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CAD Model Rendering scripts

In this part we show how to render CAD model to images and corresponding poses for later Gaussian-Splats. We use the format of NeRF Synthetic Dataset. We adapt the code from work work and the code from work for the rendering.


We use blender to render CAD model to images. Following blender install instruction, we use blender 3.6.13. You can install by

mkdir ./blender_install && cd ./blender_install # or change to your prefer location

tar -xvf blender-3.6.13-linux-x64.tar.xz

After unpacking Blender, we can use it for rendering through the Python interface.


we need package trimesh and PIL for processing

pip install trimesh
pip install Pillow


Prepare the CAD Dataset for usage. Get the ShapeNet from ShapeNet website. Place the installed ShapeNet to ./ShapeNet. We support both ShapeNetv1 and ShapeNetv2 rendering. Similarily, get the ModelNet from ModelNet website and place it in ./ModelNet40. Also you can download it from Kaggle. Note that unlike other point cloud data processing like Point-MAE and Point-Bert, we download the CAD model files instead of processed point cloud.

While using these excellent datasets, please remember to cite the original ShapeNet and ModelNet datasets.


After preparing the blender and dataset, we can start rendering CAD Models to images. We use start_idx and end_idx to divide the whole dataset which is easier for submit multiple jobs to multiple gpus. We save the first object in ShapeNetv2 and ModelNet for example.

# for ShapeNetv2

python3 --start_idx=0 --end_idx=1 --model_root_dir=./ShapeNet --render_root_dir=./ShapeNet/render --blender_location=./blender_install/blender-3.6.13-linux-x64/blender --shapenetversion=v2

# for ModelNet40
python3 --start_idx=0 --end_idx=1 --model_root_dir=./ModelNet40 --render_root_dir=./ModelNet40/render/ --blender_location=./blender_install/blender-3.6.13-linux-x64/blender

The render output format will be :

│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──point_cloud.obj
│   ├──transforms_train.json
│   ├──transforms_test.json
│   ├──transforms_val.json
│   ├──.......

Note that the train use 72 views and validation and test is seleced for last 4 views from train views. You can adjust the sampling views in by modifying variable vertical_list in and the data split.

Unlike other methods that process NeRF synthetic data by using random initialization for the Gaussian, we saved the point_cloud.obj file from CAD and used it for initialization. This approach ensures faster convergence and higher accuracy in Gaussian rasterization.

In order to use such initialization, you only need to simply replace the in most gs-splat object with the one we provide here. The difference is we add another function fetchObj and read images from .zip files .

With render output and modified you can start training the ShapeNet and ModelNet or other CAD models efficiently.


If you find our work helpful, please consider citing the following paper and/or ⭐ the repo.

      title={ShapeSplat: A Large-scale Dataset of Gaussian Splats and Their Self-Supervised Pretraining}, 
      author={Qi Ma and Yue Li and Bin Ren and Nicu Sebe and Ender Konukoglu and Theo Gevers and Luc Van Gool and Danda Pani Paudel},

  title={Shapenet: An information-rich 3d model repository},
  author={Chang, Angel X and Funkhouser, Thomas and Guibas, Leonidas and Hanrahan, Pat and Huang, Qixing and Li, Zimo and Savarese, Silvio and Savva, Manolis and Song, Shuran and Su, Hao and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03012},

  title={3d shapenets: A deep representation for volumetric shapes},
  author={Wu, Zhirong and Song, Shuran and Khosla, Aditya and Yu, Fisher and Zhang, Linguang and Tang, Xiaoou and Xiao, Jianxiong},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},

  title={Disn: Deep implicit surface network for high-quality single-view 3d reconstruction},
  author={Xu, Qiangeng and Wang, Weiyue and Ceylan, Duygu and Mech, Radomir and Neumann, Ulrich},
  journal={Advances in neural information processing systems},

 title={NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis},
 author={Ben Mildenhall and Pratul P. Srinivasan and Matthew Tancik and Jonathan T. Barron and Ravi Ramamoorthi and Ren Ng},

