This sample converts a representation of a Hamiltonians using library data types into unitary time-evolution by the Hamiltonian on qubits. We consider the Ising model and study adiabatic state preparation of its ground state for the cases of uniform ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic coupling between sites.
Open the QsharpLibraries.sln
solution in Visual Studio and set the .csproj file in the manifest as the startup project.
Press Start in Visual Studio to run the sample.
- AdiabaticIsing.qs: Q# code implementing quantum operations for this sample.
- Program.cs: C# code to interact with and print out results of the Q# operations for this sample.
- AdiabaticIsingSample.csproj: Main C# project for the sample.
This sample builds on results in IsingGenerators sample. We suggest reading that sample before continuing.