Releases: polarofficial/polar-ble-sdk
Releases · polarofficial/polar-ble-sdk
Polar Ble SDK v3.0.6-beta0
iOS SDK updates:
- No changes
Android SDK updates:
- Protobuf java changed to Protobuf java-lite. Javalite is the recommended approach on Android projects.
Polar Ble SDK v.3.0.5
iOS SDK updates:
- PolarBleSDK is now possible to add to the application by Carthage. Please read the Readme for detailed instructions.
Android SDK updates:
- No changes, see the Release 3.0.2 for the latest Android release
Polar Ble SDK v.3.0.4
iOS SDK updates:
- PolarBleSDK is now available as a Pod via CocoaPods. Please read the Readme for detailed instructions.
Android SDK updates:
- No changes, see the Release 3.0.2 for the latest Android release
Polar Ble SDK v.3.0.3
iOS SDK updates:
- issue #134 fixed: Bitcode is supported in Polar BLE SDK library
Android SDK updates:
- No changes, see the Release 3.0.2 for the latest Android release
Polar Ble SDK v.3.0.2
iOS SDK updates:
- Fix to issue #130
Android SDK updates:
- Fix to issue #39
- Note the released PolarBleSDK is containing implementation written with Kotlin and this means that applications using Polar BLE SDK must have Kotlin supported. See discussion in issue #136
Polar Ble SDK v.3.0.0
Support for gyroscope and magnetometer data streams, which are provided by Polar Verity Sense
API updates
- small enhancements to API which requires updates on client
- individual stream setting requests replaced with more generic setting request function, i.e.
replaces call likerequestAccSettings()
- callback indicating the stream feature is ready is now replaced with more generic function, i.e.
replaces callback likeaccFeatureReady
- individual stream setting requests replaced with more generic setting request function, i.e.
Polar Ble SDK v3.0.0-beta0
Support for gyroscope and magnetometer data streams, which are provided by Polar Verity Sense
API updates
- small enhancements to API which requires updates on client
- individual stream setting requests replaced with more generic setting request function, i.e.
replaces call likerequestAccSettings()
- callback indicating the stream feature is ready is now replaced with more generic function, i.e.
replaces callback likeaccFeatureReady
- individual stream setting requests replaced with more generic setting request function, i.e.
Polar Ble SDK v.2.3.1
iOS SDK updates:
- issue #120 fixed.
- CoreBluetooth dependency removed from PolarSDK project as it is not needed.
Polar Ble SDK v.2.3.0
iOS SDK updates:
- iOS SDK supports Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3 and has a minimum deployment target of iOS 12.
- iOS SDK update to RxSwift 6
- iOS SDK binary is available as XCFramework
Android SDK updates:
- Android Gradle wrapper update to version 4.1.1
- AndroidX migration
- Dependencies update to latest version
- Permission update by removing unneeded permissions
- Other: Example and demo projects updated
Polar Ble Sdk v2.2.3-beta1
Android SDK updates:
- Android Gradle wrapper update to version 4.1.1
- AndroidX migration
- Dependencies update to latest version
- Permission update by removing unneeded permissions
- Example and demo projects updated