Pages are exactly what you think they are: pages. A page is defined by a slug
and its relationship to the parent page. So a page with slug "overview" whose
parent has the slug "help" will have the full path of /help/overview
The first page you create is the homepage, and therefore you cannot specify
a slug. By default, you should be able to access the homepage without specifying
your root route. However, if you or a gem you are using need access to the
helper, specify root to: "comfy/cms/content#show"
in your routes.
Content of the page is controlled by a layout. If you have multiple layouts, selecting one from the select menu will refresh the form with fields that are available for content population.
Pages have a simple publishing control. A checkbox controls if a given page is visible to the public or if it's still a draft.
Pages have Redirect to Page options. It does what it says. When hitting page that has redirect defined it CMS with do a 302 redirect to that page.