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Boson Functions: A Step By Step Tutorial

This document will walk you step by step through the process of creating, editing, and deploying a Boson Function project.


In order to follow along with this tutorial, you will need to have a few tools installed.

Cluster Setup

To use Boson Functions, you'll need a Kubernetes cluster with Knative Serving and Eventing installed. If you have a recent version of OpenShift, you can simply install the Serverless Operator. If you don't have a cluster already, you can create a simple cluster with kind. Follow these step by step instructions to install on your local machine.

Boson Tooling

The primary interface for Boson project is the func CLI. Download the most recent version and install it some place within your $PATH.

# Be sure to download the correct binary for your operating system
curl -L -o - func.gz | gunzip > func && chmod 755 func
sudo mv func /usr/local/bin

Configuring a Container Registry

The unit of deployment in Boson Functions is an OCI container image, typically referred to as a Docker container image.

In order for the func CLI to manage these containers, you'll need to be logged in to a container registry. For example,

# Typically, this will log you in to docker hub if you
# omit <registry.url>. If you are using a registry
# other than Docker hub, provide that for <registry.url>
docker login -u developer -p [redacted] <registry.url>

Note: many of the func CLI commands take a --registry argument. Set the FUNC_REGISTRY environment variable in order to omit this parameter when using the CLI.

# This should be set to a registry that you have write permission
# on and you have logged into in the previous step.

Creating a Project

With your Knative enabled cluster up and running, you can now create a new Function Project. Let's start by creating a project directory. Function name must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'my-name', or '123-abc', regex used for validation is [a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?).

mkdir fn-example-io
cd fn-example-io

Now, we will create the project files, build a container, and deploy the function as a Knative service.

func create -l node
func deploy

This will create a Node.js Function project in the current directory accepting all of the defaults inferred from your environment, for example$FUNC_REGISTRY. When the command has completed, you can see the deployed function.

func info
Function name:
Function is built in image:
Function is deployed in namespace:

Clicking on the URL will take you to the running function in your cluster. You should see a simple response.

{"query": {}}

You can add query parameters to the request to see those echoed in return.

curl ""

Local Development

The func build command results in a docker container that can be run locally with container ports mapped to localhost.

func run

For day to day development of the function, you can also run it locally outside of a container. For this project, using Node.js, you have the following commands available. Note that to run this function locally, you will need Node.js 12.x or higher, and the corresponding npm.

npm install # Installs all dependencies
npm test # Runs unit and integration test suites
npm run local # Execute the function on the local host

Deploying to a Cluster - Step by Step

With func deploy, you have already deployed to a cluster! But there was a lot of magic. Let's break it down step by step using the func CLI to take each step in turn.

First, let's delete the project we just created.

func delete

You might see a message such as this.

Error: remover failed to delete the service: timeout: service 'fn-example-io' not ready after 30 seconds.

If you do, just run func list to see if the function is still deployed. It might just take a little time for it to be removed.

Now, let's clean up the current directory.

rm -rf *

func create

To create a new project structure without building a container or deploying to a cluster, use the create command.

func create -l node -t http

You can also create a Quarkus, SpringBoot, Python or a Golang project by providing quarkus, springboot, python or go respectively to the -l flag. To create a project with a template for CloudEvents, provide events to the -t flag.

func build

To build the OCI container image for your function project, you can use the build command.

func build

This creates a runnable container image that listens on port 8080 for incoming HTTP requests.

func deploy

To deploy the image to your cluster, use the deploy command. You can also use this command to update a Function deployment after making changes locally.

func deploy