The pinout of the L01 is available as a PDF File
{% file src="../../.gitbook/assets/l01-pinout.pdf" caption="L01 Pinout" %}
The specsheet of the L01 is available as a PDF File.
{% file src="../../.gitbook/assets/l01-specsheet (1).pdf" caption="L01 Datasheet" %}
The drawings for the L01 is available as a PDF File.
{% file src="../../.gitbook/assets/l01-drawing.pdf" caption="L01 Drawing" %}
{% hint style="info" %} Please note that the PIN assignments for UART1 (TX1/RX1), SPI (CLK, MOSI, MISO) and I2C (SDA, SCL) are defaults and can be changed in Software. {% endhint %}
Tutorials on how to the L01 module can be found in the examples section of this documentation. The following tutorials might be of specific interest for the L01: