- Auth Service a. Login b. Logout c. Forget Password d. verify email
- Profile Service a. Todays sessions b. Workout Categories c. All workout options d. Daily insight e. Workout histroy f. Track workouts g. Add, Updated, Delete Profile
- Workout Plan details
- Personal Coach Option a. Book appointment with a coach
- Subscription
- Fitness Instructors a. Trainer details b. Book Appointment c. Trainer Reviews d. Write a Review e. Payment for appointment f. Add card, Edit card, remove card
- Notification a. Email b. SMS c. PUSH
- Settings a. unit of measure b. Notifications c. Language d. Contact us
- Workouts a. PPL, Bro Split and other kind of excerices b. Body parts and available Exercises c. CRUD operation on adding Exercises d. track workout with, sets reps times etc etc
- Middle ware to have protected APIS and non protected APIS
- [gain weight, Lose weight, get Fitter, Gain More flexibility, Lean basics]
- [Rookie, Beginner, Intermediate, Advance, True Beast]
- [Abs, Back, Biceps, Cardio, Chest, Legs, Shoulders, Triceps]
- [Weight & Reps, Distance & Time, Weight & Distance, Weight & time, Reps & Distance, Reps & Time, Weight, Reps, Distance, Time]
- [Total Body Split, Upper vs. Lower Split, Push Pull Legs Split, Bro Split]
- name
- hashed_password
- is_active
- created_at
- updated_at
- user_id
- type
- verification_code
- end_date
- created_at
- verified_on
- gender
- age
- weight
- height
- Goal [Goal ENUM]
- physical_activity_level [Workout Categories ENUM]
- user_id [one to one, each user has a profile]
- ProfileType [Coach, Trainee]
- gender
- workout title
- exercise_exp_level
- Total workouts
- Description
- Calories Burn
- created_at
- Exercises name
- Target muscle
- Time
- workout_plan_id
- user_id
- exercise_category
- name
- notes
- exercise type
- weight unit
- is_default