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Releases: root-project/jsroot


23 Feb 12:08
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  1. Implement "tickz" draw option, used for color palette ticks
  2. Implement skewness and kurtosis calculations for histogram stats box
  3. Introduce "logv" draw option for TH3, configures logarithmic scale for box volume
  4. Implement color palette drawing for TH3
  5. Implement cutg draw option for TH2/TF2 surface plots
  6. Implement TMath::Sq() function and several others like SinH, ASinH, ...
  7. Implement histogram drawing build from TGraph2D using Delaunay interpolation
  8. Provide preliminary TF3 support
  9. Support TLinearGradient and TRadialGradient colors
  10. Support LZMA decompression of ROOT files #272
  11. Include ZSTD decompression to repository #274
  12. Support opacity transfer function for TH3, see tutorials/gl/glvox2.C
  13. Upgrade three.js r155 -> r158
  14. Handle TCanvas::IsEdiatable() flag to disable some interactive features
  15. Support PDF creation using jsPDF and svg2pdf.js - in browser and node.js
  16. Implement custom fonts support in TWebCanvas
  17. List of ROOT/JSON files on server with &dir=<path> URL parameter #283
  18. Load TGaxis function from the file #282
  19. Let display progress messages in modal element #285
  20. Fix - do not add THStack and TMultiGraph to legend
  21. Fix - correctly use margin in TPaveText class
  22. Fix - correctly draw endcaps in legend errors
  23. Fix - vertical position of up elements like {M}^{2} in TLatex
  24. Fix - let draw THStack with diff binning hists
  25. Fix - better tooltip name for the items
  26. Fix - better logy scale selection


09 Feb 10:02
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  1. Fix - catch exception when parsing TF1 formula
  2. Fix - properly check THStack histograms axes when doing sum
  3. Fix - correctly handle negative offset on time axis
  4. Fix - do not use inset because of old Chrome browsers
  5. Fix - properly provide object hints


24 Nov 08:54
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  1. Fix - draw histograms with negative bins #276
  2. Fix - correctly read TLeaf with fixed-size array
  3. Fix - bug in options handling in startGUI()
  4. Fix - greyscale support in TLegend drawing
  5. Fix - correctly use text font for TGaxis title
  6. Fix - preserve auto colors in THStack #277
  7. Fix - correctly set pave name #278


31 Oct 08:29
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  1. Fix - proper fit pars display in stats, proper #chi^{2}
  2. Fix - several bugs in TFormula parsing
  3. Fix - correctly use saved buffer in TF1/TF2
  4. Fix - properly adjust size of stats box
  5. Fix - support "pol0".."pol9" functions
  6. Fix - TGraph bar width should be at least 1 pixel
  7. Fix - prevent drawing of empty TGraph


18 Oct 12:06
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  1. Fix - expand item in hierarchy painter
  2. Fix - correctly use saved TF1 values for non-equidistant bins #270
  3. Fix - in log scales replace 10^1 label by 10
  4. Fix - vertical align of log labels on X axis
  5. Fix - second click of the same item in hierarchy painter


05 Oct 11:57
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  1. Correctly implement TH2 projections like MERCATOR or PARABOLIC, add MOLLWEIDE
  2. Support "pol", "cyl", "sph" and "psr" coordinates systems for lego and surf plots
  3. Support orthographic camera for lego and surface plots
  4. Implement "tri1", "tri2", "triw" draw options for TGraph2D with Delaunay algorithm
  5. Add support of TProfile3D and TPaveClass classes
  6. Use "col" as default draw option for TH2, "box2" for TH3
  7. Draw axes grids in front of objects - making it equivalent to original ROOT
  8. Change TF1 and TF2 drawing - always convert into histogram, support TWebCanvas, handle log scales
  9. Provide "Bring to front" menu command for different objects like pave, box, marker, ...
  10. Provide "Build legend" context menu command for the pad
  11. Let toggle vertical/horizontal flag for color palette via context menu
  12. Support canvas grayscale, let toggle via context menu
  13. Basic latex support when drawing axes labels and titles in 3D
  14. Handle "dark mode" in geom painter - automatically adjust background
  15. Let configure material and scene properties in geom control gui
  16. Reset pad enlarge state when pressing "Escape" key #265
  17. Scale special fill patterns like 3244 to pad size
  18. Add "Superimpose" menu command in hierarchy - let select draw option when append item to pad
  19. Support inspectN draw option, allows automatically expand object content to specified level
  20. Implement allfunc draw option for histograms, force drawing disregard of TF1::kNotDraw bit
  21. Use eslint for static code checking, add testing of interactive features
  22. Upgrade three.js r151 -> r155
  23. Use instead of dat.GUI in geom painter
  24. Put gl in "devDependencies" of package.json; one can skip it installation with npm i --production
  25. Fix - correct scaling of axis labels when tilt them by 25 degree, make this angle configurable
  26. Fix - legend multi-columns drawing and labels scaling
  27. Fix - graph "B" bar widths as in native ROOT
  28. Fix - use pad and not frame size for TText / TLatex scaling
  29. Fix - properly handle "NB" (no border) draw option for TPave classes
  30. Fix - do not draw histogram title with AXIS draw option
  31. Fix - correct scaling of custom axis labels
  32. Fix - shrink axis labels like 0.20 -> 0.2 or 10^0 -> 1
  33. Fix - copy axis attributes from histogram z scale to palette
  34. Fix - let handle derived from TH1/TH2 classes as histograms #269


01 Sep 08:57
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  1. Fix - correctly use GMT specifier in time format
  2. Fix - logical error in decodeUrl
  3. Fix - member-wise streaming of std::map #262


10 Aug 11:42
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  1. Fix - unzoom z on lego2 plots
  2. Fix - browsing TLists with nullptr inside
  3. Fix - check NaN values when performing TTree::Draw()
  4. Fix - support standard log function in TF1/TF2


06 Jul 07:18
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  1. Fix - context menu position on lego plots
  2. Fix - add missing math functions Chebyshev0 and normalized Gaus
  3. Fix - correctly render TPolyLine3D
  4. Fix - properly add interactive resize elements for paves and frame
  5. Fix - drag and drop handling on tabs layout


15 Jun 08:16
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  1. Upgrade d3.js v7.6.1 -> v7.8.4
  2. Upgrade three.js r146 -> r151
  3. Support [cutg] draw option for TH2
  4. Correctly handle same0 draw option for TH2
  5. Fix several issues with axis reverse order, support on lego plots
  6. Support more kinds of log scales - 'ln' and 'logN' where N is any positive integer
  7. Adjust TAxis title positioning to native ROOT behavior
  8. Add interactivity (moving, context menu) for TLine, TBox, TText, TLatex, TDiamond, TGaxis, TASImage
  9. Use new gStyle attributes for candle and violin plots
  10. Implement autoplace for TLegend, also via context menu
  11. Change algorithm of building smooth (bezier) curves
  12. Let change physical node visibility in TGeo drawings
  13. Use TGaxis attributes from gStyle - fAxisMaxDigits, fStripDecimals and exponent offset
  14. Implement "projxy" draw option for TH2 - like projxy3 or projx1_y5
  15. Support custom function in TGaxis - when drawn in TWebCanvas
  16. Introduce settings.WithCredentials, set xhr.withCredentials = true when submitting HTTP requests
  17. Let superimpose TH3 and geo drawings
  18. Apply pad draw options like 'gridx' or 'logy' to all subpads
  19. Support new TScatter and TAnnotation classes
  20. Implement moving and resizing of subpads
  21. Implement zooming in the TASImage
  22. Let configure position and direction of camera for TGeo, let create URL for that
  23. Support labels rotation for simple axis in geometry
  24. Support many orthographic cameras with overlayed grid/labels
  25. Support InstancedMesh for TGeo drawing, let show really large geometries
  26. Implement 'inject=path/script_name.js' url option to inject scripts without emulating of v6
  27. Exclude 'HEAD' http request when reading ROOT file, all necessary info can be get from first real HTTP request
  28. Provide makeImage() function for generation of svg, png and jpeg images in batch and interactively (#257)
  29. Implement interactive zoom shifting when middle-mouse button down or single-touch moving
  30. Several improvements for touch devices or devices with small displays
  31. Remove settings.FrameNDC, use gStyle.fPad[Left/Right/Top/Bottom]Margin values instead
  32. Fix - rescan sumw2 when update TH1
  33. Fix - correct placing for TLegend header
  34. Fix - correctly align sub/super scripts in complex TLatex
  35. Fix - correctly set visibility level for geo drawing (#258)
  36. Fix - use more factor for number of nodes in geo drawing (#258)