- beidou-view-react: Isomorphic react view
- beidou-webpack: Webpack dev server only for local environment
- beidou-isomorphic: Ismorphic plugin, support less/scss/css and basic BOM/DOM varibles in server side
- egg-onerror: Default error handling plugin.
- egg-session: Session plugin based on koa-session.
- egg-i18n: Multi-language plugin
- egg-watcher: File watcher plugin
- egg-multipart: Use co-busboy to upload file by streaming and process it without save to disk.
- egg-security: Default security plugin, generally no need to configure.
- egg-logrotater: Log rotator plugin. Rotate all file of app.loggers by default.
- egg-schedule: Schedule plugin. It supports two scheduler types, worker and all, and can be extended by other plugins.
- egg-static: Static server plugin, based on koa-static-cache.
- egg-jsonp: Jsonp plugin, with security check inside.
- egg-view: View plugin
- egg-development: This is an egg plugin for local development, under development environment enabled by default, and closed under other environment.
- egg-userservice: This plugin provides a convention of how your application accesses current user data.
- egg-userrole: Provide dynamic roles based authorisation. Use koa-roles.
- egg-validate: Validate plugin.
- egg-tracer: tracer plugin.
- egg-alinode: alinode plugin.
- egg-mysql: Aliyun rds client(support mysql portocal).
- egg-oss: OSS plugin.
- egg-instrument: Compute the duration of an operation in local environment.
- egg-cors: CORS plugin.
- egg-rest: Restful API plugin.
- egg-watcher: File watcher plugin.
- egg-sequelize: Sequelize plugin.
- egg-mongoose: Mongoose plugin.
- egg-graphql: Graphql plugin.
- egg-socket.io: Socket.io plugin.
- egg-redis: Redis client(support redis portocal) based on ioredis.
- egg-oauth2-server: egg-oauth2-server is a module that easily adds oauth2 capability to egg-based servers.
- egg-passport: Passport plugin, base on passportjs.
- egg-mongo-native: This plugin base on node-mongodb-native, provides the official MongoDB native driver and APIs..
- egg-grpc: Grpc plugin.
- egg-knex: Knex plugin. Knex is a "batteries included" SQL query builder for Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, and Oracle.
- egg-dingtalk-robot: Dingtalk-robot plugin.
- egg-session-redis: A session extension for store session in redis.
- egg-websocket: Websocket plugin.
- egg-dingtalk: Dingtalk plugin.
- egg-cookies: Extends pillarjs/cookies to adapt koa and egg with some additional features.
- egg-wechat-api: Wechat Api plugin.
- egg-leancloud: Leancloud plugin.
- egg-passport-github: Github passport plugin for egg.
- egg-aliyun-api-gateway: Plugin for aliyun-api-gateway.
- egg-logview: Provide a log files viewer for development purpose..
- egg-passport-weibo: Weibo passport plugin for egg.
- egg-rpc: Rpc server plugin. follow JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification
- egg-view-handlebars: egg view plugin for handlebars
- egg-host: Host plugin. It supports modify the host config, just like edit the /etc/hosts.
- egg-async-validator: Async validate plugin.
- egg-watcher-chokidar: Watcher-chokidar plugin.
- egg-passport-twitter: Twitter passport plugin.
- egg-passport-bitbucket: Bitbucket passport plugin.
More plugins, refer to plugin-gallery。