coding: utf-8
title: "A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link" abbrev: "Microwave Radio Link YANG" category: std docname: draft-ybam-rfc8561bis-latest obsoletes: 8561 ipr: trust200902 submissiontype: IETF consensus: true v: 3 area: Routing workgroup: CCAMP Working Group keyword: Internet-Draft venue: group: CCAMP type: Working Group mail: [email protected] arch: github: USER/REPO latest: pi: [toc, sortrefs, symrefs]
fullname: Scott Mansfield
organization: Ericsson
email: [email protected]
- fullname: Jonas Ahlberg organization: Ericsson AB street: Lindholmspiren 11 city: Goteborg code: 417 56 country: Sweden email: [email protected]
- fullname: Min Ye organization: Huawei Technologies street: No.1899, Xiyuan Avenue city: Chengdu code: 611731 country: China email: [email protected]
- fullname: Daniela Spreafico organization: Nokia - IT street: Via Energy Park, 14 city: Vimercate (MI) code: 20871 country: Italy email: [email protected]
- fullname: Danilo Pala organization: SIAE email: [email protected]
fullname: Italo Busi
organization: Huawei Technologies
email: [email protected]
- fullname: Koji Kawada organization: NEC Corporation street: 1753, Shimonumabe Nakahara-ku region: Kawasaki, Kanagawa code: 211-8666 country: Japan email: [email protected]
- fullname: Carlos J. Bernardos organization: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid street: Av. Universidad, 30 city: Leganes, Madrid code: 28911 country: Spain email: [email protected]
- fullname: Marko Vaupotic organization: Aviat Networks street: Motnica 9 city: Trzin-Ljubljana code: 1236 country: Slovenia email: [email protected]
- fullname: Xi Li organization: NEC Laboratories Europe street: Kurfursten-Anlage 36 city: Heidelberg code: 69115 country: Germany email: [email protected]
normative: informative: IANA-if-type-module: title: iana-if-type YANG Module author: organization: IANA date: January 2023 target: http://www.iana.or/assignments/iana-if-type EN301129: title: > Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Digital Radio Relay Systems (DRRS); Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH); System performance monitoring parameters of SDH DRRS author: organization: ETSI date: May 1999 seriesinfo: EN 301 129 V1.1.2 EN302217-1: title: > Fixed Radio Systems; Characteristics and requirements for point-to-point equipment and antennas; Part 1: Overview, common characteristics and system- dependent requirements author: organization: ETSI date: May 2017 seriesinfo: EN 302 217-1 V3.1.0 EN302217-2: title: > Fixed Radio Systems; Characteristics and requirements for point to-point equipment and antennas; Part 2: Digital systems operating in frequency bands from 1 GHz to 86 GHz; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU author: organization: ETSI date: May 2017 seriesinfo: EN 302 217-2 V3.1.1 G.808.1: title: > SERIES G: TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS AND MEDIA, DIGITAL SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS; Digital networks ; General aspects Generic protection switching ; Linear trail and subnetwork protection author: organization: ITU-T date: May 2014 seriesinfo: ITU-T Recommendation G.808.1 G.826: title: > SERIES G: TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS AND MEDIA, DIGITAL SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS; Digital networks - Quality and availability targets; End-to-end error performance parameters and objectives for international, constant bit- rate digital paths and connections author: organization: ITU-T date: December 2002 seriesinfo: ITU-T Recommendation G.826 ONF-model: title: Microwave Information Model author: organization: ONF date: December 2016 seriesinfo: TR-532, version 1.0 target: TR102311: title: > Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; Specific aspects of the spatial frequency reuse method author: organization: ETSI date: November 2015 seriesinfo: ETSI TR 102 311 V1.2.1
--- abstract
This document defines a YANG data model for control and management of radio link interfaces and their connectivity to packet (typically Ethernet) interfaces in a microwave/millimeter wave node. The data nodes for management of the interface protection functionality is broken out into a separate and generic YANG data model in order to make it available for other interface types as well. This document obsoletes RFC 8561.
--- middle
This document defines a YANG data model for management and control of the radio link interface(s) and the relationship to packet (typically Ethernet) and/or Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) interfaces in a microwave/millimeter wave node. The ETSI EN 302 217 series defines the characteristics and requirements of microwave/millimeter wave equipment and antennas. Specifically, ETSI EN 302 217-2 {{EN302217-2}} specifies the essential parameters for systems operating from 1.4 GHz to 86 GHz. The data model includes configuration and state data according to the new Network Management Datastore Architecture {{?RFC8342}}.
The design of the data model follows the framework for management and control of microwave and millimeter wave interface parameters defined in {{?RFC8432}}. This framework identifies the need and the scope of the YANG data model, use cases, and requirements that the model needs to support. Moreover, it provides a detailed gap analysis to identify the missing parameters and functionalities of the existing and established models to support the specified use cases and requirements, and based on that, it recommends how the gaps should be filled with the development of the new model. According to the conclusion of the gap analysis, the structure of the data model is based on the structure defined in {{!RFC8561}}, and it augments {{!RFC8343}} to align with the same structure for management of the packet interfaces. More specifically, the model will include interface layering to manage the capacity provided by a radio link terminal for the associated Ethernet and TDM interfaces, using the principles for interface layering described in {{!RFC8343}} as a basis.
The data nodes for management of the interface protection functionality is broken out into a separate and generic YANG data module in order to make it also available for other interface types.
The designed YANG data model uses established microwave equipment and radio standards, such as ETSI EN 302 217-2; the IETF Radio Link Model {{!RFC8561}}; and the ONF Microwave Model {{ONF-model}}, as the basis for the definition of the detailed leafs/parameters, and it proposes new ones to cover identified gaps, which are analyzed in {{?RFC8432}}.
The following terms are used in this document:
Carrier Termination (CT) is an interface for the capacity provided over the air by a single carrier. It is typically defined by its transmitting and receiving frequencies.
Radio Link Terminal (RLT) is an interface providing packet capacity and/or TDM capacity to the associated Ethernet and/or TDM interfaces in a node and is used for setting up a transport service over a microwave/millimeter wave link.
The following acronyms are used in this document:
ACM Adaptive Coding Modulation
ATPC Automatic Transmitter Power Control
BBE Background Block Error
BER Bit Error Ratio
BPSK Binary Phase-Shift Keying
CM Coding Modulation
CT Carrier Termination
ES Errored Seconds
IF Intermediate Frequency
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
RF Radio Frequency
RLT Radio Link Terminal
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QPSK Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying
RTPC Remote Transmit Power Control
SES Severely Errored Seconds
TDM Time-Division Multiplexing
UAS Unavailable Seconds
XPIC Cross Polarization Interference Cancellation
A simplified graphical representation of the data model is used in {{tree}} of this document. The meaning of the symbols in these diagrams is defined in {{?RFC8340}}.
In this document, names of data nodes and other data model objects are prefixed using the standard prefix associated with the corresponding YANG imported modules, as shown in {{tab-prefix}}.
| Prefix | YANG Module | Reference | mrl | ietf-microwave-radio-link | This document | yang | ietf-yang-types | {{!RFC6991}} | ianaift | iana-if-type | {{IANA-if-type-module}} | if | ietf-interfaces | {{!RFC8343}} | ifprot | ietf-interface-protection | This document | mw-types | ietf-microwave-types | This document {: #tab-prefix title="Prefixes for imported YANG modules"}
{: #tree}
{::include ./trees/ietf-microwave-radio-link.tree}
{: artwork-name="ietf-microwave-radio-link.tree"}
The leafs in the Interface Management Module augmented by RLT and CT are not always applicable.
"/interfaces/interface/enabled" is not applicable for RLT. Enable and disable of an interface is done in the constituent CTs.
The packet-related measurements "in-octets", "in-unicast-pkts", "in-broadcast-pkts", "in-multicast-pkts", "in-discards", "in-errors", "in-unknown-protos", "out-octets", "out-unicast-pkts", "out- broadcast-pkts", "out-multicast-pkts", "out-discards", and "out- errors" are not within the scope of the microwave radio link domain and therefore are not applicable for RLT and CT.
This module imports typedefs and modules from {{!RFC6991}}, {{!RFC8343}} and {{!RFC7224}}, and it references {{TR102311}}, {{EN302217-1}}, {{EN301129}}, and {{G.826}}.
{::include ./ietf-microwave-radio-link.yang}
{: sourcecode-markers="true" sourcecode-name="[email protected]"}
The data nodes for management of the interface protection functionality is broken out from the Microwave Radio Link Module into a separate and generic YANG data model in order to make it also available for other interface types.
This module imports modules from {{!RFC8343}}, and it references {{G.808.1}}.
{::include ./ietf-interface-protection.yang}
{: sourcecode-markers="true" sourcecode-name="[email protected]"}
This module defines a collection of common data types using the YANG data modeling language. These common types are designed to be imported by other modules defined in the microwave area.
{::include ./ietf-microwave-types.yang}
{: sourcecode-markers="true" sourcecode-name="[email protected]"}
The YANG data models specified in this document define schemas for data that is designed to be accessed via network management protocols such as NETCONF {{!RFC6241}} or RESTCONF {{!RFC8040}}. The lowest NETCONF layer is the secure transport layer, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is Secure Shell (SSH) {{!RFC6242}}. The lowest RESTCONF layer is HTTPS, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is TLS {{!RFC8446}}.
The Network Configuration Access Control Model (NACM) {{!RFC8341}} provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF or RESTCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or RESTCONF protocol operations and content.
There are a number of data nodes defined in these YANG data models that are writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is the default). These data nodes may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. Write operations (e.g., edit-config) to these data nodes without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. These are the subtrees and data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability:
Interfaces of type microwaveRadioLinkTerminal:
/if:interfaces/if:interface/mimo-groups, and
These data nodes represent the configuration of the radio link terminal, and they need to match the configuration of the radio link terminal on the other side of the radio link. Unauthorized access to these data nodes could interrupt the ability to forward traffic.
Interfaces of type microwaveCarrierTermination:
/if:interfaces/if:interface/if-loop, and
These data nodes represent the configuration of the carrier termination, and they need to match the configuration of the carrier termination on the other side of the carrier. Unauthorized access to these data nodes could interrupt the ability to forward traffic.
Radio link protection:
This data node represents the configuration of the protection of carrier terminations. Unauthorized access to this data node could interrupt the ability to forward traffic or remove the ability to perform a necessary protection switch.
This data node represents the XPIC configuration of a pair of carriers. Unauthorized access to this data node could interrupt the ability to forward traffic.
This data node represents the MIMO configuration of multiple carriers. Unauthorized access to this data node could interrupt the ability to forward traffic.
Some of the RPC operations in this YANG data model may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to control access to these operations. These are the operations and their sensitivity/vulnerability:
Radio link protection:
/radio-link-protection-groups/protection-group/exercise, and
These data nodes represent actions that might have an impact on the configuration of the protection of carrier terminations. Unauthorized access to these data nodes could interrupt the ability to forward traffic or remove the ability to perform a necessary protection switch.
The security considerations of {{!RFC8343}} also apply to this document.
No IANA Considerations in this update.
--- back
{: #changes-bis}
To be added in a future revision of this draft.
This section gives simple examples of 1+0 and 2+0 instances using the YANG data model defined in this document. The examples are not intended as a complete module for 1+0 and 2+0 configuration.
{::include ./figures/1+0-example.txt}
{: #fig-1-plus-0-example title="1+0 Example" artwork-name="1+0-example.txt"}
{{fig-1-plus-0-example}} shows a 1+0 example. The following instance shows the 1+0 configuration of the Near End node.
{::include ./json/1+0-example.json}
{: artwork-name="1+0-example.json"}
{{fig-2-plus-0-example}} shows a 2+0 example.
{::include ./figures/2+0-example.txt}
{: #fig-2-plus-0-example title="2+0 Example" artwork-name="2+0-example.txt"}
The following instance shows the 2+0 configuration of the Near End node.
{::include ./json/2+0-example.json}
{: artwork-name="2+0-example.json"}
The following instance shows the XPIC configuration of the Near End node.
{::include ./json/2+0-xpic-example.json}
{: artwork-name="2+0-xpic-example.json"}
# Acknowledgments
This document was prepared using the kramdown RFC tool written and maintained by Carsten Bormann. Thanks to Martin Thomson for the github integration of the kramdown RFC tool and for the aasvg tool which is used for the ascii to SVG conversion.