Changelog B4JHowTos
-Latest Change 20180429
- Made updates across various categories and in addition, few new sample applications - mainly dialog classes.
- Tested Liberica for Raspberry Pi (see category Raspberry Pi UI Liberica). Worked fine on the Raspberry 3B+ with Stretch. Build small demo apps running in full screen.
- Sample Projects (see //Information > Sample Projects):
- Font Selector Dialog as a Class (20180428)
- ProgressBar with Progress Percentage Indicator as a CustomView (20180423)
- ProgressBar with Progress Percentage Indicator embedded in a form (20180423)
- Select Date Dialog as a Class using the DatePicker View (20180421)
- TabPane Set Closing Policy (20180415)
-Latest Change 20170805
- Various updates & cleanup across categories
- Removed entries related to the deprecated JavaFX Scene Builder (older sample projects have not been converted)
- Replaced the changelog //Information > News by //Information > ReadMe - Latest Change
- Sample Projects:
- Progress dialog class called by MainForm using Resumable Sub Sleep (20170722)
- HTTP Download using Wait For (20170722)
- Note, due to other committments, the HowTos are not updated regulary, information might not cover solutions possible with the latest B4J version.
- Various updates & cleanup across categories
- Sample Projects:
- B4J MQTT Broker with clients B4J UI, B4J Webbrowser, B4A, B4R (20170702)
- Add additional files from Jar (20170620)
- List of standard color names (20170508)
- GoogleMaps with JavaScript API methods (20170508)
- Server Background Worker (20170508)
- List the standard colors in a customized ListView (20170508)
- Other News:
- B4X Booklets:
- Various updates across categories
- JSON: Use Settings JSON Format
- Raspberry Pi: JavaFXPorts to run B4J UI-Applications (full screen)
- Raspberry Pi Libraries and Experiments: New categories
- Sample Projects:
- Raspberry Pi DHT11 & DHT22 Humidity & Temperature (20170306)
- Other News:
- B4J v5.00:
- Various updates across categories
- Sample Projects:
- Raspberry Pi TM1637 LED Display control (20170228)
- Raspberry Pi I2C LCD Display 20x4 or 16x2 control (20170226)
- LCD Display 20x4 or 16x2 Simulator (20170223)
- Get Weather Information from OpenWeatherMap (20170212)
- Raspberry Pi CPU temperature (20170202)
- Libraries
- jTM1637 - Control TM1637 LED Display connected to Raspberry Pi. Download:
- jLCD_I2C - Control I2C LCD Display connected to Raspberry Pi. Download:
- Other News
- B4J Beginners Guide v1.0:
- Various smaller improvements
- DateTime: Parse date & time routines, Get day name in week
- Libraries: B4J Library with Simple Library Compiler batch file using push/popd
- Raspberry Pi > B4JSample Projects: Links corrected
- Sample Projects:
- Generate a Random Number between min / max (20170101)
- TableView CRUD Example without Database (20161224)
- Raspberry Pi Read DHT11 Sensor Data using Python Script (20161223)
- Other News:
- Raspberry Pi: Pixel for PC and Mac -
- Overall many updates across categories, just a few to mention.
- Cursor: Change Image, Set Style Hand
- Spinner: Category updated
- TinkerForge Inline Java new Category
- WebApps ABMaterial Framework Category updated
- Sample Projects:
- ABMaterial Raspberry Pi LED Switch (20161129)
- ControlsFX PropertySheet usage for Settings (20161127)
- TinkerForge AmbientLight 2.0 Bricklet listener using Inline Java (20161104)
- TinkerForge IO-16 Bricklet control using Inline Java (20161104)
- Basics of using CSS Styles (20161129 Update Buttons, ListView, ProgressBar)
- Simple way of using the javaFX HTML Editor control (20161127 Update with hyperLink Button, ColorPicker, Hide/Show Controls)
- Other News:
- Java JDK 8u112
- Raspberry Pi Security Update for Pixel
- JSON: Parse Array to HTML File
- Slider: Rewoked and added various new
- TextField: MouseClick Event
- Sample Projects:
- MongoDB Single Collection Example (tested on Raspberry Pi) (20161029)
- Custom View ListEdit (20161024)
- Slider set CSS styles using JavaObject (20161023)
- Slider show value in thumb (20161023)
- JSON Parse Array to HTML File (20161021)
- Custom View Number Text Field (20161010 Update)
- IniFiles: Ini Files Read and Write
- Raspberry Pi Remote Control: New Category
- TextArea and TextField category split into own
- TextField: TextField Change Case
- WebApps W3 CSS: Show Popup Dialog at Connected Clients
- Sample Projects:
- List reordered - newest projects first
- Raspberry Pi check process running example B4J-Bridge (20161021)
- Listview with editable TextFields (20161020)
- Listview with standard colors from JavaFX (20161014)
- Ini file handling using maps (20161011)
- Webserver enabling connected clients to send popup messages displayed on each browser (20161011)
- Custom Views: Reworked based on the guidance from the B4A user Guide ( )
- WebApps: Set and Get HTML Tag Property, WebApp Message to Clients
- Sample Projects:
- Webserver enabling connected clients to send messages displayed on each browser (20161009)
- Webserver displaying Weather Underground information in Google Chart Gauges (20161007)
- WebClock controlled by multiple clients via browser (20161006)
- Custom View Select File Text Field (20161010 Update)
- Custom View Numeric Spinner (20161010 Update)
- Custom View Number Text Field (20161010 Update)
- Custom View Labeled Text Field (20161010 Update)
- Custom View Clear Text Field (20161010 Update)
- Buttons: Set Font Awesome Text, Set Cursor Hand Pointer
- CSS: Set Button Style Transparent update
- Delay: Advice on using Timer instead of Loop
- Forms: Create a movable non-modal undecorated Form
- ImageView: ImageView ToggleButton
- JSON: Pretty String for an Object or Array
- Menu: MenuBar CheckMenuItem example
- Raspberry Pi: Remote Shutdown, Remote System Check, Remote Control GPIO
- Slider: Slider CSS Styling
- Spinner: Create a Spinner Control (using a JavaObject)
- TinkerForge: Bricklet Listener, MQTT reworked
- Sample Projects:
- TableView add, update, delete, save data JSON format (20160930)
- Movable undecorated non-modal Form (20160929)
- Raspberry Pi Remote Control GPIO (20160927)
- Raspberry Pi Remote Control (20160927)
- Get Weather Underground Data and display in Gauges (20160915)
- Convert existing JSON string (Object or Array) to Pretty String (20160714)
- Other News:
- Java v8u102 (1.8.0_102):
- Raspberry Pi: Introduced Pixel
- Raspberry Pi: MagPi50 with greatest Raspberry Pi Projects
- TinkerForge announced WiFi Extension 2.0 featuring the ESP8266:
- Overall many updates to existing B4J HowTos.
- Added new category //Information > Tools and more
- Lists: Get Item List Index
- SplitPane: New category with examples.
- TableView: Set Column Resize Policy
- Sample Projects:
- Get Stock Data from Yahoo Finance (20160613)
- Zoom an Image placed on a Canvas by using a Slider (20160610)
- Toolbar example using JavaObject with buttons, textfield and label (20160608)
- Other News:
- Fritzing: New release
- ESP8266: New Category
- MySQL: Various updates and new, like Sample MySQL Select Records Remote DB
- Raspberry Pi: Run Bash Script
- TableView: Set Scrollbar Size
- XMLBuilder: Set Standalone Property
- Sample Projects:
- Raspberry Pi MySQL accessed by B4J UI application using jRDC2 (20160527)
- WebApp to display a Google Gauge Chart with data provided by simulator (B4J application) (20160518)
- WebApp displaying Google Line Chart with DHT11 sensor data connected to an Arduino
- Shell run Windows Scripting Host script
- Domoticz Select Meter Data and display in TableView
- WebApp Bootstrap Switch
- KeyValueStore2
- Access a mySQL Remote Database (20140711/20160526 Updated)
- Other News:
- B4R: v1.00 released ( )
- Raspberry Pi: MagPi Issue 46:
- Not much this month as been focussing on the new product B4R
- Arduino: Reworked and added new howtos
- ImageView: Add a Tooltip, Add a ContextMenu
- KeyValueStore: Updated Bouncy Castle Encryption version
- Menu: MenuBar with Images
- Other News:
- B4X:
- Java v8u92 (1.8.0_92):
- Raspberry Pi: MagPi Issue 45:
- Raspberry Pi: MagPi Issue 44:
- Overall many updates to existing B4J HowTos. Added ~60 more HowTos and 11 Sample Projects, to mention:
- CSS: Various new and updates
- Files: Create binary file
- ListView: Create Context Menu, Set Item Height, updated various HowTos
- Map: For Each Loop
- Menu: Create a recent files menu; Add a Separator
- openHAB: New category with several entries
- Raspberry Pi: Python Run Script
- TableView: Set CSS Style Visual Designer
- TextArea: TextArea Scroll to last Position and set cursor
- TextField: TextField Context Menu
- TinkerForge MQTT: New catagory with new/updated examples
- TinkerForge openHAB: New catagory with new/updated examples
- Toolbar: Various updates including new sample project
- Sample Projects:
- #126 Modal Dialog to select items from a Checklist (Customized Tableview)
- #125 View a text file locate on a remote host (like Raspberry Pi)
- #124 Recent Files Menu Items under Menu Files
- #123 Toolbar example using JavaObject
- #122 Raspberry Pi run Python Script
- #121 TableView set style class
- #120 MQTT with TinkerForge AmbientLight Bricklet
- #119 Custom View Select File Text Field
- #118 Custom View Numeric Spinner
- #117 Custom View Number Text Field
- #116 Custom View Labeled Text Field
- #115 Custom View Clear Text Field
- Other News:
- Raspberry Pi 3 model B released:
- Homepage new format based on w3.css (still some work to do to convert existing pages)
- B4J HowTos index page in w3.css format. Old format still available
- Application: Protect App Settings
- ColorPicker: Various new hints
- Custom Views: Hints, Numeric Spinner, Number TextField, Labeled TextField (update)
- DateTime: Calculate Weekstart and Enddates; Get WeekOfYear improved
- Image: ImageView Clickable
- Lists: Create a sorted typed List, Search in a Typed List, List to String
- ListView: Customized ListView with Type Data
- Map: Map with Types improved using For Each Loop and Smart Strings
- MQTT: Publish a Message
- Raspberry Pi: Set Fix IP Address updated for OS Jessie; JavaFX & OpenJFX Support update; SQLite3 Setup
- RegEx: Get Content between HTML Tags
- ScrollPane: Add Nodes (B4J Visual Designer)
- Slider: New category with first HowTos
- TableView: Import CSV
- TabPage and TabPane: Add Image to a TabPage; Set TabPage and Pane Style
- TinkerForge RED Brick, openHAB: New and reworked categories
- UDP: New category with first HowTos
- Sample Projects:
- #114 TinkerForge openHAB REST API Example IO-16 Bricklet
- #113 ScrollPane filled with Labels
- #112 Slider View Change Listener Event
- #111 Raspberry Pi OpenJFX example with a Modal Dialog
- #110 TabPage and TabPane show howto Add, Remove and Change Style
- #109 App Settings Protect using KeyValueStore Encryption
- Other News:
- B4J v4.20:
- B4A v5.80:
- Rasperry Pi: New Raspian Release
- wiringPi: Update 2.29
- Overall made again many updates to existing B4J HowTos. Added ~50 more HowTos, some to mention:
- B4J Visual Designer: TabPane & TabPages
- Colors: Standardcolor Inputlist (as from B4J v4.x)
- Custom Views: Supported as from B4J v4.20. First own example
- Google Maps: New category with various HowTo's
- ListView: Set Hover ListviewItem; Clear Selection
- MsgBox and InputList: Various examples
- Buttons: Create a Radio Button Group improved
- Raspberry Pi: B4J UI Apps on ARM Boards solution, jPi4J Library Switch Pin state
- WebView: Get & Set HTML Element Property; Scroll To Bottom of WebView
- Sample Projects:
- #106 jFX MsgBox, MsgBox2 and InputList Examples updated and new (ColorChooserEx, FileChooserEx)
- #0: Various HelloWorlds to get started with: Added NonUIwithSwingUI examples
- Other News:
- B4J v4.20 BETA:
- Java v8u72 (1.8.0_72):
- Overall made several updates to existing B4J HowTos. Added ~40 more HowTos, some to mention:
- Application: Set Jetty Log level
- B4J General Hints: B4Xv5 Ini-File
- Bits and Bytes: Convert Byte to Binary and HEX string; Byte SetBit and GetBit
- Fonts: Typeface hint
- JavaObject: Use Enum Constants
- JSON: Serialize Custom Types
- Raspberry Pi: B4J Bridge Autostart; Node-RED
- Smart String Literal: Various examples
- TableView: Select multiple Rows
- TextField and TextArea: TextArea to List
- WebApps W3 CSS: About
- Sample Projects:
- Authors IoT Experiments (in progress) using B4J (and Lazarus):
- #107 WebApp showing Dialogs with W3.CSS styling
- #106 B4J v4.00 Message and Input Box Example
- #105 JSON serializing a Custom Type
- #104 Byte set or get the state of a Bit
- #0: Various HelloWorlds to get started with: Added WebAppInput
- Other News:
- B4J v4.00:
- Note: Java required for UI apps created with B4J 4.00 is 8.40 (that use the internal designer)
- Java v8u66 (1.8.0_66):
- Raspberry Pi: New Raspberry Pi Zero
- MagPi: Issue 40
- Arduino IDE v1.6:
- B4J Visual Designer: Using a JavaObject to add a StatusBar and DatePicker
- Bits and Bytes: Convert Byte string in Hex string and UDF Hex string
- Characters: Convert Char Code Map
- Date: Convert UNIX to String
- Dropbox: FindPath
- MQTT: New Category with several HowTos
- Raspberry Pi: Lazarus; Lazarus Client with B4J Server; MQTT Setup; Scripting; Useful Linux Commands
- TinkerForge: Use Brick MQTT Proxy
- Strings: Convert string to bytes; Fill String; Insert String
- Sample Projects:
- #103 Raspberry Pi jMQTT Client and TinkerForge Bricklet MQTT Proxy
- #102 Raspberry Pi and Windows Lazarus Client with B4J Server
- Other News:
- B4J v3.71:
- B4X jMQTT Official Client:
- B4J Visual Designer: ToolBar add
- CheckBox: Change Style usign external style sheet
- FTP: Connect and Transfer
- Map: Save Order of Map
- MySQL: Connect to MySQL DB
- Raspberry Pi: Ubuntu
- SQLite: Get Database & Table info
- TextField: TextField Spinner Control; TextArea Animated
- ToolTips: Change Tooltip Style added blue box with rounded corners
- TreeView: List Nodes
- Views: List all Views; Find a View by Tag
- WebApps: HTML ID and Variable Name Case
- WebView: Get or Set Field Value; Execute own JavaScript Functions
- Sample Projects:
- #101 WebView showing Google Line Chart with data from a textfile
- #100 WebView executing own defined JavaScript functions
- #99 Raspberry Pi WebApp turning turn Led On / Off
- #98 WebApp using Google Line Chart with w3.css style and data loaded from a textfile
- #97 TextField Spinner Control
- #5 FTP file transfer upload and download with progressindicator some minor updates
- #0 Various HelloWorlds as a starter to learn B4J updates with WebApp using w3.css styles
- Other News:
- MagPi Issue 38:
- //Information: Readme updated
- B4J Visual Designer: Set ID; Menu Items Tutorial updated with an Example
- B4J Visual Designer: Various HowTos updated stating JavaFX Scene Builder is still supported, but in "backwards compatibility" mode; Set Label Cursor
- Colors: Conversion Routines
- Files: Rename File; Move File
- Raspberry Pi: Various updates across the HowTo's
- ScrollPane: Add ScrollPane
- SQLite: Get List of Tables; Get List of TableColumns; Check if a Record exists
- Strings: Put in quotes, add new line
- TableView: Set content message; ScrollTo and RequestFocus; Get Row Index SearchString
- TreeView: Create CheckboxItemsTreeView
- Type Definition: Use a Type for Settings
- Sample Projects:
- #96 BB HTML Editor. Note that not all BB to HTML tags are implemented (see readmem.txt)
- #87 Mini HTML Editor Updates
- Other News:
- MagPi Issue 37:
- MagPi Issue 36:
- WinSCP v5.7.5 released:
- //Information: Readme updated
- B4J Visual Designer: MenuBar various HowTos
- Domoticz: All HowTos reworked
- Forms: Set Background Color
- JavaObject: Get Java API Constant Field Values; Launch associated application to open file
- KeyEvents: Execute KeyPress; List of KeyNames and Codes
- ListView: Customized ListView with Labels; TextFields
- Shell: Check Java Process running
- TinkerForge: use Brickler Data and Listeners Inline Java
- WebApps: Get All Element IDs TextArea
- Sample Projects:
- #95 TinkerForge Inline Java Examples for Getter and Listener
- #94 WebApp Get the IDs of Elements defined in Index.html
- #93 Execute KeyPress and KeyRelease; Get list of KeyNames and KeyCodes
- Other News:
- B4J v3.61:
- Java v8u60 (1.8.0_60):
- B4A v5.20:
- B4X Showcases:
- Canvas: Change Background color; Add Text
- Database: Corrected links in B4J HowTo Database > connect using JDBC > MS Access
- Data Types: Overview; Int Overflow
- Files: Read Text File into List and convert
- Map: Map with Types
- Raspberry Pi: Setup WiFi; Turn Power LED OFF (on Model 2B)
- RegEx: Split an URI
- TableView: Set cell alignment
- WebApps: Get Request URI and its Parameter
- WebApps jQuery: jQuery UI Datatable Example; jQuery Selector Case Sensitive
- WebApps:Example B4J Handler updating HTML Selector
- Sample Projects:
- #92 WebApp Handler updating HTML Selector (no Websockets used)
- #68 WebApp DataTable simple examples added 5th example with DataTable Property settings via map in B4J code
- B4J Visual Designer: New as from v3.50, first Hints
- Colors: Standard Colorlist ComboBox
- ComboBox: Add Items
- Database: DBUtils Hints
- Domoticz: B4J Webserver receives Domoticz Event Data; About Lua with some Lua Hints & Tips
- EMail: Simple example; Handling Image link in HTML body
- Inline Java: Inline Java Class Definition
- Server: Non-UI App waiting HTTP Request completion
- TextArea: TextArea with Text centered
- Sample Projects:
- #91 Delphi Client sending data to B4J Server v.v.
- #90 Client-to-Client Communication via UDP - Chat Example
- #89 Sending Data from TinkerForge Bricklet to Domoticz Home Automation Device
- #67 Inline Java adding Classes examples
- #62e TinkerForge Master Brick Enumerate listener to obtain connected device information
- Other News:
- B4J v3.50:
- B4J Packager:
- Java v8u51 (1.8.0_51):
- =Download:
- =Release Notes:
- TinkerForge Java Binding 1.5:
- Application: Create Exe from Jar
- Application: Log entry in red text
- Buttons: Create Toggle Button Group
- Colors: List of jFX colors as store/load colorvalue, Colors Lib with additional methods
- Domoticz Home Automation: New B4J Apps interacting with using Domoticz
- Inline Java: using jSoup ext lib to strip HTML Tags from a String
- Jar: List Content Jar file
- Libraries: Access External Library /2
- Node: Get the height of a Node
- Shell: Updating Jar Archive
- WebApps: HelloWorld examples
- WebApps: Handle URL with Parameter
- WebApps: Implement a Clock
- WebApps jQuery: jQuery UI Slider example
- XML: Parse SOAP Tags
- Sample Projects:
- #88 Access Fields and Methods from an external Library (20150717)
- #87 Mini HTML Editor
- #86 WebApp Clock refreshing Date & Time every 2 secs
- #85 Asyncstream examples - Text, Filetransfer, Typedata Object
- #84 Sort a list by Type and show in a ListView
- #83 WebApp demo to show usage of jQuery Slider
- #82 B4X Pushmessages solution based on various B4X Forum examples
- #81 Import JSON file into SQLite Database
- Other News:
- MagPi Issue 35:
- Launch4J v3.8:
- Domoticz Home Automation: Introduction and B4J Example using Domoticz API
- Forms: Updated Move an undecorated Form
- JavaFX Scene Builder: Oracle Information about Future Releases
- Sub: Example handling Exit from a Sub
- Tinkerforge: Use RED Brick openHAB
- Sample Projects:
- #80 Domoticz Home Automation Command Utility
- Other News:
- B4J v3.02 released:
- B4A v5.02 released:
- JavaFX Scene Builder new builds will be provided by Gluon
- WinSCP v5.7.4 released
- Application: Get Java Version and Home and more
- Button: Reworked adding Icons, Open a ContextMenu
- Events: Hyperlink. This category is in progress.
- ListView: Customized ListView with Hyperlink
- Menu: Open a ContextMenu using JavaObject
- Node: Rotate a Node various examples
- Strings Decode and Encode: Basic and Mime
- TableView: Update Export TableView to Microsoft Excel
- Sample Projects:
- #79 Newsreader with various Clients
- #78 Customized ListView with Hyperlinks
- #3 Create and load Microsoft Excel files
- Author Homepage updated
- JavaFX HowTos reworked and added several new
- ListView: Use contextmenu
- ProgressBar: Change bar color reworked (via CSS or JavaObject)
- WebView: Load HTML File, Simple Help Class using WebView
- Sample Projects:
- #0 Various HelloWorlds as a starter learning B4J
- #77 Raspberry Pi Widgets: Various small Apps developed with B4J and Inline Java [these run also under Windows]
- #76 SimpleHelp Solution
- #75 JavaFX Custom Control TextFieldNow with B4J Wrapper
- #74 JavaFX Custom Control TextFieldClear with B4J Wrapper
- Other News:
- Java v8u45 (1.8.0_45)
- = Download:
- = Release Notes:
- Pi4J v1.0 released:
- Raspberry Pi MagPi May 2015
- WinSCP v5.7.2 released
- Application: Monitor Memory Usage
- ComboBox: Set and Get visible RowCount; Wrapping text in DropDownList
- ControlsFX Category with Information and more
- Form: Updated Create a Modal Form dynamically
- Inline Java: Various UI Dialogs based on JavaFX8u40 (or higher). See jRLDialogs8 Library:
- Inline Java: Get and Set Field defined in Inline Java code
- JavaFX: Create a custom control in Java
- JavaFX: JavaFX Custom Control Wrapper
- Raspberry Pi: Pi4J Library important usage information
- Strings: Split a String into a List
- TableView: Set CSS Style
- ToolBar: Create Dynamically
- Try Catch: Capture LastException StackTrace
- WebApps jQuery: jQuery UI Apply, jQuery UI HelloWorld
- WebApps jQuery & jQuery Mobile: Information about Google Hosted Libraries
- Other News:
- Java 8u40:
- Sample Projects:
- #73 B4J WebApp (using WebSockets) to execute commands on a Raspberry Pi
- #72 B4J WebApp (using WebSockets) HelloWorld (just some basiscs again)
- Application: Load another Layout, Set App to Full Screen
- ComboBox: Handle MouseEvent
- Date: Localize Date Format
- Files: Read and Write Textfile using File
- Forms: Use Form Stage Object
- Java: Access Java Enum Values
- JavaObject: Convert Java Array to B4J List
- TabPane: Various new HowTos
- TextArea: Number of Lines, Get current Line
- WebApps jQuery: jQuery UI DataTable principle and an example
- MySQL: MySQL DB Access Examples
- Sample Projects:
- #71 Raspberry Pi Non UI project to change and monitor GPIO Pin change
- #70 Raspberry Pi Non UI project to turn Led On / Off
- #69 WebApp adding a button Dynamically
- #68 WebApp DataTable simple examples
- #38b WebView TryIt type of app to test HTML tags and see the result in a WebView
- Application: Get Harddisk Serial Number using jShell.
- Arduino: Information and first communication example.
- Compiler: Started to collate compiler Message Hints.
- Database: Example connecting using JDBC to a Java DB / Apache Derby DB.
- Inline Java: Created a dedicated category and examples including external library usage.
- Layout: Some basic information.
- MySQL: Reworked Connect using JDBC and added MySQL Remote DB /2.
- Panes: Titledpane get & set title, BorderPane get w and h, Pane add TableView.
- Raspberry Pi: Setting up MySQL Server and access remote.
- String: Functions Trim, Pad and Fill a String.
- Textfield: Handle Keypress Events.
- Sample Projects:
- #67 Inline Java examples including access external libraries, like jSoup, jSch, MySQL.
- #66 Arduino connect and turn Led13 on / off.
- #65 Java DB / Apache Derby Connect to database and create a new table.
- #39 Update: Access a MySQL Remote Database: added 3 other examples connecting via JDBC.
- Other News:
- WinSCP v5.7 released
- Launch4J v3.7:
- Controls: Set and read the Tag in the Style Property.
- Files: List Folders within a Folder.
- Java: Inline Java examples.
- SQL: Example Import from CSV file.
- TableView: Sort columns in a TableView enhanced.
- WebApps categories reorganised. Started to look into Intel App Framework.
- ZoAndZo: Belkin WeMo, Espruino and more...
- Sample Projects:
- #64 SQLite create DB and table from import CSV file.
- Other News:
- B4A v4.30:
- B4J v2.80:
- TinkerForge RED Brick Image v1.5
- Raspberry Pi 2
- B4A: New category with a few useful hints while developing B4A Apps. Of course go to B4A website for comprehensive information.
- Jar External Reference: New with some examples usage Closure, jSch, Jsoup, others
- Libraries: Hints B4J Library using Java
- Sample Projects:
- #63 Example Java Library converting a Java List to a B4x List and v.v.
- Application: create Non-UI App with Timer, Log using BA LogError.
- Bit: Bit ShiftLeft examples, Convert to Binary String.
- Button: Button styles update.
- Charts: Charts Framework in real time.
- JavaObject: Access a static Class.
- ListView: Set Font Size.
- SQLite: List Database Tableinfo.
- TableView: Customized TableView Examples.
- TinkerForge: All HowTos reworked, added TF B4x classes (See Introduction, Example B4x Classes).
- Sample Projects:
- #23 Handling B4J Types enhanced.
- #57 TinkerForge Bricklet Control updated with IO-16 Bricklet.
- #59 Simple example project to show loading SQLite tables in TableView(s).
- #60 Various customized TableView examples.
- #61 Select an SQLite Database and show information about the database.
- #62a-e. TinkerForge show Temperature, Humidity, Barometer in LineChart using Listener and more.
- #62f. As #62 but as B4A and B4J version called rWeather.
- Other News:
- Java 8u31
- Files: Get filename and path from FileChooser ShowOpen and ShowSave.
- TinkerForge: Red Brick infos on how to install and run B4J apps.
- Sample Projects:
- #58 WebApp to show the temperature in Google Line Chart using TinkerForge Bricklets and jQuery Mobile
- Other News:
- Launch4J 3.6:
- jQuery Mobile 1.4.5 available. See
- TinkerForge: All HowTos reworked.
- Sample Projects:
- #57 Control TinkerForge Bricklets using Java API Binding
- Shapes: Example adding rectangle using JavaObjects
- Files: Get last modified date & time from full path
- Internet: Check for Updates
- Panes: get rootpane or other nodes by id
- Tableview: Customised with Textfield
- TextReader: Read textfile to string
- TinkerForge: Use TinkerForge Java Binding (using B4J power to access external libraries)
- Other News:
- B4A v4.00:
- B4J v2.50:
- SQLite JDBC driver newest version:
- WebApps: jQuery UI Dialogs Summary (not finalized)
- Raspberry Pi: Setup Remote Desktop Connection
- Various Projects Examples:
- #56 WebApp jQuery Mobile keep & share text scribbles using SQLite
- #55 Insert blobs into a SQLite DB
- Other News: Updated B4x reference links
- Application: Set App Top Most - finally working as from Java 8u20
- Database: Connect using JDBC added MS Visual FoxPro
- Various Projects Examples: Direct access external libraries without wrapper (#52)
- Various Projects Examples: Simple Terminal App - non UI (#53)
- Various Projects Examples: Read / Write DBF files example projects (#54)
- Files: Usage of ShowOpen & ShowSave
- Styles: Style a Control many examples added
- TextReader and TextWriter: Dialogs
- Various Projects Examples: Chat over Bluetooth between PC [B4J App] and Android Device [B4A App] (#51)
- Other News: Several updates for Java 8u25: Android 5.0: Launch4J 3.5:
- Image: Canvas to Image example
- JavaFX: Handle Hyperlink control mouse click
- Panes: Add/Remove background image
- Several minor updates in entries
- TableView: Disable reordering of columns (using Change Listener)
- Sample Projects: (new) Raspberry Pi Mail Monitor via LED (#50)
- ComboBox: new Recent Items List, CSS Style
- DatePicker for JavaFX 8: Reworked and new HowTos
- Forms: Update fullscreen & iconified
- Sample Projects: (new) WebApp jQuery Mobile SQLite Table usage with own Theme (#49)
- WebApps: jQuery Mobile Select Menu hints
- Other News: jQuery Mobile 1.4.4 available. See
- Raspberry Pi: Reworked and added additional Examples
- WebApp: Regrouped with various updates
- Sample Projects: Build a customized ListView showing list of Java Standard Colors using B4J Library jRLColor (#48)
- Other News: Java 8u20 available
- Image: Make a screenshot using JavaObjects
- Several updates in entries
- Sample Projects: Make screenshot from whole screen or appwindow using JavaObjects (Nr 47)
- Several updates in entries
- Sample Projects: JSON parse & write example (Nr 46)
- Stripped the wording "How To" from the titles
- B4J HowTo Offline Reader v2:
- B4J HowTo Offline Reader for B4A:
- Sample Projects: WebApp use own Theme with Form Elements example (Nr 45)
- Application: How to change the Tooltip style
- SQLite: How to export each Record to a single Textfile
- Sample Projects: Improved Use the jShell Library enables additional functions (Nr 14)
- Sample Projects: WebApp Login Example based upon jQuery Mobile Dialog and JSON file holding Username/Password (Nr 44)
- MySQL: How to connect to a Remote mySQL DB
- Raspberry Pi: Complete overhaul incl. building and running B4J UI (JavaFX) apps based upon new JDK8 ARM.
- Libraries: How to access Windows Libraries in Java
- Opensource: Windows Battery Info B4J Lib Example:
- Opensource: B4J Lib Example - extra String Functions:
- Other News: Update Java 8u11 available; A new Rasberry Pi called B+ is on the market.
- Button: How to create a transparent Image Button
- Listview: How to create a Listview with Buttons
- Menu: How to define Help Key F1
- WebView: How to read the content of a HTML file
- Libraries: How to build Libraries without Eclipse
- Libaries: Reworked How to create a B4J Library using Java
- ListView: How to create a Listview with Buttons
- Sample Projects: Build dynamic customized listviews with buttons and dedicated button events (Nr 43)
- Application: Enhanced How to create a Non-UI Application
- Strings: Improved Escape URL characters
- Sample Projects: A non-UI app showing the Yahoo! Weather data requested via HTTP and parsed using XmlSax (Nr 41)
- Sample Projects: Show Yahoo! Weather data requested via HTTP and parsed using XmlSax and JSON (geo.placefinder) (Nr 42)
- Strings: Escape HTML and URL characters
- Sample Projects: Simple SQLite DB with basic CRUD funtionality; shows usage of various JavaFX controls (Nr 16)
- JavaObject: How to access a Java Class with Constructor
- Sample Projects: Lists controls/CSS styles from caspian.css (Nr 40)
- JavaObject: Added more examples to How to access a Java Class
- JSON: Added more examples for structure & import
- Sample Projects: PlayMedia (Nr 35) - minor updates
- Sample Projects: Access a mySQL Remote Database (Nr 39)
- Sample Projects: WebView (Nr 38) - using WebView with WebEngine methods
- WebView: Various items - strong usage of JavaObjects
- Sample Projects: KeyValueStore (Nr 37) - Updated showing usage CreateMap
- WebApps: JavaScript usage some updates
- KeyValueStore folder with info and usage examples
- Sample Projects: CheckboxTreeView (Nr 36)
- Sample Projects: KeyValueStore (Nr 37)
- DatePicker: Get Value
- Sample Projects: Using SQLite DB with two tables, various forms and dedicated db class (Nr 15)
- Files: File rename
- Forms: How to pass an array of strings to a sub form
- Media: Play a media file
- Sample Projects: Mini media player for mp3 and mp4 files
- Image: Load files
- JSON: Read and write JSON file
- Sample Projects: WebApp to send an email using SMPT with a JQuery Mobile interface and JSON configuration
- WebApps: Various updates
- Sample Projects: Customized TableView using Labels
- WebApps: Various updates
- JSON: Example how to use plus links
- WebApps: jQuery Mobile various updates
- TinkerForge: Started to build Tinkerforge Home Automation - Remote Switch solution ready
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToWebAppGoogleLineChart: WebApp with jQuery Mobile, WebSockets & Google Chart
- WebApps: jQuery Mobile various
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToWebAppMobile: WebApp with jQuery Mobile, WebSockets & SQLite Database
- Panes: Splitpane usage example added
- TableView:Export TableView to Excel correction
- Open Source: Code Snippet Manager (see under Change Log)
- String: Sort multiline string
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToWebAppDynaTree: TreeView based on jQuery UI Plugin DynaTree
- WebApps: Using jQuery UI DynaTree
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToWebAppTaskMgr: Task Manager based WebSockets
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToWebAppDialogsJS: JavaScript based dialogs
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToWebAppDialogsUI: jQuery UI based dialogs
- Map: use a Map to save & restore settings (requires B4J v2 or higher)
- Raspberry Pi new folder with first information. More to follow.
- WebApps: Information to get started (requires B4J v2 or higher)
- Canvas: DrawCircle, Rectangle and Text
- TextField: Create PasswordField
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToNonUI
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToFTP: Listfile, Layout with Titledpanes for Connection Parameter,File Data
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToHTMLListview: HTML formatted entries
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToTypedata2: mini snippet app using RandomAccessFile to store
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToTypedata3: mini snippet app using RandomAccessFile to store (enhanced version)
- Sample Projects: B4JHowToWebServer: ToDo Manager as WebServer
- Matcher: Find string using wildcard
- Type: Save & Restore Types using RandomAccessFile
- Sample Projects: B4JHowTo Reader first version
- Sample Projects: Project examples developed while testing
- Network: Get various network addresses incl. MAC
- Shell: Query the Windows Registry
- Application: Get system property; List all system properties
- Buttons: StartStopButton
- Internet: Improved download file
- Libraries: Create a B4J Library using B4J
- Objects: Convert list in Array of Objects
- Application Development: Various
- Jar: Decompile information
- JavaObject: Links, more examples, creating dialogs using Java Swing Class (JOptionPane)
- Shell: WSH examples extended
- TextWriter: Write to textfile
- Database: Connect using JDBC
- TitledPane: Title change,Animated
- CSS: using stylesheets dynamically
- Information: Suggestions for B4A & B4J Naming Conventions
- JavaObject: More examples using Java ToolKit; using Java Classes
- Label: Set formatted info message in borderpane
- Menus: Various
- Shell: using Windows Script Host
- Strings: Checks
- TableView: Export to CSV, Excel, HTML
- Buttons: Add Image, Style
- Files: Find files recursive
- Menus: Hide / Unhide Menuitem
- Shell: Various
- Strings: Split
- TableView: Various
- TextField, TextArea: Various
- DateTime format examples
- ListView customized with CheckBoxes
- ListView customized with CheckBox, TextField, ComboBox
- TableView full example build table
- TreeView various
- XML with SaxParser