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<?php // TubeKit Beta 4 // // Author: Chirag Shah // Date: 02/08/2012 ini_set("memory_limit","100M"); require_once("config.php"); require_once("$mpdirectory/"); require_once("parseRSS.php"); // Function to insert values into the database function AddValue($oTableName, $video, $qid, $timestamp, $today, &$URLArray, &$count, $type, $dbh) { $title = $video->title; $query = ""; if ($title!="") { $count++; //count for the related variable $rawdescription = $video->description; // need to format the description as while inserting into the database, // mysql cries if extra ' is present in the string $description = str_replace("'", "#39", $rawdescription); $username = $video->username; $upload_time = $video->published; $duration = $video->length; $category = $video->category; $video_url = $video->watchURL; // Related Video Retrieval $related_id = substr($video_url,31,11); $URLArray[] = $related_id; $thumb_url = '' . $related_id . '/0.jpg'; $keywords = $video->keywords; $type = $type; $view_count = $video->viewCount; $rank = 0; if($video->numrating >=0 ) { $rating_count = $video->numrating; } else { $rating_count = 0; } $rating_avg = $video->rating; if($video->commentsCount >= 0) { $comment_count = $video->commentsCount; } else { $comment_count = 0; } $likes = $video->likes; $dislikes = $video->dislikes; $favorited = $video->favoriteCount; $response_count = $video->responseCount; $query = "SELECT * from $oTableName WHERE yt_id='$related_id' AND query_id='$qid'"; $result_related = mysql_query($query) or mysql_error(); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result_related); if($num_rows == 0){ $query = "INSERT INTO $oTableName VALUES('','$qid','$related_id','$timestamp','','','$today', '$type'"; $dquery = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $oTableName"; $result_related = mysql_query($dquery,$dbh) or mysql_error(); while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_related)) { //print_r($line); $fieldName = $line['Field']; switch($fieldName) { case 'title': $query = $query . ",'$title'"; break; case 'description': $query = $query . ",'$description'"; break; case 'username': $query = $query . ",'$username'"; break; case 'upload_time': $query = $query . ",'$upload_time'"; break; case 'duration': $query = $query . ",'$duration'"; break; case 'category': $query = $query . ",'$category'"; break; case 'keywords': $query = $query . ",'$keywords'"; break; case 'video_url': $query = $query . ",'$video_url'"; break; case 'thumb_url': $query = $query . ",'$thumb_url'"; break; case 'view_count': $query = $query . ",'$view_count'"; break; case 'rating_count': $query = $query . ",'$rating_count'"; break; case 'rating_avg': $query = $query . ",'$rating_avg'"; break; case 'comment_count': $query = $query . ",'$comment_count'"; break; case 'comments': $query = $query . ",'$comments'"; break; case 'response_count': $query = $query . ",'$response_count'"; break; case 'favorite_count': $query = $query . ",'$favorited'"; break; case 'rank': $query = $query . ",'$rank'"; break; case 'related_id': $query = $query . ",'NA'"; break; case 'inresponse': $query = $query . ",'NA'"; break; case 'likes': $query = $query . ",'$likes'"; break; case 'dislikes': $query = $query . ",'$dislikes'"; break; default: break; } // switch($fieldName) } // while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultrelated)) $query = $query . ")"; //echo "----------Query------------"; //echo $query; } } return $query; }/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $t=getdate(); $today_in=date('Y-m-d',$t[0]); $qTableName = $prefix . "_queries"; $oTableName_in = $prefix . "_once"; $query = "SELECT * FROM $qTableName"; $vresult = mysql_query($query) or die(" ". mysql_error()); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($vresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $vquery = $line['query']; //echo "Processing $vquery...\n"; $vquery = urlencode($vquery); $qid_in = $line['id']; $rankDoc = $prefix . "_" . $qid_in . ".ranks"; $fr = fopen($rankDoc, 'w'); $rank = 1; $maxIndex = $numvideos-49; // If you're getting throttled by YouTube, you may want to restrict your search results to // a smaller number. You can set it in your database, or right here in the code. // If you want to do it in the code, comment the previous line and uncomment the next line. // Then set a number in the next line. Currently it's 100. //$maxIndex = 100; for ($index=1; $index<=$maxIndex; $index+=50) { // for Categorized values $url = "$vquery&key=AI39si7-u9DMCmc-oKFmxHEODSij37IP7Wm9o0D_jwHTDm4z7618RCslEBegMM4Cr6VjD2O0-8M8sIFdx9ImxzhR6QzaSQwg9Q&max-results=50&start-index=$index"; //echo "\tFetching $url\n"; $rss = fetch_rss($url); foreach ($rss->items as $item) { $yt_url = $item[link]; $ytID_in = substr($yt_url,31,11); $query = "SELECT * from $oTableName_in WHERE yt_id='$ytID_in' AND query_id='$qid_in'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or mysql_error(); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); // Only if there wasn't already a video with the same ID for the same query, process further if ($num_rows == 0) { $feedURL = "$ytID_in?v=2"; //echo "\t\tExtracting $feedURL\n"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $feedURL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $page = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if($page) { echo "Feed Url" . "\n"; echo $feedURL . "\n"; $entry = simplexml_load_file($feedURL); $video = parseVideoEntry($entry); $timestamp = time(); if($video){ echo "Main Video Link:" . "\n"; $title = $video->title; echo $title ."\n"; // TODO //AddValue($oTableName_in, $video_iv, &$result, $qid_in, $ytID_in, $timestamp_in, $today_in); if ($title!="") { $rawdescription = $video->description; // need to format the description as while inserting into the database, // mysql cries if extra ' is present in the string $description = str_replace("'", "#39", $rawdescription); $username = $video->username; $upload_time = $video->published; $duration = $video->length; $category = $video->category; $video_url = $video->watchURL; $thumb_url = '' . $ytID_in . '/0.jpg'; $keywords = $video->keywords; $typeMain = "Main"; $view_count = $video->viewCount; if(isset($video->numrating)) { $rating_count = $video->numrating; } else { $rating_count = 0; } $rating_avg = $video->rating; if(isset($video->commentsCount)) { $comment_count = $video->commentsCount; } else { $comment_count = 0; } $favorited = $video->favoriteCount; $response_count = $video->responseCount; $likes = $video->likes; $dislikes = $video->dislikes; $responseURLArray = array(); $responseList=""; $count =0; // InResponse to retrieval if ($video->responsesURL) { $type = "Response:" . $ytID_in; $responseFeed = simplexml_load_file($video->responsesURL); foreach ($responseFeed->entry as $response) { $responseVideo = parseVideoEntry($response); $timestamp_in = time(); echo "Response Video Title" . "\n"; echo $responseVideo->title . "\n"; $queryResponse = AddValue($oTableName_in, $responseVideo, $qid_in, $timestamp_in, $today_in, $responseURLArray, $count, $type, $dbh); $result = mysql_query($queryResponse) or mysql_error(); } // foreach $responseList = implode(",", $responseURLArray); } // if $count =0; // Related video code $commaseparatedURL =""; $relatedURLArray = array(); if ($video->relatedURL) { $type = "Related:" . $ytID_in; $relatedFeed = simplexml_load_file($video->relatedURL); foreach ($relatedFeed->entry as $related) { $video_in = parseVideoEntry($related); $timestamp_in = time(); echo "Related Video Title" . "\n"; echo $video_in->title; $queryRelated = AddValue($oTableName_in, $video_in, $qid_in, $timestamp_in, $today_in, $relatedURLArray, $count, $type, $dbh); echo "Related Query:" . "\n"; $result = mysql_query($queryRelated) or mysql_error(); } $commaseparatedURL = implode(",", $relatedURLArray); }// if // Start formualting the Query $query = "INSERT INTO $oTableName_in "; $query = $query. "VALUES('','$qid_in','$ytID_in','$timestamp','','','$today_in','$typeMain'"; $dquery = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $oTableName_in"; $result = mysql_query($dquery) or mysql_error(); $queryRelated = array(); while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $fieldName = $line['Field']; switch($fieldName) { case 'title': $query = $query . ",'$title'"; break; case 'description': $query = $query . ",'$description'"; break; case 'username': $query = $query . ",'$username'"; break; case 'upload_time': $query = $query . ",'$upload_time'"; break; case 'duration': $query = $query . ",'$duration'"; break; case 'category': $query = $query . ",'$category'"; break; case 'keywords': $query = $query . ",'$keywords'"; break; case 'video_url': $query = $query . ",'$video_url'"; break; case 'thumb_url': $query = $query . ",'$thumb_url'"; break; case 'view_count': $query = $query . ",'$view_count'"; break; case 'rating_count': $query = $query . ",'$rating_count'"; break; case 'rating_avg': $query = $query . ",'$rating_avg'"; break; case 'comment_count': $query = $query . ",'$comment_count'"; break; case 'comments': $query = $query . ",'$comments'"; break; case 'response_count': $query = $query . ",'$response_count'"; break; case 'favorite_count': $query = $query . ",'$favorited'"; break; case 'rank': $query = $query . ",'$rank'"; break; case 'related_id': $query = $query . ",'$commaseparatedURL'"; break; case 'inresponse': echo "InResponseList". "\n"; $query = $query . ",'$responseList'"; break; case 'likes': $query = $query . ",'$likes'"; break; case 'dislikes': $query = $query . ",'$dislikes'"; break; default: break; } // switch($fieldName) } // while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $query = $query . ")"; $result = mysql_query($query) or mysql_error(); } //title }//$video check } } // if ($num_rows == 0) fwrite($fr, "$rank $ytID_in\n"); $rank++; } // foreach ($rss->items as $item) } // for ($index=1; $index<=51; $index+=50) fclose($fr); } ?>