A platform detection angular library
export class AppComponent {
title = 'ngx-platform-info-demo';
constructor(private ngxPlatformInfo:NgxPlatformInfo) {
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.extract()); // returns object of PlatformInfo type with all data
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.os); // returns os name Windows, MacOS etc
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.mobile); // returns boolean as true or false
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.product); // returns value for mobile as the mobile type iPad, iPod etc
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.version); // returns the version of the machine
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.browser); // returns the browser name
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.browserVersion);// returns the browser version with build number
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.browserMajorVersion); // returns the browser version without build number
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.screenSize);// returns the window screen size
console.log(ngxPlatformInfo.manufacturer);// returns value for mobile as the mobile manufacturer