diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore index 1d63b0c..67dfed1 100755 --- a/.Rbuildignore +++ b/.Rbuildignore @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ ^MOD11A1.006$ ^SMAP$ ^VNP46A1$ -^data$ ^docs$ ^Meta$ ^doc$ @@ -29,3 +28,4 @@ ^pkgdown$ ^env_data$ ^env_data_2$ +^vignettes/data_use_case$ diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 10245e3..dc69e7b 100755 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ MOD11A1.006/ SPL3SMP_E.003/ VNP46A1/ Meta -data doc /doc/ /Meta/ @@ -23,3 +22,4 @@ vignettes/env_data/ vignettes/env_data_2/ env_data/ env_data_2/ +vignettes/data_use_case/ diff --git a/data/entomological_data.rda b/data/entomological_data.rda new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd25996 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/entomological_data.rda differ diff --git a/docs/404.html b/docs/404.html index 9991e4d..206b8f9 100644 --- a/docs/404.html +++ b/docs/404.html @@ -62,6 +62,9 @@
-## Get the URLs of MODIS Terra LST daily
+## Get the URLs of MODIS Vegetation indexes
urls_mod11a1 <- mf_get_url(
collection = "MOD13A3.061",
variables = c("_1_km_monthly_NDVI","_1_km_monthly_EVI","_1_km_monthly_VI_Quality"), # get the available variables with : mf_list_variables("MOD13A3.061"), or set to NULL (default) to download all the variables
@@ -305,7 +308,7 @@ Import the data in Rncdf4
+⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Important warning regarding the use of the data after download
through modisfast
diff --git a/docs/articles/get_started_files/figure-html/plot -1.png b/docs/articles/get_started_files/figure-html/plot -1.png
index 7436840..ffffc38 100644
Binary files a/docs/articles/get_started_files/figure-html/plot -1.png and b/docs/articles/get_started_files/figure-html/plot -1.png differ
diff --git a/docs/articles/get_started_files/figure-html/plot -2.png b/docs/articles/get_started_files/figure-html/plot -2.png
index ef5462a..d6fd1e6 100644
Binary files a/docs/articles/get_started_files/figure-html/plot -2.png and b/docs/articles/get_started_files/figure-html/plot -2.png differ
diff --git a/docs/articles/index.html b/docs/articles/index.html
index d5fe4b7..fd8e706 100644
--- a/docs/articles/index.html
+++ b/docs/articles/index.html
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
2. Get data on several regions or periods of interest at a glance
+ 3. Full use case
+ use_case.Rmd
In this use case, we showcase how, starting with a simple table +containing sampling-like information (geographical coordinates and +dates), it is possible to retrieve meteorological or environmental data +around each of these sampling points at chosen lags before the sampling +dates.
+Here, let’s say that we have a dataset containing abundances of +mosquitoes vectors of malaria. These mosquitoes were periodically +collected in several villages of a region of Northern Côte d’Ivoire +during 1.5 years. In total, 8 entomological surveys took place in 32 +villages of this area. In order to analyse the effects of temperature +and rainfall on the abundance of these mosquitoes, we want to get the +average temperature and cumulated rainfall for each collection point, in +a 2-km radius buffer zone, one month before each collection date.
+For information, the full ‘real’ dataset was published in the GBIF and +exhaustively described in this data +paper).
+First we load the useful packages :
+ +Then, let’s load the data and have a look at them :
+#> mission date village X Y n
+#> 1 1 2016-09-21 GUE -5.548970 9.271823 120
+#> 2 1 2016-09-21 LOK -5.605484 9.186781 156
+#> 3 1 2016-09-21 PEN -5.514849 9.253527 84
+#> 4 1 2016-09-22 KOL -5.524137 9.288387 131
+#> 5 1 2016-09-23 KAG -5.535555 9.282149 165
+#> 6 1 2016-09-23 NOK -5.614132 9.251798 188
The first step is to convert this dataset as an sf
+object, and then generate its bounding box (ie. area of interest) to get
+a POLYGON object (which is the input type for modisfast
+entomological_data <- entomological_data %>%
+ st_as_sf(coords = c("X", "Y"), crs = 4326) %>%
+ mutate(date = as.Date(date))
+roi <- st_bbox(entomological_data)
Since we will calculate the meteorological indicators in 2-km radius +buffer zones, we need to enlarge a bit the ROI. Here, we enlarge it by +3000 m in all directions (N, S, W, E) and we give the ROI the name +“Korhogo” (the name of the main city in the area) :
+# function expand_bbox() (Thanks @Chrisjb for the function)
+roi <- roi %>%
+ expand_bbox(.,3000,3000) %>%
+ sf::st_as_sfc() %>%
+ sf::st_sf()
+roi$id = "korhogo"
Next, we define the time range of interest.
+Here we will first download the whole time series, and then (in step +3) filter-out the specific dates for each +collection point in the next step. So for download, we set the time +range as the period going from 30 days before the first collection date +to the last collection date.
+ +modisfast
+We now download the data using modisfast
+log <- mf_login(credentials = c(Sys.getenv("earthdata_un"),Sys.getenv("earthdata_pw")))
+#> Checking credentials...
+#> Successfull login to earthdata
+urls_mod11a2 <- mf_get_url(
+ collection = "MOD11A2.061",
+ variables = c("LST_Day_1km","LST_Night_1km"),
+ roi = roi,
+ time_range = time_range )
+#> Building the URLs...
+#> OK
+urls_gpm <- mf_get_url(
+ collection = "GPM_3IMERGDF.07",
+ variables = c("precipitation"),
+ roi = roi,
+ time_range = time_range )
+#> Building the URLs...
+#> OK
+res_dl_modis <- mf_download_data(urls_mod11a2, path = "data_use_case")
+#> 1 datasets in total : 1 already downloaded and 0 datasets to download
+#> Data were all properly downloaded under the folder(s) data_use_case/korhogo/MOD11A2.061
+res_dl_gpm <- mf_download_data(urls_gpm, path = "data_use_case")
+#> 590 datasets in total : 590 already downloaded and 0 datasets to download
+#> Data were all properly downloaded under the folder(s) data_use_case/korhogo/GPM_3IMERGDF.07
And then we import it in R :
+# import MODIS
+modis_ts <- mf_import_data(path = dirname(res_dl_modis$destfile[1]),
+ collection_source = "MODIS")
+# import GPM
+gpm_ts <- mf_import_data(path = dirname(res_dl_gpm$destfile[1]),
+ collection_source = "GPM")
Our time series are here, let’s finish the job now !
+The last step is to extract the average temperature and cumulated +rainfall for each collection point in a 2-km radius buffer zone, one +month before each collection date.
+Below is some code for this - but feel free to adapt it, there are +many ways of doing this, and the code suggested here may not be the best +suited to your needs.
+# generate a 2-km radius buffer area around each collection point
+sp_buffer <- st_buffer(entomological_data, 2000)
+# write a function that summarizes the data, given as input :
+# - a buffer zone (within which the data will we summarized),
+# - a SpatRaster time series,
+# - a layer of interest for this SpatRaster,
+# - a time range of interest
+# - a function to summarize the data for the considered time frame
+fun_get_zonal_stat <- function(sp_buffer, raster_ts, variable, min_date, max_date, fun_summarize){
+ r_sub <- terra::subset(raster_ts, time(raster_ts) >= min_date & time(raster_ts) <= max_date)
+ r_agg <- terra::app(r_sub[variable], fun_summarize, na.rm = T)
+ val <- terra::extract(r_agg, sp_buffer, fun = mean, ID = F, touches=TRUE, na.rm = T)
+ val <- as.numeric(val)
+ return(val)
+# split the dataset (needed for the execution of the function)
+sp_buffer_split <- split(sp_buffer, seq(nrow(sp_buffer)))
+# execute the function to get vectors
+LST_1_month_bef <- purrr::map_dbl(sp_buffer_split, ~fun_get_zonal_stat(., modis_ts, "LST_Day_1km", .$date - 30, .$date, "mean"))
+rain_1_month_bef <- purrr::map_dbl(sp_buffer_split, ~fun_get_zonal_stat(., gpm_ts, "precipitation", .$date - 30, .$date, "sum"))
+# add columns in the original table (entomological_data) containing the extracted temperature and rainfall data
+entomological_data$LST_1_month_bef <- LST_1_month_bef - 273.15 # the - 273.15 is to convert the temperature from kelvin to °C
+entomological_data$rain_1_month_bef <- rain_1_month_bef
+#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 6 fields
+#> Geometry type: POINT
+#> Dimension: XY
+#> Bounding box: xmin: -5.614132 ymin: 9.186781 xmax: -5.514849 ymax: 9.288387
+#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
+#> mission date village n geometry LST_1_month_bef
+#> 1 1 2016-09-21 GUE 120 POINT (-5.54897 9.271823) 28.59190
+#> 2 1 2016-09-21 LOK 156 POINT (-5.605484 9.186781) 27.31314
+#> 3 1 2016-09-21 PEN 84 POINT (-5.514849 9.253527) 28.50162
+#> 4 1 2016-09-22 KOL 131 POINT (-5.524137 9.288387) 26.71242
+#> 5 1 2016-09-23 KAG 165 POINT (-5.535555 9.282149) 27.68345
+#> 6 1 2016-09-23 NOK 188 POINT (-5.614132 9.251798) 29.66437
+#> rain_1_month_bef
+#> 1 377.1600
+#> 2 366.2787
+#> 3 374.3600
+#> 4 362.1925
+#> 5 370.0350
+#> 6 368.2850
We can now visualize the data :
+# association between diurnal temperature and mosquito abundance
+ggplot(entomological_data,aes(x=LST_1_month_bef, y=n)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth() + theme_bw() + labs(x="Average diurnal temperature\n1 month before collection", y = "Number of mosquitoes collected")
+# association between rainfall and mosquito abundance
+ggplot(entomological_data,aes(x=rain_1_month_bef, y=n)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth() + theme_bw() + labs(x="Cumulated rainfall\n1 month before collection", y = "Number of mosquitoes collected")
We see that overall, there is :
+There also seem to be non-linear relationships that could be further +explored and explained.
+Next steps could imply modeling the abundances of mosquitoes using +these meteorological data, for explanation or prediction purposes. To go +deeper, we could also extract data from more time frames, to better +apprehend several aspects of the ecology of the vectors in the study +area (eg. impact of meteorological variables at the different life +stages of the mosquitoes).
+You may see this +paper and this +one for examples of full data mining works using such data.