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BATMANN: A Binarized MANN for Few-Shot Learning

This is a PyTorch implementation of the MANN described in Robust high-dimensional memory-augmented neural networks. In addition, we provide a binary version MANN, whose controller is trained as a binary neural network (BNN) in an end-to-end way, and the feature vectors stored in the key memory are binarized as well.

Codes Structure

The two figures below illustrate the relations among different functions, which also help understand how the MANN work.

Data Loading

Learn & Inference

Running Codes

In this code, you can run the MANN on omniglot dataset, obtaining a full-precision or a binarized mature Controller. We provide scripts in ./scripts and the checkpoints in ./log , which lead to easy running of our codes.


This code is tested on both PyTorch 1.2 (cuda 11.2).

git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt

Learn and Evaluate a Controller

We provide the scripts to learn a full-precision and a binary controller in ./scripts , respectively. You can modify the --data_dir, and simply run sh ./scripts/ / sh ./scripts/ Then you can get mature controllers for 5-way 1-shot, 20-way 5-shot, and 100-way 5-shot problems. Or you can modify more arguments according to your needs and specific problems. For omniglot dataset, it is worth nothing that the following requirements should be satiesfied:

  • num_shot + pool_query_train + pool_val_train <= 20
  • pool_query_train >= batch_size_train
  • pool_val_train >= val_num_train
  • num_shot + pool_query_test <= 20
  • pool_query_test >= batch_size_test
python \
--log_dir [The path to store the training log file.] \
--data_dir [The absolute path to the dataset.] \
--input_channel [Number of input channel of the samples.] \
--feature_dim [The dimension of the feature vectors.] \
--class_num [m in the m-way n-shot problem.] \
--num_shot [n in the m-way n-shot problem.] \
--pool_query_train [Number of samples in each class to sample the queries in the training phase.] \
--pool_val_train [Number of samples in each class to sample the validation samples in the training phase.] \
--batch_size_train [Number of queries in each class in the training phase.] \
--val_num_train [Number of validation samples in each class in the training phase] \
--pool_query_test [Number of samples in each class to sample the queries in the inference phase.] \
--batch_size_test [Number of queries in each class in the inference phase.] \
--train_episode [Number of episode during training.] \
--log_interval [Number of intervals to log the training process.] \
--val_episode [Number of episode during validation.] \
--val_interval [Number of intrvals to do validation.] \
--test_episode [Number of episode during inference.] \
--learning_rate [Initial learning rate for the optimizer.] \
--quantization_learn [Do binarized training in learning phase or not.] \
--quantization_infer [Do binarized training in inference phase or not.] \
--rotation_update [Argument for RBNN] \
--a32 [Argument for RBNN] \
--test_only [Use pretrained parameters to do inference directly or not.] \
--pretrained_dir [The path to the pretrained parameters.] \
--sim_cal [Choose cos or dot similarity] \
--binary_id [Bipolar or Binary] \
--gpu [ID of the GPU to use]

Inference Only

For the ease of reproducibility, we also provide the checkpoints for mature Controller. To do inference directly, you can modify --data_dir and ---pretrained_dir, then run sh ./scripts/ Or you can modify more arguments:

python \
--log_dir [The path to store the training log file.] \
--data_dir [The absolute path to the dataset.] \
--input_channel [Number of input channel of the samples.] \
--feature_dim [The dimension of the feature vectors.] \
--class_num [m in the m-way n-shot problem.] \
--num_shot [n in the m-way n-shot problem.] \
--pool_query_test [Number of samples in each class to sample the queries in the inference phase.] \
--batch_size_test [Number of queries in each class in the inference phase.] \
--test_episode [Number of episode during inference.] \
--quantization [Do binarized training or not.] \
--test_only [Use pretrained parameters to do inference directly or not.] \
--quantization_learn [Do binarized training in learning phase or not.] \
--quantization_infer [Do binarized training in inference phase or not.] \
--rotation_update [Argument for RBNN] \
--a32 [Argument for RBNN] \
--test_only [Use pretrained parameters to do inference directly or not.] \
--pretrained_dir [The path to the pretrained parameters.] \
--sim_cal [Choose cos or dot similarity] \
--binary_id [Bipolar or Binary] \
--gpu [ID of the GPU to use]

Experimental Results

For clarification, we use the table below to show the setting details of different experiments. The upper and lower tables are the details for learning and inference phases, respectively. Binary-1 means the elements are selected in {-1, 1}. On the other hand, Binary-2 means the element only contains 0 and 1.

Learning Settings Options Nat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Controller Full-precision
Sharpening Softabs
Similarity Cosine
Key vectors Full-precision
Binary-1 ({-1, 1})
Binary-2 ({0, 1})
Inference Settings Options Nat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Similarity Cosine
Key vectors Full-precision
Binary-1 ({-1, 1})
Binary-2 ({0, 1})

End-to-End full-precision and binarized MANN

  • The 2nd column is the results reported in the Supplementary Table II in the Nat Comm paper.
  • The 3rd column is the results obtained by our implementation. The Controller is trained in an end-to-end full-precision scheme. The weights and the features stored in the Key Memory are all in full-precision format.
  • The 4th column is the results obtained by our implemententaion. The Controller is trained in an end-to-end binarized ({-1,1}) scheme. The weights and features stored in the Key Memory are all in a binarized format ({-1,-1}). (Note: The first conv layer & the last fc layer are 8-bit, we use a sign function at the end to get the binarized outputs.)
Problem Full-Precision (Nat Comm) Full-Precision (S1) Binary-1 (S2)
5-way 1-shot 97.44% 95.25% (ckpt) 94.40% (ckpt)
20-way 5-shot 97.79% 97.64% (ckpt) 95.11% (ckpt)
100-way 5-shot 93.97% 95.68% (ckpt) 94.32% (ckpt)

Ablation Study on 20-way 5-shot Problem

Experiments S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
Accuracy 95.56% 45.00% 61.53% 65.82% 95.49% 96.45% 96.30% 95.97%

t-SNE Visualization on the Features Generated by S1-S10

Tips: The same number in different figures can represent different characters in Omniglot dataset.

FGSM Attack

Experiments S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
epsilon = 0.1 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 6.74% 7.47% 6.88% 10.00%
epsilon = 0.2 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 6.46% 6.80% 6.80% 10.00%
epsilon = 0.3 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 6.12% 6.32% 6.71% 9.98%

t-SNE Visualization on the FGSM Attacked Features Generated by S1-S10

Different Sharpening Function during Training + Last FC layer (Bipolar Case)

Forward Backward Controller Last FC layer Acc. (%)
1 abs abs XNOR 8-bit 96.71%
2 abs abs RBNN Full-Precision 5.00%
3 softabs softabs XNOR Binary 93.55%
4 softabs softabs RBNN Binary 95.89%
5 abs abs XNOR Binary 96.53%
6 abs abs RBNN Binary 5.00%
S7 softabs softabs XNOR 8-bit 95.49%
S9 softabs softabs RBNN Full-Precision 96.30%


  • Compare 1 and S7, using abs in training increase the performance of the controller for XNOR-Net.
  • Compare 1 and 5, 3 and S7, using binary last FC layer will degrade the accuracy a bit for XNOR-Net.
  • Compare 3 and 5, abs compiles better with binary FC layer at the end than softabs for XNOR-Net.
  • Compare 2 and S9, 6 and 4, using abs as the sharpening function is not a good choice for RBNN, which is contrast with the first observation.
  • Compare 4 and S9, using binary last FC layer will degrade the accuracy a bit, which is consistente with the 2nd point.



  • Training setting: 10 classes in total, each class contains 20 pics. In other words, 200 samples in total.
  • Support set: 10 classes, each class has 5 pics.
  • Query set: 10 classes, each class has 3 pics.
  • Training episode: 800.
Forward Backward Controller Last FC layer Acc. (%)
A1 abs abs XNOR 8-bit 91.38%
A2 softabs softabs XNOR Binary 91.63%
A3 abs abs XNOR Binary 91.26%
A4 softabs softabs XNOR 8-bit 75.85%


There are not 10 obvious clusters (each class is supposed to have 3 samples).


The BATMANN codes are ispired by LearningToCompare_FSL. We simulate the performance of BATMANN on RRAM by using the toolbox MemTorch. We thanks for this open-source implementations.