The start of a Listbox tutorial for C# .NET Winforms.
The tutorials are a series of Microsoft Visual Studio projects. In general:
- Download each project ZIP file.
- Exand it in your favorite location on your computer.
- Double click the soluton file (*.sln).
- From the Visual Studio main menu, select Start.
- Follow the screen or project notes to operate the application.
These projects require the following items:
- Microsoft Windows 10 or later.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2016 Community editor, or later.
Notes are provided in the individual project's README file. Comments may be inlined in the code.
There are three example projects. Each project is standalone and you don't need previous projects to run another project. You don't even need to go through them sequentially, although if you're new to ListBoxes, consider going through each one in turn.
The topics are:
- Basic operations. This (Listbox1_Example) is a good starting place and introduces the basics of ListBoxes.
- Using DataSource for speed and convenience. This (Listbox2_Example) introduces using the Listbox DataSource property allows for extremely quick loading and convenience from an array or list.
- Using Objects in a ListBox. This (Listbox3_Example) introduces using objects for listbox items. The listbox items represent an object with multiple fields, such as a person with a first name, last name, and employee Id. This example showcases how to add an item's display, and how to select information from the selected item.
Tutorials will be added overtime, so if your example project is not available, please try back later.