NDOH: Merge pull request #199: rp-recruit cleanup from sidekick
msisdn_utils: An application that has small tools for handling phone numbers
Merge pull request #193 from praekeltfoundation/dependabot/pip/django-4.2.15
YAL: Fix redis connection
YAL: Add page view caching
YAL: Hardcode the get_content_search_term function.
YAL: Add test day functionality
YAL: Add contentset endpoint and fix field name bug
YAL: Add clean fields function
YAL: Add GetOrderedContentSet API
Sidekick: Upgrade django to 4.2.11 and djangorestframework to 3.15.1 Added new randomisation app
Sidekick: Bump django from 3.2.23 to 3.2.24
Sidekick: Fix GroupMonitor __str__ function
Sidekick: Add model to save group monitors
Sidekick: Remove org_id from Rapidpro urls
Sidekick: Add rapidpro flow start endpoint
Sidekick: Multiple org fix for rapidpro group count monitor
Sidekick: Added Rapdipro views for Turn Sidekick: Add rapidpro group count monitor
DTone: Fix airtime transfers for all networks
DTone: Fix submit transaction body
DTone: Fix submit transaction uuid
DTone: Fix transaction serializer
Added DTOne integration
Sentry config for sample rate
Upgrade redis library
Interceptors: Handle empty events from WhatsApp
Sidekick: Added threading to Dockerfile
Interceptors: Handle no message or recipient_id in event
Interceptors: Added a new app called rp_interceptors, which will accept inbound messages from WhatsApp and ensure that any status objects contain the recipient_id field before forwarding them.
Sidekick: Django 3.2.18 and changed docker base image
Sidekick: Django 3.2.14 and removed redcap dependancy
Sidekick: Upgraded celery and libraries to latest versions
Sidekick: Added an endpoint to get only contact uuids from the rapidpro API
GP Connect: Automate file import by scanning the filesystem for new files GP Connect: Move file storage to S3 and scan there for new files GP Connect: Change to import csv rather than xlsx files GP Connect: Small bugfixes
Sidekick: Fix clean_message to not remove punctuation
Sidekick: Allow space character to be submitted as variables to whatsapp template endpoint GP Connect: Added a new Django app called rp_gpconnect to manage importing contacts from a xlsx file to RapidPro
Recruit: Added a new Django app called rp_recruit, which will onboard users on to a RapidPro campaign from an external source. Currently only supports the WhatsApp channel. Sidekick: Maintenance work on unpinning dev packages and using package ranges Sidekick: Refactored tests to make better use of mocking Sidekick: Created a test util function to investigate only some arguments of a mocked method
Sidekick: Fix WA templated messsage send.
Sidekick: Allow custom body for consent redirect TransferTo: updated docs to better show how to use asynch endpoints. Upgrade Django to >=2.2.2<2.3 Sidekick: Bugfix, reference last inbound message, not last message, for archiving Turn conversation
Sidekick: Allow space character to be submitted as variables to whatsapp template endpoint Sidekick: Add out-of-band consent feature for WhatsApp Sidekick: Add feature for labelling the last received message in a Turn conversation Sidekick: Add feature for archiving a Turn conversation
Added isort Add out-of-band consent for WhatsApp ASOS: Updated documentation ASOS: Refactoring group create and patient check task with retry strategy
ASOS: Only update screening record timestamp if something actually changes ASOS: Use correct redcap week key
ASOS: Stop reminders when recruitment is over for hospitals.
ASOS: Only include active hospitals in screening record check.
ASOS: Steering committee notification on outdated screening records.
ASOS: Fix the group invite message.
ASOS: Search for contacts by Tel and WhatsApp ID before trying to create.
ASOS: Allow nulls on patient record date
ASOS: Fix starting of the patient data check task again ASOS: Use new template
ASOS: New patient reminder template and update screening record fields
Sidekick: added prometheus metrics endpoint and view metrics TransferTo: added prometheus metrics for DTOne/TransferTo call
ASOS: Fix starting of the patient data check task
ASOS: Add total eligble field to the screening record model
ASOS: Save screening record when running the Patient Data Check task. ASOS: Link patient records to hospitals
ASOS: Create WA group per hospital, notification will be sent there if hospital lead is a member.
TransferTo: fix email bug where it always reported topup request as a success Sidekick: create Token automatically when a user is created, using Django signals
Sidekick: new detailed health endpoint that will check db connection and celery queue status
- TransferTo: fixed logic bugs in BuyAirtimeTakeAction task, causing nonsensical email reporting output and updated email formatting
- Sidekick: fixed bug where authenticated requests could use different Turn accounts to check contacts and send templated messages
- TransferTo: keep a record of topup requests to transferto with TopupAttempt model
- TransferTo: start the participant on another rapidpro flow, if the request to TransferTo failed or was rejected in BuyAirtimeTakeAction task
- Bug Fix: fix sentry setup which was not pulling through the env variable correctly
- TransferTo: prevent BuyAirtimeTakeAction task from continuing if there is an error from TransferTo
- TransferTo: allow multiple transferto accounts
- Reformat with updated black package
- Sidekick: Added a check contact endpoint for WhatsApp
- Sidekick: Fixed document structure and updated docs
- Sidekick: updated WA templated message endpoint to accept multiple localizable params
- BREAKING: any flows that call the /send_template/ endpoints must change the param message= to 0=
- TransferTo: Added error code to responses where TransferToClient returns an error
- ASOS: Fixed notification for empty screening record.
- TransferTo: added hacky fallback method for product purchase and take action task
- TransferTo: refactored task functionality into to take_action function - updates RapidPro fields and/or starts another flow
- TransferTo: add endpoint which purchases airtime, then updates RapidPro state with new take_action function
- Sidekick: add email functionality in settings
- TransferTo: send email on TransferTo failure task; buy_product_take_action
- TransferTo: default to using cached msisdn number in views
- TransferTo: add endpoint which purchases product then updates fields and/or starts another flow
- TransferTo: store data on number in database
- TransferTo: use cached msisdn number in tasks
- TransferTo: refactored tests for tasks
- Redcap: Allow blank Nomination url
- Redcap: Send names when starting patient reminder flow
- Install PyCap from Github commit until they make a release(temporary)
- Add Hospital and PatientRecord to admin site
- Added function to do WhatsApp contact check
- Added function to update Rapidpro Contact with WhatsApp ID
- Redcap: Added tasks to send patient data collection reminders
- Redcap: Fixed updated_at field for values
- Django version bump
- Clean message before sending to Engage
- Endpoint to send templated WhatsApp messages to Engage.