Module Name: Finteza Analytics Adapter
Module Type: Analytics Adapter
Maintainer: [email protected]
The Finteza adapter for integration with Prebid is an analytics tool for publishers who use the Header Bidding technology. The adapter tracks auction opening, offer sending to advertisers, receipt of bids by the publisher and auction winner selection. All tracks are sent to Finteza and enable visual advertiser quality evaluation: how many offers partners accept, what prices they provide, how fast they respond and how often their bids win.
For more information, visit the official Finteza website.
provider: 'finteza',
options: {
id: 'xxxxx', // Website ID (required)
bidRequestTrack: 'Bid Request %BIDDER%',
bidResponsePriceTrack: 'Bid Response Price %BIDDER%',
bidResponseTimeTrack: 'Bid Response Time %BIDDER%',
bidTimeoutTrack: 'Bid Timeout %BIDDER%',
bidWonTrack: 'Bid Won %BIDDER%'