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+# Auto Generate Endpoint modules for API Automation Framework #
+The Endpoint generator project helps automate creating API automation tests using Qxf2's API Automation framework. It generates Endpoint modules - an abstraction for endpoints in the application under test from an OpenAPI specification.
+## Requirements ##
+- An V3.x.x OpenAPI specification for your API app.
+- The spec file can be a `JSON` or `YAML` file.
+## How to run the script? ##
+- Validate the OpenAPI specification
+python api_auto_generator/endpoint_module_generator --spec
+This command will help check if the OpenAPI spec can be used to generate Endpoints file. It will raise an exception for invalid or incomplete specs.
+- Generate the `Endpoint` module
+python api_auto_generator/endpoint_module_generator --spec --generate-endpoints
+This command will generate `_Endpoint.py` module in the `endpoints` dir.
+## How does the script work? ##
+- The script uses `openapi3_parser` module to parse and read the contents from an OpenAPI spec.
+- The endpoints and its details are read from the spec
+- A module-name, class-name, instance-method-names are all generated for the endpoint
+- The Path & Query parameters to be passed to the Endpoint class is generated
+- The json/data params to be passed to the requests method is generated from the request body
+- A Python dictionary collecting all these values is generated
+- The generated Python dictionary is redered on a Jinja2 template
+## Limitations/Constraints on using the Generate Endpoint script ##
+### Invalid OpenAPI spec ###
+- The Generate Endpoint script validates the OpenAPI spec at the start of the execution, using an invalid spec triggers an exception
+- The JSON Schema validation is also done in step #1, but the exception raised regarding a JSON Schema error can sometimes be a little confusing, in such cases replace the failing schema with {} to proceed to generate Endpoint files
+### Minimal spec ###
+- When using a minimal spec, to check if Endpoint files can be generated from it, run the script using --spec CLI param alone, you can proceed to use --generate-endpoint param if no issue was seen with the previous step
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+What does this module do?
+- It creates an Endpoint file with a class from the OpenAPI spec
+- The path key in the spec is translated to an Endpoint
+- The operations(http methods) for a path is translated to instance methods for the Endpoint
+- The parameters for operations are translated to function parameters for the instance methods
+- HTTP Basic, HTTP Bearer and API Keys Auth are currently supported by this module & should passed
+through headers
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from pathlib import Path
+from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment
+from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound
+from loguru import logger
+from openapi_spec_parser import OpenAPISpecParser
+# pylint: disable=line-too-long
+# Get the template file location & endpoint destination location relative to this script
+ENDPOINT_TEMPLATE_NAME = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("templates").joinpath("endpoint_template.jinja2") # <- Jinja2 template needs to be on the same directory as this script
+ENDPOINT_DESTINATION_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent.joinpath("endpoints") # <- The Endpoint files are created in the endpoints dir in the project root
+class EndpointGenerator():
+ """
+ A class to Generate Endpoint module using Jinja2 template
+ """
+ def __init__(self, logger_obj: logger):
+ """
+ Initialize Endpoint Generator class
+ """
+ self.endpoint_template_filename = ENDPOINT_TEMPLATE_NAME.name
+ self.jinja_template_dir = ENDPOINT_TEMPLATE_NAME.parent.absolute()
+ self.logger = logger_obj
+ self.jinja_environment = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(self.jinja_template_dir),
+ autoescape=True)
+ def endpoint_class_content_generator(self,
+ endpoint_class_name: str,
+ endpoint_class_content: dict) -> str:
+ """
+ Create Jinja2 template content
+ """
+ content = None
+ template = self.jinja_environment.get_template(self.endpoint_template_filename)
+ content = template.render(class_name=endpoint_class_name, class_content=endpoint_class_content)
+ self.logger.info(f"Rendered content for {endpoint_class_name} class using Jinja2 template")
+ return content
+ def generate_endpoint_file(self,
+ endpoint_filename: str,
+ endpoint_class_name: str,
+ endpoint_class_content: dict):
+ """
+ Create an Endpoint file
+ """
+ try:
+ endpoint_filename = ENDPOINT_DESTINATION_DIR.joinpath(endpoint_filename+'.py')
+ endpoint_content = self.endpoint_class_content_generator(endpoint_class_name,
+ endpoint_class_content)
+ with open(endpoint_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as endpoint_f:
+ endpoint_f.write(endpoint_content)
+ except TemplateNotFound:
+ self.logger.error(f"Unable to find {ENDPOINT_TEMPLATE_NAME.absolute()}")
+ except Exception as endpoint_creation_err:
+ self.logger.error(f"Unable to generate Endpoint file - {endpoint_filename} due to {endpoint_creation_err}")
+ else:
+ self.logger.success(f"Successfully generated Endpoint file - {endpoint_filename.name}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ arg_parser = ArgumentParser(prog="GenerateEndpointFile",
+ description="Generate Endpoint.py file from OpenAPI spec")
+ arg_parser.add_argument("--spec",
+ dest="spec_file",
+ required=True,
+ help="Pass the location to the OpenAPI spec file, Passing this param alone will run a dry run of endpoint content generation with actually creating the endpoint")
+ arg_parser.add_argument("--generate-endpoints",
+ dest='if_generate_endpoints',
+ action='store_true',
+ help="This param will create _endpoint.py file for Path objects from the OpenAPI spec")
+ args = arg_parser.parse_args()
+ try:
+ parser = OpenAPISpecParser(args.spec_file, logger)
+ if args.if_generate_endpoints:
+ endpoint_generator = EndpointGenerator(logger)
+ for module_name, file_content in parser.parsed_dict.items():
+ for class_name, class_content in file_content.items():
+ endpoint_generator.generate_endpoint_file(module_name,
+ class_name,
+ class_content)
+ except Exception as ep_generation_err:
+ raise ep_generation_err
diff --git a/api_auto_generator/endpoint_name_generator.py b/api_auto_generator/endpoint_name_generator.py
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+Module to generate:
+ 1. Module name
+ 2. Class name
+ 3. Method name
+import re
+from typing import Union
+from packaging.version import Version, InvalidVersion
+class NameGenerator():
+ "Base class for generating names"
+ def __init__(self,
+ endpoint_url: str,
+ if_query_param: bool,
+ path_params: list,
+ requestbody_type: str):
+ "Init NameGen object"
+ self.endpoint_split, self.api_version_num = self.split_endpoint_string(endpoint_url)
+ self.common_base = self.endpoint_split[0]
+ self.endpoints_in_a_file = [ ep for ep in re.split("-|_", self.common_base)]
+ self.if_query_param = if_query_param
+ self.path_params = path_params
+ self.requestbody_type = requestbody_type
+ @property
+ def module_name(self) -> str :
+ "Module name for an Endpoint"
+ return "_" + "_".join(self.endpoints_in_a_file) + "_" + "endpoint"
+ @property
+ def class_name(self) -> str :
+ "Class name for Endpoint"
+ capitalized_endpoints_in_a_file = [ ep.capitalize() for ep in self.endpoints_in_a_file]
+ return "".join(capitalized_endpoints_in_a_file) + "Endpoint"
+ @property
+ def url_method_name(self) -> str :
+ "URL method name for endpoint"
+ return self.common_base.lower().replace('-', '_') + "_" + "url"
+ @property
+ def base_api_param_string(self) -> str :
+ "Base API method parameter string"
+ param_string = ""
+ if self.if_query_param:
+ param_string += ", params=params"
+ if self.requestbody_type == "json":
+ param_string += ", json=json"
+ if self.requestbody_type == "data":
+ param_string += ", data=data"
+ param_string += ", headers=headers"
+ return param_string
+ @property
+ def instance_method_param_string(self) -> str :
+ "Instance method parameter string"
+ param_string = "self"
+ if self.if_query_param:
+ param_string += ", params"
+ for param in self.path_params:
+ param_string += f", {param[0]}"
+ if self.requestbody_type == "json":
+ param_string += ", json"
+ if self.requestbody_type == "data":
+ param_string += ", data"
+ param_string += ', headers'
+ return param_string
+ def get_instance_method_name(self, http_method: str) -> str :
+ "Generate Instance method name"
+ endpoint_split = [ ep.lower().replace('-','_') for ep in self.endpoint_split ]
+ return http_method + "_" + "_".join(endpoint_split)
+ def split_endpoint_string(self, endpoint_url: str) -> tuple[list[str], Union[str,None]]:
+ """
+ Split the text in the endpoint, clean it up & return a list of text
+ """
+ version_num = None
+ if endpoint_url == "/": # <- if the endpoint is only /
+ endpoint_split = ["home_base"] # <- make it /home_base (it needs to be unique)
+ else:
+ endpoint_split = endpoint_url.split("/")
+ # remove {} from path paramters in endpoints
+ endpoint_split = [ re.sub("{|}","",text) for text in endpoint_split if text ]
+ for split_values in endpoint_split:
+ try:
+ if_api_version = Version(split_values) # <- check if version number present
+ version_num = [ str(num) for num in if_api_version.release ]
+ version_num = '_'.join(version_num)
+ endpoint_split.remove(split_values)
+ except InvalidVersion:
+ if split_values == "api":
+ endpoint_split.remove(split_values)
+ return (endpoint_split, version_num,)
diff --git a/api_auto_generator/openapi_spec_parser.py b/api_auto_generator/openapi_spec_parser.py
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+++ b/api_auto_generator/openapi_spec_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+OpenAPI specification Parser
+# pylint: disable=locally-disabled, multiple-statements, fixme, line-too-long
+# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
+from typing import Union, TextIO
+from openapi_parser import parse, specification
+from openapi_spec_validator.readers import read_from_filename
+from openapi_spec_validator import validate_spec
+import openapi_spec_validator as osv
+from endpoint_name_generator import NameGenerator
+# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+# pylint: disable=broad-except
+class OpenAPIPathParser():
+ "OpenAPI Path object parser"
+ def __init__(self, path: specification.Path, logger_obj):
+ "Init the instance"
+ self.module_name = None
+ self.class_name = None
+ self.url_method_name = None
+ self.instance_methods = []
+ self.path_dict = {}
+ self.path = path
+ self.operations = self.path.operations
+ self.logger = logger_obj
+ # parameters can be in two places:
+ # 1. path.parameter
+ # 2. path.operation.parameter
+ # move all parameters to #2
+ for operation in self.operations:
+ try:
+ if self.path.parameters:
+ operation.parameters.append(*path.parameters)
+ # Parse operations(HTTP Methods) to get Endpoint instance method details
+ instance_method_details = {} # Dict to collect all instance methods for a HTTP Method
+ parsed_parameters = {} # Dict to collect: 1.Query, 2.Path & 3.RequestBody params
+ # Parse Query & Path parameters
+ q_params, p_params = self.parse_parameters(operation.parameters)
+ parsed_parameters['query_params'] = q_params
+ parsed_parameters['path_params'] = p_params
+ # Parse RequestBody parameters
+ rb_type = None
+ rb_param = None
+ con_schma_type = None
+ if operation.request_body:
+ rb_type, rb_param, con_schma_type = self.parse_request_body(operation.request_body)
+ if rb_type == "json":
+ parsed_parameters['json_params'] = rb_param
+ elif rb_type == "data":
+ parsed_parameters['data_params'] = rb_param
+ parsed_parameters['content_schema_type'] = con_schma_type
+ # Generate: 1.Module, 2.Class, 3.url_method_name, 4.base_api_param_string,
+ # 5.instance_method_param_string, 6.instance_method_name name using NameGenerator Obj
+ name_gen_obj = NameGenerator(path.url,
+ bool(q_params),
+ p_params,
+ rb_type)
+ self.module_name = name_gen_obj.module_name
+ self.class_name = name_gen_obj.class_name
+ self.url_method_name = name_gen_obj.url_method_name
+ base_api_param_string = name_gen_obj.base_api_param_string
+ instance_method_param_string = name_gen_obj.instance_method_param_string
+ instance_method_name = name_gen_obj.get_instance_method_name(operation.method.name.lower())
+ # Collect the Endpoint instance method details
+ instance_method_details[instance_method_name] = {'params':parsed_parameters,
+ 'base_api_param_string':base_api_param_string,
+ 'instance_method_param_string': instance_method_param_string,
+ 'http_method': operation.method.name.lower(),
+ 'endpoint':self.path.url}
+ self.instance_methods.append(instance_method_details)
+ self.logger.info(f"Parsed {operation.method.name} for {self.path.url}")
+ except Exception as failed_to_parse_err:
+ self.logger.debug(f"Failed to parse {operation.method.name} for {self.path.url} due to {failed_to_parse_err}, skipping it")
+ continue
+ # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
+ def get_function_param_type(self, type_str: str) -> Union[str, None]:
+ "Translate the datatype in spec to corresponding Python type"
+ if type_str.lower() == 'boolean':
+ return 'bool'
+ if type_str.lower() == 'integer':
+ return 'int'
+ if type_str.lower() == 'number':
+ return 'float'
+ if type_str.lower() == 'string':
+ return 'str'
+ if type_str.lower() == 'array':
+ return 'list'
+ if type_str.lower() == 'object':
+ return 'dict'
+ def parse_parameters(self, parameters: list[specification.Parameter]) -> tuple[list, list]:
+ """
+ Create class parameters for Endpoint module
+ This function will parse:
+ 1. Query Parameters
+ 2. Path Parameters
+ """
+ query_params = []
+ path_params = []
+ # Loop through list[specification.Parameter] to identify: 1.Query, 2.Path params
+ for parameter in parameters:
+ if parameter.location.name.lower() == "path":
+ name = parameter.name
+ param_type = self.get_function_param_type(parameter.schema.type.name)
+ if (name, param_type,) not in path_params:
+ path_params.append((name, param_type))
+ elif parameter.location.name.lower() == "query":
+ name = parameter.name
+ param_type = self.get_function_param_type(parameter.schema.type.name)
+ if (name, param_type,) not in query_params:
+ query_params.append((name, param_type))
+ return (query_params, path_params,)
+ def get_name_type_nested_prop(self, prop) -> list:
+ "Get the name & type for nested property"
+ nested_param_list = []
+ for nested_prop in prop.schema.properties:
+ nested_name = nested_prop.name
+ nested_param_type = self.get_function_param_type(nested_prop.schema.type.name)
+ nested_param_list.append(nested_name, nested_param_type)
+ return nested_param_list
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-complex
+ def parse_request_body(self, request_body: specification.RequestBody) -> tuple[str, list, str]:
+ """
+ Parse the requestBody from the spec and return a list of json & data params
+ This function will parse dict inside a JSON/Form param to only one level only
+ i.e this function will identify another_dict in this example:
+ json_param = {
+ another_dict: {
+ 'nested_key': 'nested_value'},
+ 'key':'value
+ }
+ but will not identify nested_dict in:
+ json_param = {
+ another_dict:{
+ 'nested_dict':{
+ 'nested_key': 'nested_value'}
+ }
+ },
+ 'key':'value
+ }
+ """
+ requestbody_type = None
+ requestbody_param = []
+ content_schema_type = None
+ # Parse the request_body in the spec
+ # Identify the content type of the request_body
+ # This module currently supports: 1.json, 2.form content types
+ for content in request_body.content:
+ if content.type.name.lower() == "json":
+ if content.schema.type.name.lower() == 'object':
+ for prop in content.schema.properties:
+ name = prop.name
+ requestbody_type = self.get_function_param_type(prop.schema.type.name)
+ if requestbody_type == 'dict':
+ nested_dict_param = {}
+ nested_param_list = self.get_name_type_nested_prop(prop)
+ nested_dict_param[name] = nested_param_list
+ requestbody_param.append(nested_dict_param)
+ else:
+ requestbody_param.append((name, requestbody_type))
+ requestbody_type = "json"
+ if content.schema.type.name.lower() == 'array':
+ for prop in content.schema.items.properties:
+ name = prop.name
+ requestbody_type = self.get_function_param_type(prop.schema.type.name)
+ if requestbody_type == 'dict':
+ nested_dict_param = {}
+ nested_param_list = self.get_name_type_nested_prop(prop)
+ nested_dict_param[name] = nested_param_list
+ requestbody_param.append(nested_dict_param)
+ else:
+ requestbody_param.append((name, requestbody_type))
+ requestbody_type = "json"
+ content_schema_type = content.schema.type.name.lower()
+ if content.type.name.lower() == "form":
+ if content.schema.type.name.lower() == 'object':
+ for prop in content.schema.properties:
+ name = prop.name
+ requestbody_type = self.get_function_param_type(prop.schema.type.name)
+ if requestbody_type == 'dict':
+ nested_dict_param = {}
+ nested_param_list = self.get_name_type_nested_prop(prop)
+ nested_dict_param[name] = nested_param_list
+ requestbody_param.append(nested_dict_param)
+ else:
+ requestbody_param.append((name, requestbody_type))
+ requestbody_type = "data"
+ content_schema_type = content.schema.type.name.lower()
+ return (requestbody_type, requestbody_param, content_schema_type,)
+class OpenAPISpecParser():
+ "OpenAPI Specification Parser Object"
+ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ def __init__(self, spec_file: TextIO, logger_obj) -> None:
+ "Init Spec Parser Obj"
+ self.logger = logger_obj
+ # Generate Final dict usable against a Jinja2 template from the OpenAPI Spec
+ self._fdict = {}
+ """
+ _fdict structure:
+ {
+ module_name1:{
+ class_name1:{
+ instance_methods: [],
+ url_method_name: str
+ }
+ }
+ module_name2:{
+ class_name1:{
+ instance_methods: [],
+ url_method_name: str
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ try: # <- Outer level try-catch to prevent exception chaining
+ spec_dict, _ = read_from_filename(spec_file)
+ validate_spec(spec_dict)
+ self.logger.success(f"Successfully validated spec file - {spec_file}")
+ try:
+ self.parsed_spec = parse(spec_file)
+ # Loop through all paths and parse them using OpenAPIPathParser obj
+ # Collect the: 1.Module, 2.Class, 3.url_method_name,
+ # 4.base_api_param_string, 5.instance_method_param_string,
+ # 6.instance_method_name name
+ for path in self.parsed_spec.paths:
+ p_path = OpenAPIPathParser(path, logger_obj)
+ if p_path.module_name:
+ if self._fdict.get(p_path.module_name):
+ if self._fdict[p_path.module_name].get(p_path.class_name):
+ if self._fdict[p_path.module_name][p_path.class_name].get('instance_methods'):
+ for instance_method in p_path.instance_methods:
+ self._fdict[p_path.module_name][p_path.class_name]['instance_methods'].append(instance_method)
+ else:
+ self._fdict[p_path.module_name][p_path.class_name]= {'instance_methods': p_path.instance_methods}
+ else:
+ self._fdict[p_path.module_name][p_path.class_name]={'instance_methods': p_path.instance_methods}
+ else:
+ self._fdict[p_path.module_name]= {p_path.class_name:{'instance_methods': p_path.instance_methods}}
+ self._fdict[p_path.module_name][p_path.class_name]['url_method_name'] = p_path.url_method_name
+ except Exception as err:
+ self.logger.error(err)
+ except osv.validation.exceptions.OpenAPIValidationError as val_err:
+ self.logger.error(f"Validation failed for {spec_file}")
+ self.logger.error(val_err)
+ except Exception as gen_err:
+ self.logger.error(f"Failed to parse spec {spec_file}")
+ self.logger.error(gen_err)
+ else:
+ self.logger.success(f"Successfully parsed spec file {spec_file}")
+ @property
+ def parsed_dict(self):
+ "Parsed dict for Jinja2 template from OpenAPI spec"
+ return self._fdict
diff --git a/api_auto_generator/templates/endpoint_template.jinja2 b/api_auto_generator/templates/endpoint_template.jinja2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac795e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api_auto_generator/templates/endpoint_template.jinja2
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+{#- This template is used to generate Endpoints file for the API Test Automation Framework -#}
+This Endpoint file is generated using the api_auto_generator/endpoint_module_generator.py module
+from .base_api import BaseAPI
+class {{class_name}}(BaseAPI):
+ def {{class_content['url_method_name']}}(self, suffix=''):
+ "Append endpoint to base URI"
+ return self.base_url + suffix
+{% for function in class_content['instance_methods'] -%} {#- No need to enclose paths in {{}} in for step -#}
+{%- for function_name, function_value in function.items() %}
+ def {{function_name}}({{function_value['instance_method_param_string']}}):
+ """
+ Run {{function_value['http_method']}} request against {{function_value['endpoint']}}
+ :parameters:
+ {%- if function_value['params']['query_params'] %}
+ :params: dict
+ {%- for query_param in function_value['params']['query_params'] %}
+ :{{query_param[0]}}: {{query_param[1]}}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if function_value['params']['path_params'] %}
+ {%- for path_param in function_value['params']['path_params'] %}
+ :{{path_param[0]}}: {{path_param[1]}}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if function_value['params']['json_params'] %}
+ :json: dict
+ {%- if function_value['params']['content_schema_type'] == 'array' %}
+ :list:
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- for json_param in function_value['params']['json_params'] %}
+ {%- if json_param is mapping %}
+ {%- for json_key, json_value in json_param.items() %}
+ :{{json_key}}: dict
+ {%- for nested_json_value in json_value %}
+ :{{nested_json_value[0]}}: {{nested_json_value[1]}}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- else %}
+ :{{json_param[0]}}: {{json_param[1]}}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if function_value['params']['data_params'] %}
+ :data: dict
+ {%- if function_value['params']['content_schema_type'] == 'array' %}
+ :list:
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- for data_param in function_value['params']['data_params'] %}
+ {%- if data_param is mapping %}
+ {%- for data_key, data_value in data_param.items() %}
+ :{{data_key}}: dict
+ {%- for nested_data_value in data_value %}
+ :{{nested_data_value[0]}}: {{nested_data_value[1]}}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- else %}
+ :{{data_param[0]}}: {{data_param[1]}}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- endif %}
+ """
+ url = self.{{class_content['url_method_name']}}(f"{{function_value['endpoint']}}")
+ json_response = self.make_request(method='{{function_value["http_method"]}}', url=url{{function_value['base_api_param_string']}})
+ return {
+ 'url' : url,
+ 'response' : json_response['json_response']
+ }
+{% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/endpoints/base_api.py b/endpoints/base_api.py
index a4724ab6..b8c7ca23 100644
--- a/endpoints/base_api.py
+++ b/endpoints/base_api.py
@@ -11,6 +11,33 @@ class BaseAPI:
session_object = requests.Session()
base_url = None
+ def make_request(self,
+ method,
+ url,
+ headers=None,
+ auth=None,
+ params=None,
+ data=None,
+ json=None):
+ "Generic method to make HTTP request"
+ headers = headers if headers else {}
+ try:
+ response = self.session_object.request(method=method,
+ url=url,
+ headers=headers,
+ auth=auth,
+ params=params,
+ data=data,
+ json=json)
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ except HTTPError as http_err:
+ print(f"{method} request failed: {http_err}")
+ except ConnectionError:
+ print(f"\033[1;31mFailed to connect to {url}. Check if the API server is up.\033[1;m")
+ except RequestException as err:
+ print(f"\033[1;31mAn error occurred: {err}\033[1;m")
+ return response
def get(self, url, headers=None):
"Get request"
headers = headers if headers else {}
diff --git a/endpoints/cars_api_endpoints.py b/endpoints/cars_api_endpoints.py
index e6858457..9edfefa9 100644
--- a/endpoints/cars_api_endpoints.py
+++ b/endpoints/cars_api_endpoints.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ def add_car(self,data,headers):
"Adds a new car"
url = self.cars_url('/add')
- json_response = self.post(url,json=data,headers=headers)
+ json_response = self.make_request(method="post",url=url,json=data,headers=headers)
except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
print(f"Python says: {err}")
json_response = None
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def get_cars(self,headers):
"gets list of cars"
url = self.cars_url()
- json_response = self.get(url,headers=headers)
+ json_response = self.make_request(method="get",url=url,headers=headers)
except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
print(f"Python says: {err}")
json_response = None
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 95276124..ff050836 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ axe_selenium_python==2.1.6