2024-01-26 A lot of changes and code cleanup. The register settings now require a preamble before accepting a SyncWord. This means that the false pakets practically are eliminated. The GDO0 pin now asserts when a syncword is received. The reason for this INCOMPATIBLE change is that with the old settings it was possible for the receiver to exit RX/WoR without reporting this to GDO0 pin This can lead to high current consumption and/or inability to receive more packets effectivly disabling the node. See the examples for the recommended usage.
2024-01-25 New code revision 0.7.4 (just before the incompatible changes related to GDO0)
2023-12-21 begin() checks is CC1101 is connected and returns true/false accordingly
2022-03-07 Typo fixes
2021-07-04 New convenience function whitening(true/false). The default is true
2021-06-10 Code cleanup. The examples are converted to platformio format
2021-05-27 New function setSyncWord10(sync1,sync0) which makes the order of sync1 and sync0 clear. The old function setSyncWord(sync0, sync1) still works. Note that the use of theese functions is not a good idea as the default SyncWord is the best. The role of syncword if for packet detection and NOT FOR PACKET FILTERING.
2019-12-18 The project is created