To deploy the microservices images you have to run the following commands from inside the vagrant box (vagrant ssh):
# vagrant ssh # due to a new registry, you will need to specify the v1 version # vi ~/.docker/config.json # replace "" # by "" $ oc login -u admin -p admin localhost --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true $ oc project default #### use the email and password of redhatmsa #### $ docker login #login with user redhatmsa $ registry=`oc get service docker-registry --template '{{.spec.portalIP}}'`; declare -a arr=("bonjour" "frontend"); for i in "${arr[@]}"; do image=`docker images $registry:5000/helloworld-msa/$i|awk 'NR==2'`; echo "Taging $image"; id=$(echo $image|awk '{print $3}'); docker tag -f $id$i; echo "Pushing $id from $image"; docker push -f$i; done; declare -a arr2=("hello" "hola" "aloha" "ola" "namaste" "api-gateway"); for i in "${arr2[@]}"; do image=`docker images redhatmsa/$i|awk 'NR==2'`; echo "Taging $image"; id=$(echo $image|awk '{print $3}'); docker tag -f $id$i:latest; echo "Pushing $id from $image"; docker push -f$i:latest; done