This protocol describes the preparation of zebrafish embryos for imaging in a OpenSimView light-sheet microscope. The embryos are dechorionated, transferred into FEP tubes embedded in low gelling temperature agarose, and mounted in a custom-made sample capillary holder that is placed in a mounting chamber. Filtered embryo water with tricaine is circulated in the chamber for imaging after 15 hpf.
- Embryos
- Sharp forceps
- Binocular dissecting microscope
- FEP tubes (Zeus Inc. custom order)
- 0.1% low gelling temperature agarose (Sigma, A0701)
- Custom-made sample capillary holder
- 0.7% low-gelling temperature agarose
- Holder insertion tool
- Section pipette tip
- Low toxicity silicone (Kwik-Siltm from World Precision Instrument)
- Filtered embryo water
- 0.016% tricaine
- Gently dechorionate the embryos using a pair of sharp forceps under a binocular dissecting microscope.
- Transfer the embryos into FEP tubes embedded in 0.1% low gelling temperature agarose.
- Place the FEP tubes in a custom-made sample capillary holder that has been previously filled with 0.7% low-gelling temperature agarose to support the embryo.
- Use a holder insertion tool and section pipette tip sealed with low toxicity silicone (Kwik-Siltm from World Precision Instrument) to insert the FEP tube with the embryo into the mounting chamber.
- Follow the detailed procedure for mounting, as shown in Supp. Fig. 6a.
- Use filtered embryo water with 0.016% tricaine to circulate in the chamber for recording after 15 hpf.
- Use CAD drawings of the custom-made FEP holder and the mounting chamber, available in Supp. Fig. 5, for reference.