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dutchy edited this page Feb 17, 2015 · 29 revisions


Welcome to uSkyBlock-Revived

After months of inactivitie were finaly back on track with updating uSkyblock. Unfortunatelly this will mostly without the former developer Talabrek. I would like to thank Talabrek for making this fantastic plugin and his blessing that we can continue this.

What is uSkyblock

uSkyblock is a surviving game that transport you to a small island in mid-air. You need to try and survive with the minimum resources.
You can with the few given items create a cobblestone generator which you can then use to expand your island.
By doing the challenges (command /challenges or /c) you can earn Items, Money, XP and Special permissions. Some of these items you earn are needed to complete the next challenges.
You can play alone or you can invite your friends to build together on your island.
You can set a warp (/is warp [playername] to show off what you have done on your island. This can be turned on or off at the GUI.
You can set your own biome (/is biome [biomename]).

In Talabrek's version there were a lot of questions about the Chest and Ender_Chest in the GUI. This feature is now made optional and can be removed if needed. However I have made an example set (wich can be downloaded from our official website to use to the full extent.

GUI The Shop GIU

What are our plans

  • We hope to update uSkyblock frequently to ensure that it will be compatible with the latest Craftbukkit/Spigot.
  • Adding new features or recoding the older ones
  • Making it more efficient
  • And many more to come

What's new

  • We have updated to CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.8 (We re-introduced a 1.7.9/10 version on many request).
  • The old default protection has been deleted and WorldGuard has been made the main protection. With WorldGuard we could set some default flag to insure a better protection.
  • An overhaul how the island are created and restarted wich made it more robust.


Just place the .jar in your plugins directory and (re)start the server. The skyblock world, config, and all other files are automatically generated.

Required for 1.8 server:

  • craftbukkit 1.8
  • Spigot 1.8
  • uSkyblock v2.2-HF9b

Required dependencies are:

  • WorldEdit v6.xx (get it here)
  • WorldGuard v6.xx (get it here)
  • Vault v1.5.x (get it here)

Soft dependencies are:

  • Multiverse-Core (get it here)
  • Multiverse-NetherPortals (get it here)
  • Chest Commands GUI (get it here)

Required for 1.7.9/10 server:

  • craftbukkit 1.7.9/10
  • Spigot 1.7.9/10
  • uSkyblock v2.2-HF9b

Required dependencies are:

  • WorldEdit v6.xx (get it here)
  • WorldGuard v6.xx (get it here)
  • Vault v1.4.1 (get it here)


  • WorldEdit v5.6.3 (get it here)
  • WorldGuard v5.9 (get it here)
  • Vault v1.4.1 (get it here)

Do not mix WorldEdit and WorldGuard version v5 or v6.

Soft dependencies are the same as the 1.8 version.

How to post an issue

Posting an issue is for us a way to communicate with our users.
All these issue's are taken seriously and checked over and over and then tested again. Due to all different kinds of environments this is a very consuming task for us and we like to ask you to include some information to make our work a bit easier. To assess these issue's we need the following basic information to start with:

  • server version (Craftbukkit/Spigot)
  • uSkyblock version
  • WorldEdit version
  • WorldGuard version
  • Vault

To make everybodies life easier we added the command /usb version (from version v2.2-HF1) which will give you all the info we need to start with.
Please do not use the words "I use/got the latest version" as this aint telling us anything.

3rd Party Supported Plugins

The following plugins make use of our API:


This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version
