Game Engine Used : Unreal Engine 5 IDE Used : Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
I made it with partial C++ and blueprints so that I can show my knowledge of both blueprints and C++. I have used Unreal Engine 5.3 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 as IDE.
- Replica of Angry Bird in 3D
- Used Unreal Engine 5+ (5.3)
- Added Main Menu screen and two UI start and over.
- All Dynamics are Physics-based
- Created 3 birds A) Red - follows the initial trajectory B) Blue - follows initial trajectory and splits into 3 on left mouse button click C) Yellow - follows initial trajectory and sprints in a straight line on left mouse button click.
- Implemented two camera modes: front view and Head Mounted View which can be switched by pressing "C" BUTTON ON KEYBOARD.
- used 3D objects, not sprites.
- Trajectory path is rendered as small spherical dots.
- used the given assets
- Added some Angry Bird Sound Effects,
- Polished beach-side level design by using Quixel Megascan
- added particle components on pig's explosion