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Errors with 'DependencyNotInstalled' #17

kilyong12 opened this issue Oct 2, 2017 · 0 comments

Errors with 'DependencyNotInstalled' #17

kilyong12 opened this issue Oct 2, 2017 · 0 comments


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kilyong12 commented Oct 2, 2017


I have been struggling with installation for almost two days, and finally came here to raise my issues.
I installed everything including gym, gym-pull, doom_py, ppaquette_gym_doom, and others.
Below is my pip list, but I cannot figure out why I am still facing this dependency-related error.

DependencyNotInstalled: {}. (HINT: you can install Doom dependencies with 'pip install doom_py.)'

I also read #2 issue and followed it but still, I cannot solve the issue.
Can anyone help me? I am a beginner in programming, so your answers will be much helpful.

Thanks in advance

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