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4/plumbing" - "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4/storage/memory" "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" ) diff --git a/cmd/monitoring.go b/cmd/monitoring.go index ddfe02c2..a296576e 100644 --- a/cmd/monitoring.go +++ b/cmd/monitoring.go @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" - "github.com/google/go-github/github" + "github.com/google/go-github/v66/github" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/spf13/cobra" "github.com/youthlin/stream" diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 36f1db60..595cb5c8 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -1,30 +1,104 @@ module github.com/pingcap/monitoring -go 1.12 +go 1.23 require ( - github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7 - github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.9.1 - github.com/go-kit/kit v0.9.0 // indirect - github.com/google/go-github v17.0.0+incompatible - github.com/google/go-querystring v1.0.0 - github.com/hashicorp/go-version v1.2.0 - github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go v1.1.0 // indirect - github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1 + github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.7.0 + 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v0.0.0-20190607212802-c55fbcfc754a // indirect ) -replace github.com/ugorji/go v1.1.4 => github.com/ugorji/go/codec v0.0.0-20190204201341-e444a5086c43 +require ( + dario.cat/mergo v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.1 // indirect + github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20160405071501-a0175ee3bccc // indirect + github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20151022065526-2efee857e7cf // indirect + github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/bytedance/sonic v1.11.6 // indirect + github.com/bytedance/sonic/loader v0.1.1 // indirect + github.com/cespare/xxhash v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/cloudflare/circl v1.3.7 // indirect + github.com/cloudwego/base64x v0.1.4 // indirect + github.com/cloudwego/iasm v0.2.0 // indirect + github.com/cyphar/filepath-securejoin v0.2.4 // indirect + github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect + github.com/emirpasic/gods v1.18.1 // indirect + github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype v1.4.3 // indirect + github.com/gin-contrib/sse v0.1.0 // indirect + github.com/go-git/gcfg v1.5.1-0.20230307220236-3a3c6141e376 // indirect + github.com/go-git/go-billy/v5 v5.5.0 // indirect + github.com/go-kit/kit v0.9.0 // indirect + github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt v0.4.0 // indirect + github.com/go-playground/locales v0.14.1 // indirect + github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.18.1 // indirect + github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 v10.20.0 // indirect + github.com/goccy/go-json v0.10.2 // indirect + github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.2.1 // indirect + github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect + github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.0 // indirect + github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.1 // indirect + github.com/google/gofuzz v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/jbenet/go-context v0.0.0-20150711004518-d14ea06fba99 // indirect + github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12 // indirect + github.com/kevinburke/ssh_config v1.2.0 // indirect + github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 v2.2.7 // indirect + github.com/kr/logfmt v0.0.0-20140226030751-b84e30acd515 // indirect + github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.4.0 // indirect + github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.20 // indirect + github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.1 // indirect + github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect + github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2 // indirect + github.com/oklog/ulid v1.3.1 // indirect + github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/pelletier/go-toml/v2 v2.2.2 // indirect + github.com/pjbgf/sha1cd v0.3.0 // indirect + github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.0.0-20190129233127-fd36f4220a90 // indirect + github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.0.2 // indirect + github.com/prometheus/tsdb v0.9.1 // indirect + github.com/sergi/go-diff v1.3.2-0.20230802210424-5b0b94c5c0d3 // indirect + github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.0 // indirect + 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cp /tmp/tidb-cluster-datasource.yaml $GF_DATASOURCE_PATH/ - - # pods - if [ ! -z $TIDB_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE ]; - then - sed -i 's/$namespace/'$TIDB_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE'/g' /tmp/pods.json - else - sed -i 's/$namespace/default/g' /tmp/pods.json - fi - sed -i 's/Test-Cluster-Pods-Info/'$TIDB_CLUSTER_NAME'-Pods-Info/g' /tmp/pods.json - cp /tmp/pods.json $GF_PROVISIONING_PATH/dashboards - - # nodes - cp /tmp/nodes.json $GF_PROVISIONING_PATH/dashboards -fi - diff --git a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/binlog.rules.yml b/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/binlog.rules.yml deleted file mode 100644 index e50ef483..00000000 --- a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/binlog.rules.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -groups: -- name: alert.rules - rules: - - alert: binlog_pump_storage_error_count - expr: changes(binlog_pump_storage_error_count[1m]) > 0 - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: changes(binlog_pump_storage_error_count[1m]) > 0 - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: binlog pump storage write some binlogs failed - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: binlog_drainer_checkpoint_high_delay - expr: (time() - binlog_drainer_checkpoint_tso / 1000) > 3600 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: (time() - binlog_drainer_checkpoint_tso / 1000) > 3600 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: binlog drainer checkpoint delay more than 1 hour - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: binlog_pump_write_binlog_rpc_duration_seconds_bucket - expr: histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(binlog_pump_rpc_duration_seconds_bucket{method="WriteBinlog"}[5m])) - > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(binlog_pump_rpc_duration_seconds_bucket{method="WriteBinlog"}[5m])) - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: binlog pump write binlog RPC latency is too high - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: binlog_pump_storage_write_binlog_duration_time_bucket - expr: histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(binlog_pump_storage_write_binlog_duration_time_bucket{type="batch"}[5m])) - > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(binlog_pump_storage_write_binlog_duration_time_bucket{type="batch"}[5m])) - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: binlog pump write binlog to disk is too slow - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: binlog_pump_storage_available_size_less_than_20G - expr: binlog_pump_storage_storage_size_bytes{type="available"} < 20 * 1024 * 1024 - * 1024 - for: 10s - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: binlog_pump_storage_storage_size_bytes{type="available"} < 20 * 1024 * - 1024 * 1024 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: binlog pump storage available size less than 20G - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: binlog_drainer_execute_duration_time_more_than_10s - expr: histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(binlog_drainer_execute_duration_time_bucket[1m])) - > 10 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(binlog_drainer_txn_duration_time_bucket[1m])) - > 10 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: binlog binlog drainer execute_duration_time_more_than_10s - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: binlog_drainer_checkpoint_tso_no_change_for_1m - expr: changes(binlog_drainer_checkpoint_tso[1m]) < 1 - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: changes(binlog_drainer_checkpoint_tso[1m]) < 1 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: binlog drainer checkpoint tso no change for 1m - value: '{{ $value }}' diff --git a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/lightning.rules.yml b/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/lightning.rules.yml deleted file mode 100644 index ffba2e13..00000000 --- a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/lightning.rules.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -groups: -- name: alert.rules - rules: - - alert: Lightning_import_failure_tables_count - expr: sum ( lightning_tables{result="failure"} ) > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum ( lightning_tables{result="failure"} ) > 0 - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: Lightning failed to import a table - value: '{{ $value }}' diff --git a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/pd.rules.yml b/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/pd.rules.yml deleted file mode 100644 index a06891d9..00000000 --- a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/pd.rules.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -groups: -- name: alert.rules - rules: - - alert: PD_cluster_offline_tikv_nums - expr: (sum ( pd_cluster_status{type="store_down_count"} ) by (instance) > 0) and - (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: (sum ( pd_cluster_status{type="store_down_count"} ) by (instance) > 0) - and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_cluster_offline_tikv_nums - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_etcd_write_disk_latency - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (instance,job,le) ) > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (instance,job,le) ) > 1 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_etcd_write_disk_latency - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_miss_peer_region_count - expr: (sum(pd_regions_status{type="miss_peer_region_count"}) by (instance) > - 100) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: (sum(pd_regions_status{type="miss_peer_region_count"}) by (instance) > - 100) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_miss_peer_region_count - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_cluster_lost_connect_tikv_nums - expr: (sum ( pd_cluster_status{type="store_disconnected_count"} ) by (instance) - > 0) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: (sum ( pd_cluster_status{type="store_disconnected_count"} ) by (instance) - > 0) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_cluster_lost_connect_tikv_nums - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_cluster_low_space - expr: (sum ( pd_cluster_status{type="store_low_space_count"} ) by (instance) > - 0) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: (sum ( pd_cluster_status{type="store_low_space_count"} ) by (instance) - > 0) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_cluster_low_space - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_etcd_network_peer_latency - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(etcd_network_peer_round_trip_time_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (To,instance,job,le) ) > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(etcd_network_peer_round_trip_time_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (To,instance,job,le) ) > 1 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_etcd_network_peer_latency - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_tidb_handle_requests_duration - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(pd_client_request_handle_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{type="tso"}[1m])) - by (instance,job,le) ) > 0.1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(pd_client_request_handle_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{type="tso"}[1m])) - by (instance,job,le) ) > 0.1 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_tidb_handle_requests_duration - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_down_peer_region_nums - expr: (sum(pd_regions_status{type="down_peer_region_count"}) by (instance) > - 0) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: (sum(pd_regions_status{type="down_peer_region_count"}) by (instance) > - 0) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_down_peer_region_nums - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_incorrect_namespace_region_count - expr: (sum(pd_regions_status{type="incorrect_namespace_region_count"}) by (instance) > - 100) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: (sum(pd_regions_status{type="incorrect_namespace_region_count"}) by (instance) > - 100) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_incorrect_namespace_region_count - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_pending_peer_region_count - expr: (sum(pd_regions_status{type="pending_peer_region_count"}) by (instance) > - 100) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: (sum(pd_regions_status{type="pending_peer_region_count"}) by (instance) > - 100) and (sum(etcd_server_is_leader) by (instance) > 0) - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_pending_peer_region_count - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_leader_change - expr: count( changes(pd_server_tso{type="save"}[10m]) > 0 ) >= 2 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: count( changes(pd_server_tso{type="save"}[10m]) > 0 ) >= 2 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: PD_leader_change - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_space_used_more_than_80% - expr: sum(pd_cluster_status{type="storage_size"}) / sum(pd_cluster_status{type="storage_capacity"}) - * 100 > 80 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(pd_cluster_status{type="storage_size"}) / sum(pd_cluster_status{type="storage_capacity"}) - * 100 > 80 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV_space_used_more_than_80% - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_system_time_slow - expr: changes(pd_server_tso{type="system_time_slow"}[10m]) >= 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: changes(pd_server_tso{type="system_time_slow"}[10m]) >= 1 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: PD_system_time_slow - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: PD_no_store_for_making_replica - expr: increase(pd_checker_event_count{type="replica_checker", name="no_target_store"}[1m]) - > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase(pd_checker_event_count{type="replica_checker", name="no_target_store"}[1m]) - > 0 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: PD_no_store_for_making_replica - value: '{{ $value }}' diff --git a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/tidb.rules.yml b/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/tidb.rules.yml deleted file mode 100644 index ee51369c..00000000 --- a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/tidb.rules.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -groups: -- name: alert.rules - rules: - - alert: TiDB_schema_error - expr: increase(tidb_session_schema_lease_error_total{type="outdated"}[15m]) > - 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase(tidb_session_schema_lease_error_total{type="outdated"}[15m]) - > 0 - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB schema error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_tikvclient_region_err_total - expr: increase( tidb_tikvclient_region_err_total[10m] ) > 6000 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase( tidb_tikvclient_region_err_total[10m] ) > 6000 - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB tikvclient_backoff_count error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_binlog_error_total - expr: increase( tidb_server_critical_error_total[5m] ) > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase( tidb_server_critical_error_total[5m] ) > 0 - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB tidb binlog error total - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_domain_load_schema_total - expr: increase( tidb_domain_load_schema_total{type="failed"}[10m] ) > 10 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase( tidb_domain_load_schema_total{type="failed"}[10m] ) > 10 - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB domain_load_schema_total error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_monitor_keep_alive - expr: increase(tidb_monitor_keep_alive_total{job="tidb"}[10m]) < 100 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase(tidb_monitor_keep_alive_total{job="tidb"}[10m]) < 100 - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB monitor_keep_alive error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_server_panic_total - expr: increase(tidb_server_panic_total[10m]) > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase(tidb_server_panic_total[10m]) > 0 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB server panic total - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_memory_abnormal - expr: go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytes{job="tidb"} > 1e+10 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytes{job="tidb"} > 1e+10 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB heap memory usage is over 10 GB - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_query_duration - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tidb_server_handle_query_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - BY (le, instance)) > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tidb_server_handle_query_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - BY (le, instance)) > 1 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB query duration 99th percentile is above 1s - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_server_event_error - expr: increase(tidb_server_event_total{type=~"server_start|server_hang"}[15m]) > - 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase(tidb_server_event_total{type=~"server_start|server_hang"}[15m]) > - 0 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB server event error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: tidb_tikvclient_backoff_seconds_count - expr: increase( tidb_tikvclient_backoff_seconds_count[10m] ) > 10 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase( tidb_tikvclient_backoff_seconds_count[10m] ) > 10 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB tikvclient_backoff_count error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_monitor_time_jump_back_error - expr: increase(tidb_monitor_time_jump_back_total[10m]) > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase(tidb_monitor_time_jump_back_total[10m]) > 0 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB monitor time_jump_back error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_ddl_waiting_jobs - expr: sum(tidb_ddl_waiting_jobs) > 5 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(tidb_ddl_waiting_jobs) > 5 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiDB ddl waiting_jobs too much - value: '{{ $value }}' diff --git a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/tikv.accelerate.rules.yml b/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/tikv.accelerate.rules.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 01f3c9bf..00000000 --- a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/tikv.accelerate.rules.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -groups: -- name: tikv_accelerate - rules: - - record: tikv_grpc_msg_duration_seconds:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_grpc_msg_duration_seconds_bucket{instance=~".*", - type!="kv_gc"}[1m])) by (le, type)) - - record: tikv_raftstore_event_duration_bucket:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_event_duration_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le, type)) - - record: tikv_thread_cpu_seconds:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{instance=~".*"}[1m])) by (instance) - - record: tikv_raftstore_append_log_duration_seconds:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_append_log_duration_seconds_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le, instance)) - - record: tikv_raftstore_raft_process_duration_secs:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_raft_process_duration_secs_bucket{instance=~".*", - type='ready'}[1m])) by (le, instance)) - - record: tikv_raftstore_request_wait_time_duration_secs:byins:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_request_wait_time_duration_secs_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le, instance)) - - record: tikv_raftstore_append_log_duration_seconds:p95:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_append_log_duration_seconds_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le)) - - record: tikv_raftstore_apply_wait_time_duration_secs:byins:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_apply_wait_time_duration_secs_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le, instance)) - - record: tikv_raftstore_apply_log_duration_seconds:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_apply_log_duration_seconds_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le, instance)) - - record: tikv_raftstore_request_wait_time_duration_secs:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_request_wait_time_duration_secs_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le)) - - record: tikv_raftstore_request_wait_time_duration_secs:p95:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_request_wait_time_duration_secs_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le)) - - record: tikv_worker_handled_task:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_worker_handled_task_total{instance=~".*"}[1m])) by (name) - - record: tikv_engine_num_files_at_level:kv:avg - expr: avg(tikv_engine_num_files_at_level{instance=~".*", db="kv"}) by (cf, level) - - record: tikv_engine_num_files_at_level:raft:avg - expr: avg(tikv_engine_num_files_at_level{instance=~".*", db="raft"}) by (cf, level) - - record: tikv_pd_request_duration_seconds:avg:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_pd_request_duration_seconds_sum{instance=~".*"}[1m])) by (type) - / sum(rate(tikv_pd_request_duration_seconds_count{instance=~".*"}[1m])) by (type) - - record: tikv_coprocessor_request_wait_seconds:p95:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tikv_coprocessor_request_wait_seconds_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le, instance,req)) - - record: tikv_grpc_msg_duration_seconds:avg:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_grpc_msg_duration_seconds_sum{instance=~".*"}[1m])) by (type) - / sum(rate(tikv_grpc_msg_duration_seconds_count[1m])) by (type) - - record: tikv_raftstore_apply_wait_time_duration_secs:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_apply_wait_time_duration_secs_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le)) - - record: tikv_raftstore_apply_wait_time_duration_secs:p95:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_apply_wait_time_duration_secs_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le)) - - record: tikv_grpc_msg_duration_seconds:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_grpc_msg_duration_seconds_count{instance=~".*", type!="kv_gc"}[1m])) - by (instance,type) - - record: tikv_raftstore_snapshot_duration_seconds:p99:1m - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_snapshot_duration_seconds_bucket{instance=~".*", - type="apply"}[1m])) by (le)) - - record: tikv_worker_pending_task:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_worker_pending_task_total{instance=~".*"}[1m])) by (name) - - record: tikv_coprocessor_request_duration_seconds:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_coprocessor_request_duration_seconds_bucket{instance=~".*"}[1m])) - by (le) - - record: tikv_futurepool_pending_task:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_futurepool_pending_task_total{instance=~".*"}[1m])) by (name) - - record: tikv_storage_engine_async_request:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_storage_engine_async_request_total{instance=~".*", status!~"all|success"}[1m])) - by (status) - - record: tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_nogrpc:1m - expr: sum(rate(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{instance=~".*", name=~"grpc.*"}[1m])) - by (instance) diff --git a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/tikv.rules.yml b/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/tikv.rules.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 2db43032..00000000 --- a/monitor-snapshot/v4.0.0-beta.1/operator/rules/tikv.rules.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,377 +0,0 @@ -groups: -- name: alert.rules - rules: - - alert: TiKV_memory_used_too_fast - expr: process_resident_memory_bytes{job=~"tikv",instance=~".*"} - (process_resident_memory_bytes{job=~"tikv",instance=~".*"} - offset 5m) > 5*1024*1024*1024 - for: 5m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: process_resident_memory_bytes{job=~"tikv",instance=~".*"} - (process_resident_memory_bytes{job=~"tikv",instance=~".*"} - offset 5m) > 5*1024*1024*1024 - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV memory used too fast - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_GC_can_not_work - expr: sum(increase(tikv_gcworker_gc_tasks_vec{task="gc"}[1d])) < 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(increase(tikv_gcworker_gc_tasks_vec{task="gc"}[1d])) < 1 - level: emergency - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV GC can not work - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_server_report_failure_msg_total - expr: sum(rate(tikv_server_report_failure_msg_total{type="unreachable"}[10m])) - BY (store_id) > 10 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(rate(tikv_server_report_failure_msg_total{type="unreachable"}[10m])) - BY (store_id) > 10 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV server_report_failure_msg_total error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_channel_full_total - expr: sum(rate(tikv_channel_full_total[10m])) BY (type, instance) > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(rate(tikv_channel_full_total[10m])) BY (type, instance) > 0 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV channel full - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_write_stall - expr: delta( tikv_engine_write_stall[10m]) > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: delta( tikv_engine_write_stall[10m]) > 0 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV write stall - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_raft_log_lag - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_log_lag_bucket[1m])) by - (le, instance)) > 5000 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_log_lag_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance)) > 5000 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV raftstore log lag more than 5000 - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_async_request_snapshot_duration_seconds - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_storage_engine_async_request_duration_seconds_bucket{type="snapshot"}[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_storage_engine_async_request_duration_seconds_bucket{type="snapshot"}[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 1 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV async request snapshot duration seconds more than 1s - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_async_request_write_duration_seconds - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_storage_engine_async_request_duration_seconds_bucket{type="write"}[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_storage_engine_async_request_duration_seconds_bucket{type="write"}[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 1 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV async request write duration seconds more than 1s - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_coprocessor_request_wait_seconds - expr: histogram_quantile(0.9999, sum(rate(tikv_coprocessor_request_wait_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance, req)) > 10 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.9999, sum(rate(tikv_coprocessor_request_wait_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance, req)) > 10 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV coprocessor request wait seconds more than 10s - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_raftstore_thread_cpu_seconds_total - expr: sum(rate(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{name=~"raftstore_.*"}[1m])) by (instance) > - 1.6 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(rate(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{name=~"raftstore_.*"}[1m])) by - (instance) > 1.6 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV raftstore thread CPU seconds is high - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_raft_append_log_duration_secs - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_append_log_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance)) > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_append_log_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance)) > 1 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV_raft_append_log_duration_secs - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_raft_apply_log_duration_secs - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_apply_log_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance)) > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_apply_log_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance)) > 1 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV_raft_apply_log_duration_secs - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_scheduler_latch_wait_duration_seconds - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_scheduler_latch_wait_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_scheduler_latch_wait_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 1 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV scheduler latch wait duration seconds more than 1s - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_thread_apply_worker_cpu_seconds - expr: sum(rate(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{name="apply_worker"}[1m])) by (instance) - > 1.8 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(rate(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{name="apply_worker"}[1m])) by (instance) - > 1.8 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV thread apply worker cpu seconds is high - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiDB_tikvclient_gc_action_fail - expr: sum(increase(tidb_tikvclient_gc_action_result{type="fail"}[1m])) > 10 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(increase(tidb_tikvclient_gc_action_result{type="fail"}[1m])) > 10 - level: critical - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiDB_tikvclient_gc_action_fail - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_leader_drops - expr: delta(tikv_pd_heartbeat_tick_total{type="leader"}[30s]) < -10 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: delta(tikv_pd_heartbeat_tick_total{type="leader"}[30s]) < -10 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV leader drops - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_raft_process_ready_duration_secs - expr: histogram_quantile(0.999, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_raft_process_duration_secs_bucket{type='ready'}[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 2 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.999, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_raft_process_duration_secs_bucket{type='ready'}[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 2 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV_raft_process_ready_duration_secs - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_raft_process_tick_duration_secs - expr: histogram_quantile(0.999, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_raft_process_duration_secs_bucket{type='tick'}[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 2 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.999, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_raft_process_duration_secs_bucket{type='tick'}[1m])) - by (le, instance, type)) > 2 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV_raft_process_tick_duration_secs - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_scheduler_context_total - expr: abs(delta( tikv_scheduler_contex_total[5m])) > 1000 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: abs(delta( tikv_scheduler_contex_total[5m])) > 1000 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV scheduler context total - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_scheduler_command_duration_seconds - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_scheduler_command_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance, type) / 1000) > 1 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_scheduler_command_duration_seconds_bucket[1m])) - by (le, instance, type) / 1000) > 1 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values:{{ - $value }}' - summary: TiKV scheduler command duration seconds more than 1s - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: tikv_coprocessor_request_wait_seconds - expr: delta( tikv_coprocessor_request_wait_seconds_count[10m] ) > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: delta( tikv_coprocessor_request_wait_seconds_count[10m] ) > 0 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, instance: {{ $labels.instance }}, values: - {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV coprocessor request wait seconds - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_coprocessor_request_error - expr: increase(tikv_coprocessor_request_error{reason!="lock"}[10m]) > 100 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase(tikv_coprocessor_request_error{reason!="lock"}[10m]) > 100 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, reason: {{ $labels.reason }}, instance: - {{ $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV coprocessor request error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_coprocessor_request_lock_error - expr: increase(tikv_coprocessor_request_error{reason="lock"}[10m]) > 10000 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: increase(tikv_coprocessor_request_error{reason="lock"}[10m]) > 10000 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, reason: {{ $labels.reason }}, instance: - {{ $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV coprocessor request lock error - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_coprocessor_pending_request - expr: delta( tikv_coprocessor_pending_request[10m]) > 5000 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: delta( tikv_coprocessor_pending_request[10m]) > 5000 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV pending {{ $labels.type }} request is high - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_batch_request_snapshot_nums - expr: sum(rate(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{name=~"cop_.*"}[1m])) by (instance) - / ( count(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{name=~"cop_.*"}) * 0.9 ) / count(count(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total) - by (instance)) > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(rate(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{name=~"cop_.*"}[1m])) by (instance) - / ( count(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total{name=~"cop_.*"}) * 0.9 ) / count(count(tikv_thread_cpu_seconds_total) - by (instance)) > 0 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV batch request snapshot nums is high - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_pending_task - expr: sum(tikv_worker_pending_task_total) BY (instance,name) > 1000 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: sum(tikv_worker_pending_task_total) BY (instance,name) > 1000 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV pending task too much - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_low_space_and_add_region - expr: count( (sum(tikv_store_size_bytes{type="available"}) by (instance) / sum(tikv_store_size_bytes{type="capacity"}) - by (instance) < 0.2) and (sum(tikv_raftstore_snapshot_traffic_total{type="applying"}) - by (instance) > 0 ) ) > 0 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: count( (sum(tikv_store_size_bytes{type="available"}) by (instance) / sum(tikv_store_size_bytes{type="capacity"}) - by (instance) < 0.2) and (sum(tikv_raftstore_snapshot_traffic_total{type="applying"}) - by (instance) > 0 ) ) > 0 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV low_space and add_region - value: '{{ $value }}' - - alert: TiKV_approximate_region_size - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_region_size_bucket[1m])) - by (le)) > 1073741824 - for: 1m - labels: - env: ENV_LABELS_ENV - expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(tikv_raftstore_region_size_bucket[1m])) - by (le)) > 1073741824 - level: warning - annotations: - description: 'cluster: ENV_LABELS_ENV, type: {{ $labels.type }}, instance: {{ - $labels.instance }}, values: {{ $value }}' - summary: TiKV approximate region size is more than 1GB - value: '{{ $value }}' diff --git a/pkg/common/utils.go b/pkg/common/utils.go index 442fd0d9..424e6d4f 100644 --- a/pkg/common/utils.go +++ b/pkg/common/utils.go @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" - "github.com/google/go-github/github" + "github.com/google/go-github/v66/github" "github.com/pkg/errors" ) @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ func GetRef(client *github.Client, commitBranch string, ctx context.Context) (re // of the ref you got in getRef. func GetTree(client *github.Client, ref *github.Reference, directory string, ctx context.Context, rootDir string) (tree *github.Tree, err error) { // Create a tree with what to commit. - entries := []github.TreeEntry{} + entries := []*github.TreeEntry{} // Load each file into the tree. files := ListAllFiles(directory) @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func GetTree(client *github.Client, ref *github.Reference, directory string, ctx } treePath := strings.ReplaceAll(file, fmt.Sprintf("%s%c", rootDir, filepath.Separator), "") - entries = append(entries, github.TreeEntry{Path: github.String(treePath), Type: github.String("blob"), Content: github.String(string(content)), Mode: github.String("100644")}) + entries = append(entries, &github.TreeEntry{Path: github.String(treePath), Type: github.String("blob"), Content: github.String(string(content)), Mode: github.String("100644")}) } tree, _, err = client.Git.CreateTree(ctx, Monitoring_Owner, Monitoirng_Repo, *ref.Object.SHA, entries) @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func getFileContent(fileArg string) (targetName string, b []byte, err error) { // createCommit creates the commit in the given reference using the given tree. func PushCommit(client *github.Client, ref *github.Reference, tree *github.Tree, ctx context.Context, tag string, authorName string, authorEmail string) (err error) { // Get the parent commit to attach the commit to. - parent, _, err := client.Repositories.GetCommit(ctx, Monitoring_Owner, Monitoirng_Repo, *ref.Object.SHA) + parent, _, err := client.Repositories.GetCommit(ctx, Monitoring_Owner, Monitoirng_Repo, *ref.Object.SHA, nil) if err != nil { return err } @@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ func PushCommit(client *github.Client, ref *github.Reference, tree *github.Tree, // Create the commit using the tree. date := time.Now() - author := &github.CommitAuthor{Date: &date, Name: &authorName, Email: &authorEmail} + author := &github.CommitAuthor{Date: &github.Timestamp{Time: date}, Name: &authorName, Email: &authorEmail} commitMsg := fmt.Sprintf(Commit_Message, tag) - commit := &github.Commit{Author: author, Message: &commitMsg, Tree: tree, Parents: []github.Commit{*parent.Commit}} - newCommit, _, err := client.Git.CreateCommit(ctx, Monitoring_Owner, Monitoirng_Repo, commit) + commit := &github.Commit{Author: author, Message: &commitMsg, Tree: tree, Parents: []*github.Commit{parent.Commit}} + newCommit, _, err := client.Git.CreateCommit(ctx, Monitoring_Owner, Monitoirng_Repo, commit, nil) if err != nil { return err }