Consider the following SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM products p
The Query Builder is written as follows to generate the displayed SQL exactly as shown:
->from('p', 'products');
There are generally two ways to write this. In the syntax with two parameters, the first parameter is always the alias, and the second parameter is always the table name:
/* ... */ FROM products p
This is equivalent to
/* ... */ ->from('p', 'products');
If only one parameter is used, it will be interpreted as the table name:
/* ... */ FROM products
This is equivalent to
/* ... */ ->from('products');
Translate table fields to match the following pattern:
a.ref AS 'Reference', AS 'Name',
a.description AS 'ProductDescription'
products a
product_desciptions b ON =
The alias of a field is used as the key in a PHP associative array, and the SQL expression is the value of the array.
$fields = [
'ID' => '',
'Reference' => 'a.ref',
'Name' => '',
'ProductDescription' => 'a.description'
The Query Builder is written as follows to generate the displayed SQL exactly as shown:
'ID' => '',
'Reference' => 'a.ref',
'Name' => '',
'ProductDescription' => 'a.description'
->from('a', 'products')
->innerJoin('b', 'product_descriptions', ' =');
Here’s the enhanced document with additional sections explaining the use of LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, INNER JOIN, WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY, LIMIT, OFFSET, and subselects in SQL, along with corresponding examples in PHP Query Builder.
returns rows when there is a match in both tables. Example SQL:
/* ... */ INNER JOIN test2 t2 ON t2.test_id = AND t2.field1 = 123
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
/* ... */ ->joinInner('t2', 'test2', 't2.test_id = AND t2.field1 = ?', 123)
returns all rows from the left table, and matched rows from the right table. If there is no match, NULL values are returned for columns from the right table.
Example SQL:
LEFT JOIN test3 t3 ON t3.test_id =
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
->joinLeft('t3', 'test3', 't3.test_id =')
returns all rows from the right table, and matched rows from the left table. If there is no match, NULL values are returned for columns from the left table. Example SQL:
RIGHT JOIN test4 t4 ON t4.test_id =
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
->joinRight('t4', 'test4', 't4.test_id =')
A subselect can be used as a virtual table in joins. Here’s an example with RIGHT JOIN
RIGHT JOIN (SELECT FROM table t WHERE (t.foreign_id=10)) t5 ON t5.test_id =
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
$subSelect = function ($id) use ($mysql) {
return $mysql->select()
->from('t', 'table')
->where('t.foreign_id=?', $id);
$mysql->joinRight('t5', $subSelect(10), 't5.test_id =');
clause is used to filter records that meet certain conditions. Example SQL:
WHERE t1.field = 'value'
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
$mysql->where('t1.field = ?', 'value');
The value can be a scalar value (including null
) and can also be an array of values. The Query Builder will automatically translate value-arrays into an according IN
clause is used to filter records after aggregation. It typically applies to grouped results. Example SQL:
HAVING customer_count > 10
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
->having('customer_count > 10')
The ORDER BY clause is used to sort the result set by one or more columns. Example SQL:
ORDER BY t1.field1 ASC, t1.field2 DESC
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
->orderBy('t1.field2', 'DESC')
The LIMIT clause specifies the maximum number of records to return. Example SQL:
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
The OFFSET clause is used in conjunction with LIMIT to skip a certain number of rows before beginning to return rows. Example SQL:
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
Subselects (or subqueries) are queries nested within another query, often used to retrieve data for specific conditions.
Example SQL for a subselect:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS customer_count FROM test1 t1
RIGHT JOIN (SELECT FROM table t WHERE (t.foreign_id=10)) t5 ON t5.test_id =
PHP Query Builder equivalent with a subselect function:
$subSelect = function ($id) use ($mysql) {
return $mysql->select()
->from('t', 'table')
->where('t.foreign_id=?', $id);
$select = $mysql->select()
->field('COUNT(*)', 'customer_count')
->from('t1', 'test1')
->joinRight('t5', $subSelect(10), 't5.test_id =');
Consider the following SQL statement:
INSERT INTO table (field1, field2) VALUES ('value1', 123)
The Query Builder is written as follows to generate the displayed SQL exactly as shown:
->add('field1', 'value1')
->add('field2', 123)
To include SQL expressions directly in the INSERT statement, use addExpr
INSERT INTO table (created_at) VALUES (NOW())
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
->addExpr('created_at = NOW()')
For scenarios where you want to insert a new row or update an existing row if a duplicate key is found, use addOrUpdate
and addOrUpdateExpr
INSERT INTO table (field1, field2, updated_at) VALUES ('value1', 'abc', NOW())
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE field2 = VALUES(field2), updated_at = NOW()
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
->add('field1', 'value1')
->addOrUpdate('field2', 'abc')
->addOrUpdateExpr('updated_at = NOW()')
To use SQL functions with parameters in UPSERT scenarios, use addOrUpdateExpr
with placeholders:
INSERT INTO table (hash_field) VALUES (MD5('some value to be hashed'))
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE hash_field = MD5('some value to be hashed')
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
->addOrUpdateExpr('hash_field = MD5(?)', 'some value to be hashed')
To specify assignments only in the UPDATE
part during an UPSERT scenario, use update
and updateExpr
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE updated_by = 2, update_count = update_count + 1
PHP Query Builder equivalent:
->update('updated_by', $userId)
->updateExpr('update_count = update_count + 1')
This guide provides a structured approach to building INSERT and UPSERT SQL statements using a PHP Query Builder, allowing for clean and maintainable code.