Module Name: adtrgtme Bidder Adapter Module Type: Bidder Adapter Maintainer: [email protected]
The Adtrgtme Bid Adapter is an OpenRTB interface that support display demand from Adtarget
- Media Types: Banner
- Multi-format adUnits
- Price floors module
- Advertiser domains
The minimal requirements for the 'adtrgtme' bid adapter to generate an outbound bid-request to our Adtrgtme are:
- At least 1 banner adUnit
- Your Adtrgtme site id bidder.params.sid
const adUnits = [{
code: 'your-placement',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[300, 250]]
bids: [
bidder: 'adtrgtme',
params: {
sid: 1220291391, // Site/App ID provided from SSP
The adtargerme adapter supports the Price Floors module and will use it to define the outbound bidfloor and currency. By default the adapter will always check the existance of Module price floor. If a module price floor does not exist you can set a custom bid floor for your impression using "params.bidOverride.imp.bidfloor".
const adUnits = [{
code: 'your-placement',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [
[300, 250]
bids: [{
bidder: 'adtrgtme',
params: {
sid: 1220291391,
bidOverride :{
imp: {
bidfloor: 5.00 // bidOverride bidfloor