Module Name | Module Type | Maintainer | layout | title | description | biddercode | gdpr_supported | gvl_id | usp_supported | coppa_supported | schain_supported | dchain_supported | userIds | media_types | safeframes_ok | deals_supported | floors_supported | fpd_supported | pbjs | pbs | prebid_member | multiformat_supported |
NewspassId Bidder Adapter |
Bidder Adapter |
bidder |
Newspass ID |
LMC Newspass ID Prebid JS Bidder Adapter |
newspassid |
false |
none |
true |
false |
true |
false |
criteo, id5Id, tdid, identityLink, liveIntentId, parrableId, pubCommonId, lotamePanoramaId, sharedId, fabrickId |
banner |
true |
true |
false |
false |
true |
false |
false |
will-bid-on-any |
LMC Newspass ID Prebid JS Bidder Adapter that connects to the NewspassId demand source(s).
The Newspass bid adapter supports Banner mediaTypes ONLY. This is intended for USA audiences only, and does not support GDPR
{: .table .table-bordered .table-striped }
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
siteId |
required | The site ID. | "NPID0000001" |
string |
publisherId |
required | The publisher ID. | "4204204201" |
string |
placementId |
required | The placement ID. | "0420420421" |
string |
customData |
optional | publisher key-values used for targeting | [{"settings":{},"targeting":{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}}], |
array |
A test ad unit that will consistently return test creatives:
//Banner adUnit
adUnits = [{
code: 'id-of-your-banner-div',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[300, 250], [300,600]]
bids: [{
bidder: 'newspassid',
params: {
publisherId: 'NEWSPASS0001', /* an ID to identify the publisher account - required */
siteId: '4204204201', /* An ID used to identify a site within a publisher account - required */
placementId: '8000000015', /* an ID used to identify the piece of inventory - required - for appnexus test use 13144370. */
customData: [{"settings": {}, "targeting": {"key": "value", "key2": ["value1", "value2"]}}],/* optional array with 'targeting' placeholder for passing publisher specific key-values for targeting. */
Please contact us at [email protected] for any assistance testing your implementation before going live into production.