add tests based on requirements
refactor/simplify the logic
fix to comply with the requirements
"Sulfuras*" instead of only "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros"
"Backstage pass*" instead of only "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert"
"Aged*" instead of only "Aged Brie"
this is something which should be normally discussed and verified with the PO or the client, thought I don’t have that option in this exercise and there is clear mismatch in the requirements and the existing code.
it is needed (to some extent) to support the new functionality according to the requirements and existing test for the new requirement
add new item (if needed, it can be added at this point, before additional refactoring)
additional refactoring
categories instead of specific items?
more objective approach vs update logic in one method?
additional talking points
updateQuality() can be run only once a day - it’s not idempotent ⇒ there is no way to recover if it fails at some point ⇒ it’s not suitable for more complicated processing with remote resources nor larger datasets (which can’t be processed in-memory)