- Django 2.0 and Python 3.5 compatibility.
- Django 1.11 compatibility. Correct use of django.jQuery.
- Ensure the static files are also deployed.
- Django 1.9 compatibility. Support for previous versions has been dropped.
- If a search field is supplied then the dropdown now shows those attributes, not the objects string representation.
- Only apply autocomplete in cases where a default widget isn't supplied. This enables the product to work harmoniously with eg. Grappelli's autocomplete.
- Preserve sort order of multiple choice values.
- Django 1.6.2 compatibility.
- Tests failing for Django 1.5. Pin to 1.4.x until that is fixed.
- Handle case where an item that is referenced by a multiselect has been deleted from the database.
- Allow search_field to be specified per model, in case the defaults don't suffice.
- Fix unicode bug.
- max_items setting specifies maximum number of items to display in autocomplete dropdown.
- duplicate_format_function setting allows appending of a custom string if more than one item in the autocomplete dropdown has the same string value.
- Clear autoselect helper in some cases for cleaner UI.
- Use object string representation for display and not lookup fieldname.
- Add autocomplete widget for multiple selections
- Threshold setting to determine when to show autocomplete widget instead of normal widget
- Initial release.