In this Repo/App I want to collect some SwiftUI experiments & UI componemts I'm working on or using in my projects. Feel free to use, share & comment.
A very simple and easy to use custom toggle view. For everyone who wants a bit more stlying options than the standard SwiftUI toggle view -> Toggle(isOn: $vibrateOnRing)
This is a HStack as a slide controller made with ScrollView & ScrollViewReader. I like and use this in one of my projects.
There is still one issue that bothers me: The @State vars are beeing updates while the Hstack is scrolling what means that there is a "Modifying state during view update" conflict. The solution is as often GDC which is also as often not the most elegant. If someone has a better solution, please let me know.
This Bar Slider can be used as UI controller to animate values. Each bar sets a value to a bindable var that can be used to animate view modifiers like opacity or rotation.
- Xcode 12.3
- for iOS 14
- Download Zip file and open SwiftUIBits.xcodeproj
- Chose build target iOS Simulator or iPhone
- Run app by selecting Build button or Command + R
Public Domain