diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index be212eda9..bd4dae750 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -25,10 +25,8 @@
- plugin.yml
- config.yml
+ *.yml
- skyblockData.yml
@@ -40,8 +38,9 @@
- 1.6
+ 1.7
+ utf-8
diff --git a/resources/config.yml b/resources/config.yml
index ef8e4f24c..cdcdea64c 100644
--- a/resources/config.yml
+++ b/resources/config.yml
@@ -1,560 +1,541 @@
- general:
- #[integer] The max number of players allowed in a single party (including the leader)
- maxPartySize: 4
- #[string] The name of the skyblock world, will be automatically generated if it doesn't exist
- worldName: skyworld
- #[integer] The time in seconds before a player can use the /island info command again (note: cooldowns are reset when the plugin is reloaded)
- cooldownInfo: 30
- #[integer] The time in seconds before a player can use the /island restart command again (note: cooldowns are reset when the plugin is reloaded)
- cooldownRestart: 600
- island:
- #[filename] The schematic to use for island generation.
- #Put your schematic in the 'uSkyBlock/schematics' folder, you don't need to add the '.schematic' part below.
- schematicName: yourschematicname
- #[integer] The number of blocks between islands
- distance: 110
- #[true/false] If true, remove all hostile mobs when a player teleports back to their island
- removeCreaturesByTeleport: true
- #[integer] The y-coordinate (height) where islands are spawned
- height: 120
- #[item list] The list of items to place in the chest when a player starts a new island. ITEM_ID:HOW_MANY
- #default is 2 ice, 1 watermelon, 1 cactus, 1 lava bucket, 1 red & brown mushroom, 1 pumpkin seed, 1 sugar cane, 1 sign (for chest prot plugins)
- chestItems: '79:2 360:1 81:1 327:1 40:1 39:1 361:1 338:1 323:1'
- #[true/false] If true, add extra items to a chest when a player starts a new island (for donors and special players)
- addExtraItems: true
- #[permission] The name of the permissions to check if extra items are added to the chest, you can change these or add more
- #Only checked if 'addExtraItems' is set to true
- extraPermissions:
- #[permission:item list] The list of extra items to add to the chest, will only be added if the player has the permission. ITEM_ID:HOW_MANY
- #When granting the permission, prefix it with "usb." so the full permission to add would be usb.smallbonus
- smallbonus: '4:32 320:5'
- mediumbonus: '50:16 327:1'
- largebonus: '3:10 12:10'
- #[true/false] If true, use WorldGuard to automatically create a protective region for each island
- protectWithWorldGuard: false
- #[integer] The size of the protective region for each island. Can't be higher than 'distance' (only used if 'protectWithWorldGuard'
- #is set to true.
- protectionRange: 100
- #[allow/deny] If set to allow, pvp will be enabled on player islands.
- allowPvP: deny
- #[true/false] Allow players to completely lock their islands so non-party members can't enter (locking still requires permission usb.lock)
- allowIslandLock: false
- #[true/false] Use old SkySMP style island generation. Set this to true if you want to use the old
- # island style, or set to false if you want to use the new sytle island generation. Only affects new islands.
- useOldIslands: false
- #[true/false] If true, use island levels/ranks (/island info) - may have a slight impact on performance
- #Set to false if you have performance issues
- useIslandLevel: true
- #Note: The island levels/ranks will be configurable in a future update.
- #[true/false] If true, a top 10 islands list will be generated when the plugin is loaded.
- #This can take a long time with a lot of players or large islands. Use /dev topten to manually generate the list.
- useTopTen: true
- extras:
- #[true/false] If true, return players that don't have an island (this includes players removed from a party while offline), to the server spawn when they login.
- #NOTE: Requires EssentialsSpawn or another plugin with the "/spawn" command
- sendToSpawn: false
- #[true/false] If true, a player can right-click on a block of obsidian on their island while holding an empty bucket to remove the obsidian and fill the bucket with lava. This is useful for people that accidently
- #turn their lava into obsidian with a bad cobblestone generator design. Will only work on the player's island and if there are no other obsidian blocks nearby (so can't be used on portals).
- obsidianToLava: true
- challenges:
- #[true/false] Enable the use of the challenges command.
- allowChallenges: true
- #[true/false] Should first time challenge completions be broadcast to the whole server?
- broadcastCompletion: true
- #[text] The color/formatting of the broadcast text when showing first time completions
- broadcastText: '&6'
- #[list] The ranks to sort the challenges into.
- ranks: 'Easy Medium Hard Master'
- #[true/false] should challenges in higher level ranks require challenges in lower level ranks to be completed?
- requirePreviousRank: true
- #[integer] The number of tasks per rank that can be left uncompleted to advance to the next rank. For example, if you have 4 easy challenges
- #with a rankLeeway of 1, a player would only need to complete 3 to advance to the next rank. A rankLeeway of 0 would require them all.
- rankLeeway: 1
- #[color code] The color to use for uncompleted challenges in the list
- challengeColor: '&e'
- #[color code] The color to use for completed challenges in the list (non-repeatable)
- finishedColor: '&2'
- #[color code] The color to use for completed challenges in the list (repeatable)
- repeatableColor: '&a'
- #[true/false] Enable an economy plugin via vault(required for currencyReward)
- enableEconomyPlugin: true
- #[list] The list of challenges, add as many as you like. Be sure to use only lowercase in the challenge names.
- challengeList:
- #[text] The name of the challenge that shows up when you do /challenges. All challenge names should be lower case!!
- cobblestonegenerator:
- #[text] What the player sees when they do /challenges
- description: 'Create a cobblestone generator and mine 64 cobblestone.'
- #[rank] The rank to assign this challenge (must be in the ranks list above)
- rankLevel: 'Easy'
- #[onIsland/onPlayer/islandLevel] This tells whether the required blocks/items should be in the player's inventory or on their island
- # When using onIsland, the player must be 10 blocks away from the required blocks on his island.
- # When using islandLevel, the 'requiredItems' field should be the island level required. The player must use /island level first to update his level.
- type: onPlayer
- #[itemid list] The itemid:count of the items required for the challenge (data values are not supported for required items)
- requiredItems: '4:64'
- #[true/false] Whether or not to remove the required items from the player's inventory. Only affects onPlayer type challenges. If false, suggested to make the challenge non-repeatable.
- takeItems: true
- #[itemid list] The itemid::count of the reward to give the player for completing the challenge
- itemReward: '334:3'
- #[permission node] A permission granted for completion (use none to not give a permission)
- permissionReward: 'none'
- #[command] A command executed through the console for completion(use none to not execute a command)
- executeCommand: 'none'
- #[text] The text name of the reward (to display to the player). No need to list currency rewards here, but you should list permission rewards if you have them.
- rewardText: '3 leather'
- #[integer] How much currency to give for the first time completion (requires an economy plugin)
- currencyReward: 10
- #[integer] How much xp to give to the player for the first time completion.
- xpReward: 30
- #[true/false] Can the player repeat the challenge? onIsland and islandLevel challenges cannot be repeated.
- repeatable: true
- #[itemid list] The itemid:count of the reward to give the player for completing the challenge after the first time
- repeatItemReward: '334:1'
- #[text] The text to display when the player is rewarded.
- repeatRewardText: '1 leather'
- #[integer] How much currency to give when the challenge is repeated (requires an economy plugin)
- repeatCurrencyReward: 5
- #[integer] How much xp to give to the player for the repeat completions.
- repeatXpReward: 10
- applecollector:
- description: 'Collect 2 apples from trees.'
- rankLevel: 'Easy'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '260:2'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '6:0:2 6:1:2 6:2:2 6:3:2'
- rewardText: '2 of each kind of sapling'
- currencyReward: 10
- xpReward: 30
- permissionReward: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '6:0:1 6:1:1 6:2:1 6:3:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 of each kind of sapling'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 5
- repeatXpReward: 10
- wheatfarmer:
- description: 'Create a wheat farm and harvest 64 units of wheat'
- rankLevel: 'Easy'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '296:64'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '3:5'
- rewardText: '5 dirt'
- currencyReward: 10
- xpReward: 30
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '3:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 dirt'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 5
- repeatXpReward: 10
- cactusfarmer:
- description: 'Create a cactus farm and harvest 64 cacti'
- rankLevel: 'Easy'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '81:64'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '12:10'
- rewardText: '10 sand'
- currencyReward: 15
- xpReward: 30
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '12:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 sand'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 1
- repeatXpReward: 10
- sugarfarmer:
- description: 'Create a sugar cane farm and refine 64 units of sugar'
- rankLevel: 'Easy'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '353:64'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '3:5 82:15'
- rewardText: '5 dirt and 15 clay blocks'
- currencyReward: 15
- xpReward: 30
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '82:2'
- repeatRewardText: '2 clay blocks'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 5
- repeatXpReward: 10
- melonfarmer:
- description: 'Create a melon farm and harvest 128 slices of melon'
- rankLevel: 'Easy'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '360:128'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '3:5'
- rewardText: '5 dirt'
- currencyReward: 15
- xpReward: 30
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '3:2'
- repeatRewardText: '2 dirt blocks'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 5
- repeatXpReward: 10
- pumpkinfarmer:
- description: 'Create a pumpkin farm and harvest 64 pumpkins'
- rankLevel: 'Easy'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '86:64'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '3:5'
- rewardText: '5 dirt'
- currencyReward: 15
- xpReward: 30
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '3:2'
- repeatRewardText: '2 dirt blocks'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 5
- repeatXpReward: 10
- shroompicker:
- description: 'Create a mushroom farm and collect 64 red and 64 brown mushrooms'
- rankLevel: 'Easy'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '39:64 40:64'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '110:1'
- rewardText: '1 mycelium block'
- currencyReward: 15
- xpReward: 30
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '110:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 mycelium block'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 5
- repeatXpReward: 10
- novicebuilder:
- description: 'Reach island level 20 (/island level).'
- rankLevel: 'Easy'
- type: islandLevel
- requiredItems: 20
- takeItems: false
- itemReward: '257:1 3:5'
- rewardText: '1 iron pickaxe and 5 dirt'
- currencyReward: 50
- xpReward: 50
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: false
- repeatItemReward: ''
- repeatRewardText: ''
- repeatCurrencyReward: 0
- repeatXpReward: 0
- monsterslayer:
- description: 'Kill monsters and collect 64 rotten flesh, 32 skeleton bones, 32 string, 32 arrows, 16 gunpowder, 5 spider eyes'
- rankLevel: 'Medium'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '367:64 287:32 289:16 262:32 352:32 375:5'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '331:16 15:5 318:1'
- rewardText: '16 redstone dust, 1 flint, and 5 iron(ore)'
- currencyReward: 75
- xpReward: 75
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '331:2 15:1 318:1'
- repeatRewardText: '2 redstone dust, 1 flint, and 1 iron(ore)'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 15
- repeatXpReward: 15
- expertfarmer:
- description: 'Harvest 64 units of the following: wheat, sugar, melon, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin'
- rankLevel: 'Medium'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '360:64 353:64 296:64 392:64 391:64 86:64'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '331:16 351:3:1 383:90:1 383:92:1 383:93:1'
- rewardText: '16 redstone dust, 1 cocoa bean, 1 spawn egg(chicken,cow,pig)'
- currencyReward: 75
- xpReward: 75
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '351:3:1 383:90:1 383:92:1 383:93:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 cocoa bean, 1 spawn egg(chicken,cow,pig)'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 20
- repeatXpReward: 20
- fisherman:
- description: 'Make a fishing pond, then catch and cook 10 fish'
- rankLevel: 'Medium'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '350:0:10'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '331:16 15:5 351:5'
- rewardText: '16 redstone dust, 5 inksac, 5 iron (ore)'
- currencyReward: 75
- xpReward: 75
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '331:2 15:1 351:1'
- repeatRewardText: '2 redstone dust, 1 inksac, 1 iron (ore)'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 15
- repeatXpReward: 15
- lumberjack:
- description: 'Create a tree farm and collect 16 oak, birch, jungle, and spruce logs'
- rankLevel: 'Medium'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '17:0:16 17:1:16 17:2:16 17:3:16'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '331:16 15:5 383:98:1'
- rewardText: '16 redstone dust, 5 iron (ore), 1 wolf spawn egg'
- currencyReward: 75
- xpReward: 75
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '331:2 15:1'
- repeatRewardText: '2 redstone dust, 1 iron (ore)'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 15
- repeatXpReward: 15
- cookielover:
- description: 'Make 128 cookies and a bucket of milk'
- rankLevel: 'Medium'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '335:1 357:128'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '331:16 15:5'
- rewardText: '16 redstone dust, 5 iron (ore)'
- currencyReward: 75
- xpReward: 75
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '331:2 15:1'
- repeatRewardText: '2 redstone dust, 1 iron (ore)'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 15
- repeatXpReward: 15
- adeptbuilder:
- description: 'Reach island level 100 (/island level).'
- rankLevel: 'Medium'
- type: islandLevel
- requiredItems: 100
- takeItems: false
- itemReward: '49:10'
- rewardText: '10 obsidian blocks'
- currencyReward: 50
- xpReward: 50
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: false
- repeatItemReward: ''
- repeatRewardText: ''
- repeatCurrencyReward: 0
- repeatXpReward: 0
- homeowner:
- description: 'Build a house that contains at least 1 door, bed, bookshelf, crafting table, furnace, window, and torch.'
- rankLevel: 'Medium'
- type: onIsland
- requiredItems: '26:1 58:1 20:1 64:1 61:1 47:1 50:1'
- takeItems: false
- itemReward: '84:1 2267:1 22:10'
- rewardText: '1 jukebox, 1 music disk, 10 lapis lazuli blocks'
- currencyReward: 100
- xpReward: 100
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: false
- repeatItemReward: ''
- repeatRewardText: ''
- repeatCurrencyReward: 0
- repeatXpReward: 0
- netherportal:
- description: 'Build a nether portal on your island and activate it.'
- rankLevel: 'Hard'
- type: onIsland
- requiredItems: '49:10 90:1'
- takeItems: false
- itemReward: '276:1'
- rewardText: '1 diamond sword'
- currencyReward: 100
- xpReward: 100
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: false
- repeatItemReward: ''
- repeatRewardText: ''
- repeatCurrencyReward: 0
- repeatXpReward: 0
- pearlcollector:
- description: 'Collect 15 enderpearls from endermen'
- rankLevel: 'Hard'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '368:15'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '266:5 369:1'
- rewardText: '5 gold ingots and 1 blaze rod'
- currencyReward: 50
- xpReward: 100
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '266:1 369:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 gold ingot and 1 blaze rod'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 15
- repeatXpReward: 15
- slimefarmer:
- description: 'Collect 40 slimeballs from slimes'
- rankLevel: 'Hard'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '341:40'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '266:5 388:1'
- rewardText: '5 gold ingots and 5 emeralds'
- currencyReward: 50
- xpReward: 100
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '331:8'
- repeatRewardText: '8 redstone dust'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 15
- repeatXpReward: 15
- baker:
- description: 'Bake 5 cakes and 5 pumpkin pies'
- rankLevel: 'Hard'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '354:5 400:5'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '266:5 264:1'
- rewardText: '5 gold ingots and 1 diamond'
- currencyReward: 50
- xpReward: 100
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '15:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 iron (ore)'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 15
- repeatXpReward: 15
- explorer:
- description: 'Make 1 map, compass, clock and collect 64 netherrack, 16 soulsand, and 1 ghast tear'
- rankLevel: 'Hard'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '87:64 88:16 370:1 358:1 345:1 347:1'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '27:32 66:256 264:1 383:98:1'
- rewardText: '256 rails, 32 powered rails, 1 ocelot spawn egg, 1 diamond'
- currencyReward: 100
- xpReward: 100
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '15:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 iron (ore)'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 20
- repeatXpReward: 20
- expertbuilder:
- description: 'Reach island level 250 (/island level).'
- rankLevel: 'Hard'
- type: islandLevel
- requiredItems: 250
- takeItems: false
- itemReward: '264:1 3:20 12:20'
- rewardText: '1 diamond, 20 dirt, and 20 sand'
- currencyReward: 150
- xpReward: 150
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: false
- repeatItemReward: ''
- repeatRewardText: ''
- repeatCurrencyReward: 0
- repeatXpReward: 0
- woolcollector:
- description: 'Collect 5 of every color of wool'
- rankLevel: 'Master'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '35:0:5 35:1:5 35:2:5 35:3:5 35:4:5 35:5:5 35:6:5 35:7:5 35:8:5 35:9:5 35:10:5 35:11:5 35:12:5 35:13:5 35:14:5 35:15:5'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '264:2 2262:1 2263:1 2261:1 383:91:1 388:5'
- rewardText: '2 diamonds, 5 emeralds, 3 music disks, 1 sheep spawn egg'
- currencyReward: 200
- xpReward: 200
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '388:1 383:91:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 emerald, 1 sheep spawn egg'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 20
- repeatXpReward: 20
- maestro:
- description: 'Craft a jukebox and collect all music discs'
- rankLevel: 'Master'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '2256:1 2257:1 2258:1 2259:1 2260:1 2261:1 2262:1 2263:1 2264:1 2265:1 2266:1 2267:1 84:1'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '264:3 388:10'
- rewardText: '3 diamonds and 10 emeralds'
- currencyReward: 200
- xpReward: 200
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '266:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 gold ingot'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 20
- repeatXpReward: 20
- emeraldcollector:
- description: 'Collect 50 emeralds'
- rankLevel: 'Master'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '388:50'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '264:2'
- rewardText: '2 diamonds'
- currencyReward: 200
- xpReward: 200
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '266:2'
- repeatRewardText: '2 gold ingots'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 20
- repeatXpReward: 20
- topchef:
- description: 'Collect 1 of every kind of cooked or crafted edible food (no raw food, zombie flesh, or super golden apples)'
- rankLevel: 'Master'
- type: onPlayer
- requiredItems: '393:1 297:1 354:1 366:1 350:1 320:1 357:1 322:0:1 396:1 282:1 400:1 364:1'
- takeItems: true
- itemReward: '264:2 2257:1 2258:1 2260:1 383:96:1 388:5'
- rewardText: '2 diamonds, 3 music discs, 1 mooshroom spawn egg, and 5 emeralds'
- currencyReward: 200
- xpReward: 200
- permissionReward: 'none'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: true
- repeatItemReward: '266:1 383:96:1 388:1'
- repeatRewardText: '1 gold ingot, 1 mooshroom spawn egg, 1 emerald'
- repeatCurrencyReward: 20
- repeatXpReward: 20
- skylord:
- description: 'Get an island level of 1000'
- rankLevel: 'Master'
- type: islandLevel
- requiredItems: 1000
- takeItems: false
- itemReward: '264:1'
- rewardText: '1 diamond, &eTitle: &a[&2SkyLord&4+&a]&f'
- currencyReward: 250
- xpReward: 250
- permissionReward: 'titlemanager.title.skylordplus skyblockserver.endaccess'
- executeCommand: 'none'
- repeatable: false
- repeatItemReward: ''
- repeatRewardText: ''
- repeatCurrencyReward: 0
- repeatXpReward: 0
\ No newline at end of file
+ general:
+ maxPartySize: 4
+ worldName: skyworld
+ spawnSize: 150
+ cooldownInfo: 30
+ cooldownRestart: 600
+ biomeChange: 3600
+ island:
+ schematicName: yourschematicname
+ distance: 110
+ removeCreaturesByTeleport: false
+ height: 150
+ chestItems: 79:2 360:1 81:1 327:1 40:1 39:1 361:1 338:1 323:1
+ addExtraItems: true
+ extraPermissions:
+ smallbonus: 4:16 320:5
+ mediumbonus: 50:16 327:1
+ largebonus: 3:5 12:5
+ giantbonus: 2:1 110:1
+ extremebonus: 352:8 263:4
+ donorbonus: 261:1 262:32 272:1
+ protectWithWorldGuard: false
+ protectionRange: 105
+ allowPvP: deny
+ allowIslandLock: true
+ useOldIslands: false
+ useIslandLevel: true
+ useTopTen: true
+ extras:
+ sendToSpawn: false
+ obsidianToLava: true
+ challenges:
+ allowChallenges: true
+ broadcastCompletion: true
+ broadcastText: '&6'
+ ranks: Easy Medium Hard Master
+ requirePreviousRank: true
+ rankLeeway: 1
+ defaultResetInHours: 144
+ challengeColor: '&e'
+ finishedColor: '&2'
+ repeatableColor: '&a'
+ enableEconomyPlugin: true
+ challengeList:
+ cobblestonegenerator:
+ description: Mine from a cobblestone generator.
+ rankLevel: Easy
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 4:64;+2
+ resetInHours: 20
+ displayItem: 4
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: '334:3'
+ permissionReward: none
+ rewardText: 3 leather
+ currencyReward: 10
+ xpReward: 30
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '334:1'
+ repeatRewardText: 1 leather
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 2
+ repeatXpReward: 5
+ applecollector:
+ description: Collect apples from trees.
+ rankLevel: Easy
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: '260:2;+1'
+ resetInHours: 20
+ displayItem: 260
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 6:0:2 6:1:2 6:2:2 6:3:2
+ rewardText: 1 of each common sapling
+ currencyReward: 10
+ xpReward: 30
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 6:0:1 6:1:1 6:2:1 6:3:1 6:4:1 6:5:1
+ repeatRewardText: 1 of all saplings
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 2
+ repeatXpReward: 5
+ wheatfarmer:
+ description: Harvest wheat from a farm.
+ rankLevel: Easy
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 296:64;+4
+ resetInHours: 20
+ displayItem: 296
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: '3:5'
+ rewardText: 5 dirt
+ currencyReward: 10
+ xpReward: 30
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '3:1'
+ repeatRewardText: 1 dirt
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 2
+ repeatXpReward: 5
+ cactusfarmer:
+ description: Harvest cacti from a farm.
+ rankLevel: Easy
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 81:64;+4
+ resetInHours: 20
+ displayItem: 81
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: '12:10'
+ rewardText: 10 sand
+ currencyReward: 15
+ xpReward: 30
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '12:1'
+ repeatRewardText: 1 sand
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 2
+ repeatXpReward: 5
+ sugarfarmer:
+ description: Harvest sugarcane from a farm.
+ rankLevel: Easy
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 338:64;+4
+ resetInHours: 20
+ displayItem: 338
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 3:5 82:15
+ rewardText: 5 dirt and 15 clay blocks
+ currencyReward: 15
+ xpReward: 30
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '82:1'
+ repeatRewardText: 1 clay
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 2
+ repeatXpReward: 3
+ melonfarmer:
+ description: Harvest slices of melon from a farm.
+ rankLevel: Easy
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 360:128;+8
+ displayItem: 360
+ resetInHours: 20
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: '3:5'
+ rewardText: 5 dirt
+ currencyReward: 15
+ xpReward: 30
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '3:1'
+ repeatRewardText: 1 dirt
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 2
+ repeatXpReward: 3
+ pumpkinfarmer:
+ description: Harvest pumpkins from a farm.
+ rankLevel: Easy
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 86:64;+4
+ displayItem: 86
+ resetInHours: 20
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: '3:5'
+ rewardText: 5 dirt
+ currencyReward: 15
+ xpReward: 30
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '3:1'
+ repeatRewardText: 1 dirt
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 2
+ repeatXpReward: 10
+ novicebuilder:
+ description: Reach island level 20.
+ rankLevel: Easy
+ type: islandLevel
+ requiredItems: 20
+ takeItems: false
+ itemReward: 257:1 3:5
+ rewardText: 1 iron pickaxe and 5 dirt
+ currencyReward: 50
+ xpReward: 50
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: false
+ repeatItemReward: 3:1
+ repeatRewardText: 'Test'
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 5
+ repeatXpReward: 5
+ shroompicker:
+ description: Collect red and brown mushrooms.
+ rankLevel: Medium
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 39:64;+4 40:64;+4
+ displayItem: 40
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: '110:1'
+ rewardText: 1 mycelium
+ currencyReward: 15
+ xpReward: 30
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '110:1 3:2:2'
+ repeatRewardText: 1 mycelium, 2 podzol
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 5
+ repeatXpReward: 10
+ monsterslayer:
+ description: Kill monsters and collect their parts.
+ rankLevel: Medium
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 367:64;+4 287:32;+2 289:16;+1 262:32;+2 352:32;+2 375:5
+ displayItem: 367
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 331:16 15:5 318:1
+ rewardText: 16 redstone, 1 flint, and 5 iron
+ currencyReward: 75
+ xpReward: 75
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 331:2 15:1 318:1
+ repeatRewardText: 2 redstone, 1 flint, and 1 iron
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 10
+ repeatXpReward: 15
+ expertfarmer:
+ description: 'Harvest many different farming resources'
+ rankLevel: Medium
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 360:64;+2 353:64;+2 296:64;+2 392:64;+2 391:64;+2 86:64;+2 81:64;+2
+ resetInHours: 20
+ displayItem: 60
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 331:16 351:3:1 383:90:1 383:92:1 383:93:1
+ rewardText: 16 redstone, 1 cocoa, 3 animals
+ currencyReward: 75
+ xpReward: 75
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 351:3:1 383:90:1 383:92:1 383:93:1 82:5
+ repeatRewardText: 1 cocoa, 3 animals, 5 clay
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 30
+ repeatXpReward: 25
+ fisherman:
+ description: Catch different types of fish.
+ rankLevel: Medium
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: '349:0:5;+1 349:1:5;+1 349:3:3;+1 349:2:1;+1'
+ displayItem: 349
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 331:16 15:5 351:5
+ rewardText: 16 redstone, 5 inksac, 5 iron
+ currencyReward: 75
+ xpReward: 75
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 331:2 351:2
+ repeatRewardText: 2 redstone, 2 inksac
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 10
+ repeatXpReward: 15
+ lumberjack:
+ description: Collect all types of wood logs.
+ rankLevel: Medium
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 17:0:16;+2 17:1:16;+2 17:2:16;+2 17:3:16;+2 162:0:16;+2 162:1:16;+2
+ displayItem: 17
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 331:16 15:5 383:95:1
+ rewardText: 16 redstone, 5 iron, 1 wolf
+ currencyReward: 75
+ xpReward: 75
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 331:2 15:1
+ repeatRewardText: 2 redstone, 1 iron
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 20
+ repeatXpReward: 15
+ cookielover:
+ description: Make cookies and a bucket of milk
+ rankLevel: Medium
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 335:1 357:128;+4
+ displayItem: 357
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 331:16 15:5 325:1
+ rewardText: 16 redstone, 5 iron, 1 bucket
+ currencyReward: 75
+ xpReward: 75
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 331:2 325:1
+ repeatRewardText: 2 redstone, 1 bucket
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 5
+ repeatXpReward: 15
+ adeptbuilder:
+ description: Reach island level 100.
+ rankLevel: Medium
+ type: islandLevel
+ requiredItems: 100
+ takeItems: false
+ itemReward: '49:12'
+ rewardText: 12 obsidian
+ currencyReward: 75
+ xpReward: 75
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: false
+ repeatItemReward: ''
+ repeatRewardText: ''
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 0
+ repeatXpReward: 0
+ homeowner:
+ description: Build a house with furnishings.
+ rankLevel: Medium
+ type: onIsland
+ requiredItems: 26:1 58:1 20:1 64:1 61:1 47:1 50:1
+ takeItems: false
+ itemReward: 84:1 2267:1 22:10
+ rewardText: 1 jukebox, 1 disk, 10 lapis lazuli
+ currencyReward: 100
+ xpReward: 100
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: false
+ repeatItemReward: ''
+ repeatRewardText: ''
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 0
+ repeatXpReward: 0
+ netherportal:
+ description: Build a nether portal on your island.
+ rankLevel: Hard
+ type: onIsland
+ requiredItems: 49:10 90:1
+ takeItems: false
+ itemReward: '276:1'
+ rewardText: 1 diamond sword
+ currencyReward: 100
+ xpReward: 100
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: false
+ repeatItemReward: ''
+ repeatRewardText: ''
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 0
+ repeatXpReward: 0
+ pearlcollector:
+ description: Collect enderpearls from endermen.
+ rankLevel: Hard
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: '368:10;+1'
+ displayItem: 368
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 266:5 369:1
+ rewardText: 5 gold and 1 blaze rod
+ currencyReward: 50
+ xpReward: 100
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 266:1 369:1
+ repeatRewardText: 1 gold and 1 blaze rod
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 25
+ repeatXpReward: 15
+ slimefarmer:
+ description: Collect slimeballs from slimes
+ rankLevel: Hard
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 341:64;+4
+ displayItem: 341
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 266:5 388:5
+ rewardText: 5 gold and 5 emeralds
+ currencyReward: 50
+ xpReward: 100
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '331:2 388:1'
+ repeatRewardText: 2 redstone, 1 emerald
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 5
+ repeatXpReward: 5
+ baker:
+ description: Bake cakes, pumpkin pies, and cookies.
+ rankLevel: Hard
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 354:5;+1 400:5;+1 357:128;+4
+ displayItem: 354
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 266:5 264:1
+ rewardText: 5 gold and 1 diamond
+ currencyReward: 50
+ xpReward: 100
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '15:2 266:1'
+ repeatRewardText: 2 iron, 1 gold
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 30
+ repeatXpReward: 15
+ explorer:
+ description: Collect items for exploration, nether items.
+ rankLevel: Hard
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 87:64 88:16 370:1 395:1 345:1 347:1
+ displayItem: 370
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 27:32 66:256 264:1 383:98:1
+ rewardText: 288 rails, 1 ocelot, 1 diamond
+ currencyReward: 100
+ xpReward: 100
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 66:64 15:1 421:1 388:5
+ repeatRewardText: 64 rails, 1 iron, 5 emerald, 1 tag
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 25
+ repeatXpReward: 20
+ expertbuilder:
+ description: Reach island level 250.
+ rankLevel: Hard
+ type: islandLevel
+ requiredItems: 250
+ takeItems: false
+ itemReward: 264:1 3:32 12:32
+ rewardText: 1 diamond, 32 dirt, and 32 sand
+ currencyReward: 150
+ xpReward: 150
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: false
+ repeatItemReward: ''
+ repeatRewardText: ''
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 0
+ repeatXpReward: 0
+ woolcollector:
+ description: Collect every color of wool.
+ rankLevel: Master
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 35:0:5;+1 35:1:5;+1 35:2:5;+1 35:3:5;+1 35:4:5;+1 35:5:5;+1 35:6:5;+1 35:7:5;+1 35:8:5;+1 35:9:5;+1 35:10:5;+1 35:11:5;+1 35:12:5;+1 35:13:5;+1 35:14:5;+1 35:15:5;+1
+ displayItem: 35
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 264:2 2262:1 2263:1 2261:1 383:91:1 388:5
+ rewardText: &cUnknown
+ currencyReward: 200
+ xpReward: 200
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 388:5 383:91:1
+ repeatRewardText: &cUnknown
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 50
+ repeatXpReward: 20
+ glassmaker:
+ description: Collect every color of stained glass.
+ rankLevel: Master
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 95:0:16;+2 95:1:16;+2 95:2:16;+2 95:3:16;+2 95:4:16;+2 95:5:16;+2 95:6:16;+2 95:7:16;+2 95:8:16;+2 95:9:16;+2 95:10:16;+2 95:11:16;+2 95:12:16;+2 95:13:16;+2 95:14:16;+2 95:15:16;+2
+ displayItem: 95
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 264:2 2262:1 2263:1 2261:1 383:91:1 388:5
+ rewardText: &cUnknown
+ currencyReward: 200
+ xpReward: 200
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 388:5 383:91:1
+ repeatRewardText: &cUnknown
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 50
+ repeatXpReward: 20
+ masterfarmer:
+ description: Collect a large amount of farmed items.
+ rankLevel: Master
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 360:128;+1 353:128;+1 296:128;+1 392:128;+1 391:128;+1 86:128;+1 81:128;+1 396:1;+1 322:0:1;+1
+ displayItem: 293
+ takeItems: true
+ resetInHours: 5
+ itemReward: 264:3 388:5
+ rewardText: &cUnknown
+ currencyReward: 200
+ xpReward: 200
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '388:5 266:2'
+ repeatRewardText: &cUnknown
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 50
+ repeatXpReward: 20
+ maestro:
+ description: Make a jukebox and collect all music discs.
+ rankLevel: Master
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 2256:1 2257:1 2258:1 2259:1 2260:1 2261:1 2262:1 2263:1 2264:1 2265:1 2266:1 2267:1 84:1
+ displayItem: 2256
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 264:3 388:10
+ rewardText: &cUnknown
+ currencyReward: 200
+ xpReward: 200
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '266:2 264:1'
+ repeatRewardText: &cUnknown
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 50
+ repeatXpReward: 20
+ emeraldcollector:
+ description: Collect emeralds.
+ rankLevel: Master
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: '388:50;+10'
+ displayItem: 388
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: '264:2'
+ rewardText: &cUnknown
+ currencyReward: 200
+ xpReward: 200
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: '264:1'
+ repeatRewardText: &cUnknown
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 50
+ repeatXpReward: 20
+ topchef:
+ description: Collect every kind of edible food.
+ rankLevel: Master
+ type: onPlayer
+ requiredItems: 393:1 297:1 354:1 366:1 350:0:1 350:1:1 349:2:1 320:1 357:1 322:0:1 396:1 282:1 400:1 364:1 360:1 391:1
+ displayItem: 391
+ takeItems: true
+ itemReward: 264:2 2257:1 2258:1 2260:1 383:96:1 388:5
+ rewardText: &cUnknown
+ currencyReward: 200
+ xpReward: 200
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: true
+ repeatItemReward: 266:3 383:96:1 388:5
+ repeatRewardText: &cUnknown
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 50
+ repeatXpReward: 20
+ skylord:
+ description: Get an island level of 1000.
+ rankLevel: Master
+ type: islandLevel
+ requiredItems: 1000
+ takeItems: false
+ itemReward: '264:1'
+ rewardText: &cUnknown
+ currencyReward: 250
+ xpReward: 250
+ permissionReward: none
+ repeatable: false
+ repeatItemReward: ''
+ repeatRewardText: ''
+ repeatCurrencyReward: 0
+ repeatXpReward: 0
diff --git a/resources/island.yml b/resources/island.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..074765b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/island.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ #level[integer] - the level of the island from blocks.
+ level: 0
+ #bonusLevels[integer] - levels added from challenges or other sources
+ bonusLevels: 0
+ #warpLocationX/Y/Z[integer] - the location of the island's warp point
+ warpLocationX: 0
+ warpLocationY: 0
+ warpLocationZ: 0
+ #warpActive[boolean] - if true, other players can warp to the location defined by warpLocation
+ warpActive: false
+ #biome[string] - DO NOT CHANGE. The current biome of the island set by the plugin.
+ biome: OCEAN
+ #locked[boolean] - DO NOT CHANGE. If true, the island is currently locked. Set by the plugin.
+ locked: false
+ #leader[string] - the group leader's name.
+ leader: 'none'
+ #maxSize[integer] - the maximum number of players allowed in the group (including the leader)
+ maxSize: 4
+ #maxSize[integer] - the maximum number of players allowed in the group (including the leader)
+ currentSize: 1
+ #useDiminishingReturns - If true, diminishing returns will be used for all blocks using the default scale (custom scales can be defined in the section below)
+ members: []
+ list: []
+ logPos: 2
+ 1: '&d[skyblock] The island has been created.'
+ 2: ''
+ 3: ''
+ 4: ''
+ 5: ''
+ 6: ''
+ 7: ''
+ 8: ''
+ 9: ''
+ 10: ''
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/levelConfig.yml b/resources/levelConfig.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37eb0100d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/levelConfig.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ #pointsPerLevel - number of points needed to advance 1 island level.
+ pointsPerLevel: 1000
+ #default - the default value for blocks not listed in blockValues here.
+ default: 10
+ #useDiminishingReturns - If true, diminishing returns will be used for all blocks using the default scale (custom scales can be defined in the section below)
+ #If useDiminishingReturns is false, the blocks listed in the dimishingReturns section will still be affected.
+ useDiminishingReturns: false
+ #defaultScale - the default value to use for diminishing returns. This is the number of blocks before DR starts to lower value.
+ defaultScale: 10000
+#blockValues [ID: VALUE] - the blocks listed below will have custom values instead of the default.
+ 02: 20
+ 03: 20
+ 07: 0
+ 08: 0
+ 09: 0
+ 10: 0
+ 11: 0
+ 12: 20
+ 13: 20
+ 14: 500
+ 15: 200
+ 16: 200
+ 18: 0
+ 20: 50
+ 21: 300
+ 22: 500
+ 24: 20
+ 25: 20
+ 26: 1000
+ 27: 20
+ 28: 20
+ 29: 60
+ 30: 20
+ 33: 40
+ 34: 0
+ 35: 50
+ 36: 0
+ 41: 1500
+ 42: 300
+ 43: 20
+ 45: 50
+ 46: 80
+ 47: 50
+ 48: 30
+ 49: 200
+ 51: 0
+ 55: 0
+ 56: 400
+ 57: 5000
+ 59: 0
+ 60: 40
+ 63: 0
+ 65: 0
+ 68: 0
+ 70: 0
+ 72: 0
+ 79: 50
+ 80: 50
+ 81: 0
+ 82: 50
+ 83: 0
+ 84: 50
+ 90: 0
+ 91: 20
+ 92: 50
+ 98: 20
+ 99: 100
+ 100: 100
+ 101: 20
+ 102: 20
+ 103: 0
+ 104: 0
+ 105: 0
+ 106: 10
+ 108: 30
+ 109: 20
+ 110: 20
+ 112: 20
+ 114: 20
+ 116: 150
+ 122: 5000
+ 123: 20
+ 124: 20
+ 127: 0
+ 128: 20
+ 129: 200
+ 130: 2000
+ 133: 1000
+ 138: 2000
+ 144: 1000
+ 145: 150
+ 152: 150
+ 153: 50
+ 155: 100
+ 156: 100
+ 157: 20
+ 159: 50
+ 171: 20
+ 172: 20
+#blockLimits - blocks listed here will stop adding to island levels after the given number of blocks.
+ 04: 10000
+ 87: 10000
+ 88: 10000
+ 121: 10000
+ 106: 100
+ 130: 3
+ 138: 10
+#diminishingReturns [ID: SCALE] - The listed blocks will add more to island level before SCALE number of blocks are counted towards the island level, and less to island level after SCALE.
+ 1: 10000
+ 2: 10000
+ 3: 10000
+ 5: 10000
+ 12: 10000
+ 17: 100
+ 26: 1
+ 31: 100
+ 37: 100
+ 38: 100
+ 39: 100
+ 40: 100
+ 43: 20000
+ 44: 10000
+ 49: 50
+ 67: 5000
+ 85: 5000
+ 98: 20000
+ 99: 30
+ 100: 30
+ 107: 100
+ 108: 5000
+ 109: 5000
+ 110: 10000
+ 112: 20000
+ 113: 5000
+ 114: 5000
+ 128: 5000
+ 139: 5000
+ 156: 10000
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/orphans.yml b/resources/orphans.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed8f9bfa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/orphans.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ list: ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/party.yml b/resources/party.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cce1428a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/party.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ #level[integer] - the level of the island.
+ level: 0
+ #warpLocationX/Y/Z[integer] - the location of the island's warp point
+ warpLocationX: 0
+ warpLocationY: 0
+ warpLocationZ: 0
+ #warpActive[boolean] - if true, other players can warp to the location defined by warpLocation
+ warpActive: false
+ #leader[string] - the group leader's name.
+ leader: 'none'
+ #maxSize[integer] - the maximum number of players allowed in the group (including the leader)
+ maxSize: 4
+ #maxSize[integer] - the maximum number of players allowed in the group (including the leader)
+ currentSize: 1
+ #useDiminishingReturns - If true, diminishing returns will be used for all blocks using the default scale (custom scales can be defined in the section below)
+ members: []
+ list: []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/player.yml b/resources/player.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..369c69264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/player.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ hasIsland: false
+ islandX: 0
+ islandY: 0
+ islandZ: 0
+ homeX: 0
+ homeY: 0
+ homeZ: 0
+ challenges:
+ cobblestonegenerator:
+ firstCompleted: 0
+ timesCompleted: 0
+ timesCompletedSinceTimer: 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/plugin.yml b/resources/plugin.yml
index 022bfe481..7437eab15 100644
--- a/resources/plugin.yml
+++ b/resources/plugin.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
name: uSkyBlock
main: us.talabrek.ultimateskyblock.uSkyBlock
-version: ${pom.version}
-description: Ultimate SkyBlock.
+version: 2.0.0
+description: Ultimate SkyBlock.
author: Talabrek (based on code by Qgel and others)
-depend: [Vault]
description: Commands to use your island
@@ -31,10 +28,6 @@ permissions:
description: Let the player use the /island command
description: Let the player check their island level
- usb.island.info.others:
- description: Let the player check anothers island level
- children:
- usb.island.info: true
description: Let the player see the top ten list
@@ -43,19 +36,42 @@ permissions:
description: Let the player use the /challenges command
description: Let the player use /island warp to warp to an open island.
- usb.island.warp.override:
- description: Let the player use /island warpo to warp to an island regardless of warp settings.
- default: op
- children:
- usb.island.warp: true
+ usb.island.ban:
+ description: Let the player use /island ban to ban players from warping to their island.
+ usb.biome.*:
+ children:
+ usb.biome.ocean:
+ description: Let the player change their islands biome to OCEAN.
+ usb.biome.jungle:
+ description: Let the player change their islands biome to JUNGLE.
+ usb.biome.hell:
+ description: Let the player change their islands biome to HELL.
+ usb.biome.sky:
+ description: Let the player change their islands biome to SKY.
+ usb.biome.desert:
+ description: Let the player change their islands biome to DESERT.
+ usb.biome.forest:
+ description: Let the player change their islands biome to FOREST.
+ usb.biome.swampland:
+ description: Let the player change their islands biome to SWAMPLAND.
+ usb.biome.mushroom:
+ description: Let the player change their islands biome to MUSHROOM_ISLAND.
+ usb.biome.taiga:
+ description: Let the player change their islands biome to TAIGA.
+ description: The player will lose hunger 25 percent slower.
+ usb.extra.hunger2:
+ description: The player will lose hunger 50 percent slower.
+ usb.extra.hunger3:
+ description: The player will lose hunger 75 percent slower.
+ usb.extra.hunger4:
description: The player won't lose hunger on their island.
- description: The player can have double the party members on their island
+ description: The player can have 8 total members on their island, which is double the default.
- description: The player can open his island, allowing other players to warp there.
+ description: The player can open his island allowing other players to warp there.
@@ -81,11 +97,13 @@ permissions:
description: Let a player access the moderator party commands
- description: Let a player access the moderator challenge commands to view, complete and reset another player's challenges.
+ description: Let a player access the moderator challenge commands to complete and reset another player's challenges.
description: Let a player bypass the cooldowns for the /island info and /island restart commands
description: Let a player bypass the built in island protection
+ usb.mod.setbiome:
+ description: Let a player set another players biome.
@@ -96,5 +114,7 @@ permissions:
description: Let a player remove another player's ownership of an island (island blocks remain)
description: Let a player register the nearest island (using the bedrock) to another player.
+ usb.admin.bypassspawnprotection:
+ description: Let a player bypass the built in spawn protection.
description: Let a player purge old islands.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/skyblockData.yml b/resources/skyblockData.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index dd55826ce..000000000
--- a/resources/skyblockData.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- #pointsPerLevel - number of points needed to advance 1 island level.
- pointsPerLevel: 1000
- #default - the default value for blocks not listed in blockValues here.
- default: 10
-#blockValues [ID: VALUE] - the blocks listed below will have custom values instead of the default.
- 2: 20
- 3: 20
- 7: 0
- 8: 0
- 9: 0
- 10: 0
- 11: 0
- 12: 20
- 13: 20
- 14: 500
- 15: 200
- 16: 200
- 18: 0
- 20: 50
- 21: 300
- 22: 500
- 24: 20
- 25: 20
- 26: 1000
- 27: 20
- 28: 20
- 29: 60
- 30: 20
- 33: 40
- 34: 0
- 35: 50
- 36: 0
- 41: 1500
- 42: 300
- 43: 20
- 45: 50
- 46: 80
- 47: 50
- 48: 30
- 49: 200
- 51: 0
- 55: 0
- 56: 400
- 57: 5000
- 59: 0
- 60: 40
- 63: 0
- 65: 0
- 68: 0
- 70: 0
- 72: 0
- 79: 50
- 80: 50
- 81: 0
- 82: 50
- 83: 0
- 84: 50
- 90: 0
- 91: 20
- 92: 50
- 98: 20
- 99: 100
- 100: 100
- 101: 20
- 102: 20
- 103: 0
- 104: 0
- 105: 0
- 106: 10
- 108: 30
- 109: 20
- 110: 20
- 112: 20
- 114: 20
- 116: 150
- 122: 5000
- 123: 20
- 124: 20
- 127: 0
- 128: 20
- 129: 200
- 130: 2000
- 133: 1000
- 134: 20
- 135: 20
- 136: 20
- 138: 2000
- 144: 1000
- 145: 150
- 152: 150
- 153: 50
- 155: 100
- 156: 100
- 157: 20
- 159: 50
- 160: 25
- 163: 20
- 164: 20
- 165: 200
- 167: 25
- 170: 25
- 171: 20
- 172: 20
- 173: 600
- 174: 500
- 04: 10000
- 87: 10000
- 121: 10000
- lastIslandX: 0
- lastIslandZ: 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/ChallengesCommand.java b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/ChallengesCommand.java
index 90b137eb7..ba0a487db 100644
--- a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/ChallengesCommand.java
+++ b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/ChallengesCommand.java
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ else if (split.length == 1) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Use /c to view information about a challenge.");
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Use /c complete to attempt to complete that challenge.");
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Challenges will have different colors depending on if they are:");
- sender.sendMessage(String.valueOf(Settings.challenges_challengeColor.replace('&', '§')) + "Incomplete " + Settings.challenges_finishedColor.replace('&', '§') + "Completed(not repeatable) " + Settings.challenges_repeatableColor.replace('&', '§') + "Completed(repeatable) ");
+ sender.sendMessage(String.valueOf(Settings.challenges_challengeColor.replace('&', '\u00a7')) + "Incomplete " + Settings.challenges_finishedColor.replace('&', '\u00a7') + "Completed(not repeatable) " + Settings.challenges_repeatableColor.replace('&', '\u00a7') + "Completed(repeatable) ");
else if (uSkyBlock.getInstance().isRankAvailable(player, uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".rankLevel"))) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Challenge Name: " + ChatColor.WHITE + split[0].toLowerCase());
@@ -52,22 +52,22 @@ else if (uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.chall
if (Settings.challenges_enableEconomyPlugin && VaultHandler.econ != null) {
if (uSkyBlock.getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).checkChallenge(split[0].toLowerCase()) > 0) {
- sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".repeatRewardText").replace('&', '§'));
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".repeatRewardText").replace('&', '\u00a7'));
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat exp reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".repeatXpReward"));
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat currency reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".repeatCurrencyReward") + " " + VaultHandler.econ.currencyNamePlural());
else {
- sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".rewardText").replace('&', '§'));
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".rewardText").replace('&', '\u00a7'));
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Exp reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".xpReward"));
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Currency reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".currencyReward") + " " + VaultHandler.econ.currencyNamePlural());
else if (uSkyBlock.getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).checkChallenge(split[0].toLowerCase()) > 0) {
- sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".repeatRewardText").replace('&', '§'));
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".repeatRewardText").replace('&', '\u00a7'));
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat exp reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".repeatXpReward"));
else {
- sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".rewardText").replace('&', '§'));
+ sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".rewardText").replace('&', '\u00a7'));
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Exp reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + split[0].toLowerCase() + ".xpReward"));
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "To complete this challenge, use " + ChatColor.WHITE + "/c c " + split[0].toLowerCase());
diff --git a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/IslandCommand.java b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/IslandCommand.java
index e449c5c01..b4c27a1ad 100644
--- a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/IslandCommand.java
+++ b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/IslandCommand.java
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public boolean onCommand(final CommandSender sender, final Command command, fina
else {
- player.sendMessage("�cYou do not have permission to set your island's warp point!");
+ player.sendMessage("\u00a7cYou do not have permission to set your island's warp point!");
return true;
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public boolean onCommand(final CommandSender sender, final Command command, fina
else {
- player.sendMessage("�cYou do not have permission to enable/disable your island's warp!");
+ player.sendMessage("\u00a7cYou do not have permission to enable/disable your island's warp!");
else {
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public boolean onCommand(final CommandSender sender, final Command command, fina
if ((split[0].equals("biome") || split[0].equals("b")) && pi.getIslandLocation() != null) {
if (!uSkyBlock.getInstance().getIslandConfig(iName).getBoolean("party.members." + player.getName() + ".canToggleLock")) {
- player.sendMessage("�cYou do not have permission to change the biome of your current island.");
+ player.sendMessage("\u00a7cYou do not have permission to change the biome of your current island.");
return true;
@@ -440,10 +440,10 @@ else if (split[0].equals("accept") && VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Listing your island members:");
String total = "";
this.memberList = (Set)uSkyBlock.getInstance().getIslandConfig(pi.locationForParty()).getConfigurationSection("party.members").getKeys(false);
- total = String.valueOf(total) + "�a<" + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getIslandConfig(pi.locationForParty()).getString("party.leader") + "> ";
+ total = String.valueOf(total) + "\u00a7a<" + uSkyBlock.getInstance().getIslandConfig(pi.locationForParty()).getString("party.leader") + "> ";
for (final String temp : this.memberList) {
if (!temp.equalsIgnoreCase(uSkyBlock.getInstance().getIslandConfig(pi.locationForParty()).getString("party.leader"))) {
- total = String.valueOf(total) + "�e[" + temp + "]";
+ total = String.valueOf(total) + "\u00a7e[" + temp + "]";
diff --git a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/PlayerInfo.java b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/PlayerInfo.java
index f78282a54..1c30397f9 100644
--- a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/PlayerInfo.java
+++ b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/PlayerInfo.java
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ public PlayerInfo loadPlayer(final String player) {
this.challengeListNew.put(currentChallenge, new Challenge(currentChallenge, this.getPlayerConfig(player).getLong("player.challenges." + currentChallenge + ".firstCompleted"), this.getPlayerConfig(player).getInt("player.challenges." + currentChallenge + ".timesCompleted"), this.getPlayerConfig(player).getInt("player.challenges." + currentChallenge + ".timesCompletedSinceTimer")));
if (Bukkit.getPlayer(player) != null && this.getPlayerConfig(player).getBoolean("player.kickWarning")) {
- Bukkit.getPlayer(player).sendMessage("§cYou were removed from your island since the last time you played!");
+ Bukkit.getPlayer(player).sendMessage("\u00a7cYou were removed from your island since the last time you played!");
this.getPlayerConfig(player).set("player.kickWarning", (Object)false);
return this;
diff --git a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/PlayerJoin.java b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/PlayerJoin.java
index 399d728be..fe7689bda 100644
--- a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/PlayerJoin.java
+++ b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/PlayerJoin.java
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public void onEntityDamage(final EntityDamageEvent event) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void guiClick(final InventoryClickEvent event) {
- if (event.getInventory().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("§9Island Group Members")) {
+ if (event.getInventory().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("\u00a79Island Group Members")) {
if (event.getSlot() < 0 || event.getSlot() > 35) {
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ public void guiClick(final InventoryClickEvent event) {
- else if (this.meta.getLore().contains("§a§lLeader")) {
+ else if (this.meta.getLore().contains("\u00a7a\u00a7lLeader")) {
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ else if (event.getInventory().getName().contains("Challenge Menu")) {
if (event.getCurrentItem().getType() != Material.DIRT && event.getCurrentItem().getType() != Material.IRON_BLOCK && event.getCurrentItem().getType() != Material.GOLD_BLOCK && event.getCurrentItem().getType() != Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK) {
(this.p = (Player)event.getWhoClicked()).closeInventory();
if (event.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta() != null) {
- this.p.performCommand("c c " + event.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().replace("§e", "").replace("§8", "").replace("§a", "").replace("§2", "").replace("§l", ""));
+ this.p.performCommand("c c " + event.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().replace("\u00a7e", "").replace("\u00a78", "").replace("\u00a7a", "").replace("\u00a72", "").replace("\u00a7l", ""));
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ else if (event.getCurrentItem().getType() == Material.IRON_FENCE && !uSkyBlock.g
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onInventoryDrag(final InventoryDragEvent event) {
- if (event.getInventory().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("§9SB Island Group Members")) {
+ if (event.getInventory().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("\u00a79SB Island Group Members")) {
this.meta = (SkullMeta)event.getCursor().getItemMeta();
this.p = (Player)event.getWhoClicked();
diff --git a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/WorldGuardHandler.java b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/WorldGuardHandler.java
index 23763c455..cace6d13c 100644
--- a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/WorldGuardHandler.java
+++ b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/WorldGuardHandler.java
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ public static void protectIsland(final Player sender, final String player, final
- region.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE, (Object)DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), (CommandSender)sender, "�d** You are entering a protected island area. (" + player + ")"));
- region.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE, (Object)DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), (CommandSender)sender, "�d** You are leaving a protected island area. (" + player + ")"));
+ region.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE, (Object)DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), (CommandSender)sender, "\u00a7d** You are entering a protected island area. (" + player + ")"));
+ region.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE, (Object)DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), (CommandSender)sender, "\u00a7d** You are leaving a protected island area. (" + player + ")"));
region.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.PVP, (Object)DefaultFlag.PVP.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), (CommandSender)sender, Settings.island_allowPvP));
region.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.CHEST_ACCESS, (Object)DefaultFlag.CHEST_ACCESS.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), (CommandSender)sender, "deny"));
region.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.USE, (Object)DefaultFlag.USE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), (CommandSender)sender, "deny"));
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ public static void transferRegion(final String owner, final String player, final
region2 = (ProtectedRegion)new ProtectedCuboidRegion(String.valueOf(player) + "Island", getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(Bukkit.getWorld("skyworld")).getRegion(String.valueOf(owner) + "Island").getMinimumPoint(), getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(Bukkit.getWorld(Settings.general_worldName)).getRegion(String.valueOf(owner) + "Island").getMaximumPoint());
region2.setOwners(getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(uSkyBlock.getSkyBlockWorld()).getRegion(String.valueOf(owner) + "Island").getOwners());
- region2.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE, (Object)DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), sender, "�d** You are entering a protected island area. (" + player + ")"));
- region2.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE, (Object)DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), sender, "�d** You are leaving a protected island area. (" + player + ")"));
+ region2.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE, (Object)DefaultFlag.GREET_MESSAGE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), sender, "\u00a7d** You are entering a protected island area. (" + player + ")"));
+ region2.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE, (Object)DefaultFlag.FAREWELL_MESSAGE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), sender, "\u00a7d** You are leaving a protected island area. (" + player + ")"));
region2.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.PVP, (Object)DefaultFlag.PVP.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), sender, "deny"));
region2.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.DESTROY_VEHICLE, (Object)DefaultFlag.DESTROY_VEHICLE.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), sender, "deny"));
region2.setFlag((Flag)DefaultFlag.ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_DESTROY, (Object)DefaultFlag.ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_DESTROY.parseInput(getWorldGuard(), sender, "deny"));
diff --git a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/uSkyBlock.java b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/uSkyBlock.java
index 9937b3f87..703552cbb 100644
--- a/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/uSkyBlock.java
+++ b/src/us/talabrek/ultimateskyblock/uSkyBlock.java
@@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ public boolean giveReward(final Player player, final String challenge) {
player.giveExp(getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".repeatXpReward"));
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".repeatRewardText"));
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat exp reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".repeatXpReward"));
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat currency reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + this.df.format(getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".repeatCurrencyReward") * rewBonus) + " " + VaultHandler.econ.currencyNamePlural() + "�a(+" + this.df.format((rewBonus - 1.0) * 100.0) + "%)");
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Repeat currency reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + this.df.format(getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".repeatCurrencyReward") * rewBonus) + " " + VaultHandler.econ.currencyNamePlural() + "\u00a7a(+" + this.df.format((rewBonus - 1.0) * 100.0) + "%)");
else {
if (Settings.challenges_broadcastCompletion) {
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ public boolean giveReward(final Player player, final String challenge) {
player.giveExp(getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".xpReward"));
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Reward(s): " + ChatColor.WHITE + getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".rewardText"));
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Exp reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".xpReward"));
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Currency reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + this.df.format(getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".currencyReward") * rewBonus) + " " + VaultHandler.econ.currencyNamePlural() + "�a(+" + this.df.format((rewBonus - 1.0) * 100.0) + "%)");
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Currency reward: " + ChatColor.WHITE + this.df.format(getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challenge + ".currencyReward") * rewBonus) + " " + VaultHandler.econ.currencyNamePlural() + "\u00a7a(+" + this.df.format((rewBonus - 1.0) * 100.0) + "%)");
else if (getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).checkChallenge(challenge) > 0) {
@@ -1960,7 +1960,7 @@ public void clearIslandConfig(final String location, final String leader) {
this.getIslandConfig(location).set("general.warpLocationZ", (Object)0);
this.getIslandConfig(location).set("general.warpActive", (Object)false);
this.getIslandConfig(location).set("log.logPos", (Object)1);
- this.getIslandConfig(location).set("log.1", (Object)"�d[skyblock] The island has been created.");
+ this.getIslandConfig(location).set("log.1", (Object)"\u00a7d[skyblock] The island has been created.");
this.setupPartyLeader(location, leader);
@@ -2787,33 +2787,33 @@ public Inventory displayPartyPlayerGUI(final Player player, final String pname)
final ItemStack pHead = new ItemStack(397, 1, (short)3);
final SkullMeta meta3 = (SkullMeta)pHead.getItemMeta();
ItemMeta meta2 = this.sign.getItemMeta();
- meta2.setDisplayName("�hPlayer Permissions");
- this.lores.add("�eClick here to return to");
- this.lores.add("�eyour island group's info.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7hPlayer Permissions");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eClick here to return to");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eyour island group's info.");
this.GUIpartyPlayer.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.sign });
meta3.setDisplayName(String.valueOf(pname) + "'s Permissions");
- this.lores.add("�eHover over an icon to view");
- this.lores.add("�ea permission. Change the");
- this.lores.add("�epermission by clicking it.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eHover over an icon to view");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7ea permission. Change the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7epermission by clicking it.");
this.GUIpartyPlayer.addItem(new ItemStack[] { pHead });
meta2 = this.biome.getItemMeta();
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + pname + ".canChangeBiome")) {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�aChange Biome");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �acan�f change the");
- this.lores.add("�fisland's biome. Click here");
- this.lores.add("�fto remove this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7aChange Biome");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7acan\u00a7f change the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland's biome. Click here");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto remove this permission.");
else {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�cChange Biome");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �ccannot�f change the");
- this.lores.add("�fisland's biome. Click here");
- this.lores.add("�fto grant this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7cChange Biome");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7ccannot\u00a7f change the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland's biome. Click here");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto grant this permission.");
@@ -2821,18 +2821,18 @@ public Inventory displayPartyPlayerGUI(final Player player, final String pname)
meta2 = this.lock.getItemMeta();
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + pname + ".canToggleLock")) {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�aToggle Island Lock");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �acan�f toggle the");
- this.lores.add("�fisland's lock, which prevents");
- this.lores.add("�fnon-group members from entering.");
- this.lores.add("�fClick here to remove this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7aToggle Island Lock");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7acan\u00a7f toggle the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland's lock, which prevents");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fnon-group members from entering.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fClick here to remove this permission.");
else {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�cToggle Island Lock");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �ccannot�f toggle the");
- this.lores.add("�fisland's lock, which prevents");
- this.lores.add("�fnon-group members from entering.");
- this.lores.add("�fClick here to add this permission");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7cToggle Island Lock");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7ccannot\u00a7f toggle the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland's lock, which prevents");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fnon-group members from entering.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fClick here to add this permission");
@@ -2840,20 +2840,20 @@ public Inventory displayPartyPlayerGUI(final Player player, final String pname)
meta2 = this.warpset.getItemMeta();
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + pname + ".canChangeWarp")) {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�aSet Island Warp");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �acan�f set the");
- this.lores.add("�fisland's warp, which allows");
- this.lores.add("�fnon-group members to teleport");
- this.lores.add("�fto the island. Click here to");
- this.lores.add("�fremove this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7aSet Island Warp");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7acan\u00a7f set the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland's warp, which allows");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fnon-group members to teleport");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto the island. Click here to");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fremove this permission.");
else {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�cSet Island Warp");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �ccannot�f set the");
- this.lores.add("�fisland's warp, which allows");
- this.lores.add("�fnon-group members to teleport");
- this.lores.add("�fto the island. Click here to");
- this.lores.add("�fadd this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7cSet Island Warp");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7ccannot\u00a7f set the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland's warp, which allows");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fnon-group members to teleport");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto the island. Click here to");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fadd this permission.");
@@ -2861,20 +2861,20 @@ public Inventory displayPartyPlayerGUI(final Player player, final String pname)
meta2 = this.warptoggle.getItemMeta();
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + pname + ".canToggleWarp")) {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�aToggle Island Warp");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �acan�f toggle the");
- this.lores.add("�fisland's warp, allowing them");
- this.lores.add("�fto turn it on or off at anytime.");
- this.lores.add("�fbut not set the location. Click");
- this.lores.add("�fhere to remove this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7aToggle Island Warp");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7acan\u00a7f toggle the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland's warp, allowing them");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto turn it on or off at anytime.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fbut not set the location. Click");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fhere to remove this permission.");
else {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�cToggle Island Warp");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �ccannot�f toggle the");
- this.lores.add("�fisland's warp, allowing them");
- this.lores.add("�fto turn it on or off at anytime,");
- this.lores.add("�fbut not set the location. Click");
- this.lores.add("�fhere to add this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7cToggle Island Warp");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7ccannot\u00a7f toggle the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland's warp, allowing them");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto turn it on or off at anytime,");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fbut not set the location. Click");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fhere to add this permission.");
@@ -2882,18 +2882,18 @@ public Inventory displayPartyPlayerGUI(final Player player, final String pname)
meta2 = this.invite.getItemMeta();
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + pname + ".canInviteOthers")) {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�aInvite Players");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �acan�f invite");
- this.lores.add("�fother players to the island if");
- this.lores.add("�fthere is enough room for more");
- this.lores.add("�fmembers. Click here to remove");
- this.lores.add("�fthis permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7aInvite Players");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7acan\u00a7f invite");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fother players to the island if");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fthere is enough room for more");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fmembers. Click here to remove");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fthis permission.");
else {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�cInvite Players");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �ccannot�f invite");
- this.lores.add("�fother players to the island.");
- this.lores.add("�fClick here to add this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7cInvite Players");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7ccannot\u00a7f invite");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fother players to the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fClick here to add this permission.");
@@ -2901,18 +2901,18 @@ public Inventory displayPartyPlayerGUI(final Player player, final String pname)
meta2 = this.kick.getItemMeta();
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + pname + ".canKickOthers")) {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�aKick Players");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �acan�f kick");
- this.lores.add("�fother players from the island,");
- this.lores.add("�fbut they are unable to kick");
- this.lores.add("�fthe island leader. Click here");
- this.lores.add("�fto remove this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7aKick Players");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7acan\u00a7f kick");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fother players from the island,");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fbut they are unable to kick");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fthe island leader. Click here");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto remove this permission.");
else {
- meta2.setDisplayName("�cKick Players");
- this.lores.add("�fThis player �ccannot�f kick");
- this.lores.add("�fother players from the island.");
- this.lores.add("�fClick here to add this permission.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7cKick Players");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis player \u00a7ccannot\u00a7f kick");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fother players from the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fClick here to add this permission.");
@@ -2922,23 +2922,23 @@ public Inventory displayPartyPlayerGUI(final Player player, final String pname)
public Inventory displayPartyGUI(final Player player) {
- this.GUIparty = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 18, "�9Island Group Members");
+ this.GUIparty = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 18, "\u00a79Island Group Members");
final Set memberList = (Set)getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getConfigurationSection("party.members").getKeys(false);
this.tempIt = memberList.iterator();
final SkullMeta meta3 = (SkullMeta)this.pHead.getItemMeta();
final ItemMeta meta2 = this.sign.getItemMeta();
- meta2.setDisplayName("�aGroup Info");
- this.lores.add("Group Members: �2" + getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getInt("party.currentSize") + "�7/�e" + getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getInt("party.maxSize"));
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7aGroup Info");
+ this.lores.add("Group Members: \u00a72" + getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getInt("party.currentSize") + "\u00a77/\u00a7e" + getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getInt("party.maxSize"));
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getInt("party.currentSize") < getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getInt("party.maxSize")) {
- this.lores.add("�aMore players can be invited to this island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aMore players can be invited to this island.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�cThis island is full.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cThis island is full.");
- this.lores.add("�eHover over a player's icon to");
- this.lores.add("�eview their permissions. The");
- this.lores.add("�eleader can change permissions");
- this.lores.add("�eby clicking a player's icon.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eHover over a player's icon to");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eview their permissions. The");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eleader can change permissions");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eby clicking a player's icon.");
this.GUIparty.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.sign });
@@ -2946,58 +2946,58 @@ public Inventory displayPartyGUI(final Player player) {
while (this.tempIt.hasNext()) {
final String temp = this.tempIt.next();
if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase(getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getString("party.leader"))) {
- meta3.setDisplayName("�f" + temp);
- this.lores.add("�a�lLeader");
- this.lores.add("�aCan �fchange the island's biome.");
- this.lores.add("�aCan �flock/unlock the island.");
- this.lores.add("�aCan �fset the island's warp.");
- this.lores.add("�aCan �ftoggle the island's warp.");
- this.lores.add("�aCan �finvite others to the island.");
- this.lores.add("�aCan �fkick others from the island.");
+ meta3.setDisplayName("\u00a7f" + temp);
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7a\u00a7lLeader");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7fchange the island's biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7flock/unlock the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7fset the island's warp.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7ftoggle the island's warp.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7finvite others to the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7fkick others from the island.");
else {
- meta3.setDisplayName("�f" + temp);
- this.lores.add("�e�lMember");
+ meta3.setDisplayName("\u00a7f" + temp);
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lMember");
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + temp + ".canChangeBiome")) {
- this.lores.add("�aCan �fchange the island's biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7fchange the island's biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�cCannot �fchange the island's biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cCannot \u00a7fchange the island's biome.");
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + temp + ".canToggleLock")) {
- this.lores.add("�aCan �flock/unlock the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7flock/unlock the island.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�cCannot �flock/unlock the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cCannot \u00a7flock/unlock the island.");
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + temp + ".canChangeWarp")) {
- this.lores.add("�aCan �fset the island's warp.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7fset the island's warp.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�cCannot �fset the island's warp.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cCannot \u00a7fset the island's warp.");
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + temp + ".canToggleWarp")) {
- this.lores.add("�aCan �ftoggle the island's warp.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7ftoggle the island's warp.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�cCannot �ftoggle the island's warp.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cCannot \u00a7ftoggle the island's warp.");
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + temp + ".canInviteOthers")) {
- this.lores.add("�aCan �finvite others to the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7finvite others to the island.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�cCannot �finvite others to the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cCannot \u00a7finvite others to the island.");
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("party.members." + temp + ".canKickOthers")) {
- this.lores.add("�aCan �fkick others from the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7aCan \u00a7fkick others from the island.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�cCannot �fkick others from the island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cCannot \u00a7fkick others from the island.");
if (player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getString("party.leader"))) {
- this.lores.add("�e");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e");
@@ -3010,18 +3010,18 @@ public Inventory displayPartyGUI(final Player player) {
public Inventory displayLogGUI(final Player player) {
- this.GUIlog = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 9, "�9Island Log");
+ this.GUIlog = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 9, "\u00a79Island Log");
ItemMeta meta4 = this.sign.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�lIsland Log");
- this.lores.add("�eClick here to return to");
- this.lores.add("�ethe main island screen.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7lIsland Log");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eClick here to return to");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7ethe main island screen.");
this.GUIlog.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.sign });
this.currentLogItem = new ItemStack(Material.BOOK_AND_QUILL, 1);
meta4 = this.currentLogItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�e�lIsland Log");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7e\u00a7lIsland Log");
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(this.getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).contains("log." + i)) {
this.lores.add(getInstance().getIslandConfig(this.getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getString("log." + i));
@@ -3035,11 +3035,11 @@ public Inventory displayLogGUI(final Player player) {
public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
- this.GUIbiome = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 18, "�9Island Biome");
+ this.GUIbiome = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 18, "\u00a79Island Biome");
ItemMeta meta4 = this.sign.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�hIsland Biome");
- this.lores.add("�eClick here to return to");
- this.lores.add("�ethe main island screen.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7hIsland Biome");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eClick here to return to");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7ethe main island screen.");
this.GUIbiome.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.sign });
@@ -3047,27 +3047,27 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentBiomeItem = new ItemStack(Material.WATER, 1);
meta4 = this.currentBiomeItem.getItemMeta();
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.biome.ocean", player.getWorld())) {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�aBiome: Ocean");
- this.lores.add("�fThe ocean biome is the basic");
- this.lores.add("�fstarting biome for all islands.");
- this.lores.add("�fpassive mobs like animals will");
- this.lores.add("�fnot spawn. Hostile mobs will");
- this.lores.add("�fspawn normally.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7aBiome: Ocean");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe ocean biome is the basic");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fstarting biome for all islands.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fpassive mobs like animals will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fnot spawn. Hostile mobs will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fspawn normally.");
if (this.checkCurrentBiome(player, "OCEAN")) {
- this.lores.add("�2�lThis is your current biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a72\u00a7lThis is your current biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to change to this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to change to this biome.");
else {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�8Biome: Ocean");
- this.lores.add("�cYou cannot use this biome.");
- this.lores.add("�7The ocean biome is the basic");
- this.lores.add("�7starting biome for all islands.");
- this.lores.add("�7passive mobs like animals will");
- this.lores.add("�7not spawn. Hostile mobs will");
- this.lores.add("�7spawn normally.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a78Biome: Ocean");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cYou cannot use this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77The ocean biome is the basic");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77starting biome for all islands.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77passive mobs like animals will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77not spawn. Hostile mobs will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77spawn normally.");
@@ -3076,27 +3076,27 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentBiomeItem = new ItemStack(Material.SAPLING, 1, (short)1);
meta4 = this.currentBiomeItem.getItemMeta();
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.biome.forst", player.getWorld())) {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�aBiome: Forest");
- this.lores.add("�fThe forest biome will allow");
- this.lores.add("�fyour island to spawn passive.");
- this.lores.add("�fmobs like animals (including");
- this.lores.add("�fwolves). Hostile mobs will");
- this.lores.add("�fspawn normally.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7aBiome: Forest");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe forest biome will allow");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fyour island to spawn passive.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fmobs like animals (including");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fwolves). Hostile mobs will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fspawn normally.");
if (this.checkCurrentBiome(player, "FOREST")) {
- this.lores.add("�2�lThis is your current biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a72\u00a7lThis is your current biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to change to this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to change to this biome.");
else {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�8Biome: Forest");
- this.lores.add("�cYou cannot use this biome.");
- this.lores.add("�7The forest biome will allow");
- this.lores.add("�7your island to spawn passive.");
- this.lores.add("�7mobs like animals (including");
- this.lores.add("�7wolves). Hostile mobs will");
- this.lores.add("�7spawn normally.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a78Biome: Forest");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cYou cannot use this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77The forest biome will allow");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77your island to spawn passive.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77mobs like animals (including");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77wolves). Hostile mobs will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77spawn normally.");
@@ -3105,27 +3105,27 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentBiomeItem = new ItemStack(Material.SAND, 1);
meta4 = this.currentBiomeItem.getItemMeta();
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.biome.desert", player.getWorld())) {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�aBiome: Desert");
- this.lores.add("�fThe desert biome makes it so");
- this.lores.add("�fthat there is no rain or snow");
- this.lores.add("�fon your island. Passive mobs");
- this.lores.add("�fwon't spawn. Hostile mobs will");
- this.lores.add("�fspawn normally.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7aBiome: Desert");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe desert biome makes it so");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fthat there is no rain or snow");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fon your island. Passive mobs");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fwon't spawn. Hostile mobs will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fspawn normally.");
if (this.checkCurrentBiome(player, "DESERT")) {
- this.lores.add("�2�lThis is your current biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a72\u00a7lThis is your current biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to change to this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to change to this biome.");
else {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�8Biome: Desert");
- this.lores.add("�cYou cannot use this biome.");
- this.lores.add("�7The desert biome makes it so");
- this.lores.add("�7that there is no rain or snow");
- this.lores.add("�7on your island. Passive mobs");
- this.lores.add("�7won't spawn. Hostile mobs will");
- this.lores.add("�7spawn normally.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a78Biome: Desert");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cYou cannot use this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77The desert biome makes it so");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77that there is no rain or snow");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77on your island. Passive mobs");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77won't spawn. Hostile mobs will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77spawn normally.");
@@ -3134,27 +3134,27 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentBiomeItem = new ItemStack(Material.SAPLING, 1, (short)3);
meta4 = this.currentBiomeItem.getItemMeta();
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.biome.jungle", player.getWorld())) {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�aBiome: Jungle");
- this.lores.add("�fThe jungle biome is bright");
- this.lores.add("�fand colorful. Passive mobs");
- this.lores.add("�f(including ocelots) will");
- this.lores.add("�fspawn. Hostile mobs will");
- this.lores.add("�fspawn normally.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7aBiome: Jungle");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe jungle biome is bright");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fand colorful. Passive mobs");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7f(including ocelots) will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fspawn. Hostile mobs will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fspawn normally.");
if (this.checkCurrentBiome(player, "JUNGLE")) {
- this.lores.add("�2�lThis is your current biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a72\u00a7lThis is your current biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to change to this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to change to this biome.");
else {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�8Biome: Jungle");
- this.lores.add("�cYou cannot use this biome.");
- this.lores.add("�7The jungle biome is bright");
- this.lores.add("�7and colorful. Passive mobs");
- this.lores.add("�7(including ocelots) will");
- this.lores.add("�7spawn. Hostile mobs will");
- this.lores.add("�7spawn normally.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a78Biome: Jungle");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cYou cannot use this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77The jungle biome is bright");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77and colorful. Passive mobs");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77(including ocelots) will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77spawn. Hostile mobs will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77spawn normally.");
@@ -3163,29 +3163,29 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentBiomeItem = new ItemStack(Material.WATER_LILY, 1);
meta4 = this.currentBiomeItem.getItemMeta();
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.biome.swampland", player.getWorld())) {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�aBiome: Swampland");
- this.lores.add("�fThe swamp biome is dark");
- this.lores.add("�fand dull. Passive mobs");
- this.lores.add("�fwill spawn normally and");
- this.lores.add("�fslimes have a small chance");
- this.lores.add("�fto spawn at night depending");
- this.lores.add("�fon the moon phase.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7aBiome: Swampland");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe swamp biome is dark");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fand dull. Passive mobs");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fwill spawn normally and");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fslimes have a small chance");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto spawn at night depending");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fon the moon phase.");
if (this.checkCurrentBiome(player, "SWAMPLAND")) {
- this.lores.add("�2�lThis is your current biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a72\u00a7lThis is your current biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to change to this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to change to this biome.");
else {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�8Biome: Swampland");
- this.lores.add("�cYou cannot use this biome.");
- this.lores.add("�7The swamp biome is dark");
- this.lores.add("�7and dull. Passive mobs");
- this.lores.add("�7will spawn normally and");
- this.lores.add("�7slimes have a small chance");
- this.lores.add("�7to spawn at night depending");
- this.lores.add("�7on the moon phase.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a78Biome: Swampland");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cYou cannot use this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77The swamp biome is dark");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77and dull. Passive mobs");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77will spawn normally and");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77slimes have a small chance");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77to spawn at night depending");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77on the moon phase.");
@@ -3194,27 +3194,27 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentBiomeItem = new ItemStack(Material.SNOW, 1);
meta4 = this.currentBiomeItem.getItemMeta();
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.biome.taiga", player.getWorld())) {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�aBiome: Taiga");
- this.lores.add("�fThe taiga biome has snow");
- this.lores.add("�finstead of rain. Passive");
- this.lores.add("�fmobs will spawn normally");
- this.lores.add("�f(including wolves) and");
- this.lores.add("�fhostile mobs will spawn.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7aBiome: Taiga");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe taiga biome has snow");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7finstead of rain. Passive");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fmobs will spawn normally");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7f(including wolves) and");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fhostile mobs will spawn.");
if (this.checkCurrentBiome(player, "TAIGA")) {
- this.lores.add("�2�lThis is your current biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a72\u00a7lThis is your current biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to change to this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to change to this biome.");
else {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�8Biome: Taiga");
- this.lores.add("�cYou cannot use this biome.");
- this.lores.add("�7The taiga biome has snow");
- this.lores.add("�7instead of rain. Passive");
- this.lores.add("�7mobs will spawn normally");
- this.lores.add("�7(including wolves) and");
- this.lores.add("�7hostile mobs will spawn.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a78Biome: Taiga");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cYou cannot use this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77The taiga biome has snow");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77instead of rain. Passive");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77mobs will spawn normally");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77(including wolves) and");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77hostile mobs will spawn.");
@@ -3223,29 +3223,29 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentBiomeItem = new ItemStack(Material.RED_MUSHROOM, 1);
meta4 = this.currentBiomeItem.getItemMeta();
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.biome.mushroom", player.getWorld())) {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�aBiome: Mushroom");
- this.lores.add("�fThe mushroom biome is");
- this.lores.add("�fbright and colorful.");
- this.lores.add("�fMooshrooms are the only");
- this.lores.add("�fmobs that will spawn.");
- this.lores.add("�fNo other passive or");
- this.lores.add("�fhostile mobs will spawn.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7aBiome: Mushroom");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe mushroom biome is");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fbright and colorful.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fMooshrooms are the only");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fmobs that will spawn.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fNo other passive or");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fhostile mobs will spawn.");
if (this.checkCurrentBiome(player, "MUSHROOM")) {
- this.lores.add("�2�lThis is your current biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a72\u00a7lThis is your current biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to change to this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to change to this biome.");
else {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�8Biome: Mushroom");
- this.lores.add("�cYou cannot use this biome.");
- this.lores.add("�7The mushroom biome is");
- this.lores.add("�7bright and colorful.");
- this.lores.add("�7Mooshrooms are the only");
- this.lores.add("�7mobs that will spawn.");
- this.lores.add("�7No other passive or");
- this.lores.add("�7hostile mobs will spawn.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a78Biome: Mushroom");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cYou cannot use this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77The mushroom biome is");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77bright and colorful.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77Mooshrooms are the only");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77mobs that will spawn.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77No other passive or");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77hostile mobs will spawn.");
@@ -3254,29 +3254,29 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentBiomeItem = new ItemStack(Material.FIRE, 1);
meta4 = this.currentBiomeItem.getItemMeta();
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.biome.hell", player.getWorld())) {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�aBiome: Hell(Nether)");
- this.lores.add("�fThe hell biome looks");
- this.lores.add("�fdark and dead. Some");
- this.lores.add("�fmobs from the nether will");
- this.lores.add("�fspawn in this biome");
- this.lores.add("�f(excluding ghasts and");
- this.lores.add("�fblazes).");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7aBiome: Hell(Nether)");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe hell biome looks");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fdark and dead. Some");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fmobs from the nether will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fspawn in this biome");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7f(excluding ghasts and");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fblazes).");
if (this.checkCurrentBiome(player, "HELL")) {
- this.lores.add("�2�lThis is your current biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a72\u00a7lThis is your current biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to change to this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to change to this biome.");
else {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�8Biome: Hell(Nether)");
- this.lores.add("�cYou cannot use this biome.");
- this.lores.add("�7The hell biome looks");
- this.lores.add("�7dark and dead. Some");
- this.lores.add("�7mobs from the nether will");
- this.lores.add("�7spawn in this biome");
- this.lores.add("�7(excluding ghasts and");
- this.lores.add("�7blazes).");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a78Biome: Hell(Nether)");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cYou cannot use this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77The hell biome looks");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77dark and dead. Some");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77mobs from the nether will");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77spawn in this biome");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77(excluding ghasts and");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77blazes).");
@@ -3285,25 +3285,25 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentBiomeItem = new ItemStack(Material.EYE_OF_ENDER, 1);
meta4 = this.currentBiomeItem.getItemMeta();
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.biome.sky", player.getWorld())) {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�aBiome: Sky(End)");
- this.lores.add("�fThe sky biome gives your");
- this.lores.add("�fisland a special dark sky.");
- this.lores.add("�fOnly endermen will spawn");
- this.lores.add("�fin this biome.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7aBiome: Sky(End)");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe sky biome gives your");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland a special dark sky.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fOnly endermen will spawn");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fin this biome.");
if (this.checkCurrentBiome(player, "SKY")) {
- this.lores.add("�2�lThis is your current biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a72\u00a7lThis is your current biome.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to change to this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to change to this biome.");
else {
- meta4.setDisplayName("�8Biome: Sky(End)");
- this.lores.add("�cYou cannot use this biome.");
- this.lores.add("�7The sky biome gives your");
- this.lores.add("�7island a special dark sky.");
- this.lores.add("�7Only endermen will spawn");
- this.lores.add("�7in this biome.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a78Biome: Sky(End)");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7cYou cannot use this biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77The sky biome gives your");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77island a special dark sky.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77Only endermen will spawn");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77in this biome.");
@@ -3313,7 +3313,7 @@ public Inventory displayBiomeGUI(final Player player) {
public Inventory displayChallengeGUI(final Player player) {
- this.GUIchallenge = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 36, "�9Challenge Menu");
+ this.GUIchallenge = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 36, "\u00a79Challenge Menu");
final PlayerInfo pi = getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName());
this.populateChallengeRank(player, 0, Material.DIRT, 0, pi);
this.populateChallengeRank(player, 1, Material.IRON_BLOCK, 9, pi);
@@ -3323,71 +3323,71 @@ public Inventory displayChallengeGUI(final Player player) {
public Inventory displayIslandGUI(final Player player) {
- this.GUIisland = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 18, "�9Island Menu");
+ this.GUIisland = Bukkit.createInventory((InventoryHolder)null, 18, "\u00a79Island Menu");
if (this.hasIsland(player.getName())) {
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.ENDER_PORTAL, 1);
ItemMeta meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lReturn Home");
- this.lores.add("�fReturn to your island's home");
- this.lores.add("�fpoint. You can change your home");
- this.lores.add("�fpoint to any location on your");
- this.lores.add("�fisland using �b/island sethome");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to return home.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lReturn Home");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fReturn to your island's home");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fpoint. You can change your home");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fpoint to any location on your");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland using \u00a7b/island sethome");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to return home.");
this.GUIisland.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.currentIslandItem });
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND_ORE, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lChallenges");
- this.lores.add("�fView a list of challenges that");
- this.lores.add("�fyou can complete on your island");
- this.lores.add("�fto earn skybucks, items, perks,");
- this.lores.add("�fand titles.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to view challenges.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lChallenges");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fView a list of challenges that");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fyou can complete on your island");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto earn skybucks, items, perks,");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fand titles.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to view challenges.");
this.GUIisland.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.currentIslandItem });
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.EXP_BOTTLE, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lIsland Level");
- this.lores.add("�eCurrent Level: �a" + this.showIslandLevel(player));
- this.lores.add("�fGain island levels by expanding");
- this.lores.add("�fyour skyblock and completing");
- this.lores.add("�fcertain challenges. Rarer blocks");
- this.lores.add("�fwill add more to your level.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to refresh.");
- this.lores.add("�e�l(must be on island)");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lIsland Level");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eCurrent Level: \u00a7a" + this.showIslandLevel(player));
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fGain island levels by expanding");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fyour skyblock and completing");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fcertain challenges. Rarer blocks");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fwill add more to your level.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to refresh.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7l(must be on island)");
this.GUIisland.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.currentIslandItem });
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (short)3);
final SkullMeta meta2 = (SkullMeta)this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta2.setDisplayName("�a�lIsland Group");
- this.lores.add("�eMembers: �2" + this.showCurrentMembers(player) + "/" + this.showMaxMembers(player));
- this.lores.add("�fView the members of your island");
- this.lores.add("�fgroup and their permissions. If");
- this.lores.add("�fyou are the island leader, you");
- this.lores.add("�fcan change the member permissions.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to view or change.");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lIsland Group");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eMembers: \u00a72" + this.showCurrentMembers(player) + "/" + this.showMaxMembers(player));
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fView the members of your island");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fgroup and their permissions. If");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fyou are the island leader, you");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fcan change the member permissions.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to view or change.");
this.GUIisland.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.currentIslandItem });
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.SAPLING, 1, (short)3);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lChange Island Biome");
- this.lores.add("�eCurrent Biome: �b" + this.getCurrentBiome(player).toUpperCase());
- this.lores.add("�fThe island biome affects things");
- this.lores.add("�flike grass color and spawning");
- this.lores.add("�fof both animals and monsters.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lChange Island Biome");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eCurrent Biome: \u00a7b" + this.getCurrentBiome(player).toUpperCase());
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThe island biome affects things");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7flike grass color and spawning");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fof both animals and monsters.");
if (this.checkIslandPermission(player, "canChangeBiome")) {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to change biomes.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to change biomes.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�c�lYou can't change the biome.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7c\u00a7lYou can't change the biome.");
@@ -3395,30 +3395,30 @@ public Inventory displayIslandGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.IRON_FENCE, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lIsland Lock");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lIsland Lock");
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("general.locked")) {
- this.lores.add("�eLock Status: �aActive");
- this.lores.add("�fYour island is currently �clocked.");
- this.lores.add("�fPlayers outside of your group");
- this.lores.add("�fare unable to enter your island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eLock Status: \u00a7aActive");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fYour island is currently \u00a7clocked.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fPlayers outside of your group");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fare unable to enter your island.");
if (this.checkIslandPermission(player, "canToggleLock")) {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to unlock your island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to unlock your island.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�c�lYou can't change the lock.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7c\u00a7lYou can't change the lock.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�eLock Status: �8Inactive");
- this.lores.add("�fYour island is currently �aunlocked.");
- this.lores.add("�fAll players are able to enter your");
- this.lores.add("�fisland, but only you and your group");
- this.lores.add("�fmembers may build there.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eLock Status: \u00a78Inactive");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fYour island is currently \u00a7aunlocked.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fAll players are able to enter your");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland, but only you and your group");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fmembers may build there.");
if (this.checkIslandPermission(player, "canToggleLock")) {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to lock your island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to lock your island.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�c�lYou can't change the lock.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7c\u00a7lYou can't change the lock.");
@@ -3428,31 +3428,31 @@ public Inventory displayIslandGUI(final Player player) {
if (getInstance().getIslandConfig(getInstance().getActivePlayers().get(player.getName()).locationForParty()).getBoolean("general.warpActive")) {
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.PORTAL, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lIsland Warp");
- this.lores.add("�eWarp Status: �aActive");
- this.lores.add("�fOther players may warp to your");
- this.lores.add("�fisland at anytime to the point");
- this.lores.add("�fyou set using �d/island setwarp.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lIsland Warp");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eWarp Status: \u00a7aActive");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fOther players may warp to your");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland at anytime to the point");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fyou set using \u00a7d/island setwarp.");
if (this.checkIslandPermission(player, "canToggleWarp") && VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.extra.addwarp", getSkyBlockWorld())) {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to deactivate.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to deactivate.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�c�lYou can't change the warp.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7c\u00a7lYou can't change the warp.");
else {
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.ENDER_STONE, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lIsland Warp");
- this.lores.add("�eWarp Status: �8Inactive");
- this.lores.add("�fOther players can't warp to your");
- this.lores.add("�fisland. Set a warp point using");
- this.lores.add("�d/island setwarp �fbefore activating.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lIsland Warp");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eWarp Status: \u00a78Inactive");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fOther players can't warp to your");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland. Set a warp point using");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7d/island setwarp \u00a7fbefore activating.");
if (this.checkIslandPermission(player, "canToggleWarp") && VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "usb.extra.addwarp", getSkyBlockWorld())) {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to activate.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to activate.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�c�lYou can't change the warp.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7c\u00a7lYou can't change the warp.");
@@ -3461,26 +3461,26 @@ public Inventory displayIslandGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.CHEST, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lBuy Perks");
- this.lores.add("�fVisit the perk shop to buy");
- this.lores.add("�fspecial abilities for your");
- this.lores.add("�fisland and character, as well");
- this.lores.add("�fas titles and more.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to open the shop!");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lBuy Perks");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fVisit the perk shop to buy");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fspecial abilities for your");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland and character, as well");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fas titles and more.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to open the shop!");
this.GUIisland.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.currentIslandItem });
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.ENDER_CHEST, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lBuy Donor Perks");
- this.lores.add("�fThis special perk shop is");
- this.lores.add("�fonly available to donors!");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lBuy Donor Perks");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fThis special perk shop is");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fonly available to donors!");
if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "group.donor", player.getWorld())) {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to open the shop!");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to open the shop!");
else {
- this.lores.add("�a�lClick here to become a donor!");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7a\u00a7lClick here to become a donor!");
@@ -3488,34 +3488,34 @@ public Inventory displayIslandGUI(final Player player) {
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.BOOK_AND_QUILL, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lIsland Log");
- this.lores.add("�fView a log of events from");
- this.lores.add("�fyour island such as member,");
- this.lores.add("�fbiome, and warp changes.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to view the log.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lIsland Log");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fView a log of events from");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fyour island such as member,");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fbiome, and warp changes.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to view the log.");
this.GUIisland.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.currentIslandItem });
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.BED, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lChange Home Location");
- this.lores.add("�fWhen you teleport to your");
- this.lores.add("�fisland you will be taken to");
- this.lores.add("�fthis location.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to change.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lChange Home Location");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fWhen you teleport to your");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland you will be taken to");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fthis location.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to change.");
this.GUIisland.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.currentIslandItem });
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.HOPPER, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lChange Warp Location");
- this.lores.add("�fWhen your warp is activated,");
- this.lores.add("�fother players will be taken to");
- this.lores.add("�fthis point when they teleport");
- this.lores.add("�fto your island.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to change.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lChange Warp Location");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fWhen your warp is activated,");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fother players will be taken to");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fthis point when they teleport");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fto your island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to change.");
this.GUIisland.setItem(15, this.currentIslandItem);
@@ -3524,41 +3524,41 @@ public Inventory displayIslandGUI(final Player player) {
else if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "group.member", getSkyBlockWorld())) {
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.GRASS, 1);
ItemMeta meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lStart an Island");
- this.lores.add("�fStart your skyblock journey");
- this.lores.add("�fby starting your own island.");
- this.lores.add("�fComplete challenges to earn");
- this.lores.add("�fitems and skybucks to help");
- this.lores.add("�fexpand your skyblock. You can");
- this.lores.add("�finvite others to join in");
- this.lores.add("�fbuilding your island empire!");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to start!");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lStart an Island");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fStart your skyblock journey");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fby starting your own island.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fComplete challenges to earn");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fitems and skybucks to help");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fexpand your skyblock. You can");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7finvite others to join in");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fbuilding your island empire!");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to start!");
this.GUIisland.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.currentIslandItem });
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (short)3);
final SkullMeta meta2 = (SkullMeta)this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta2.setDisplayName("�a�lJoin an Island");
- this.lores.add("�fWant to join another player's");
- this.lores.add("�fisland instead of starting");
- this.lores.add("�fyour own? If another player");
- this.lores.add("�finvites you to their island");
- this.lores.add("�fyou can click here or use");
- this.lores.add("�e/island accept �fto join them.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to accept an invite!");
- this.lores.add("�e�l(You must be invited first)");
+ meta2.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lJoin an Island");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fWant to join another player's");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fisland instead of starting");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fyour own? If another player");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7finvites you to their island");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fyou can click here or use");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e/island accept \u00a7fto join them.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to accept an invite!");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7l(You must be invited first)");
this.GUIisland.setItem(4, this.currentIslandItem);
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.SIGN, 1);
meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lIsland Help");
- this.lores.add("�fNeed help with skyblock");
- this.lores.add("�fconcepts or commands? View");
- this.lores.add("�fdetails about them here.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here for help!");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lIsland Help");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fNeed help with skyblock");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fconcepts or commands? View");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fdetails about them here.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here for help!");
this.GUIisland.setItem(8, this.currentIslandItem);
@@ -3567,11 +3567,11 @@ else if (VaultHandler.checkPerk(player.getName(), "group.member", getSkyBlockWor
else {
this.currentIslandItem = new ItemStack(Material.BOOK, 1);
final ItemMeta meta4 = this.currentIslandItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�a�lWelcome to the Server!");
- this.lores.add("�fPlease read and accept the");
- this.lores.add("�fserver rules to become a");
- this.lores.add("�fmember and start your skyblock.");
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick here to read!");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7a\u00a7lWelcome to the Server!");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fPlease read and accept the");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fserver rules to become a");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fmember and start your skyblock.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick here to read!");
this.GUIisland.addItem(new ItemStack[] { this.currentIslandItem });
@@ -3608,9 +3608,9 @@ public void populateChallengeRank(final Player player, final int rankIndex, fina
int rankComplete = 0;
this.currentChallengeItem = new ItemStack(mat, 1);
ItemMeta meta4 = this.currentChallengeItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�e�lRank: " + Settings.challenges_ranks[rankIndex]);
- this.lores.add("�fComplete most challenges in");
- this.lores.add("�fthis rank to unlock the next rank.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a7e\u00a7lRank: " + Settings.challenges_ranks[rankIndex]);
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fComplete most challenges in");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7fthis rank to unlock the next rank.");
this.GUIchallenge.setItem(location, this.currentChallengeItem);
@@ -3622,9 +3622,9 @@ public void populateChallengeRank(final Player player, final int rankIndex, fina
if (rankComplete > 0) {
this.currentChallengeItem = new ItemStack(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, 1, (short)14);
meta4 = this.currentChallengeItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName("�4�lLocked Challenge");
- this.lores.add("�7Complete " + rankComplete + " more " + Settings.challenges_ranks[rankIndex - 1] + " challenges");
- this.lores.add("�7to unlock this rank.");
+ meta4.setDisplayName("\u00a74\u00a7lLocked Challenge");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77Complete " + rankComplete + " more " + Settings.challenges_ranks[rankIndex - 1] + " challenges");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77to unlock this rank.");
this.GUIchallenge.setItem(++location, this.currentChallengeItem);
@@ -3635,38 +3635,38 @@ public void populateChallengeRank(final Player player, final int rankIndex, fina
if (challengeList[i].charAt(1) == 'e') {
this.currentChallengeItem = new ItemStack(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, 1, (short)4);
meta4 = this.currentChallengeItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName(challengeList[i].replace("�e", "�e�l"));
- challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("�e", "");
- challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("�8", "");
+ meta4.setDisplayName(challengeList[i].replace("\u00a7e", "\u00a7e\u00a7l"));
+ challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("\u00a7e", "");
+ challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("\u00a78", "");
else if (challengeList[i].charAt(1) == 'a') {
- if (!getInstance().getConfig().contains("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].replace("�a", "").replace("�2", "").replace("�e", "").replace("�8", "").toLowerCase() + ".displayItem")) {
+ if (!getInstance().getConfig().contains("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].replace("\u00a7a", "").replace("\u00a72", "").replace("\u00a7e", "").replace("\u00a78", "").toLowerCase() + ".displayItem")) {
this.currentChallengeItem = new ItemStack(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, 1, (short)5);
else {
- this.currentChallengeItem = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].replace("�a", "").replace("�2", "").replace("�e", "").replace("�8", "").toLowerCase() + ".displayItem")), 1);
+ this.currentChallengeItem = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].replace("\u00a7a", "").replace("\u00a72", "").replace("\u00a7e", "").replace("\u00a78", "").toLowerCase() + ".displayItem")), 1);
meta4 = this.currentChallengeItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName(challengeList[i].replace("�a", "�a�l"));
- challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("�a", "");
- challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("�8", "");
+ meta4.setDisplayName(challengeList[i].replace("\u00a7a", "\u00a7a\u00a7l"));
+ challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("\u00a7a", "");
+ challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("\u00a78", "");
else if (challengeList[i].charAt(1) == '2') {
this.currentChallengeItem = new ItemStack(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, 1, (short)13);
meta4 = this.currentChallengeItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName(challengeList[i].replace("�2", "�2�l"));
- challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("�2", "");
- challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("�8", "");
+ meta4.setDisplayName(challengeList[i].replace("\u00a72", "\u00a72\u00a7l"));
+ challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("\u00a72", "");
+ challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("\u00a78", "");
else {
this.currentChallengeItem = new ItemStack(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, 1, (short)4);
meta4 = this.currentChallengeItem.getItemMeta();
- meta4.setDisplayName(challengeList[i].replace("�e", "�e�l"));
- challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("�e", "");
- challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("�8", "");
+ meta4.setDisplayName(challengeList[i].replace("\u00a7e", "\u00a7e\u00a7l"));
+ challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("\u00a7e", "");
+ challengeList[i] = challengeList[i].replace("\u00a78", "");
- this.lores.add("�7" + getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".description"));
- this.lores.add("�eThis challenge requires the following:");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a77" + getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".description"));
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7eThis challenge requires the following:");
final String[] reqList = this.getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".requiredItems").split(" ");
int reqItem = 0;
int reqAmount = 0;
@@ -3719,34 +3719,34 @@ else if (sScale[1].charAt(0) == '/') {
reqMod = Integer.parseInt(sPart[1]);
final ItemStack newItem = new ItemStack(reqItem, reqAmount, (short)reqMod);
- this.lores.add("�f" + newItem.getAmount() + " " + newItem.getType().toString());
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7f" + newItem.getAmount() + " " + newItem.getType().toString());
if (pi.checkChallenge(challengeList[i].toLowerCase()) > 0 && getInstance().getConfig().getBoolean("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".repeatable")) {
if (pi.onChallengeCooldown(challengeList[i].toLowerCase())) {
if (pi.getChallengeCooldownTime(challengeList[i].toLowerCase()) / 86400000L >= 1L) {
final int days = (int)pi.getChallengeCooldownTime(challengeList[i].toLowerCase()) / 86400000;
- this.lores.add("�4Requirements will reset in " + days + " days.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a74Requirements will reset in " + days + " days.");
else {
final int hours = (int)pi.getChallengeCooldownTime(challengeList[i].toLowerCase()) / 3600000;
- this.lores.add("�4Requirements will reset in " + hours + " hours.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a74Requirements will reset in " + hours + " hours.");
- this.lores.add("�6Item Reward: �a" + getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".repeatRewardText"));
- this.lores.add("�6Currency Reward: �a" + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".repeatCurrencyReward"));
- this.lores.add("�6Exp Reward: �a" + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".repeatXpReward"));
- this.lores.add("�dTotal times completed: �f" + pi.getChallenge(challengeList[i].toLowerCase()).getTimesCompleted());
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to complete this challenge.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a76Item Reward: \u00a7a" + getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".repeatRewardText"));
+ this.lores.add("\u00a76Currency Reward: \u00a7a" + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".repeatCurrencyReward"));
+ this.lores.add("\u00a76Exp Reward: \u00a7a" + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".repeatXpReward"));
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7dTotal times completed: \u00a7f" + pi.getChallenge(challengeList[i].toLowerCase()).getTimesCompleted());
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to complete this challenge.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�6Item Reward: �a" + getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".rewardText"));
- this.lores.add("�6Currency Reward: �a" + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".currencyReward"));
- this.lores.add("�6Exp Reward: �a" + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".xpReward"));
+ this.lores.add("\u00a76Item Reward: \u00a7a" + getInstance().getConfig().getString("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".rewardText"));
+ this.lores.add("\u00a76Currency Reward: \u00a7a" + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".currencyReward"));
+ this.lores.add("\u00a76Exp Reward: \u00a7a" + getInstance().getConfig().getInt("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".xpReward"));
if (getInstance().getConfig().getBoolean("options.challenges.challengeList." + challengeList[i].toLowerCase() + ".repeatable")) {
- this.lores.add("�e�lClick to complete this challenge.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a7e\u00a7lClick to complete this challenge.");
else {
- this.lores.add("�4�lYou can't repeat this challenge.");
+ this.lores.add("\u00a74\u00a7lYou can't repeat this challenge.");
@@ -3765,10 +3765,10 @@ public void sendMessageToIslandGroup(final String location, final String message
while (temp.hasNext()) {
final String player = temp.next();
if (Bukkit.getPlayer(player) != null) {
- Bukkit.getPlayer(player).sendMessage("�d[skyblock] " + message);
+ Bukkit.getPlayer(player).sendMessage("\u00a7d[skyblock] " + message);
- getInstance().getIslandConfig(location).set("log." + ++currentLogPos, (Object)("�d[" + dateTxt + "] " + message));
+ getInstance().getIslandConfig(location).set("log." + ++currentLogPos, (Object)("\u00a7d[" + dateTxt + "] " + message));
if (currentLogPos < 10) {
getInstance().getIslandConfig(location).set("log.logPos", (Object)currentLogPos);