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ShapeSplat Segmentation Fintune

This section provides detailed instructions on how to conduct part segmentation experiments using ShapeSplat Gaussians. The process is divided into three main parts:

  • Dataset Processing
  • Experiments
  • Results

Dataset Processing

Following the instructions in, the shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal dataset should already be downloaded and unzipped.

To ensure a fair comparison with point cloud-based methods, we use the same labels and splits provided in the shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal dataset. For each Gaussian input, the features are mapped to the corresponding point label positions. The segmentation labels are then predicted at these point cloud positions.

However, due to some misnaming issues, it is necessary to create a mapping between the point clouds and the ShapeSplats representations. This can be done by running the script:

splits_file_root_path = 'Specify the path to shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal/train_test_split/'
org_gs_save_path = 'Specify the path to the ShapeSplats directory'


Similar to ModelNet finetuning, after pretraining, you can parse the checkpoints path in in sh_jobs/ Before run the segmentation, you need to specify following parameters:


The path where you unzip the shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal

  • GS_ROOT The path where the gaussian splats is saved

  • PRETRAIN_CKPT Specifies the path of the '.pth' file after pretraining

PRETRAIN_CKPT="The path to the pretrain checkpoint"
cd ..

python \
    --partanno_root ${PARTANNO_ROOT}  \
    --gs_root ${GS_ROOT} \
    --pc_to_gs_map ${PC_TO_GS_MAP} \
    --log_dir ./enc_full_group_xyz_pre_1k \
    --attribute '["xyz","opacity","scale","rotation","sh"]' \
    --ckpts ${PRETRAIN_CKPT} \
    --npoint  1024 \
    --num_group 64 \
    # --soft_knn
    # --use_wandb
    # --norm_attribute
    # --group_attribute

You can specify other parameters like soft_knn, norm_attribute and group_attribute like modelnet finetuning. Note that here instead of parsing config file for each experiments, the parameters for experiments is decided by different input arguments. The above example demonstrates using all attributes for encoding and only xyz for grouping. To experiment with other configurations, create your own bash file with the desired parameter settings.

Additional Parameters for Part Segmentation

You can specify additional parameters, such as: soft_knn, norm_attribute and group_attribute. These are similar to the parameters used in ModelNet finetuning.

Note: Unlike ModelNet finetuning, where configuration files are parsed for each experiment, the parameters for part segmentation experiments are directly controlled via input arguments. Ensure the desired parameters are set when running the script.


The experiments results are saved in 'experiments/part_seg/log_dir', it include the checkpoints and the logs, you can check the pt.txt in logs and search for keyword best, then you can find the reported Best accuracy, Best class avg mIOU and Best inctance avg mIOU which reported in the paper.

Viewing Experiment Results

The experiment results are saved in the directory experiments/part_seg/log_dir. This directory includes both the checkpoints and log files.

To find the reported metrics, open the pt.txt file located in the logs directory and search for the keyword "best". You will find the following metrics as reported in the paper:

  • Best accuracy
  • Best class average mIOU
  • Best instance average mIOU

If you want to save results for visualization, you can store the seg_pred and gs_data array by modifying line 258 in the main function.