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RASA Chatbot for Sinhala Song Lyrics


This chatbot is trained on Sinhala lyrics scraped from First the URLs that contain song lyrics are gahtherd. Then the webpages are scraped using BeautifulSoup library. Finally data is cleaned. Sripts relatedd to web scraping and data cleanning are stored in webscrape directory.
Final data contains the following attributes:

  1. id
  2. title
  3. body - lyrics of the song
  4. singers (one or more)
  5. streams (derived)
  6. sentiment (derived)

Intentions the Chatbot Trained on

Intent Example user utterance Response from the bot
1 Greet ආයුඛෝවන් Greet back
2 Goodbye බායි Greet goodbye
3 Mood great මම හොඳින් ඉන්නවා Suggest a song with positive sentiment
4 Mood unhappy මට දුකයි Suggest a song with negative sentiment
5 Bot challenge ඔබ මනුෂ්‍යයෙක්ද? Tell that it's a bot
6 Find the most popular song ඔයා ළඟ තියෙන ජනප්‍රියම ගීතය කුමක්ද? Find the lyrics of the most popular song
7 Find the most popular song of an artist අතුල අධිකාරී ගෙ ජනප්‍රියම ගීතය මොකක්ද? Find the lyrics of the most popular song of that artist
8 List songs of an artist රූකාන්ත ගුණතිලක කියපු සින්දු මොනවාද? List the songs of that artist
9 Find lyrics of a song අවසර නැත මට සින්දුවේ ලිරික්ස් හොයල දෙන්න Match the song to the guess using proximity query. Display the lyrics

3,4,6,7,8,9 triggers the Actions server

Training Pipeline

  1. WhitespaceTokenizer
  2. RegexFeaturizer
  3. LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
  4. CountVectorsFeaturizer
  5. DIETClassifier
  6. ResponseSelector

Pretrained laguage models didn't significantly improve the model. Therefore, pretrained models were not used.

Lyrics Search

Uses an in memory positional index to find lyrics of a song when the user gives a query containing some part of a song. Uses proximity query to retrieve the matching song. To account for misspellings, Jaccard distance between each word of the query and songs’ words is taken.
Given: query

  1. Index the lyrics using positional index.
    Format: <term>:[(<id>,<pos>),(<id1>,<pos1>),]
  2. Calculate Jaccard Distance between the each term and each word in the phrase query.
    J (A,B) = | A ∩ B | / |A ∪ B|
    J = Jaccard distance
    A = set 1
    B = set 2
  3. Filter the pairs that has a distance less that a pre defined value (0.3 in this case)
  4. Run the phrase query with a pre defined distance (4 in this case)

Discord integration

This is integrated with Discord.

Deploymnet Guide

Install the dependecies

Deployemnt guide for Ubuntu 20.04 on a local machine or a cloud VM
Clone the repository

git clone

Create a python virtual environment

virtualenv env

Activate the created virtual environment

source env/bin/activate

Install the dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-discord.txt

Scrape Data (optional)

Data is already commited to the repo. If you wish to scrape data yourself you can follow the steps:
Scrape URLs

python3 webscrape/

Scrape the song infomation from the urls

python3 webscrape/

Clean the data

python3 webscrape/

Index the data

python3 webscrape/

Train the RASA chat bot

rasa train 

Integrate with Discord

Create a discord application and obtain a token -- Follow this tutorial: How to Get a Discord Bot Token
Keep this token safe. Don't commit it to GitHub.
Create a .env file and store your token

echo 'DISCORD_TOKEN=<your-discord-token>' > discord-bot/.env

If you don't want to integrate with Discord, replace you can skip the above step. Replace the rasa run commnad in the next step with rasa shell to interact with the chat bot in your terminal.

Start the chatbot

Run the foloowing commands on seperate terminals:
To start the chatbot

rasa run

To run the actions server

rasa run actions

To start the discord bot

python3 discord-bot/

Run on docker (optional)

docker-compose up