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File metadata and controls

121 lines (89 loc) · 9.5 KB

The English introduction is placed below the Chinese version.



1. 添加账号


2. 搜索商品

筛选条件: 筛选条件的白框“☐”代表商品不能符合这个条件,“√”代表必须符合这个条件,默认的“■”代表商品既可以符合条件,也可以不符合。
价格: 两个价格输入框分别表示价格区间的最大值和最小值,注意价格是包含最大值和最小值的。如果没有选中复选框,则输入的价格会被忽略。
搜索页数: 搜索页数代表了在淘宝搜索多少页。一般淘宝的一页结果包含了48个商品。
最大商品数: 一次最多添加多少件商品到购物车。此外如果搜索页数太小,或者筛选范围过窄,实际添加的商品数量会达不到这个数值。

3. 移除账号


4. 自定义商品过滤条件





软件依赖于PyQt5、selenium、requests和tqdm库,可通过命令pip install selenium pyqt5 requests tqdm安装,安装完成后运行main.py即可启动软件。


如果要用Inno Setup打包项目,则需要在Inno Script Studio打开inno\setup.iss,点击“项目” -> “编译”(或手动从命令行调用inno setup),生成本软件的安装包。

This project implements an automatic product filter for Taobao using selenium and PyQt5, enabling users to filter products by price range and various keywords automatically. Users can log in to their Taobao account through the software, set search keywords and filtering options (e.g., "7-Day Returns," "Shipping Insurance"), and conveniently add selected products to their cart, reducing the manual effort required for adding items one by one.

Usage Instructions

Step 1: Add an Account

When you first run the software, click the "Add Account" button. After the software automatically downloads Edge driver, an Edge browser will be automatically opened.
Log in to the Taobao website inside the opened browser and close the browser, then the software will automatically save the login state for future use, including cookies and tokens.
If the account logs out unexpectedly, select the account from the list on the left and click "Re-login" to restore the login state.

Step 2: Search Products

Select the account you want to use from the list on the left, then enter the product search keywords and choose filtering options.
Click the "Search and Add to Cart" button to open a browser and perform a search. The software will automatically add products that meet the specified criteria from the current page of search results to the cart.
Success or failure messages will be logged in the "Log" section. If a product is added successfully, the software will close its detail page. If not, the detail page will remain open for manual addition.
After all items have been processed, close the browser. After some time, the software will sync the successfully added products to the list. Products added to the cart under different accounts will not overlap.

Important Notes:

  1. If the account's search results are displayed in "List View" by default, switch to "Card View" for the software to operate correctly.
  2. For products marked as sold out, requiring style selection, or other special situations, the software will not add them automatically and will leave the browser window open for manual handling.

Filtering Options:

  • A white checkbox "☐" means the product must not meet the condition.
  • A checked box "√" means the product must meet the condition.
  • A filled box "■" (default) means the product may or may not meet the condition.

Enter the minimum and maximum prices in the two input fields. Prices are inclusive of the maximum and minimum values. If the checkbox is unchecked, the input prices will be ignored.

Search Pages:
This determines how many pages of search results the software will process. Typically, each page on Taobao contains 48 products.

Maximum Products:
This sets the maximum number of products to add to the cart in one operation. If the number of search pages is too small or the filtering range is too narrow, the actual number of products added may fall short of this value.

Step 3: Remove an Account

Select the account you want to remove from the list on the left, then click the "Remove Account" button. Confirm the action to delete the account's login state.

Step 4: Customize Product Filtering Conditions

Click the "Customize" button above the filtering options list to add custom filtering conditions. Ensure the conditions match the original text on the web page; otherwise, the software may fail to recognize them.

Development Framework

The software is developed using Python with the Selenium library for automating Taobao web interactions and PyQt5 for the graphical user interface.
Additionally, the requests and tqdm libraries are used for downloading and displaying progress bars during EdgeDriver initialization.

Runtime Environment

The software depends on the following libraries:

pip install selenium pyqt5 requests tqdm

After installation, run to start the software.

When launching the Edge browser for the first time, the software will automatically download the appropriate msedgedriver.exe for the installed Edge version and save it to the driver directory in the software's installation path. Manual Selenium environment setup is unnecessary.

If the EdgeDriver becomes corrupted or fails due to Edge browser updates, delete the driver folder in the software installation path. The software will redownload it automatically.

Configuration data, including login information, is saved in:


How to Build

Open cmd.exe on Windows, navigate to the current directory, and run:


This will generate the build and dist directories.

To package the project using Inno Setup, open inno\setup.iss in Inno Script Studio, then click "Project" -> "Compile" (or run Inno Setup from the command line) to create the installation package.