- Add a table of contents at the top here
Challenge Overview: https://www.cmi-pb.org/
Webpage for this project: https://psl-schaefer.github.io/cmi_pb_third_challenge/
There are several aspects that make this challenge challenging:
- Large-P-Small-N Problem
- Seven different prediction tasks
- Six different data modalities
- Strong cohort (group) effects
Given the complexity of the challenge, there are many degrees of freedom of how to approach. To not get lost I tried to focus on the following aspects:
- Solid QC and data preprocessing of the experimental data.
- Solic Model evaluation framework, because it is extremly easy to overfit on the training data in the Large-P-Small-N setting.
- I replaced all "[+-.: /]" with other strings such that I could use the formula syntax in R
Only keep Specimen for which metadata are available
Manually subset features for certain assays:
- PBMC frequencies: Selected a subset of cell types based on the gating info (but did not benchmark this selection): Monocytes, Classical_Monocytes, Intermediate_Monocytes, Non-Classical_Monocytes, CD8Tcells, CD4Tcells, Bcells, NK, pDC, Basophils
- Olink: Only use proteins/cytokines that have an NA fraction below 50%.
Olink QC Qarning:
- Removed all measurements with QC warning in the Olink assay (which was about 300 measurements)
Different Units in Assay
- Plasma Antibody Titers:
- See forum post here
- In the 2020 dataset we have
whereas for 2021-2023 we have MFI (fluorescence intensity).IU/ML
is obtained using a serum standard, thus there is not trivial conversion from MFI to IU/ML. - I decided not to consider the 2020 Ab titer data
- Olink:
- In the 2020 dataset we have
Normalized Protein eXpression
, whereas for 2021-2023 we havePG/ML
- I removed all measurements with different units.
- Here, I remove by far the most measurements.
- In the 2020 dataset we have
- Plasma Antibody Titers:
Lower Limit of Detection in Plasma Antibody Titers:
- See forum post here
- Removed specimen with more than 50% of measurements below LOD
Lower Limit of Quantification in Olink assay
- See forum post here
- Removed specimen with more than 50% of measurements below LOD
Outlier Removal
- For the legendplex assay I removed these specimen: 661, 657, 658, 689, 903, 638, 659, 661 (based on PCA plots)
PBMC gene expression
- For simplicity, I decided to only keep genes that have a unique mapping from ensemble id to gene symbol
pbmc_cell_frequency: Median Baseline Normalization (i.e. divide each feature by the median of that feature in the measurments from specimen from day 0)
pbmc_gene_expression: VST
plasma_ab_titer: Median Baseline Normalization
plasma_cytokine_concentration_by_legendplex: Median Baseline Normalization
plasma_cytokine_concentration_by_olink: No Normalization
t_cell_activation: No Normalization
t_cell_polarization: No Normalization
pbmc_cell_frequency: No Integration
pbmc_gene_expression: ComBat-seq
plasma_ab_titer: No Integration
plasma_cytokine_concentration_by_legendplex: ComBat
plasma_cytokine_concentration_by_olink: No Integration
t_cell_activation: No Integration
t_cell_polarization: No Integration
pbmc_gene_expression: Selection of the
most highly variable genes (simply using dispersion) -
Missing values were imputed per assay using
Which subjects / specimens did I consider:
I defined the following acceptable differences between the actual and planned day of visit wrt booster administration:
- day_0 = list("min_diff" = -7, "max_diff" = 0)
- day_1 = list("min_diff" = 1, "max_diff" = 2)
- day_3 = list("min_diff" = 3, "max_diff" = 6)
- day_14 = list("min_diff" = 12, "max_diff" = 16)
- day_30 = list("min_diff" = 28, "max_diff" = 40)
In tasks 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, instead of predicting fold changes, I predicted log fold changes, as the distributions of the logFC looked less skewed.
In task 3.1, instead of predicting the raw expression of CCL3, I predicted the log expression
Given that we deal here with a Large-P-Small-N problem, having a good model selection framework is probably even more important than the actual model.
To evaluate and select models for each task, I used nested cross validation (CV):
- Folds in the outer loop: Each cohort is a fold (i.e. Group k-fold) -> Outer loop is used to estimate cross-cohort model performance
- Fold in the inner loop: Each subject is a fold (i.e. LOOCV) -> Inner loop is used to select the best set of hyperparameters for any model. Using this set on hyperparameters I then estimate model performance on the hold-out fold from the outer loop
I used this model evaluation framework to test many combinations of models and features:
- Models: LASSO, Elastic Net, Random Forest
- XGboost (or any other kind of boosting algorithm) is usually state-of-the-art in tabular ML problems, but here I was not sure about using it given the small amount of training data points we have (large-p-small-n), ...
- Features: Power set of all assays
- Models: LASSO, Elastic Net, Random Forest
To choose the final model per task, I not only considered the perfomrance, but all of the following points:
- Top ranking performance
- Low variance between the test sets
- If several models with top performance and low variance, choose the more regularized model
- If several models with top performance and low variance, choose model that is not using any assay that is missing often in test data (specifically Olink!)
Clone/Fork the repo, e.g.
git clone https://github.com/psl-schaefer/cmi_pb_third_challenge
Cd into the cloned repo (using your favorite shell)
Rscript -e "renv::restore()"
Check with
Rscript -e "renv::status()"
- Should return:
No issues found -- the project is in a consistent state.
- Should return:
Alternatively, if
does not work, one could also delete the lock file and renv directory, and manually install the packages. -
Rscript src/download_data.R
Rscript src/compute_gene_stats.R
a) Generating the whole webpage (i.e. all analyses):
- Install quarto
- Note, if you want to include the MOFA model (which I ended up not using), change the specification for the conda environment that is used by
. E.g. whereever you see this linereticulate::use_condaenv("scanpy")
, use a conda environment that is installed in your system. - Run
quarto render
inside the project directory (in your favorite shell)
b) Generating only the predictions
- Run
quarto render model_selection.qmd
(on my machine this runs about 4 hours)
- Run
Submission file should be in
(saved using the current data as prefix)