Module Name: AdxPremium Analytics Adapter
Module Type: Analytics Adapter
Maintainer: [email protected]
Analytics adapter for prebid platform. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about integration.
AdxPremium Anaytics Adapter can be used as:
Part of the whole AdxPremium Header Bidding Ecosystem (free)
External Analytics tool for your Prebid script (Paid)
Integration is as easy as adding the following lines of code:
pbjs.que.push(function () {
provider: 'adxpremium',
options: {
pubID: 12345678
sid: "s2"
Note: To use AdxPremium Prebid Analytics Adapter, you have to be AdxPremium publisher and get the publisher ID & sid (Server ID) as well as include the adapter in your Prebid Core script.